Sunday, October 21, 2012

Blind Item #4 - Easy Easy

This former A list female tweener is working on a new record. She thinks it is going to be a huge hit. No one working with her believes it at all, but they are happily taking her money every day she works on it. When she wanted to do a cover of a Henry Rollins song, it took two hours to get through one complete take because everyone was laughing so hard that she was trying to do the song.


  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I've got to go with Miley for this one.

  2. Assley Simpson, song Liar

    1. Oh please baby Jeebus let it be Asslee. She's such a star fucker for fame. I just want her to fail even more that the SNL debacle so everyone can see what a loser she is. My dream would be to see her actually doing real work and actually supporting herself and her multiple children.

    2. Doesn't she only have one son ?

    3. @Cam, yes only one for now but I see her getting pregnant again to "catch" a famous actor this time.

    4. Wow you'd think you guys would know her personally. I don't like her but you guys sound irrational.

  3. Omg I need to know bc I want to laugh at a tweener covering Rollins too!!!!!

  4. Totally Miley. She thinks she's so cool bc she's aware of 90s rock and Nirvana is her "favorite band." please let this see the light of Henry Rollins can give her shit for it.

  5. she's just being Miley!

  6. I'm trying to keep the thought of Miley and her chimpmunk voice doing any Henry Rollins song. AGGHHH MY BRAINNNN STTTOOPPPP!!!

  7. The next time we hang out, I will redeem myself. My heart can't rest 'til then!!

    Ooohhhhhh I, I can't wait to never see you aggaaaiiiinnnnnnnnnn.

    Sorry guys, got a little carried away following up @Gabby.

  8. Jsierra I love that song lol

  9. I go with Miley as well. Daily mail has a picture of her smoking outside of a recording studio.

  10. I hope they release it and everyone laughs at her hahahahaha

  11. Miley recently covered one of his songs in concert.
    If she has the balls to actually try to sell it, I hope she has the stomach to listen to his opinion of it. That guy can be pretty frank(brutal)

  12. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Miley Cyrus.

  13. I thought she said she was done with music and only concentrating on acting though?

  14. It's Miley. She's in the Daily Mail today taking a smoke break "between recording sessions on her new album".

  15. I hope she records it, it sells a billion copies, and Rollins makes enough in royalties to buy a castle on the moon. I love that guy more than anything (named my son after him.) I still dream of him showing up on Dancing with the Stars.

  16. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Rollins is a totally overrated douche, and I'm not just trolling here. He was the worst thing that ever happened to Black Flag, his poetry is for shit, and his acting is just as bad if not worse (Lee Ving acted circles around him on C.H.I.P.s. AND on CPO Sharkey, ha ha.) Henry Rollins is like this dumbshit fratboy-type who decided one day to be "edgy" and punk. Fuck! Did you ever see that episode of The Andy Griffith Show, where Goober grew a beard and started acting very intelligent and professorial (while failing miserably?) THAT'S Henry Rollins. And if Miley wants to do a Rollins song, not only will the surreality factor be totally awesome, but I'm willing to bet she'll actually do a better version of it...

    1. Lee. Ving. Rules! Let's hear Miley pull off FEAR.

  17. I love Henry Rollins and if someone covering one of his songs means more people get introduced to him then I'm ok with it.

  18. Damn Thomas - don't hold back! To be honest though, Rollins is my least favorite Black Flag singer as I've always had more fun singing along to Chavo and Keith Morris. He may be better than Dez though, who I find atonal and nearly unlistenable - and I think Darby Crash has a great voice! Henry is definitely the best State Of Alert singer, though. Hands down.

  19. It's JLH. She tweeted a pic of herself with Randy Jackson in the studio yesterday.

  20. It's JLH. She tweeted a pic of herself with Randy Jackson in the studio yesterday.

  21. Anonymous12:41 PM

    @Ingrid ha ha ha okay yeah maybe i was a little harsh. but i really don't like rollins. of course, if keith hadn't left flag, we wouldn't have the circle jerks. so something good came of it. i just remember seeing black flag with rollins in the mid 80s (i was drunk for most of the 80s, so i can't be more specific, ha ha) and the audience was just FULL of fucking jocks, ha ha. even at the time (the mid 80s) i thought of flag as kinda jock-punk, frat-punk. music for date rapists, ha ha. but whatever. rollins and his sloping, gorilla-like steroid-looking forehead irritate the piss outta me...

    1. Up the punks!!! Here we all are on CDAN! Haha

  22. Anonymous12:43 PM

    oh my fuck...if it's really JLH then i am TOTALLY THERE...she can do no wrong in my book...

  23. I really love that I just found my peeps here... Hi, @Ingrid! I still have a lot of love for HR but i agree with you. Hope she covered Low S.O.

    Think Miley was photographed in a Flag shirt recently. Or some other shirt she had no business wearing. Yes, I'm an asshole like that.

  24. I really love that I just found my peeps here... Hi, @Ingrid! I still have a lot of love for HR but i agree with you. Hope she covered Low S.O.

    Think Miley was photographed in a Flag shirt recently. Or some other shirt she had no business wearing. Yes, I'm an asshole like that.

  25. I gotta feeling it's Miley. (Though I think her favorite band is Radiohead... go fig).

    I also think Rollins won't be as brutal as you might think. After all, everyone in the music industry loves Billy Rae, right? :)

    I certainly hope it's not JLH. She seems sensitive and covering a Henry Rollins suicide poorly would probably make her suicidal or something.

  26. It has to be, it's Miley! She was on Chelsea this week, or last,? listing all the gentleman that are helping her on her new record.

    I love Henry Rollins, he is the only old man that I want penetration from.
    However, in order to cover his song, she would have to get permission and that should make the bebe Jesus cry that he would give his OK to it.
    No one wins in this instance.

  27. I'm going to go with Hilary Duff. I'm positive I saw an article about her on one of the gossip websites recently saying she was going back to work.

  28. It says "Former" A list you guys, as if she used to be a A list, Miley is still A list IMO. Probably Hilary Duff.

  29. It says "Former" A list you guys, as if she used to be a A list, Miley is still A list IMO. Probably Hilary Duff.

  30. HR was one of my first concerts and I ve always lusted after his sun s chest tattoo but wisdom comes with age and he seems like a douche to me

  31. I can't buy it being Miley. The blind says "taking her money". Like her or not Miley has sold a *lot* of records, more than enough that the record label, not her, would be footing the bill.

  32. I read this as Demi Lovato. Did the majority of people over the age of 18 even know who she was when she was picked for X Factor? Her voice is blah and her music is terrible. Once she's done with X Factor she will fade away. But I read many times how she can be very bitchy and think's she's all that.

  33. "Driving the other day I heard a Black Flag song in Miley's voice.
    Little voice inside my head said don't look back you can never look back"

    Ataris by way of Don Henley, modified slightly.

  34. My guess is Mile Cyrus.

  35. @MrWolf -- Radiohead is probably no longer her favorite band because they dissed her (and Kanye) by not agreeing to a meet and greet with them during the 2009 Grammys. Thank god.

    Apparently the rejection made her cry. Boo fucking hoo.

    I love the fact that Miley thought she'd be able to "ruin" them after that (her word -- not mine).

    But even better were the band's responses:

    From Radiohead's publicist (though I suspect the band did greenlight it even if they didn't admit to it): "When Miley grows up, she'll learn not to have such a sense of entitlement."

    From Thom: "Wish us all a safe journey," Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke blogged. "If you still like us and you're not one of those people I have managed to offend by doing nothing, xx."

    Outside of the melodies, It's stuff like this that makes me adore bands who don't suffer fools (Radiohead, Foo Fighters (though they are subtle about it), Superchunk, Fugazi, and a handful of others.

    And I cannot wait for Hank to rip on this. He'd better or I will no longer brag about seeing him in sweaty little black shorts with Black Flag, oozing masculinity, in 1985.

  36. (as if that would matter -- ha ha)

  37. @Kayla m. studavent said...
    It says "Former" A list you guys, as if she used to be a A list, Miley is still A list IMO. Probably Hilary Duff.

    IMO, Miley will never be A list and certainly is not now. I can see that she might have formerly been an "A list tweener," but not an A list adult now, that's for sure.

  38. Off to google Henry Rollins, feel stupid I never heard of him

  39. Loving the comments here. Just saw Rollins again on his latest spoken word tour earlier this month. Boy did he get grey. Still hot as hell though. Please, please let it be "Liar". Miley, I really identify with you so much!

  40. Miley covering Rollins? What next? Avril covering the Dead Kennedys? Britney covering "Institutionalized?"

    Wait, that would be funny as shit.

  41. @Thomas Lee Ving rocks.....and so did Fear!

  42. Lee Ving was also in Clue the movie as Mr Body!

    Also I concur that he seems like a jerk now...but he's still Henry Rollins.

  43. PS. I agree that it's Miley.

  44. I'm going against the grain here and high-fiving Miley or whoever for having enough intelligence to seek out and appreciate music that has more substance than the norm.

  45. I never thought I would hear about Lee Ving on this site! Clue is my all time favorite movie! Seen it close to 350 times'

  46. Anonymous12:23 AM

    oh my god...i've been looking at youtube videos with lee ving as the subject...he's so old now...there's a video of him from 2009 and he looked like a little old a straw hat, like a little old clockmaker or cobbler in need of elves to help him meet his shoe quota...WHEW...anyway, on a lighter note, look up "We Destroy the Family: Punks vs Parents 1982" a l.a. tv news's sad how lame the parents were. but the kids are almost as bad, ha ha...check out "rhonda"...and "todd" (!!!) ha ha ha...thank god the 80s are over with...nostalgia only gets you so far in life. i wouldn't trade my life now for any amount of schaefer beer, speed, flannel, engineer boots or punk chicks...

  47. When you cut your hair and it makes CNN, you are a list.

  48. I love Henry Rollins and IMO, he didn't ruin Black Flag. Punk has little to nothing to do with poetry. I was a huge fan back in the day. Still am.

  49. gotta be Scarlett Johanssen

  50. I've listened to Henry Rollins on a bunch of long-form interviews, and he is so very impressed with himself. Creep.

  51. Please let this be Miley. Watched 2.5 men today (which I regret everytime because Ass-stain Cuntcher is terrible) and she was guest starring. She was supposed to be the hot chick. But gooooooood let me tell u, her hair looks like a friggin cockatoo, she has a huge butterface and was just too annoying. She was even more annoying than Ass-stain, and that is not even possible in this world.
    Let this be her. PLEASE.

    (Yeah I am sorry, I feel like bitching)

  52. Thomas, I had to go youtube the documentary you referenced b/c I too LOVE Lee Ving, who would have thunk we are all loving on Fear, Black Flag and Circle Jerks on CDaN, love it. Yes I want to see what Tod is doing these days, he and I obv had our signature dead weezle look going in the 80's.

  53. Anonymous6:21 PM

    At the risk of sounding condescending to the aging punks out there (though certainly not meaning to be) who might've missed out on some great movies, I'd suggest the original "Decline of Western Civilization". Also "DOA" (the documentary, not the crime drama) and "Suburbia" (the 80s one, not the shitty late 90s movie of the same name with um giovani ribisi maybe?) and "Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains" (or something like that title) and "Breaking Glass" and "Out of the Blue" (Dennis Hopper, Linda Manz) and um that's all I can think of :)

  54. Thanks for the reminders/suggestions, @Thomas... and not condescending at all. I'd love to rewatch Suburbia to see what I stole from it.

    Actually, you just gave me a great idea for a holiday gift for the husband -- DVDs of a handful of 70s/early 80s punk movies. Yay! Thanks again!

  55. Unless Avril or Miley are nude and bent over w/ buttcheeks spread, I really have no interest in either.
