Monday, October 22, 2012

Caroline Manzo & Teresa Guidice Won't Help Kid Dying Of Cancer

Christopher DiMartino is six years old and is dying of cancer. He has just a few months to live. This Friday is a fundraiser to bring in money so Chris' can afford to have more chemo treatments and have a chance to live. The organizers of the event thought about bringing in some of the RHNJ to raise more money. According to The NY Daily News, both Caroline Manzo and Teresa Giudice were asked to appear. Both said they would only show up if they were getting paid to be there even though the place where the event is being held is 10 minutes from both of their homes. You know, when a local kid is dying of cancer and you can't spare ten minutes or thirty minutes or an hour because you want to be paid, that is sick. I understand if this was flying across the country or something, but it is a ten minute drive and you spend a few minutes helping one person get to live. You know if it was their kids, they would be asking every celebrity in the world to come help for free.


  1. I wonder if they wouldn't go if the other housewife would be there and then said no bc she was the second choice.

  2. Can you please post something about the Biebs visiting with the Milwaukee girl who has brain cancer? This happened yesterday before his concert here.

  3. Another reason for me to not care about these "housewives" people.

  4. Hey, you guys support these people by viewing their programs and buying things they promote and talking about them. If this truly disgusts you, stop.

  5. @mscool: i saw this news!nice kind act

  6. greedy selfish bimbo's

  7. Not me Chris, all these Real Housewives shows are disgraceful! I'm a REAL housewife! These are just rich (or apparently in some cases, wanna be rich) bored women who seek fame.

  8. Did it actually happen with Froedert on lockdown?

  9. This story is a bit of a strech, the article says the fundraisers did not hear back from either of them.
    Then a "friend" told the fundraiser that they don't apperances wihtout being paid. Whos to say that they (housewifes) even knew about it?

  10. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Ummmm, they don't HAVE to do it if they don't want to. Why shame them?

    1. Anonymous7:52 PM

      DISCLAIMER .......This comment is directed at the article itself and the organizers of the event, NOT the posters or Enty personally. M'kay? Thanx.

  11. I bet Christian Bale and a few others would buy their own plane tickets and hotel rooms to help.

    I think Theresa is pure evil, but I'm not even sure I should blame someone with a forehead that flat and small. She's basically the missing link, a walking money that can talk.

  12. Do they have twitter? Facebook? Let the hate begin.


    People quickly forget who they are and where the hell they come from way too quickly. Taylor Swift sends frickin' hand written notes to people she meets backstage at her concerts...these women are self involved pions who need to get over themselves.

  13. Yet another reason that I refuse to watch these selfish, backstabbing ho's on TV:( I don't care who you are...if you can't take half an hour out of your day to help a dying child, then you are a complete waste of air. I feel sorry for their kids...can you imagine growing up with that for a parent??

  14. @fancyscreenname

    A boy is dying and people refuse to inconvenience themselves for a couple of hours and you need to ask where the shame is in that?

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      It is rude to bad mouth them because they don't want to participate. RUDE..UNPROFESSIONAL ..IMMATURE. Shall I go on?

    2. Unprofessional? Fancy, no one here has to be professional, this is a gossip site and you are responding to another blogger, on a gossip site. Why do you expect to not be offended on a gossip site? Rude? Grow up. Immature? Ridiculous.
      These two broads are lucky to be famous and their fame is fleeting. One day they'll be thrilled for the exposure of something like this because the world is already closing in on 'couldn't give a shit less' about them. Yes, I'll be rude too. These two has been twats should be thrilled to participate. Look at Gary Sinise and Christian Bale and Justin Bieber, Kate Middleton. If you can't give of yourself to help someone out who is *dying*, screw you. Of course they know, it's all over the news. Time to do something about the bad publicity. But don't worry about it, ladies. Some random stranger on crazydays has got your back. You're the Don Quixote of Reality Television PR.

    3. Unprofessional? Fancy, no one here has to be professional, this is a gossip site and you are responding to another blogger, on a gossip site. Why do you expect to not be offended on a gossip site? Rude? Grow up. Immature? Ridiculous.
      These two broads are lucky to be famous and their fame is fleeting. One day they'll be thrilled for the exposure of something like this because the world is already closing in on 'couldn't give a shit less' about them. Yes, I'll be rude too. These two has been twats should be thrilled to participate. Look at Gary Sinise and Christian Bale and Justin Bieber, Kate Middleton. If you can't give of yourself to help someone out who is *dying*, screw you. Of course they know, it's all over the news. Time to do something about the bad publicity. But don't worry about it, ladies. Some random stranger on crazydays has got your back. You're the Don Quixote of Reality Television PR.

    4. Anonymous5:26 PM

      WTH are you talking about? Shaming Teresa and Caroline for not doing the event is unprofessional, rude and immature! U need to READ carefully before u launch into a tirade, honey. My original comment was MY OPINION about the article. Please go away.

  15. Someone asked Caroline about this on twitter. she said jt is not true.

  16. I don't watch the show, I don't have cable. They have infiltrated my life somehow though.
    I think it is a travesty that they call themselves Real Housewives. A Real housewife WOULD support a local dying kid.

  17. They both have children. How do you not think of your own child dying and recognize that if you needed the charity of others you'd be seeking it and hoping for generosity, as well? Also, I can't see the logic in asking to be paid for an appearance at an event that is trying to raise money for this family. That's money you're essentially taking out of the needy family's pocket. How bizarre.

  18. Did the boy even want to meet them? It sounds like the parents wanted to make money off of them and shame them for not attending.

  19. Karma, while not always swift, will be brutal for these two!

  20. I'm a fan of the show but I don't think highly of the women. That said, I need more details to form an opinion about this.

  21. Doesn't surprise me about Teresa but that really changes my opinion about Caroline

  22. why would anyone expect any generosity from narcissistic no talent reality stars?

  23. I don't think celebrities have to support everything they're asked to participate in. hopefully they have a few things they support fully, but you can't be all things to all people. Besides, this sounds a little fishy that someone who's child is dying has time to talk to the Daily News. But if it's true they're assholes.

  24. Sounds like a bunch of crock to me.

  25. Huh. Sounds like we need more details. Manzo's people said she was never contacted, and Tre's people didn't respond. That isn't proof that they absolutely refused OR asked for payment. I'll reserve my judgment on this one.

  26. Of course they would deny this

  27. OBAMA CARE....




  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Yeah I find this a bit odd. Not to defend any of the Housewives but they get asked to do a LOT of stuff. If they did this for free then they would be shamed when they didn't do every other fundraiser that asked them to appear for free. Kind of a lose lose situation. I know a lot of celebs that have this same kind of universal policy so they it doesn't seem like they're favoring one charity over another.

  30. Can't focus on text.

    Mezmerised by hairline.

  31. @ Maja - every time I see it I mentally try to force it back with my "hand"!

  32. They are in no way obligated to participate. We have no idea of the details or the number of similar requests that they field. Do you expect them to comply with every request? I feel that, to expect them to donate their time, regardless of the situation, is ridiculous.

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Thank u, I agree.

  33. another reason not to watch their show... disgusting

  34. @ Maja & @ Amber - what if she got bangs? Do you think it would help or hurt? If I were her I would just never wear it up. Unfortunate.

  35. OMG - like Michael K says - that Geico-cave man hairline is killing me!

  36. This is the problem with these stupid reality TV "stars." They think because they are paid to live their "every day" lives out on TV that they have to get paid for every little thing they do. I am sick of all these stupid shows and will not watch or support them.

  37. I'd like some more background on this--both Teresa and Caroline and Jacqueline have done a lot of charity work in the past--this doesn't sound right to me--they are too high profile right now with the NJ finale just airing to do something like this when it would be easy to participate in some way.

  38. The story is not true. A reporter asked somebody involved with RHONJ /Bravo and the person stated they get commercial fees for an appearance. That grew into the nonsense posted in the NY Daily News and that is where this post came from.

  39. Hope the little boy can contuine to get chemo & hopefully recover. Of course when something comes out like this all of them deny it. I would hope they would both be more gracious and use their celebrity to help a sick child, I certainly wouldn't hesitate, if it was me.
    Why all the hate? We can all come here and state our opinions, maybe I don't like yours or you don't agree with mine, but really why GAF?

  40. What I want to know is what the hell is a 6 year old doing watching any of the Real Housewives crap??

  41. FWIW, Teresa commented on her blog today or yesterday and stated that she absolutely knew nothing about this event. I believe her. She does a LOT for charity, as does Caroline. (I don't even like Caroline, but the truth is the truth.)

    I hate to say this, but I hope the parents or their associates weren't saying all of this just to stir up attention for the event. It deserves attention, surely, but not like this.

  42. Although I would like to look down on these woman I really can't. If we looked in the mirror there's alot of good we all can be doing in the world that we don't do. If anything we should use it as a moment of self reflection and do what we can.
