Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bubba The Love Sponge Says Hulk Hogan Knew He Was Being Taped - Thinks Hulk Released Tape

I have no doubts that Hulk Hogan knew he was being taped when he made that sex tape with Bubba The Love Sponge's wife. Hulk had been living in the house for months and knew the setup and also knew that Heather Clem liked having sex with men and recording it and that Bubba shared the tapes with friends. Hulk was also not the first celebrity to be in bed with Heather and be recorded. Hulk would have known that so when he says he was shocked he was being taped, that is crap. Now, on his show yesterday, Bubba said that he would not be surprised if Hulk was the one who released the tape. I don't think that is possible. How did Hulk get the tape? Bubba would have said he gave it to Hulk. I just don't see how Hulk could have got it to release it.


  1. Who were the other celebrities?

  2. I don't know, I doubt Hulk called the FBI on himself. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew he was being taped, but I don't think he wants anyone to see that particular experience.
    The way Bubba has responded to reports of the lawsuit, I'd say all roads lead back to him.

  3. Ugh!! I cannot believe anyone cares about this one iota!!!!! Total crap, and now im done and will be ignoring sll future weeping and wailing and nashing of teeth.

  4. Gawd, what a sordid story. I glad I live a boring life.

  5. In going with Sarah's points, Bubba has been awfully vocal about this. I'm still on board with the theory from yesterday that they're all colluding to try to get a big pay out. I wouldn't watch that mess for free, and didn't watch the posted clip. Not sure how they think they're going to get $100M.

  6. I'm still trying to figure out WHO would watch the tape. Maybe in 1984 when Hulkamania was a big deal, but now?

  7. Yup--I said yesterday too. Smells like collusion, with the happy side-effect for Hulk, that he has temporarily freed himself from the jaws of the public's ambivalence toward him.

  8. Wouldn't Hogan have to prove his reputation was damaged by the release of this tape? Cause his reputation couldn't get any worse after some of the crap his son has done. As a juror, I'd give him $1.00 and a sneer.

  9. I heard both interviews on Howard Stern and I think everyone's lying - so ridiculous.

  10. If at any time I'm friends with someone named bubba the love sponge, I'm clearly also wearing crocs & sweatpants and my life is over. Take me out to pasture.

  11. Im surpised he can get his dick to wok with all the roids he injected. Bitch got some tittehs!

  12. I agree, Hulk on Howard Stern was totally hamming it up about how he was "crushed" and "broken" and this was the worst thing that ever happened to him...really? Big press right before the first TNA wrestling event, and everyone is talking about your thermos d*ck? Doesn't sound too bad for an attention hound like you. Though obviously, the guy wasn't putting on a show in the tape...the first thing he says after the act is how fat he feels because he just ate before going over to the house!

  13. I hope the sex tape is released because from the footage I saw it looks HILARIOUS this is some kind of publicity stunt from all those involved. Howard Stern, Hulk, and bubba are all in on it and all will benefit with ratings and more money. they are all SICK but I am very disappointed in Hulk Hogan I loved his vh1 reality show and how he was a great dad to his kids and showed Linda love its sad how his life has been in shambles since. His new wife looks like his daughter creepy. now a sex tape. I wonder whats next? guess he'll be joining scientology.

  14. Personally, I believe that every celebrity sex tape that's ever existed has been released by the celebrities themselves and that all this "the tape was stolen! Who did this?" crap is BS.

    All of them, every single one of them

  15. Hello? Isn't it obvious? Bubba, Hulk and that whore are working together. Kim K "fought" the release of her tape too. ;) wink wink.

  16. According to The Wendy Williams Show..
    In the video Bubba was heard saying to his wife, "we can sell this if we ever want to retire"

    So yeah, Hulk is not the scum bag in this instance.

  17. gross.
    next story please!

  18. I listen to Bubba's show. If anyone else does too, they can tell that Bubba is very sarcastic and self-depricating. Bubba said Tuesday that when he said that (about releasing the tape), Hogan was in earshot. Plus, if Bubba was the one who released it, wouldn't he have edited it to where that would be out of the video? Bubba also said how HOGAN was hounding him for a year or two to have sex with Heather, saying how Linda had cut him off. In the press conference (on the courthouse steps), Hogan's lawyer said how Bubba gave Hogan permission to have sex with his wife. Doesn't that sound like Hogan was the one who wanted it?

    Plus, Hogan has talked about it in every television/radio show he's done, when he's supposed to be talking about TNA.
