Monday, October 01, 2012

College Freshman Beaten To Death - Boyfriend Captured As He Flees To Canada

A SUNY College freshman was found beaten to death in her dorm room over the weekend. Her mother became concerned after not being able to contact her daughter during the middle of the night and school officials went to the room of Alexandra Kogut where she was found dead with massive upper chest injuries. She literally had been beaten to death. her boyfriend, a hockey player, was arrested at a rest stop a short time later as he tried to make his way to the Canadian border.


  1. Violence is never the answer,
    Rest in peace sweet young girl.

  2. This is why I do not want to let my three daughters out of the house! Poor girl and I feel terrible for her family. I'm glad they caught him.

  3. Ugh disgusting!! So sad!

  4. some one let Hayden know there's a new man on the market

  5. Waste of oxygen, this guy. Sickening.

  6. Awwww poor girl! May her soul rest in peace...seems more people are turning to real beasts.

  7. More has to be done on educating girls and boys about dating violence. When I was in high school I saw a guy drag his girlfriend by the hair down the hall. We didn't even know it was wrong or were too scared of him to say anything.

    Love doesn't kill you.

  8. This is horrible, but if these two weren't white college students, would we even be hearing about it?

    1. Sadly, u probably right. I dont understand it either; i am upset when these terrible things happen to anyone, not just white people.

  9. My daughters are never dating. Period.

  10. Women are beaten to death every day. As @Cathy suggests, this one is only in the news because they are both white, both in college (middle class), and because she is blond and beautiful.

  11. This freaks me out. Our son is a freshman in college, living in a dorm. Even though we live on the West Coast, one of the universities we considered was SUNY (Stonybrook, though, not Brockport). But I can't imagine the grief those poor parents are experieincing right now. The poor girl, the poor family---my heart goes out to all of them.

  12. Hah! Good luck with that shauniebear. Prayers for the family of Alexandra, and I hope the boyfriend never sees daylight again.

  13. I dont even know what to say. Deepest sympathy to family

  14. Why DO all the criminals and terrorists always flee to this country?

  15. Why are you making this about race? Are you suggesting if these students were not white, there would be no coverage? So, the news coverage about the Asian student who was killed her in research lab is what, an anomaly?
    Maybe it's about circumstance and location. When you send your children to college you want them to be safe. Anything that shakes up that hope is newsworthy and is reported, regardless of colour.

  16. I am so glad that he was caught. That might give something to her family to see justice served.

  17. So sad, makes me scared for my kids

  18. @Pogue, I think they flee to Canada because you guys are nice and they know they won't get the death penalty. It's also much easier to get to Canada than Sweden or Norway.

    1. Thats a boatload of premeditation right there.

  19. but it IS about race. Do you know how many black women go missing? Do you know how many of them make the news? ...uh huh...think of one case that comes to mind.

    Here's a web site devoted to this:

    1. Its so fucked up. I hate this society sometimes

  20. @JW - If these people weren't white and educated, I'm sure that we wouldn't be hearing about it. This is an absolutely horrible tragedy, but there are so many similar horrible tragedies that don't get this kind of attention. I wasn't trying to make it about race, but just pointing out the media bias.

  21. Like Gladys, I have a college-age son that I worry about. Sometimes I don't hear from him in any form(phone,text,e-mail) for a couple of weeks.
    And when he finally contacts me, it's a question about laundry, lol.
    RIP and my sympathies to the famly.

  22. My guess would be that this was not a one off, violence-wise. Family and friends likely saw controlling behavior, or other signs prior to this. I really wish more girls would learn that violence and control =/= to love and would get themselves far away from any guy that exhibits it the first time it happens.

    I hope she (and her family) has peace.

    1. Exactly. It ALWAYS escalates further and further until it, unfortunately, turns tragic.

  23. a man who hits a woman does not love her, if anything, he hates her to death

  24. My sister just went through a near death incident. Her ''boyfriend'' beat her for TWO hours in my 86 year old grandmother's house. When the cops finally came, they witnessed him beating her through a window and when he realized the cops were there he actually tried to help my sister up. She sustained a broken nose, broken jaw, two swollen shut eyes, split lips, cracked ribs, broken wrist, excessive bruising all over her body and a spinal fracture. This is not his first rodeo, he has done this to other women. He is in jail with a bail of $205,000 cash only. The last $5,000 is from breaking the mandatory NCO by sending her a letter through a third party 'apologizing'. I am l proud that my sister turned in that letter. She thought he was going to kill her. And my poor grandma, laying so scared in her bedroom. Thank God my sister is pressing charges this time. It is not love when someone hurts you. There is no excuse either. And my daughter is not dating either, unless I go and chaperone. Thank you everyone for letting me tell my story.

    1. That's so fucked up. I hope your sister is recuperating alright and that she's safe. Xoxox

    2. All good healing vibes to your sister.

    3. Good luck to your sister. I went through a similar experience when I was younger and the only way I survived was because of my family, for which I am eternally grateful. She is lucky to have you for support. Poor girl.

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  25. Very sad. Why didn't any other students hear the sounds of the attack? Was everyone gone for the weekend?

  26. Although I do think the media has a HUGE Missing White Girl bias, I don't think that applies here - killings that happen on college campuses always seem to make the news, regardless of race of the victim (which is typically the race that seems to be determinative).

  27. Wow lc
    your sister is brave and I am so happy she survived her ordeal. My mom was a victim of DV at the hands of my ex step-father. It is hard to get out and break the cycle of make-up, get beat, make-up, get beat, I am sorry I love you it won't happen again, etc

  28. This is similar to the case at the university of Virginia last year where the bf beat the gf to death in her apartment. He was portrayed as an abusive and violent drunk. Also a lacrosse player like the girlfriend. He was just sentenced to 20+ years in jail.

  29. Still proud to say I'm a wahoo though!

  30. What a piece if dirt. She looks like she deserved a gentleman not an animal.

  31. When the dead body of a savagely beaten child is found at a school or college, it is news. Any color any race.

    Meanwhile missing persons cases involving young adults or older are rarely news. There are just too many of them, and some of them are people who meant to go missing.

    You can't compare the one to the other and say its about race. Its about a very different circumstance.
