Thursday, October 11, 2012

Coming Out Day

Straight Christian male lives undercover as a gay man for a year. How it changed his life.


  1. Here's the difference between "Christian" and "Christ-like."

  2. What an amazing example of a true Christian! Talk about someone who walks a mile in someone else's shoes.

    He inspires me to be a better person.

  3. Everyone with prejudices against their fellow humans should have to walk a mile in their shoes.

    This guy seems really admirable and I am really intrested in reading his book.

  4. first time commenter, long time reader.

    i came out today too. first time in a lifetime.

    i'm a director. and i want to tell the only person in the world who won't judge me for my love.

  5. I wonder if he listened to lots of extended remix versions of popular dance songs during that year. That would really have increased his compassion!

  6. Congrats Indyanna Jones!

  7. Indy: Congrats on your coming out but your link crashed my computer.

    And I applaud this guy for finding the truth for himself rather than just regurgitating another prejudice hidden behind religious dogma. Honestly though, he pings my gaydar and this sounds a bit "scripted". I hope this is honest.

  8. amazon has the kindle version of this on sale right now for 2.99. I just bought it based on this video and the sample I read. It looks like it's going to be an inspiring story.

  9. Are you fucking kidding me???

    Please, he is under cover gay and this premise is just ridiculous.

    You have to do all this to know what's right?

    What an idiot.

  10. well here is another link i hope won't crash your computer.

    AND THANK YOU! i am so proud i can barely contain myself. <3

  11. Interestingly, I've seen quite a few comments from gay people against this, saying that its exploitive and taking advantage of people to make money, and also that he duped all his friends and family and that he basically takes a profound and extremely difficult experience for gay people and cheapens it into something that wasn't real just to make money.

    Or something along those lines. I'm really not sure what to think.

  12. sadly, there are some gays that will complain about anything. Not all but the drama queens will. I can say this because my oldest brother is gay and I've seen a lot of drama from his circle of friends growing up. I've also seen a lot people in the gay community working really hard for equal rights in a smart, non confrontational way. What this man is doing is sharing his personal journey from his years of prejudice and fear based on early ignorant teachings to impressionable minds to listening to his own soul and voice and changing the hate and fear to love. nothing wrong with that.

  13. I think he can be commended for bothering to try to go through the experiences gay people have to.

  14. @Indyanna Jones. Good luck on your journey! I am very proud of my older sister, who came out in her mid-30s. I am hopeful that you have a similar network of friends who can provide a similar support network.

  15. It sounds like his target audience is Christians. And many of them really need this message. As a church-going Christian, it really irritates me that "homosexuality is the worst sin" instead of focusing on the more prevalent sins, like gluttony.

  16. I was homophobic growing up in the central valley, but once i moved to the city, i'm so not anymore. Same with being a republican to so not now.

  17. Things like this are good, it gets people to talking and the more people talk, the less scary something like homosexuality becomes.
    There comes a time for most people when things like this don't matter, all that matters is LOVE, for all people.

  18. Congratulations, Indy!

    The reviews on Amazon are glowing. I'm going to read the free Kindle sample tonight.


    okay, look. when i said i came out - it's a lot... more complicated than that.

    enty is ignoring me and i'm praying that some of you are still getting notifications because i really need your help and i have never stopped and asked you guys for anything.

    and i genuinely am now. please. because i REALLY NEED YOUR HELP. because this is ONLY ME RIGHT NOW. D:

    if you have three minutes, i would like to show you something. if you don't, it will still be there when you get it. :)

    if you jumped into the rabbit hole, that would be more than i could ask for - so i won't. just check out the campaign ad please.

    RDJ for president of my life in 2012 would be the best chrismas i've ever had... and i hate christmas. so. take that as you will.

    and thank you for entertaining me. i hope to entertain you guys for years to come - from one fan to another, always. <3

  20. As a Christian, he is really doing what he can to empathize. The complainers should relax. My best friend is gay and he complains about "complainers" all the time. It's exhausting.

    Us straight folk..... MOST OF US DON'T CARE! We love you for who you are!

    I'm glad that this guy, coming from such a strict, cult-like upbringing, can break away and empathize the way he did. Exploitive or not, I hope he inspires other crazy religious folks to do the same and at least TRY to understand.

    PS congrats Indy!

  21. uhhh no offence Indy but I don't think someone is going to become president if they're not even a candidate. I would choose him over anyone though lol (If I was American, which I'm not, so really this whole discussion is trite)

  22. uhhh "no offense", zombiecrush, but that means you didn't even look at the site. because this isn't about president.

    and if you aren't, american, i guess you wouldn't understand. :)

  23. look, don't misunderstand. i do need you guys' help.

    but i'm not going to beg for it.

    and i'm not even going to ask for it again, because i have other places i can go and other people i can ask who won't make me sit here and grovel just to listen to me and see what i have to actually say.

    because they trust me when i say that this is everything.

    so. since my time isn't something i like wasting, i'm not looking to waste your time. and if you didn't waste your time to actually read the comment i wrote, then you obviously didn't waste your time at the site, and i'm sorry to have even taken up so much of it.


  24. My friend came out of the closet to his family over the weekend.

    He bought himself a new car to celebrate his coming out.
