Thursday, October 18, 2012

Every Tabloid Is Exclusively Reporting That Jessica Biel And Justin Timberlake Are Getting Married In Italy This Week

Unlike a Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie wedding, several tabloids have jumped on the Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake are getting married in Italy bandwagon and one feels like it might actually be true. Both Life & Style and US Weekly even say they are exclusively reporting it. Not sure how it is exclusive if they both have the same story. Probably from the same person. Apparently when they all reported exclusively that the couple was getting married in Wyoming they were wrong. Later, they all exclusively reported the couple was going to get married in Northern California. This time though they are as sure as a Jennifer Aniston pregnancy that the couple is getting married in Italy this week.


  1. How can it be "Exclusive" if they are all reporting it???

  2. Ok i guess I just wrote the same thing you were saying!!

    Tabloids = Liars!!!!

  3. Try to imagine how little I care.

  4. @Roman Holiday - cool avatar!

  5. Does anyone here think they're genuine? Whenever they're together (which is not as often as you'd expect), he always looks like he's 'leaping away' from her, desperately wants to anyway.
    Does she have something on him? Have they agreed that they both can continue whatever lifestyle they wish, but they use this arrangement for mutual career advancement?

    Sorry to sound cynical. But they seem ice cold as a couple. Something creepy about it. It feels more like a hostage situation sometimes, somehow. I don't know.

  6. and who really cares ? besides Pippy that is ..

  7. I meant in footage, with motion, his body language always looks like he doesn't want to be with her. Posed photos, like on this post, are not what I'm talking about as much. Easier to fake a still.

  8. I just hope her bangs don't make an appearance at the wedding...

  9. Anonymous6:36 AM

    @Libby, ITA.

  10. @SusanB, Thanks:)

    Some people's heads were not shaped for bangs and she is one of them. I bet JT would look better with bangs than she does ;o

  11. @libby - ITA. The most miserable couple in the world! He looked so much happier and alive with Cameron. Everytime I see them I think, "What are they hiding?"

    @shauniebear - BANGS!!!! That is all.

  12. I wish he was marrying Britney Spears

  13. Isn't she number one guess for bringing out her girlfriend while in France?

  14. got here 1st! Biel bangs...bleh.

  15. dia, the way he seemed so happy with Cameron---I just can't believe he hasn't tried to get her back. It was his chemistry with Cameron that convinced me he's (at least) not completely gay, so why choose the woman he seems not to have any fun around?

    None of my business, it just piques my curiosity. Biel ALWAYS knows where the cameras are when they're together too. She looks like she thrilled to be selling something. JMO.

  16. like *she's* thrilled. Sorry. I have to type quietly, and miss keys.

  17. Haha, shaunie!

    I kind of have a feeling that she's the kind of girl he thinks he should want to marry. I personally think she's gorgeous (fashion missteps aside), she likes to be really active, and she takes care of herself. She's a hot girl who's his buddy. They'll probably divorce amicably after they just start feeling like roommates.

  18. Libby, no one would care about Biel without Justin. Well maybe the men would. I certainly wouldn't care! At least we'd never have to see those BANGS!

    I thought I was dreaming up that chemistry. Glad someone else remembers it too!

    And for someone who likes to be in photos as much as she does you'd think she'd hire the best stylist possible. Not the mannequin dresser from Walmart. Sheesh!

  19. Agree with all of you who say they have zero chemistry. This is a couple I just do not get. I understand that she has no career without him, but what does he get out of it?

    I also agree he seemed happy with Cam. Then again, they were probably stoned most of the time.

    1. I agree, she's kind of.... beneath him celebrity-wise. And I hardly think it's a case of true love, soo the mind boggles with this one

  20. They supposedly got married last night.

  21. These two have so little chemistry I don't care if they get married on the steps of St Peter's Basilica I could give less than a damn and would question the bond between them.

    For whatever reason both of them want this marriage so I guess it'll go forward. I hope they both get what they want.

  22. I thought they were married in Italy last weekend. Oh well...I guess I was wrong, because I probably don't really give a sh-t.

  23. Well, what does Blind Gossip say about it? They've so accurately predicted every weekend that Brad and Angie were getting married, so I would only trust them.

  24. Anonymous5:04 PM

    My friend's girlfriend went to college with Jessica and is attending their wedding. She says they are the coolest couple, very easy going, lah di dah.

  25. @keelakaef
    Jessica went to college?



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