Monday, October 15, 2012

Danielle Spencer Set To Get $20M

I'm not sure that I have seen anyone look more skinny than Danielle Spencer (above) looked yesterday after the news leaked about the separation between herself and Russell Crowe. While she went out with a friend for lunch, in Australia, Russell was in New York partying his brains out. I get the feeling that after this run of movies he has filmed he is going to take a really long vacation and party to excess and start approaching my kind of weight and drinking levels. Apparently Russell is worth about $65M, and despite a prenup, Danielle should get about $20M of Russell's money.


  1. Maybe she could use some of that money and buy a sandwich. Or two.

  2. If anyone ever deserved a $20M settlement, it would be her. I really used to respect Russell and enjoyed his films but his drinking has turned him into a crazy beast (or crazier beast).

    Someone posted an article about this writer abused by Russell. That was kinda the end for me.

  3. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Get that money girl, he's an ass.

  4. I posted this on his FB page, but I think there was a blind about this a couple of weeks ago. I can't find it (didn't look too hard) but a lot of the guesses were RC. So, kudos to us! :)


    Here's the article. Interesting and well-written, fun for even non-fans of Crowe.

  6. Reading about these people's lives makes me exhausted. Doesn't partying ever get old?

  7. Isn't it just a little bit sad to think about how great he was in Gladiator? He looks asshole-creepy to me now and I wouldn't pay two cents to see one of his movies.

  8. And yet I can't wait to see him as Javert in Les Miz - I think he'll be awesome!

  9. Hey, speaking of "Les Miz"---Warner Brothers just submitted Anne Hathaway in the 'Best Actress' category for her Catwoman, so that they don't accidentally nominate her against herself for her Fantine in "Les Miserables".

    Peeps commenting on the story elsewhere were FLIPPING OUT, not realizing of course that Anne will NEVER be nominated as 'Best Actress' for Catwoman, she just doesn't want to compete against herself, OR worse yet---be known as the chick who won an Oscar for Catwoman.

  10. I just mean Anne would want to win for her more serious fare, like Fantine.

  11. Maybe now that they're separated, she won't have to fight him to get to the fridge?

  12. Isn't he rumored to have hygiene issues? That would make me leave!

  13. Thanks for posting that @libby!

  14. I'm sure she deserves every penny.

  15. I read that article when Libby posted it a while back, and it did totally change my view on Russell. Glad Danielle is getting a nice chunk of change after dealing with him for so long.

    And she needs to make a footlong sub her first purchase.

  16. HIS MONEY!?

    Don't you mean *THEIR* money?. The bulk of that was made while she supported his career to the detriment of her own, raised his kids while he flitted about the world, collected awards and dallied with other women.

  17. @jcs -hey.....that was my exact thought!

    //white ladies need some fat as they age or it just isn't cute.

  18. Must be a living hell being married to him, take the money and run.

  19. To each their own, but an Oscar is an Oscar. Maybe it's my naïveté talking, but I wouldn't spend too much time worrying whether I was nominated for a franchise film or a more artsy film. I'd just be super grateful for the nom itself.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hi, Coriander, ITA. Most would be grateful, and I'm sure she would be. But given her druthers, she would want her name in history from the high-budget musical.

    I really like Anne. A little fake-sweet, but IDC if she's nice--I do think she's talented and driven and I like it.

    But I also think she wants to be seen as seriously as possible, and WHICH of her roles this year gets promoted for awards is important.

  22. On board with she deserves the money, and some food.

  23. I watched an ep of SATC where Carrie and Miranda both named Russell Crowe as their fantasy man. That reference definitely does not hold up. I hope he keeps his partying overseas.

  24. Even though 65million is a freaking fortune, I'm surprised he's worth only that. I would have thought he'd have gotten big back end bank from Gladiator.

    @ Califblondy - I read that Crowe wanted to play Maximus with a Spanish accent! That would have been a totally different movie, comical even. I think he was talked out of it by the director, Ridley Scott.

  25. I wouldn't have lasted 9 years, even with the promise of 20 mil.

    Never liked him, even in Gladiator. Douche.

  26. Libby is correct about the Oscar nom - Anne H. would not want Academy voters to be confused as to which role to nominate; she'd be a bit of a long shot for supporting for TDKR but might still garner votes if only for symbolic support for Chris Nolan, who many feel has been overlooked by the Oscars in recent years. She's supposed to be a shoe-in for Les Mis, if reality lives up to the hype.

    Did you post the link to that smh article on Crowe? Hilarious many thanks.

  27. Thanks for posting that article Libby. It was hysterical. I've never been a Russell Crowe fan. I've known people with those grandiose persona. They're just as much of a joy to be around as Russell.

  28. People. Please.
