Monday, October 01, 2012

Christina Aguilera Calls Herself A "Fat Girl"

Christina Aguilera finally stood up for herself in the latest issue of Billboard magazine. Not usually the place where singers reveal their innermost thoughts, but I am proud of her for saying that she is a curvy girl. She actually said fat girl. She told the magazine that she was tired of being skinny and doing what others thought was best and just wanted to live her life how she sees fit. I think she is also worried about her latest record, because if it bombs it is going to be awhile before anyone coughs up the dough to let her make another record. Christina says back in 2002 she got skinnier than she ever has been because record executives made her and told her no one would but her records if she was fat. Apparently these are the same executives who called Adele awful.


  1. Christina isn't fat, but she makes herself look much bigger with the straight up hooker gear she wears..,

    1. Exactly, she has enough money to have a tailor fit her clothes to her figure. Being that she is only a smodge over 5 feet I understand it would be hard to find regular clothes that fit nicely. I myself have huge boobs, a big butt, and a small waist. I buy clothes off the rack and then have a tailor alter them to fit my curves. But she has money so she COULD look amazing.

    2. Exactly, she has enough money to have a tailor fit her clothes to her figure. Being that she is only a smodge over 5 feet I understand it would be hard to find regular clothes that fit nicely. I myself have huge boobs, a big butt, and a small waist. I buy clothes off the rack and then have a tailor alter them to fit my curves. But she has money so she COULD look amazing.

    3. Exactly! If she wore the right clothing, she could look great. Someone needs to tell her that just because they make it in your size, doesn't mean you should wear it!!

    4. But that's the thing, she doesn't wear clothes in her size!

  2. She's fat
    Her liver is even fatter

    1. look at a picture of her, now look at a picture of an actual fat person. see the difference? now go away troll.

  3. She's not fat but I do agree that she needs to dress better to show off her curves in a better way

  4. Is it sad, jaded, and wretched of me that whenever I see these female celebs talking weight/body image issues, I immediately wonder if a Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig deal is being shopped?

    I feel bad admitting it....

  5. The video for her single is insanely good.

  6. Xtina is curvy but her clothes are always screaming for help. She needs to invest in a stylist.

  7. I'm sure if she cut down the boozing she'd feel less bloated!

  8. At least she's not like Kim kardashian going around saying "Oh I love my curves, but I'm only 110 pounds."

    1. I Know, I have the same shape as Kimmie and t I haven't weghed 110 since before puberty! I weigh about a buck fifty on a really good day. And I have the boobs and butt

  9. I saw Christina's Burlesque wardrobe on display at Arclight when it came out. She used to be tiny!!!!! Haven't seen her in person since she gained weight, but I'm sure she doesn't even look fat in person by normal standards. But she does need to dress for her shape. Wearing pants everyday would be a good start!

  10. I recently saw part of the movie Burlesque on cable and I didn't recognize her in the beginning part because she wasn't wearing the heavy makeup. She was so much prettier with a more natural look.

    But that said--it is her life, her body--and if she likes her look and style she should do what makes her feel best and some record company should not make her feel like how much she weighs is what makes her records popular.

    I've been watching The Voice--and I don't know what's different but she seems MUCH happier this season--last year she seemed very arrogant and negative and most of the time so far this season, she seems happy and excited to be there--much nicer to watch.

    1. I think she read all the negative tweets and other social media. And plus her singer was good but I think he lost, and vame in dead last because of her negative, fljippant and arrogant attitude.

  11. Curves = Yummy
    Drunk Psycho Messes = Pass

  12. Her weight us her business, but if she is drinking or drugging, now thats a problem.

  13. It's not the size of the singer, it's the size of the clothes that the singer wears.

    Someone get her on What Not to Wear and fix that wardrobe!

  14. Christina reminds me of Edina in Absolutely Fabulous.

    Edina walks into a designer store and the stopgirl snootily says "I don't believe we sell your size" and Edina says "oh that's alright, I don't wear my size."

  15. She's letting Kelly Osbourn's trash talk get to her.

  16. she should wear whatever the hell she wants to in whatever size she wants to.

  17. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Love love love Edina. Might have to have an ab fab marathon now.

    1. "I mean what you two don't seem to realize is that inside of me, inside of me, there is a thin person just screaming to get out."
      "Just the one, dear?"

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. She said "I got tired of being a skinny, white girl. I am Ecuadorian but people felt so safe passing me off as a skinny, blue-eyed white girl."

    I don't want to be a cynical bitch (ok, I am) but has she always claimed her Latina side or is she only doing it now because it's a convenient "excuse" for why she's curvy? If you're gonna own it girl, just own it!

    I also agree with everyone that if she didn't squeeze herself into slutty clothes 5 sizes too small, she'd actually look great. Sans clown make up of course.

    1. She has always been quite open about being Latina. Her dad wasn't always around so I think that was a partial issue with acceptance and her issues with him but she hasn't made a secret out of it.

  20. She has the same problem as Mariah, not knowing when to give up the slutwear. She needs to class up her act, stop drinking or whatever, and focus on singing. No one will even notice her weight.

  21. And while you're getting a new wardrobe, get a new haircolor as well. This one is played out.

  22. She can be whatever size she wants to be. I couldn't care less about that. I do hope, though, that the extra weight isn't from drinking...that's all.

  23. She is just pandering to women to sell records. Big girls will be all "ah she's just like me!" Skinny girls will be all "good for her, standing up for herself!" But in reality we all are like "just stop it with the too tight clothes and sing!"

  24. I really wish we could get Clinton Kelly to do a head to toe makeover on her...

  25. @hollweird,

    christina has always acknowledged her hispanic heritage. she has done an album or 2 in spanish, and was recently recoginzed by the hispanic billboard awards for her accomplishments. she never shys away from the fact that she's half latina.

  26. When she wears the right shade of lipstick, and does her hair just perfectly, she really reminds me of Hatchet Face from "Cry Baby."

  27. She did say she didn't want to look like a white girl.. What's so wrong with us white chicks? I have booty no matter what my size .. I can be a size 4 and my butt is still a 6/8 .. As much as I can't stand Kim K I do thank her or making the booty more popular for those of us lacking the boobage .. I just went way OT huh?

    1. Amen @alicia! I got curves too and I feel as long as your stomach is flat (mine is NOT at the moment lol) ur curves are smoking hot. Otherwise, u need a giant push up bra to even it out amiright?

  28. @Cornbread: "By the way, that's a shame about your face." "There's nothing the matter with my face. I got character!"

  29. Her reps saying she didn't say this hmmmmm. Back-pedaling or tabloid journalism?

  30. Major resemblance to Adele in that photo

  31. It's a printed interview, easy enough to check out whether she "actually" said that or Enty was just hitting the usual source, the Daily Fail.
