Monday, October 08, 2012

Blind Item #4

If you think Paris Hilton and her hatred of all things black is bad. There is a female celebrity out there who is way worse. So, bad that she does everything she can to avoid even touching a black person. Instilled into her by her parents, this former A list tweener has said things that would make her a poster child for the KKK.


  1. That's just Miley being Miley.

  2. Anonymous9:45 AM

    How is this automatically Miley?

  3. Eh, I don't know about this being Miley.

  4. This is off topic but Jennifer Aniston's ring has finally surfaced on popsugar and that thing is humongous. People should never have that big of a ring but hey if you've got it, flaunt it. I aint even mad. Just a tad jealous lol.

  5. As much as I'd like it to be Miley, she did touch Flavor Flav and didn't seem to have an issue with it.

  6. Racism is based in ignorance and stupidity and Miley has both of those in buckets, so I support the Miley vote too.

  7. not so sure I'm on the Miley train

  8. It's not Bynes because she has been dating Kid Cudi on and off for awhile.

    I think assuming it is Miley is too easy. Just because she is southern and brash doesnt make her racist...hmmm...I think it is someone less obvious. I would say Jamie Lynn Spears but I doubt that Britney is a die hard racist and they clearly share the same parents.

    This is a toughie!

  9. i don't know how she could be Miley whereas Miley worked with black peoples

  10. Aren't there pictures of Miley pretending to lick a Big Black Cock Cake? Or were those 'Shopped?

  11. Melissa Joan Hart? didnt she have a former employee accuse her of being racist? hmmmm

  12. I don't think this is Miley... maybe Miranda Cosgrove?

  13. Chelsea kane. I can't recall ever seeing her with a black person. Even her new show doesn't have a black person.

  14. @skimpymist - Are you talking about Baby Daddy? It has Tahj Mowry on it. Tia and Tamera's brother. He is half black.

  15. Not Miley...she just dislikes them now for mixing her up with Gwen Stefanie!!

  16. Whoever it is I feel sorry for's their loss.

  17. Enty, never ever reveals these so I don't care.

  18. Melissa Joan Hart. That chick is EVIL!!!!!

  19. @Worstcompany - the only topics that Enty refuses to reveal involve outing people as being gay or being victims. I'm pretty sure this one is fair game for a reveal.

  20. I like the Melissa Joan Hart guess, this isn't Miley.

  21. oh shoot forgot about taj

  22. So what's the scoop on Melissa Joan Hart? I didn't know she was a supposed mega bitch!

  23. Not Miley. Her bodyguard in Hannah Montana was Roxy, and Miley and Bill Ray showed a great deal of affection for the character. The storylines with Roxy were some of the better shows. My kids used to watch HM all the time, so I was forced to watch it...

  24. Agree not Miley. I like the MJH guess. She's awful.

  25. I like the MJH guess, but the black employee who was suing her for racism was a manager at the candy store Melissa owns. If she does everything she can to avoid even touching a black person, then why would she hire a black person to manage the store? I agree that she's a racist moron, but I'm just not sure she fits for *this* racist moron.

  26. I like the Jaime Lynn guess, isn't her dad a "violent racist" ??

  27. "Cathy said...
    "...I'm pretty sure this one is fair game for a reveal."

    @Cathy - In 2017.

  28. somehow the image of Kyra Sedgwick sprung to my mind. Maybe because I can't stand her but I can imagine that she's such a type of person.

  29. I don't know about MJH. Even though it's old, Donald Faison played her love interest briefly on Sabrina, and I believe there were smoochies. She was a producer and totally could have ixnayed it. And this is just conjecture on my part, but on one of the final episodes with the Quizmaster character from season 2 she had more chemistry with him than the entire Harvey thing. I was fanning myself it was so hot.

  30. This is Melissa Joan hart, google told me so

  31. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Big Black Cock Cake... funniest comment of the day award for sure. HA!

  32. Britney? Definitely not Miley.

  33. Britney dated (ahem, fucked) Columbus short for a minute and he's definitely black. I knew a few other black guys that slept with Brit Brit...not her. remind me to tell you guys the story if her using a music video as a cover to go get an abortion one if these days.
    not Miley either...she has black girl friends. I'm thinking Hilary duff

  34. A list former tweener? Could this be Sandra Dee or Haley Mills? They were huge tween stars back in the day.

  35. I'm on a flight. Sorry for the numerous typos guys :'(

  36. "remind me to tell you guys the story if her using a music video as a cover to go get an abortion one if these days."

    Ummmm can that day be TODAY pleeease?

    1. Haha! Ok. a few years ago when Britney was still HOT she was scheduled to do a video shoot with snoop dogg. she got pregnant right before. I don't think her handlers or her were sure who's baby it was could've been k fed or any 4 other guys at the time. She HAD to get rid of it. So they decided that she would 'get hurt' during filming so she could get to the hospital for the abortion unsuspected and be checked in with a real problem if anyone started snooping. her dumbass actually ended up fucking her knee up foreal instead of just molding banging herself up as planned. This abortion ruse cost production several hundred thousand dollars. google Britney hurt in snoop video. I tell no lies. Lol

  37. Who r u talking about @thresher

  38. Nice scoop H'wood! And whoever this is, is stoopid!

  39. I'm guessing Britney Spears. She has that back water, dirty clothes, no shoes type of racism.

  40. My first thought was Miley but she was pretty decent to Flava despite the fact that he called her Gwen Stefani. How embarrassing was that?

    @Hollywood Dime - yes, please spill!!

  41. Thanks for the scoop Hollywood Dime!

  42. Thanks @Hollywood Dime!

  43. I wouldn't be surprised if this were Hilary Duff, I grew up in the same suburb of Houston that she did and have heard some pretty nasty, first hand encounters with her. She was known gor giving blow jobs to any and everyone at camp Longhorn and has a reputation for being one giant vagina word. I have fond memories of prank calling her parents house in fifth grade...
    Then again nothing I just said backs up any racist claims, but people in South Texas can be really backwards sometimes. I have heard some shameful, shameful shit come out of peoples mouths down here.

  44. If Reese Witherspoon is a celebrity tweener then it's her. Maybe there are a bunch of them. Tweeners, weiners and Has beens. It's possible they have parties celebrating their whiteness. They even have contests on who has the whitest teeth, carpet, furniture, etc. BLARG! Yuck!

  45. If Reese Witherspoon is a celebrity tweener then it's her. Maybe there are a bunch of them. Tweeners, weiners and Has beens. It's possible they have parties celebrating their whiteness. They even have contests on who has the whitest teeth, carpet, furniture, etc. BLARG! Yuck!

  46. Definitely Melissa Joan Hart. She nd her parents have not even tried to hide their racist behaviors.

  47. @crapbag "Tweeners, wieners and has-beens" mwahaha! This should be a new show on VH1!

  48. I was gonna say Brooke Hogan, until I read A list and tweener. Hookah is probably 45 by the looks of it.

  49. It said "celebrity" not actress or singer. I think Miley/Britney/Jamie Lynn are fine with black people. As for Reese Witherspoon, I certainly would believe she is a racists despite her VERY serious make out scene in "Freeway" with Bokeem Woodbine. Maybe it is one of the Reakity Show people. Most of them are scum and using Paris Hilton as a comparison makes me think reality show.

  50. We know it's not a Kardashian.

  51. Google 'chloe moretz interview november 2011'

  52. There is no way this is Miley. It says the racism was instilled by her parents, and Billy Ray Cyrus is not a racist. He may be a fame whore but he's not racist.

  53. when did miley work with minorities?

  54. I don't think it's Reese. Michael Strahan (sp?) was just talking about the time he recently met her. Apparently she gave him a big hug and told him that she has a crush on him.

  55. Mentions Paris H, whom Britney used to party with. Brit for the win!

  56. Mentions Paris H, whom Britney used to party with. Brit for the win!

  57. Well, Miley (and her family) used to attend a predominantly African-American Baptist church in Pasadena, so I doubt it's her. But stranger things have happened.

  58. It's default Miley because her parents are from Appalachia, hence, southern, hence, racist.

    Typical of blue state bigotry.

  59. The Appalachian states of Kentucky (where Billy Ray is from) and West Virginia were Union states, hence not really southern. Also, because they have, or used to have, a lot of coal mining they tended to have strong ties to the democratic party because of the unions. I think Billy Ray is actually a democrat. But I agree that a lot of people assume Appalachians are racist. I'm from Appalachia and I'd say that people don't seem any more or less racist there than anywhere else.

  60. Billy Ray's family are all Democrats. I once met his father, who was a big-shot in the Kentucky AFL-CIO. Democrats all the way.

    Anyway, I think this blind is Brit-Brit. I have read that her father is a big-time racist. And where they come from, on the Louisiana/Mississippi state line, is very, very racist. I am from Louisiana and I know that part of the world well. I know that for a while, she had black stepchildren, but I still think that it is Brit.

  61. I wonder if you are all so eager to jump on totally unfounded guesses because, deep down, you are quire racist themselves?

  62. I'd say either Hilary or Haley Duff or Chloe Moretz. When the Duffs first came to H'wood, the mother was heard saying lots of nasty stuff about minorities, blacks in particular. And Chloe Moretz was overheard calling a supermodel a n***er lover at fashion week earlier this year, because the model had bf/husband of African descent.

    Please God, let them say something to the wrong person, so they can get their asses kicked, and kicked good.

  63. ugh, racism is soooo lame.
