Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Britney Spears Is Always Being Watched

In what seems straight out of a Tom Cruise relationship, Britney Spears has all of her phone calls monitored and all of her time spent online. Radar says that her handlers say it is done for Britney's protection. At what point do you think Britney says enough and just walks away from it all? At what point does she say she just wants to move to an island and be left alone and not have to make money for others. That is basically what she is doing. Britney Spears has made enough money to keep her and her kids rich and her grandkids rich. At what point do you say enough and let her just live her life. I'm not saying she goes back to Britney 2007-2008, but how about letting her go back to Louisiana and just get out of the spotlight and be who she wants to be. I might be the only one in the world who thinks this, but I think at some point she is going to snap and everyone is going to look back and say they should have seen it coming and isn't it so sad now. She lives in a jail. A legally controlled jail and the only thing she is allowed to do is make money for others. How much fun would that be for you?


  1. I agree she should have more freedom in her life but she has a serious mental illness and if she allows herself to become manic again then it may be more difficult to get back to a healthy baseline afterward.

  2. I heard a teaser on the radio yesterday that she lost the boys to Kevin, but missed the story. Any work on that?

    IDK, I think a part of her craves the fame/attention and she may be harmed just as much by being removed from it. And perhaps the monitoring is to keep that Sam person from contacting her.

  3. I think if she wasn't under the conservatorship that she'd be in a really bad place. I do feel bad for her because she truly doesn't look happy, but it really does seem to be the best choice.

  4. I don't really think she craves the attention and fame so much as it's all she knows. I think most likely she's being controlled and lied to by the people who make money off her. I don't think they would allow her to be aware that "walking away" is an option, let alone let her do it.

    1. I agree with you. In an interview she was asked if she thought 'all of this was weird'. She rreplied, 'weird? This is all I know.' I think that she has been a cash cow for others for way too long. Her handlers are afraid if she finds anything different than the world they have created for her, she will leave. If she was that mentally ill, I would think that the people who care about her would pull her out. They make it seem like she is on the verge of total madness. And if that is true, then why is she freakin working? I don't know Britney, but I think she is the saddest person in the world. And it
      Akes me cry everytime.

  5. I think I saw on one of her shows or interviews or something that she wishes she could just be on an island alone with her kids and her significant other, if she found one. I agree with enty, I think they should bring her out of the spotlight, even just for a while, and let her be a mom and enjoy her kids and her life.

    She might be ill, but the spotlight, pressure, and constant demands that come with fame are definitely not helping.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I don't know, it's hard to judge because we don't know all the details. Obviously she's in a better place than the times she was going around with Shady Sam but to be this closely monitored can't be good for any person. I hope they can find a happy medium where she can have freedom and be healthy.

  8. 2006

  9. Anonymous6:33 AM

    A A few years ago South Park did a Britney episode and I think they were pretty dead on. It made me very said for Britney and I think of that episode every time I read a Britney item.

  10. I went through a few years of that (gave my partner and parents my email passwords and agreed to let them go through my things and drug test me if I acted weird or if they just wanted to be sure I was clean) and it helped me. It wasn't fun, but "fun" is doing tons of drugs and being a sleazebag for some of us. I'm a huge Britney fan, and her uniqueness is worth preserving, in my humble opinion. If that takes some supervision, so be it.

  11. We don't know just how ill she is, she may need the constant supervision.

    1. Exactly what i was going to say


  12. she's bi-polar they know what they're doing

  13. The interesting thing to me is that her 'work' is performing, in one sense or another. So, she should be allowed to 'work', according to the courts, right? Maybe they should set policy aside and think about what is really good for her (if they are going to the extreme of having conservators, they should follow it through and make sure she is 'safe'). She needs to be away from all of this, and in the care of somewhat normal people. This whole situation really is so sad. I was never a Britney fan, but I'm sure not in favor of her going this direction. Very different than Lohan, I might add. Britney needs help. Where is her mom (and dad?) in all of this?!

    1. Well 'ol Daddy Dearest is the A number One ''Handler''. She is under his conservatorship.

  14. I'm surprised that she's put up with it for as long as she has. Maybe she has a mental illness and maybe she doesn't. It wouldn't be the first time that mental illness has been fabricated as an excuse for rapacious relatives or others to obtain and maintain control of someone with a lot of money. The idea that she's (presumably) taken Jason Trawick into her bed and may marry him because her father approves is just plain creepy on an epic scale. And even if she does genuinely have a mental illness, she's still a grown woman with every right to live her own life. There are millions of people who are clearly more mentally ill than Britney can possibly have been or may still be walking around free and unencumbered by anyone or anything. There is no valid reason that Britney should be treated any differently.

  15. Let's just all take a look at that picture.

    I hope that she is never in that place again. I understand wanting to sensationalize the monitoring as a way of controlling Britney, but it's also a way to protect her. Britney had some pretty awful people around her during that period that probably wouldn't think twice about trying to eke their way back in to ride the Crazy Britney Money Train.

    Sadly, she has a pretty severe mental illness and I would rather see her internet and phone calls monitored than to see her running around with Sam and Adnan, barefoot at gas stations,trying to protect herself from the paparazzi with an umbrella.

  16. We've all see the mentally ill people who wander the streets because there is no safety net for them, no one to take charge and give them the help they need. Britney obviously has some sort of mental illness and is fortunate enough to be receiving the help she needs. While all the work may not be her idea, it's entirely possible that without the help of these people, she'd be a lot worse off than she is, perhaps even to the point of running away, living on the streets, etc. It's a tough job to find the ideal balance. I'm not saying some of the people around her aren't using her, but she needs more help than a lot of us.

  17. Oh, Britney's definitely mentally ill. And no, she's not getting better and nor will she get better. You're not the only one who believes she's going to blow one day, Enty. She's certainly being "handled", but it's debatable how well.

    1. What makes you sure of that? Hundreds of thousands of people have bipolar illness of varying degress and for many of them it is undiscernible to the regular population. @Cee Kay you make it sound like she is a bell tower shooter. Perhaps her problems is simply she is emotionally fragile (and none of us know what she has or which bi polar condition she has, if that, or meds..) and forced to be in the spotlight because she is easily manipulated and needy. She's had to become dependent on people, whether by choice or force we don't know. She seems timid doing basic stuff and maybe thats only because she's been undermined constantly by people questioning her sanity. That would be crazy making. None of us know if she will get better or not, but I am stupefied anyone would say she 'will never' get better! That's ridiculous. Bipolar disorder is not an aggressive terminal disease. Of course she has a chance. What melodrama. She's a sad girl in a shitty situation. That's all we really 'know.'

  18. ITA. People on her gravy train just can't get enough. That economic model always ends badly. There is no endless growth. There is always an end. Pick your number and get on with life. Brit should be in a quiet place where she can live peacefully and enjoy life. She has more than enough money to do that.

  19. Cee Kay, sounds like you have some scoop - care to share :-)???

    I agree with Barton, et al - sometimes this is what it takes to help someone. Only a person with true knowledge of the situation can say whether the monitoring is warranted or not.

  20. i agree that it would be nice if she could go somewhere away from it all and just chill but maybe... that's not best for her. I mean, yeah, she's rich enough she never has to work again but hell I know I would get bored in just a few weeks. How well would a very mentally ill woman handle decades of boredom? Perhaps this is just a way of keeping her busy? A show like X Factor (or is American Idol? I can't keep em straight) is a pretty low-key job and keeps her occupied.

  21. See, that's my line of thinking, too, Hazel. Giving her a sense of purpose with someplace to be every day. She might not know what to do with herself at home every day. Lots of normal people feel that way, too.

    Maybe we need to tip her off to the ultimate time-consuming hobby - CDaN addiction :-). Problem solved!

  22. She is probably better off with the monitoring - she was left to her own devices and we all know how that turned out! She seems content to have things the way they are - if they were keeping her locked up in a padded room then everyone would be complaining about that! She is productive and is living a healthy life! So I think it is in HER best interest in the long run!!

  23. They managed to put her on the most restricted parole possible without any sort of criminal trial. Sentenced to dance and sing about liberty & licentiousness and then back to her nunnery.

  24. I was a mental health professional for several years and had clients with MI/CD volumes more severe than I presume her to be. Yes, they needed assistance and support handling their lives. Many were so disabled by their diseases they could not work at all. But not a one had their phone callsonitored.

  25. In another 5 - 6 years, no one will care about Brit Brit. She will be considered old and they'll start making fun of her like they do Madonna. For some reason, you hit a certain age in this country when you're in Hollywood...and you're no longer desireable. Then she can be free all she wants...and she'll probably want all the attention back.

  26. If she is so fucking seriously mentally ill, then why the hell are these people making sure she's working her ass off for them? I'm not buying it for one second, I think it's disturbing what's going on (I also can't stand that the first thing everyone wants with Amanda Bynes is also a conservatorship, what the hell is going on in Hollywood that everyone immediately suggests taking away the independence of adult women? When has anyone immediately said Oh Yeah do that to the guy celebrity.)

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Right on. It's sickening.

  27. Just my two cents, but I do believe she's truly bi-polar. A lot of the control aspect likely has to do with ensuring she takes her meds. Seems like she sways manic and likes that feeling when she's off her meds....its a total high. In terms of her internet/phone control, probably helps keep her from buying houses every 5 minutes like she did in her past.

  28. I think she should be set free, leave hollyweird take her kids, be a scruffy soccer mom, and live off of 500g a yr in a small LA towm.

  29. Omama, I agree! Get her out of Los Angeles (baaaad place for mental stability!) and take her back to the country.

    Britney, honey, you are welcome at my folk's place in Pinehurst, North Carolina anytime. Some good Southern cooking and a lemonade on the porch while the kids play outside would do her a world of good.

  30. here's a thought.

    If she's so "mentally ill and in need of supervision" then what the fuck is show doing on my tv twice a week?

    you can't have it both ways.
    That arrangement guarantees she will never have to testify in cases FOR or AGAINST her.

    I don't think Brit is in any imminent danger anymore. I think she's just fucking lazy and doesn't want to deal with any of the "boring" part of her jobs and likes leaving that to her husband (yes husband) and her Dad.

  31. NO. she is being protected from fuck tard sam lufti. I really feel that keeping her working is the thing that's keeping her from "snapping." projects like x factor are what she should have been doing since 2004. I'm so glad she finally found a way to work, in her field, without performing. I do agree that she can stop with the half ass albums, dancing, and videos yesterday, but I thinking taking her out of her schema at this point would really have nasty results. let her play judge for a while, then move away, out of the spot light, and open a dance studio in a small, southern town somewhere.

  32. NO. she is being protected from fuck tard sam lufti. I really feel that keeping her working is the thing that's keeping her from "snapping." projects like x factor are what she should have been doing since 2004. I'm so glad she finally found a way to work, in her field, without performing. I do agree that she can stop with the half ass albums, dancing, and videos yesterday, but I thinking taking her out of her schema at this point would really have nasty results. let her play judge for a while, then move away, out of the spot light, and open a dance studio in a small, southern town somewhere.

  33. She appeared with Simon Cowell on a few talk shows over the last couple weeks & she acts like a zombie from Night of the Living Dead. Her eyes are dead, except when they show terror at not understanding a question from Jimmy Kimmell. She let Cowell answer all the questions & would stare off into space as Cowell & Kimmel traded jokes. Then they did a Newlywed Game skit & she was completely out of her depth. I agree with Enty, let her go somewhere far away from show biz & lead a quiet life. It's like exploiting a child almost.

  34. I agree w/ you, enty. I have always felt sorry for her. I think she was happiest w/ k-fed and her boys. then when that rape rumor cam out i thought here we go...it just went downhill from there.
    you said you had dealings w/ her enty, why don't you contact her and suggest the island idea?
    she may just go for it. however, if any of her "camp" would get wind of the plan the may just institutionalize her.
    so sad. i do feel sorry for her.

  35. She's seriously, seriously mentally ill. (And that's just my assumption, no inside knowledge here!) And she already did snap, what do you think 2007 was but her snapping? Obviously her life right now isn't as great as it should be, considering her talent and early success, but I honestly believe she's better with the conservatorship that without. The mental illness is her barrier to a happy life, not her family. If she was just some broke girl you knew casually, who went off the rails like she did 5 years ago, the consensus would be that her family was doing the right thing and keeping her safe. But because she's famous and rich, the consensus is "Oh, they're just taking her money! If they really gave a shit they'd set her free!"

  36. she's gonna die

  37. What we're seeing is the effects of her being medicated. There is really no way for us to know her 'true diagnosis', but we can simply comment on how she appears to us now. And she appears to be extremely drugged/sedated, compared to how she used to act before. Not just in her freak out period, but she was always giggly, playful, tossing around that hideous laugh, etc.

    Like many others here, I want to give my opinion on what's going on with her, but I have no inside knowledge. I have a good friend who's bi-polar and his 'manic' episodes are very much like her freak outs. Honestly, he bought TWO Land Rovers a few years a back, both off ebay. Why TWO?! Because he was in a manic state and there were TWO available on ebay! No other reason, seriously.

  38. They don't, apparently, listen to her phone calls, so the monitoring is not as bad or as intrusive as I first thought:

    "Britney's cell phone and internet use is restricted and heavily monitored, and this is done for her protection," a source close to the situation tells Radar. "Britney's father, Jamie, and her fiance, Jason, want to make sure that her former manager, Sam Lutfi, isn't able to contact her. Britney and Jason essentially share a cell phone, and it's routinely checked to see who has been calling. Furthermore, the cell phones have been programmed to block calls from phone numbers associated with Lutfi. Brit's computer usage is also restricted in the sense that certain websites are blocked. Her family doesn't want Britney reading negative stories that would upset her. Again, this is all done with love and for her well-being."

    It sounds smart to limit her internet usage; she's very fragile and god only knows what she would do if she stumbled upon the comments here. Her father might not be managing the conservatorship in the right way and making the best decisions for her but he is doing it for the right reasons.

  39. They don't, apparently, listen to her phone calls, so the monitoring is not as bad or as intrusive as I first thought:

    "Britney's cell phone and internet use is restricted and heavily monitored, and this is done for her protection," a source close to the situation tells Radar. "Britney's father, Jamie, and her fiance, Jason, want to make sure that her former manager, Sam Lutfi, isn't able to contact her. Britney and Jason essentially share a cell phone, and it's routinely checked to see who has been calling. Furthermore, the cell phones have been programmed to block calls from phone numbers associated with Lutfi. Brit's computer usage is also restricted in the sense that certain websites are blocked. Her family doesn't want Britney reading negative stories that would upset her. Again, this is all done with love and for her well-being."

    It sounds smart to limit her internet usage; she's very fragile and god only knows what she would do if she stumbled upon the comments here. Her father might not be managing the conservatorship in the right way and making the best decisions for her but he is doing it for the right reasons.

  40. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Britney wasn't mentally ill like everyone here is positive she is, but she was just plain dumb?

  41. if only it was that easy. britney is a product of disney, she is an MK'd monarch. she had D.I.D. she has compartmentalizations, her mind is so fractured its a systemized computer full of code words, triggers, personas etc. alot of them are like this. dont believe me? fine dont. PROJECT MONARCH slave

    1. I believe in all of the Monarch Programming stuff. For real.

  42. @lc, when she replied 'weird' it was a trigger word for her. 'break up and spasm' was the trigger word for her, in which "spinning" of her personalities took over, which is why a child-like voice said, 'hello'

    diane sawyer britney spears

    1. Riiiighht, Brown Lori, what you're saying is Britney is the Manchurian Candidate. Gotcha.

    2. Brown Lori, I have seen that interview, but the one I was talking about is after she is medicated, the one after her breakdown. But I have seen the Diane Sawyer one and that made me believe in the Monarch Programming and MK Ultra.

    3. @Brown Lori, I have to admit, I thought you were an illuminati referencing conspiracy theorist. Butttt, I just looked up Monarch programming which I never heard of before. (I do not fear or even think of the illuminati, imo its ridiculous, ot.) That's freaking terrifying. Thanks for bringing it up-i was looking for something new to read about. I get your signs/clues in her behavior...but who do you think did this to her? Sam? Etc... more details. Even if you are wrong it's still a fascinating theory. Are there any other current suspected monarchs in the news that show that the program may not have died out in the 70's?

  43. I think she's mentally ill AND dumb as hell. A person can be both.

  44. I think the mental illness story is a cover-up for her severe drug and alcohol addiction. They don't want her going back to that, so they monitor the ways should could connect to the old friends and dealers: phone and internet.

  45. I think the mental illness story is a cover-up for her severe drug and alcohol addiction. They don't want her going back to that, so they monitor the ways should could connect to the old friends and dealers: phone and internet.

  46. Two words: Amy Winehouse.

    Two more words: Lindsay Lohan...

    And I could go on and on. We've all seen what happens when mentally unstable and/or drug abusing celebrities go into a downward spiral, where they wind up. And when they do wind up on the street or dead, everyone always says "if only the people around them had done more to help them & not enabled them..."

    As far as I can tell, this is the exception to the rule - for once, when a celebrity was in a downward spiral, the people around her actually stepped in, got her help, and are (apparently) doing their best to keep her from sliding back to where she was five years ago.

    Where would she be now if they hadn't?

  47. reason 101 why i dont like her manager Larry and why Jason Trawick is a douche!

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Monica

    Severe drug and alcohol addiction is mental illness.

  50. Is she the answer to the blind about becoming addicted after dating someone for two weeks?

  51. OT, everyone asks 'where's Shelley' all the time, which I get, but my question is, where's Vickie Cupper (sp)???

  52. How terribly sad for her. I'm with Enty on letting her out of the limelight. #BritFanForLife

  53. One problem for Britney: Kevin has custody of the kids. She just has visitation rights, which he granted because she got it together. And K-Fat isn't gonna leave LA. She will have to stay in LA if she wants to see her kids, period.

  54. Poor London, that baby pup was dragged around with Brit Brit at the peak of her issues. I always wonder what happened to him. Just like that cunt Paris's nameless horde of dogs from that era, where are they now? Hope they found good forever homes, but I doubt that. More likely by how they were treated, something much worse. :(

  55. I guess at this point she has to make enough money not only for herself, her kids and her grandkids, but for her father and "conservator fiance" to retire extremely comfortably. $58 million isn't enough for all three of them to do this. So Cash Cow Britney will have to keep on working to fund everyone.

  56. there is lots of information out there. psuedo occult media is a good site. google that. fritz springmeier has a book, 'how to build a undetectable mind controlled slave'

    they are born to be bred and turned into stars. they have many different personalities for this. also, beta programmed sex slaves. its alot to take in. there is alot of information out there.
