Monday, October 22, 2012

Demi Moore & Ashton Kutcher Fighting Over Money

It's official. I told you before that Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher have been trying to settle all of their divorce issues and have really had a hard time because Demi wants a ton of money and Ashton does not want to give it. Hey, my feeling is that if you cheat, you should pay and Ashton cheated all the time so he should have to pay. Plus, Demi does not get paid as much as she used to and think about the bills she must have each month from her plastic surgeon. The woman needs money. Meanwhile, Ashton should think of any payments he gives to Demi as his penance for making such terrible movies throughout his career. Of course he did sell his soul to the devil. Well, I like to think so anyway, because I am not sure how else he could get paid almost $1M an episode to be on Two And A Half Men and get to have sex with Mila Kunis everyday. It has to be selling your soul right? People are speculating that Demi is worth about $150M. No chance. That Ashton is worth $125M. No chance. I do think Ashton is worth more than Demi because of the shows he sold, plus he gets paid almost $25M a year just from Two And A Half Men. When was the last time Demi even got $5M for a movie and she films one how often?


  1. I bet she has plenty what with Bruce's settlement and her own money though. Rich people's problems.

  2. Also, she's probably just using that as an excuse to hang on to the marriage.

  3. Or she is making him pay for the humiliation.

  4. Plus Demi has expenses so I would think alot of her money is gone, she is not poor by any means but she is not as rich as she was during her height of fame.

    Ashton should pay just for cheating however had they had children together than by all means he should pay even more so.

  5. They have a prenup -- at least that's what I read more than a year ago. She might be SOL.

  6. @Reno - I agree. They're both loaded by most people's standards. By not just cutting ties and moving on, it comes off as desperate. Speaking from my own experience, not having ongoing transactions with my ex and being able to lead completely separate lives has been the biggest relief.

  7. Did Enty actually tell us that they were fighting over money, or was it just that blind item with him calling her while he and Mila are doing it? Either way, I think this is pretty much a reveal for that...

  8. Here is that blind:

  9. IMO Ashton is as famous as he is today bc of that relationship. All his movies are shit. He did the Punk'd show. What has he really done except The 70s Show that was any good?

    He owes her for that PR marriage. I still think she's crazy, but lets face it that he'd be a no name now like the rest of the cast without the marriage to Demi and constant pap attention.

  10. there was none of this divorce drama when she divorced bruce willis. something is seriously wrong with the world when ashton, who as far as I can tell has zero talent (am I missing something?) gets paid $1M an episode for a crap tv show and people are homeless and starving all over. he should just realize how much dumb luck he has and pony up. his star will fade just as hers has.

  11. I thought they had an open marriage?

    I also thought that the real issue was the media exposure of the hot tub/wedding anniversary cheating with a much younger women - that's what Demi took issue with. Her loss of pride.

    And wasn't there much speculation that the ht/wa cheat was a calculated move on Ashton's part to get out of the marriage?

    Regardless, as someone above said "rich people's problems."

  12. I'm sorry but did anyone aside from Demi expect this to last?

  13. Lets not forget Demi has produced some pretty big films including the Austin powers movies and quite a few others. I would be surprised that isn't worth 100 million. Am I the only one who thinks the monthly plastic surgery dig was offensive? Maybe I'm just sensitive, but whoever is writing this now their attempts at humor and wit usually are mean spirited and not funny.

  14. I still remember when Demi went on Regis and Kelly bragging about Ashton. How he was her "soulmate" and the "love of her life." Kelly cooed over the age difference. It was so gross and PR motivated.

    Pay-up Ashhat! You married a female Brat Packer. What did you expect?

  15. of course they fight about the money:they're rich without kid

    for the note,i always thought they had an open relation

  16. After that 70's show I remember reading that Ashton was producing a lot of tv shows, etc... He also did a lot of endorsements. He may be worth quite a bit of money.

  17. Love that pic-looks like he's at his college graduation with his mom!

  18. Ashton Kutcher should have some sort of penance for the awful movies and other stuff he has subjected us all to, especially Dude, Where's My Car?

  19. Ashton has a lot of investments in tech companies, like Foursquare. I think he also had a stake in Skype before it was sold a couple of years ago.

  20. Asshat actually got in trouble with NBC for promoting one of his tech companies on his laptop during a Two and Half Men episode. He had the sticker right in view of the camera on his laptop.

  21. I can kind of figure out who his target group is - there are some late 20s early 30s guys at work who think he's hip. But who is her target group? I'm roughly her age - a bit younger - and I hardly feel that she or the characters she plays speaks for me the way, say, Kate Winset or Meryl Streep or even Sandra Bullock and Charlize Theron do.

    Who makes a decision to see a movie based on the fact that Demi Moore is in it?

  22. I think Demi has more than enough money. She made a lot of money in her heyday and she was one of the first actresses to get $10M or more per picture. She produced a lot of movies and invested a lot. When she was with Bruce Willis they made a ton of money together and individually. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that she is worth $150M. He was with other women, but didn't he have her blessing? I think he so sloppy that she feels humiliated and wants some of his money.

  23. I don't remember her being this needy in the 2 other divorces with her older husbands . For some reason she just can't let go of this one with junior.

  24. I don't think the problem is show biz money. I think the problem is Silicon Valley money. AK has made a fortune in tech stocks by providing seed money to at least six start ups, including four square. He could be worth hundreds of millions in non entertainment related money, and I'm sure he doesn't think she should get a dime. The flip side is she made his career. Without her, he probably would have disappeared after that 70s show.

  25. I actually really enjoy Ashton Kutcher comedy films. I even liked his drama The Butterfly Effect. And Dude Where's My Car is very funny if you like absurdist humor. Just for the chinese fast food drive through scene if nothing else. Anyway he stuck with her longer than most late life boy toys would have. Helped her raise her kids. No kids of their own for him to continue funding, she just needs to let him go.

  26. Didn't they have an open marriage and if they did than to me both of them cheated...

  27. Or MAYBE this is a PR stunt for us to forget about the rumor that they are not actually married at all? Demi gets to stay in the news, and Ashton gets to continue to look like a douche. Like the people's problems.....sigh..

  28. I don't think she should get a dime of his money. He shouldn't get a dime of hers. They were both rich when they started. It isn't like they were a young struggling couple who built their lives together. Not like they had kids together. Just walk away from each other.

  29. @sarah - exactly .. Plus he has a huge stake in Spotify. He's a hella savvy business man and has made a lot of his own money with investments.

    I'm sure she's fine money wise. This reeks of not being able to let go

  30. Seems like she wants to punish him for his behavior. When they got together she was the bigger star..

  31. I have a hard time believing Demi needs money - just one example? She owns a triplex penthouse atop the south tower of the San Remo building on CPW in NYC (she got it from Bruce in their divorce) - those co-ops usually only allow mortgages of 50% (or less) of value - and that apartment is easily worth $30-50 million in todays market.

    Plus you throw in the Austin Powers money,, I don't buy she has less money than Asston by any stretch of the imagination...

  32. Tant pis, c'est dommage.
    As Always ; M
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