Sunday, October 14, 2012

Christina Applegate On SNL

Christina Applegate is great for Saturday Night Live. I don't think they did enough for her though. She had the second best sketch of the night after the VP cold open, but you can't even watch her best sketch of the night and the others fell off dramatically so how about one of my all-time favorite sketches ever and she was the host for that one too.


  1. Te iphone one was AMAZING! I put it on my Facebook. "hmm what does America make? Does diabetes count as a product?" I almost died laughing!!!!

    1. I have to admit that I was a bit mad at myself for laughing at this skit, the "Chinese" factory workers made me cringe. Totally reminded me of Mr. Yonioshi from Breakfast at Tiffanys...though I suppose I should be glad they didn't have their eyes taped back or anything...

    2. @chums it was meant to give the Chinese the upper hand! They had to act Chinese for the skit to work and they did great. Offensive would have been doing something with their eyes and yellow makeup but it was done the correct way by pure acting. I loved it!

  2. How random Usain Bolt showing up, SNL is always hit and miss every week. This was a good week. Love the new cast members, it's nice to see them shine and not have Kristen Wiig shoved down our throats week after week anymore.

    1. Omg @time I couldn't stand Kristen Wiig! I didn't understand who in America was laughing at her weirdo characters. I'm so glad she's gone, she should stick to writing more Bridesmaids movies.

  3. My husband and I laughed a lot last night too. Best one in a long time. Love Christina.

  4. Christina is great, finally a good night for this show.

  5. Guess I'm alone - thought it was one of lamest of the season.

  6. Love christina, thought show was great!

  7. oh I loved tech talk!

  8. I watched this twice in the last 24 hours. Love it. I don't have TV, but saw some of the SNL clips from last night. Christina Applegate is more talented than I remembered. She did great with the opening sequence, the choreographer skit and I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the Tech Talk skit. The Chinese violin and interpretive dance killed me. Diabetes.

  9. BTW, who is the new gal on SNL? I think she was the moderator in the opening debate sketch and played the priest in The Californians. She's really good.

  10. @Princess you're not alone, I thought it was awful.

  11. I didn't know Christina could sing and dance. She's very talented.

  12. I thought it was a waste of Applegate, who is a great comic actress. I did like the iphone skit, the debate skit, and the Ariana Huffington bit.

  13. I miss Paul Brittain :(

  14. @Madlyb, her name is Kate McKinnon, she is hilarious!!

    I liked most of the skits last night, the iphone one was my fave. The violin cracked me up!

    I adore Christina.

  15. I adored the Siren Girls sketch, and I thought Christina was a great host! Definitely my favorite of this season. And YES Kate McKinnon is outstanding!

  16. I watched it last night, I agree. The Siren sketch was awesome, as well as the VP open. :)

  17. I always love when they bring out Arianna Huffington and Jean K Jean (have no idea about spelling, lol).

  18. Tech Talk was my favorite skit of the night. It was witty and was a god example about reviewers… “Every time I point it straight at the sun, there’s a very slight purplish hue in all my photos!” was the best quote to me. I couldn’t catch the show the other night since I was working late at DISH. I set my Hopper a while back to automatically record the entire season to the two terabyte DVR and then watched it the next morning. I am just happy that I can watch it when I want without having to worry about how much recording space I’ve got. I am definitely looking forward to seeing Bruno Mars this weekend!

  19. Ahh, Matt Foley. I remember getting so tickled at her inability to keep a straight face during that sketch.

    I thought she did a great job, but I am a big fan of Christina's. I loved the Tech Talk sketch.

    Kate McKinnon is the new Kristen Wiig apparently. She is in everything lately. She's very good.

    The Californians is completely ridiculous but my husband and I find ourselves quoting it quite a bit.
