Monday, October 15, 2012

Don't Ask Kanye West About Reggie Bush

It doesn't matter if you are male or female, Kanye West is going to get violent with you if you ask about Reggie Bush. If you happen to be someone who also has a camera, and are asking the questions, he is going to be even more of a jerk. Last night, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian were having dinner in Miami at the same place as Reggie Bush. Kim probably did that so she could see how Reggie is doing and look at her doppelganger that is pregnant. You know that she still texts Reggie all the time and knows exactly where he is going to be at all times. Do you really think she is filming another season in Miami instead of New York just because of the weather or some Dash store? She wants to be near Reggie. Anyway, a female photographer asked Kanye if he had congratulated Reggie on the pregnancy of his girlfriend and Kanye lost it. He was his usual jerk self and is lucky the police were not called. Kim seems humored by the whole thing and didn't seem worried until the photographer ran away.


  1. I wish Kim would admit her ass is fake

  2. I wish she would Cam and then go away

  3. If she is 5'2" how tall is he?

  4. attention whore is an attention whore.

  5. She does look amused in this pic, doesn't she?!?! Too funny. They are all such a joke. I'm actually glad they are still around so I can have someone to pick on. If all the Kartrashians were gone, who'd we make fun of!?

  6. Do you think that if we never ever comment on another Kardashian post, Enty will stop making us read about them?

  7. Really, is kim thinking she has found the love if her life? I find him repulsive- hes always angry, hes decietful, hes manipulative. I almost feel sorry fir her. Shes like operahing in acdifferent plane of exsistance, out of touch with real world truths and values. Anyhoo, im gonna iwn it, so i was thinking we hvnt seen khloe and lamar together for acwhile sini went to her website. Yes, i will burn in hell, lol. Usually its all about them and how she afores him- this time i had to go many many posts back to find even a mention of lamar. Interesting.

  8. Anonymous6:42 AM

    i am so glad kim is out of NYC. we didnt want her here.

    i have a friend who is a distant cousin to the kardashians. he said he has met kanye and he really is a huge douche bag.

    and in case anyone thought what the kardashians do is real, it is 100% staged.

    1. Thanks for confirming what we already knew about the KarTRASHians. Kanye is a big gay fish douchebag and I am so happy Reggie Bush dodged a bullet by not marrying Kim and getting her knocked up. Its appears to me Kim is obsessed with Reggie and is stalking him while filming in Miami. Doesn't Reggie play for the dolphins now? Hmmmm

  9. @rachel, I'm glad you said it was staged, because there is NO WAY those pathetic people could really be that pathetic, is there?! The only one who seems to be somewhat 'normal' is Kourtney and I'm not even sure about that. I really want her relationship with Scott to be real and not the total douche mess it seems to be in the tabloids. I don't find him attractive, but they have two kids, so I hope it's 'real'.

  10. Kim found the love of her life---it's Ryan Seacrest's signature-stamp on the bottom of her paychecks.
    Someday she's going to be 45 and realize that a life of consumption for its own sake is an empty one.

  11. hahahaha Kim is such a loser!! When is she getting depositioned???? I bet Reggie is glad she's out of his life

  12. Uh oh Rachel - you better watch out or Kanye could come after you next! After all, Kim does get alerts when she is mentioned on websites...

  13. If you go to some other blogs, the pencil skirt Kim is wearing is see-thru. You can see her large hind quarters. I would not put it pass Kim to scheme to wear that skirt to the restaurant where Reggie and his baby momma were hanging out to make Reggie jealous.

    Oh and Kayne is a wimp for fighting with a female paparazzi.

  14. I wonder how long Kim and Kayne are supposed to last? I know its fake, but I'm hoping he gets sick of faking it soon. But I bet Kris Jenner would blackmail him to stay in this relationship

  15. Kim is still krying over Reggie. She has never gotten over him....

  16. @MissCrop609- Those pictures are horrible. Her ass looks giant and spanxed within an inch of it's life. Plus she's muffin-topped over the skirt in every picture. Really horrible. Love it of course.

  17. @MissCrop609- Those pictures are horrible. Her ass looks giant and spanxed within an inch of it's life. Plus she's muffin-topped over the skirt in every picture. Really horrible. Love it of course.

  18. Kanye Kartrashian violent? Noooooo. I'm not surprised the Urinal seems amused. Reggie dodged a huge bullet.

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  21. I LOVE the top photo. I think it's hysterical. I wish it was me.

  22. agree with libby - she's in love with the signature on her paycheck. They're not in love - they're in a contract relationship.

  23. Sigh. These two tricks...

  24. If Kanye believes Kim isn't still texting/talking to one of the many men that has plowed her over the years, he's more gone than I expected.

  25. Kanye is such a girl. I'll bet he menstruates.

  26. between kanye's long history of douchbaggery, kim's insistence at dressing 5 sizes too small, and their collective lack of talent, i just can't with these people.

  27. The photographer was being a jerk.

  28. Why? Because secretly Kayne's in love with Reggie Bush and being with Kim is a constant reminder that she had him and he didn't?

  29. Holy crap, I googled the pictures and her ass and thighs are HUGE. Not that there's anything wrong with a fat ass, but putting it in a see through skirt that's two sizes too small and that shows your ass crack is a questionable decision. I hope she sees those photos and is utterly humiliated.

  30. Ya know, I can't stand Kayne, for many reasons, (Taylor Swift is one), BUT the reporter was out of line. TRYING to get a reaction. I think she was hitting below the belt.

    Play fair, people.

  31. its kind of like poking a caged animal w/ a stick. but, these 2 are annoying and refuse to go away so i'm just going to enjoy it. wonder if everyone asked them the sae thing, if THEY would go away.
