Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bobbi Kristina Confirms She Is Engaged To Her Brother

The whole world knew it, but clips from her new television show confirm that Bobbi Kristina Brown is engaged to her brother turned boyfriend, Nick Gordon. This is not going to turn out well. At all. If Bobbi was smart she would run away right now. This is going to be the most volatile marriage since her mom and dad actually, but way more intense. The entire family freaks out when she tells them on the show. They should freak out. It is a horrible decision and not just because he is her brother. Also, if you watch the trailer of the show you can see that Bobbi seems wasted out of her mind in every scene.


  1. All that is missing is digging up Whitney and dragging her around like Weekend at Bernies.

  2. Oprah will now have another opportunity to intervene with genuine heartfelt emotion by inviting Bobbi Christina back on her talk show to discuss this unsurprising turn of events, as a cross promotion for both their shows. Because Oprah really cares- about trainwrecks that drive ratings up. As always ; M

  3. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Timebob has nailed it

  4. @timebob, yes it is like the sadness of the death of The Other Patricia; Oprah wasn't able to get a second reveal of another secret sister, because reanimating a corpse is still not possible. as always ; M

  5. Too funny timebob!!

    I have a friend who is obsessed with Whitney- he refuses to believe she was a crack head and insists that everything is a lie.

  6. @timebob - good one!

    As for Bobbi Kristina - somewhere in the Constitution, there's the right to be stupid. And she chooses to exercise that right.

  7. @rej - what a cuuuuuuuuuuuuute av! She's smiling!! :)

    @timebob - I just pictured Whitney's corpse in a conga line. Hah. THANK YOU.

  8. Gyahh. I won't watch this one. Girl is flat-out fucked UP.

  9. @M, what's this? I knew there was one secret sister, saw her. There's another too?

    Oprah's Mom is/was just all kinds of messed up.

  10. Hahahaha @ timebob!!!!

  11. The ancient Egyptian royalty practiced incest. Why not New Jersey pop star dynasties, too?

  12. In all fairness it isn't her "brother,"can we just stop saying that!? Was he even legally adopted by Whitney? I agree that it is probably not a good idea for them to date however that headline is misleading. My parents took in plenty of my brothers' friends because of various situations and althought I've never dated or even thought to date any of them, I consider them more like family friends than siblings.

  13. Anyone else annoyed by Enty's insistence that they are brother and sister? I know they were raised together, but they are not related in any way. Lots of people marry step siblings, who legally have even more of a relationship than these two. I feel like he is writing that headline just for the outrage factor.

    Still a bad idea and gross though

  14. Lol Dija Star, jinx

  15. Unfortunately, given her surroundings growing up, she thinks chaos is normal everyday stuff. We'll be reading about the turmoil in this relationship for years to come and it'll get reported simply because she's Whitney's daughter. And, like Lohan, it will always be someone else's fault or she's being "misunderstood". SMH. I want to hope for better for Whitney's daughter.

  16. This is pretty heartbreaking, frankly. I think it's pretty awful and very sad and it just...ugh. So sad.

  17. I want to know more about what Enty knows about them. Which one is the volatile one, or is it both of them?

    Agreed that they are NOT siblings, and Enty should stop saying that.

    1. For one they got into a huge argument two weeks ago and he totaled his car.

  18. I remember getting icked out when I first saw "Clueless". The part where Alicia Silverstone's character Cher develops romantic feelings for her ex-stepbrother Josh (Paul Rudd). Even thought I knew they were not genetically related, they still had a brotherly-sisterly teasing going on.

    But the movie made it seem romantic that I bought it.

    That being said, I hope BK runs away and that her family withholds her inheritance until after they divorce.

  19. that's opiate addiction. slurring, perpetually spaced out...another young person poisoned by their parents.

  20. So Greg and Marsha Marsha Marsha Brady finally paired up.

  21. Quit calling him her brother. He is not her brother. You make it seem worse than what it really is.

  22. lol @ LA Mac, you read my mind :-)

  23. The only thing I see wrong with this is they are both waaayyy too young.. if they still feel the same way at 30 then what's the problem...they are not related at all......but hey that's just me
