Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Chris Brown & Rihanna Spend The Night Together - No Beating This Time

Chris Brown and Rihanna managed to spend the night together and have sex in her hotel room and no one got beat up. During the middle of the night, Chris tried to sneak away, but, after being caught making out at a club the night before and being followed to the hotel, photographers were ready and waiting as Chris went back to his hotel to have sex with his girlfriend. At this point his girlfriend is the one who looks more and more like an idiot because she stays with the guy even though he cheats on her almost daily. Presumably at some point if Rihanna and Chris Brown continue this and decide to go public, Rihanna will hopefully realize before it happens that a man who beats someone as badly as she was beaten by someone, will probably beat again. Will she forgive him again when it inevitably happens? Do you think he has beaten no one since it happened?


  1. Anonymous6:06 AM

    For some reason, this idiot gets to do whatever the hell he wants without any repercussions so yes, he will, sadly. Has he beaten again? I would guess. Clearly he doesn't respect his girlfriend and she doesn't respect herself either. Ripe environment for all kinds of abides. Unbelievable

  2. Anonymous6:06 AM


  3. I realize that the majority of the readers and posters on this blog are female and I hope ya'll forgive me for being saying it...

    Everytime I read anything about Rihanna.... I kind of want to beat her myself.

    1. Anonymous6:27 AM

      I actually agree. She seems,like a rude, nasty.and unpleasant person.

    2. Anonymous6:40 AM

      No one, ever, "deserves" a beating. People with violent attitudes like yours are the problem. Sick fuck

    3. The funniest sh*t Ive read all day! LMAO.

      I don't understand wht people care. Niether of them help take care of me so I DON'T GIVE A F*CK!

      And lastly, Im sure that most these women who comment so negatively on this topic have been beaten themselves and took the loser back...which is why they know that once a beater always a beater. They had to learn and so does she!

      Im 25, and Ive never been in an absuvie relationship. To be honest, IDK how I would react. I just hope that my family & friends wouldnt be as judgemental as most of you guys!

  4. Anonymous6:09 AM

    He will abuse her and beat her again. I bet he's emotional abusive to his girlfriend and Rihanna. There are so many stories of women who can't bring themselves to leave an abusive relationship. Sadly, so many of those stories end with the battered person leaving by dying at the hands of the person who supposedly loved them.

  5. My favorite thing to do on twitter is to troll Chris brown. It's childish, but I feel that I need to make him aware that I detest him and his music and his ridiculous teeth.

    1. LOL! His teeth bug me too.

    2. I call him Bucky. :)

    3. They look like giant Tic Tacs to me. I hate his smile, too, because he always looks like such a smug, self-entitled prick.

    4. Can you imagine him coming after you with those giant horse teeth? Chomp Chomp Chomp... *nightmares*

  6. LOL Mr Wolf. She is an idiot. It only took one beating for me to realize that something wasn't right with my relationship.

  7. Aren't Chris and Kae broken up? Isn't the latest on them that she tweeted 'the end' and that was it or have I missed another episode? There is no real proof that Chris has laid his hand on another girl since the incident with Rihanna but all his actions from his anger issues/lashing out during interviews and also the way he has treated Kae (allegedly sleeping around and secretly hooking up with Riri all around the world) is enough for me to make up my own mind about what kind of character he is. It is evident that Riri has not wised up and if it happens again, it will be on her.

  8. you have no idea how many women at my workplace say that RiRi must have provoked him to beat her.

    I am still dumbfounded every single time an otherwise seemingly intelligent woman says something like that. We're doomed.

    1. My daughter, who was 9 years old when the beating happened, stopped talking to her best friend because she said Rihanna deserved it.
      I tried to avoid her knowing about it coz I thought she was too young to be thinking about such things but they talked about in the school yard. She came home disgusted. She couldn't understand why girls would think its ok to beat another girl.
      To this day my daughter avoids her. She has standards, I'm happy to say.

  9. If she hasn't figured out that if he'll cheat with you he'll cheat on you, I don't hold out much hope of her realizing that she's going to have to take a monthlong "vacation" every couple of years to let her face heal after he beats her again.

  10. I don't know if he did beat anybody since but it's obvious he still had major anger management issues with all the public outbursts, imagine the ones that were not public! It is only a matter of time before it goes from angry outbursts to physical violence. I understand everyone deserves a second chance but his issues are still there!

    Rihanna, I just can't with her! So many abused women stuck in these bad relationships because they don't have the means to get out and here she is with plenty of money and keeps going back for more. I really have no sympathy for her anymore!

  11. Oh, Rhianna doesn't go under the assumption that Chris won't cheat on her. They both screw around big time.

  12. She was interviewed by oprah and said after he beat the crap out of her she was worried about....him.

    As for Chris Brown's teefs....camel ... or Mr. Ed

  13. Judging by his actions since the whole incident with Rihanna happened a couple of years ago, I highly doubt he's learned his lesson. As long as he has fans making excuses for him, Rihanna's forgiveness and pretty much he gets to do what he wants when he wants, why should he seriously change his ways.
    Sadly the Rihanna/Chris Brown dynamic plays itself out daily in domestic situations.

  14. As I've said before, a pox on both their houses.

  15. And nobody should feel bad for her if she does get beaten up or worse by him again.

    1. Well of course you should. That's a weird thing to say. It's not like she's a child molester or rapist. I think she's a very damaged and sick soul and she kind of makes me nauseous in a 'oh god, what happened to you' way, much like Amanda Bynes does.

  16. Nope, nobody will. I'm right there with you, Wolf! I'd like to smack her too. Thing is, she doesn't seem to think that's a bad thing.

  17. neither of them are worth it. take away their recording contracts and let them fade away and give other, talented, intelligent, non-abusive musicians a chance to perform.

    I'm so sick of people like this getting free passes when everyone else is struggling to eat.

  18. T.E. - Right on!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. More than RiRi going "back" to Chris Brown, it sickens me that the recording industry (and showbiz industry) continues to bow down to a woman abuser. I would love to see no attention given to these guys. They've made their choices--why are we giving them press?

  21. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen.........THE END

  22. Stupid is as stupid does

  23. Paul McCartney said it first and best:

    And when he's in jail for killing Ri-Ri, there'll be some stupid chick on the outside wailing how he must go free to love her.

  24. Mr Wolf ,Cee Kay and Sue, you're fucking idiots for those comments.

    Every time this story comes up some of you STILL need to be reminded how fucking ignorant you are when it comes to the cycle of abuse. Educate yourself before someone in your life needs help and is naive enough to turn to one of you for assistance.

    1. There is still a level of accountability people,adult people who know right from wrong,pleasure from pain,happiness from dysfunction. She is not stupid. It has to register somewhere in her head the actions and the eventual consequences she will face by taking him back time and time again. Yes,it is a cycle of abuse but she is choosing to jump right back and ride. My sympathy level is pretty low for her. This isn't some kid being kicked around.She is a grown-up. One considered a role model by many young women. She just needs to wake-up,quit the party scene for a minute or two and THINK. Then she needs to kick that man to the curb for good.

  25. She is a fucking idiot, and he is a piece of shit.

    No sympathy from me, when he beats the crap out of her again. NONE.

  26. A lot of abused women don't feel they can escape due to financial reasons. Also, because their sig others have threatened to track them down and kill them. Not the case with Rihanna. She has all of the resources available to her in the world.

  27. I'll only feel sorry for the cops who are called into yet another dangerous domestic violence situation and the tax payers who will foot the bill for their inevitable court case.

  28. I like her music but like Paris just posted, she is a fucking idiot and he is a piece of shit.

  29. The beauty of America is freedom to love whomever you want to love.

    She will realize it when she matures.

    Let her make her own mistakes.

  30. I'm so sick of the f-ing story! Everyone knows that this is going on, what's going to happen, etc. there is nothing anyone can do about it, it's horrible, I've been there but no one is going to change their minds, trust. It sucks but live and learn, I guess...

  31. NO Sympathy for Rihanna! I'm looking forward to the next smashed in headshot. Must be one of the all time biggest fools - as one commentor said - she's got more money and could have any man.
    The stupidity is alarming.

  32. Ah, who cares about these two freaks? Soon he'll beat her with whatever is handy and she'll shoot him with her concealed weapon. This is inevitable and so, so boring.

  33. I feel sorry for both of them...

  34. Anonymous3:37 PM

    A woman is probably safe with him as long as she doesn't take his car keys and refuse to give them back. You don't always get to do absolutely anything you want without repercussions, ladies, so stop acting like you should.

  35. @Jax - I'm an idiot in many ways, sure.

    But look dude, everyone's got their drama.

    I could write about my family background and give you a sob story if you want. Let's just say that I had it harder than just about anyone you can imagine.

    And I do know a little about breaking the cycle of violence.

    See, here's the issue. People are trying to turn Rihanna into an Avatar for all abused women, so that if you say something about Rihanna, it's like you're insulting all abused women.

    But, believe me, I'm definitely not insulting all abused women.

    I'm poking fun at the life decisions of someone who has things better off than you or I will ever have and is squandering her blessings.

    This blog is ultimately entertainment news and I read it to be entertained. If you want me to write you a thesis on social issues, I can do that too.

    I think my thesis statement would probably be - "HUMOUR - It's use as an effective coping method."

  36. Stopped coming for a while but read this and had to make a comment:

    When I was dating and subsequently married my exhusband, his family completely hid the fact that he had serious emotional problems (suicide attempts, ect) and reality distortion. Working in mental health I would have never have judged if he was on medication. However, we lived away from them and he seemed to be happy. Then when I got pregnant with my son, delusions and hallucinations began, along with severe physical abuse, including being chased around by him with a loaded rifle after getting punched in the face and knocked up against a door when 6 months pregnant.

    He refused all meds. The deciding factor to leave was when my ex mother in law beat the crap out of me in front of my 11 month old son (resulting in a 4 day hospital stay). This was also directly after my brother was dx with cancer.

    I'll stop there with the personal accounts, but I state them because I have been a battered woman not just by a man but by both. I lost everything when I left (literally, took my son and ran) but I had my son and that's what mattered. So between professional and personal experience, I do understand the "battered woman" syndrome, to coin a phrase.

    Though she did not publically ask to be up for results of abusive relationships, the fact is, she landed in one. And I would never say that anyone, man or woman, deserves abuse. What I will say, however, is that when one engages in high risk behaviors there are always potential consequences to such decisions.

    What is disgusting about this is that women that get the guts to leave or to come forward are often not believed, and as someone who was beat up by her paramour, the fact that she is taking him back is vile. Though they are entitled to a certain extent of privacy, they are public figures who chose to be public figures and thus issues that occur are open for people to have opinions about.

    Since she has money, maybe she wouldn't mind putting some into my consistent attorney fees and home protection services for the PFAs, restraining orders, and custody issues involved in my case.

  37. Well said Mr Wolf

  38. For a detailed analysis as to Why Rihanna & Chris Wont Stop Unitl She is Dead
    No ads, as always ; M

  39. Celebrity Gossip Hag, Christina, you are fight, the question is why?Yikes, meant detailed analysis from a Former Criminal Prosecutor as to why: Rihanna & Chis Won't Stop Until She is Dead
    No ads, as always ; M

  40. Ha, past my bedtime, Celebrity Gossip Hag, Christina, you are right (not fight) the question is why? Yikes, meant detailed analysis from a Former Criminal Prosecutor as to why: Rihanna & Chis Won't Stop Until She is Dead
    No ads, as always ; M
