Monday, October 15, 2012

Blind Item #4

This B list actress who shuffles between television and movies has one hit for every five bombs generally but is still very well known and works constantly. In the past few years she has become very outspoken about lots of issues and has become so intense about it that her husband went and found someone else who was much less intense. Our actress likes to pretend that her husband is still at home and living with her and their kids and sets a place for him at the dinner table and just tells the kids he is late. They also somehow seem to miss him every morning when they wake up. He just left for work. Seems kind of creepy to me.


  1. Well, that's one way of handling it...

  2. katherine Heigl's children would be too young for that surely, isn't one just a baby.

  3. OMG Enty with these VIDEOS screaming at me everytime I open the site????!!!! wtf?

  4. For no reason whatsoever, Jenna Elfman popped into my head. I don't know if she has more than one child or not tho. And she is $cientology too, for what that's worth.

  5. Cue the accursed ad block plus conversation again in 3...2...

  6. @jetfuelgenius: as a genius you will solve that ... :)

  7. @discoflux -- I can handle the "ad block" over the "betty white" answers...

  8. @disco I'll take the bait.

    Firefox + AdBlock Plus extension = sanity regained.

  9. As I'm researching on DM, I see there's a post about Katy Perry & John Mayer. So, I'm sure we can expect that soon. ;)

  10. Fine, Amber. I'll leave an epilogue, then. ;P

    You can also use Chrome + AdBlock Plus. The End.

  11. Yes, we know there are a lot of ads, videos, etc.

    We installed AdBlock.

    ALL my frequently websites work better now, not just CDaN.

    That is all.

  12. Adblock isn't limited to Chrome or Firefox, I think it works with all browsers. I use it on Safari.

  13. Adblock = "Serenity Now - Serenity Now!"

  14. sarah michelle gellar

  15. Personally, I hate Betty White. I would love one nasty blind to be about her.

    Yes, I know I'm horrible.

    1. You are not alone! I'm the president of team Bea Arthur. :-D

    2. You are not alone! I'm the president of team Bea Arthur. :-D

    3. You are not alone! I'm the president of team Bea Arthur. :-D

  16. I like the SMG guess.

  17. plus Ad Block Plus is free!

    and this blind item is totes creepy... it's a bit like Miss Havisham, you know?

  18. Though the clues may not totally fit, this screamed GOOPy Paltrow to me.

  19. I was just reading up on SMG to see if she's involved in charity work (she is), and I see that she's a black belt in taekwondo. FP Jr. had better tread lightly! Also, I hope this isn't them since they just had a new baby. Not that I hope for it to be anyone.

  20. I think if Betty White ever wanted to endorse an AdBlocker life would be perfect!

    About the blind: maybe Alicia Silverstone? My hubby would leave me if I pre-chewed my kids food.

  21. I'm guessing that it's not so much that she "likes" to pretend that he's still living at home, but rather she's keeping up appearances for the sake of theirr kids, in hopes that he'll change his mind.

  22. I was thinking Jessica Alba since she founded the Honest Company and it's all about eco-friendly items for babies. She's always posting about chemicals and environmental issues on Twitter.

  23. @kelly - I really like that guess!

  24. I think enty ought to cool it with the sleazy and intrusive ads. It must be driving people away. Most people won't hang around to ask or find out abt adblocker. When I encounter sites like this, I assume its a crappy site with possible malware dangers. The only reason I keep coming is bec I never see the "real" site...I always access it on my iphone, which is blissfully simple and ad free.

  25. Sarah Jessica and Matthew

  26. "B list actress who shuffles between television and movies has one hit for every five bombs generally but is still very well known and works constantly. In the past few years she has become very outspoken about lots of issues and has become so intense"........Alicia Silverstone?

  27. Ad Block changed my life and I highly recommend it for those who are suffering with intrusive ads.

  28. I could definitely see this as SJP. She works constantly...though she doesn't ever have any hits.

  29. Guys, AdBlock is NOT free. It's shareware.

    Shareware is something for which you send money if you like it. The developers depend on your honesty.

    Give the developers a break and send a few bucks their way.

  30. i like the SJP guess.

  31. Hi. What is "DM" and "DMC"? This is the second set of comments with the "DM" abbreviations. I've been gone from CDAN for a while and must have missed this. Thanks.

  32. @chigirl - Ashley Judd was my thought, too.

  33. children? So, I guess she's out.

  34. I read it as Ashley Judd

  35. I like the SJP guess

  36. Does Ashley Judd have kids? I thought she didn't...

  37. @ Lynne Ray - it's the "Daily Mail Code". There's a theory that the answer to any Enty blind can be found in that day's Daily Mail pics.

  38. @Audrey. Thank you!

  39. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I really like the Jessica Alba guess. She is very into the environment, even spray painting in Oklahoma City and getting in trouble for it. That's pretty intense I guess. Two kids...

  40. I'm with the Alba guess

  41. lol sorry, didn't mean to ignite the dreaded adblock thread...I actually have adblock, pop-up blocks and I'm on safari on a mac which blocks pretty much everything...but I can't get the videos embedded in the page to stop playing at volume 11 everytime I refresh the page.

    my solution was to mute my speakers. Done and done!

    liking the GOOP guess but I'm still thinking it might be someone with a bigger tv presence?

  42. what do ya'll do, just pick a name out of the air? ashley judd has no children, Sarah Michelle Gellar just had a baby. This is someone with kids old enough to actually notice that Daddy's not there. What actress does both movies and tv and is involved with politics or a "cause"?

  43. SJP or Jessica Alba. Both have kids who are old enough to notice Daddy (in Alba's case one would) is not around. However, did Alba shuffle to TV lately?

    And for the love of God enough with the Betty White answers. I'm starting to picture her humping dogs and shit from these blinds...

  44. Enty should fix the ad problem as it hurts the site revenue. Us viewing the ads is a defacto way of supporting the site's free content (cause really nothing is free, there is a cost even if its just something flashing in the corner of the screen).

    Allowing btrusive ads results in people either not visiting the site or using AdBlockers which cuts off the source of revenue for this site and many others. Any blocked ad is a hit credit the site doesn't get. So where possible, disable the adblocker on your favorite websites as a show of support to keep them running.

  45. GOOP... She's being outspoken about being a douche bag.

  46. Poor Goopy is the answer for every blind out there. Her or Lohan

  47. I can never guess these, but immediately I thought this was Julia Louis Dreyfus.

  48. JLD'S kids are old teens-think they might not be so easily fooled and her husband is on board with her activisim plus she's all tv and pretty successful there. I like SJP and Ferris.

  49. jen garner and ben a.

  50. I could see this as SJP or Goop.
    Paltrow is outspoken in that she wants to tell us how to live (rolls eyes).

    BTW, thanks for recommending Ad Block. It and no script have made my FF run much better.

  51. SJP: Also interesting, and I don't think unrelated, that "her husband went and found *someone* else.

  52. Jetfuelgenius - In Adblock you can right-click on any picture or video, then block it. It gives you the option of blocking that one specific thing, blocking all the ones like it from the same website, or blocking everything from that site.

    It looks like this. You can choose some or all to go:

    You can also stop flash videos without AdBlock. Right-click on the offending video to get the Flash menu, and choose Settings. Click the little picture of a folder. It should give you something called "Local Storage." Turn the slider down to zero. That stops all the videos from the ad website being played.

  53. I doubt it's SJP and Broderick. I live down the street from them and see him out with one, or a few of their children, very often. Granted, I never see them together with their children.

  54. Super late to the party on this one but Patricia Heaton popped in to my mind, I haven't googled so dunno if she's done movies but I seem to recall that she has... But I do know she's become quite politcally active with the reublican party and has pset people at times with her views. Plus for some reason I could just see her doing that...

  55. That's why crazy broads raise damaged kids.

    I am currently turning over a new leaf and created a new motto: Bitch on med, just get head.

  56. i don't know why, but Susan Sarandon came up for me
