Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Blind Item #3

This A list television actress on a hit network show has her under 10 daughter on a diet. Well, actually more of a specific amount of calories she is allowed to ingest each day. The daughter is already skinny and does not have an ounce of fat on her. At school, the daughter is teased because she always eats a salad with no dressing. She told her friends that she eats like that because her mom said that boys don't like girls who are fat.


  1. How sad, not even 10. I see body image issues in her future.

  2. Um. Wow. There are no words. I want to rant about this, but just. No.

  3. That lady from Modern Family. The skinny, non-Queen of Blow one.

  4. So so sad. I hate this mother.

  5. Julie Bowen from Modern Family only has sons.

  6. Oh Amber, that's a really good guess! I've always gotten a huge bitchy vibe from Julie Bowen. It wouldn't shock me if she was teaching her daughter that

  7. Oh, okay. NM then! And yes, that's her name. I have sinus monsters taking over my face so my ability to recall things is shoddy at best!

    1. Amber, not Libby right? What's up with the pic?

  8. I think Vicki will agree that CUNT can be used appropriately here.

    1. If Vicki doesn't, Lauren will.

  9. This is sad, another young lady that will see healthy as being fat. Not to mention that she is doing this for *boys* not herself. Her mother is hazardous to her health.

  10. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Yes, this woman has earned the cunt moniker.

  11. How old is Teri Hatchers daughter?

  12. Is the show currently on?? I can't think of anyone that would make sense. Maybe the skinny blonde woman on Suburgatory? She used to be on Curb Your Enthusiasm.

  13. Amber, I appreciate you're having fun, but your pic is confusing me already. Can it be temporary please?

  14. Kids should not be put on diets or have to worry about their weight. This is how you get girls into anorexia and extreme dieting at an early age and to be obsessed with their weight. They NEED to eat and they need the calories to grow and shouldn't have to be thinking about dieting. They should just be allowed to eat and be allowed to be kids.

  15. Was thinking Courteney Cox too. Would Cougartown still be considered network? Or a hit? It started out on ABC, but is going to be on TBS this year.

    Teri H's daughter is a teenager. Otherwise I could totally see this being her.

    Anyone from the procedurals?

  16. From US Weekly this past summer:

    Her diet: The mom to Coco Arquette, 7, is rumored to be a fan of the blood type diet, based on the book Eat Right For Your Blood Type. While experts have warned that the fad diet's principles aren't based on scientific proof, the book promises weight loss if you stick to diets tailored for your blood type. Cox also says she follows a low-carb diet, drinks lots of coconut water, and avoids caffeine.

    Read more:

  17. Hatcher's daughter is about 14-15, so it's not her.

  18. Is Cougar Town really a hit though? It just moved to a different network

  19. Courtney Cox isn't on a hit network show - Cougar Town is now on TBS

  20. Way to damage your child, bitch, whoever you are.

  21. Cheryl Hines has a daughter who is about 8 years old...maybe her?

  22. @libby - of course!

  23. @Libby;
    I was just going to say - er have you changed your name to Amber?
    I saw that some Twihard nutter used my blog identity name a couple of weeks ago to post some rant about K-stew. I felt violated.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @Rox - it was a show of solidarity because there was more avatar fuss yesterday. If you check the CeeLo thread, Vicki suggested it needed a monocle and mustache and I hopped on it. :)

  26. The skinny, non-Queen of Blow one.

    Love this. She's also the Emmy Award stealer too, right? :)

  27. This actress, whoever she is, is wrong boys do like fat girls.

  28. Agreed, this actress has rightfully earned the titles of Queen Cunt of the Day. Or year.

    P.S. Just saw the Daphne thread. I really need to stop checking back here after 5pm. Armpits UNITE!

  29. Hi Amber,
    Sorry, my bad - just caught up on what's been happening.
    : )

  30. Oh dear. I think it's Cheryl Hines. Where to even start on how awful this is.

    Can I say, OT, that I think she is completely miscast on Suburgatory? I do not buy her as the love interest at all.

  31. Amber you can borrow this one! It's an actual job - (libby's) armpit sniffer.

    This momma is gonna mess up her sweet baby's head. Poor kid.

  32. There was a group of four sisters at my school and I the youngest in my class. Their mom messed them up do bad with body issues that she would not even eat her nonfat yogurt her mom packed in her lunch for fear of getting fat. She was eight.

  33. Thanks, miss dia! I just grabbed a different one. The dixie cup is hysterical!

    @joymama - that's so awful. :(

  34. Good grief this is horrid!

    I know a mom who is always on fad diets and has her kids follow along- all girls. Her oldest is built like her and has a naturally larger frame.
    It's sad because you know at least one of them will grow to have a love/hate relationship as a result of the dysfunction surrounding body image and food in their home.

  35. Cheryl Hines who is now raising Mary Kennedy's child?


  36. Gene Hackman never slaps the right people!

  37. Whoever the mom is should get together with Tom Cruise and they can have their own private No Cake, No Wine, No Coffee party and leave the rest of the world, and this poor little girl, the fuck alone!

  38. I would go with Cheryl Hines, she seems like she's had a lot of work done. Is Suburgatory a hit? I do enjoy it though. Agree with fijigrrl, CH is miscast as love interest.

  39. Slightly OT, but I can't resist - how do y'all feel about hair extensions for a 7 year old? And not a model or actress 7 year old, either, although that's plenty strange, too.

    It seems to send all the wrong messages about self-acceptance and body image. Guess it's ok just for fun, like playing with makeup, but seems like a slippery slope.

    And as far as this dieting child, it's all too common. Most little girls want to be like their mommas, and if momma is obsessed with calories and exercise, daughter will probably be, too.

    We ladies need to learn how to love our authentic selves! Rise up, sisters!

  40. Damn, and I thought Cheryl David was a worthless human being.

    On the bright side, it's entirely possible that once rebellion kicks in, the kid develops a pretty healthy lifestyle.

  41. Psychological and physical child abuse. Plain and simple.

    Growing children need protein and good fats, not just salads. Take the kid away.

  42. @Frufra - Are you talking glued/sewn-in extensions, or clip-ins? If it's for play and it's clip-in, I'm okay with that. When my grandparents would take me out to dinner, my grandma would let me wear lipstick sometimes and bring one of her fancy clutches. However, anything more permanent is a big, fat, no. I wish kids could just be kids nowadays. :(

  43. That kid needs to be taken away from her mother ASAP.

  44. This kind of crap makes me want to throat-punch someone and I'm not a violent person. I had eating disorders for 20+ years and it's now been almost 20 years free of the actual act of binging/purging and starving and blah blah blah. I fucking hate this crap!!! It breaks my heart to see people hate themselves and be so non-accepting of themselves. That shit stays with you: I'm almost 50 and though I'm not active in ED, I struggle with the body image to this day!

    @Frufra...I don't think it's right. What happened to natural beauty?! I feel rant-y now.

  45. @Dick who is Cheryl David? All I got was an immigration officer in NYC.

  46. Amber , IDK, but my hunch is they are permanent, because they were put in by a hair stylist. We shall see. This is a friend's child who is indulged to the max by a relative. I love indulging from time to time, but I don't like the implication that sweet little sister isn't cute enough just as she is.

    As you can see, I'm torn about how secretly judgy I should be :-p.

  47. I don't like it Frufa- but I'm one of the few moms who doesn't even like my dd wearing nail polish (many of her friends started in jk/sk) though I will allow it in a light colour for a special occasion or if she attends a spa party.

  48. @JSierra, Cheryl David is the character Cheryl Hines played on Curb Your Enthusiasm. I never much cared for her either, was glad when they had a good reason to write her out of the show. I think Leon is Larry's soulmate.

  49. Reeses, I feel that we could get together and rant about this for days on end! Body image is so delicate - we as parents and as a society need to handle our children with care!

    We are very selective about what we watch on TV around here, but the other night my kids saw part of The Biggest Loser, and instantly started commenting on how exploitative it is. And then my 11 year old son, not 5 minutes in, raised up has shirt and said, " Is this too fat for an 11 year old?"

    Just a few minutes of viewing that mess, and he was questioning himself!! Words and images are powerful! We approach food issues strictly from a health standpoint, period.

  50. Don't know who the mom is but she is a bitch. First, she shouldn't have her daughter on a diet. Secondly, why would the mother think a girl under 10 needs to worry about boys? Or any age for that matter. Seriously, fucked up priorities. Hopefully the daughter can grow up normal.

  51. @urban, it's hard for me to really know how I feel, as I only have boy children. But I THINK I wouldn't allow the makeup, etc., except for playtime, if I had a girl. But I'm far enough down the parenting road to know it's almost impossible to say what you'd do unless you've been there yourself.

  52. Frufra - Boy little guy! That's horrible. I didn't know it was back on again.

    Agreed, words and images are powerful!

  53. Actual hair extensions for a seven year old is fucked up unless she has an unfortunate hair disorder but it sounds like she does not.

    I agree these things should be for playtime but not normal human time.

  54. Typing failure - that was supposed to say POOR little guy. Obviously he's a boy!

  55. Yup, she's a cunt. Mothers are supposed to be a safe landing spots from all the crap the world spews at kids. Mommie dearest much?

    When my daughter was little our family dr suggested having her ears pinned (too lazy to google the medical term). I was appauled as we were there for a totally unrelated issue & the ear pinning was unsolicitated & shallow advise imo. Now that my daughter is an adult, she's pissed at me for NOT having it done when she was younger & to make hindsight worse, we will now have to foot the entire bill as she's older than 18. I told her I stand by my decision because it SHOULD be her choice & I also didn't want to set my wee girl off on the wrong track about her beautiful self. So,sometimes as a mom, you just can't fucking win.

  56. @mygeorgie - It is a really tough call to make. I had chicken pox really bad when I was 3, and it left a lot of scars. There were a bunch on my forehead, and when I got to school age I was teased about it all the time. I cried about it to my mom for years, because it happened through middle school. The summer before high school, my mom took me to a plastic surgeon and he cut the scars out and sewed them back together so they'd be finer linear scars rather than little pits. I am so thankful she did that for me. Now no one even notices unless I point it out.

  57. ...Laughing to myself as I realize I almost ate an entire bag of gummy bears while reading this comment thread about dieting.

  58. Anonymous10:15 AM

    On the men want skinny girls..on the radio this am, Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee were slamming Kim Kunttrashian and Jennifer Lopez for being fat. So, see what caliper men you get by starving yourselves, ladies!

  59. Totally OT, but by 10 1/2 lb newborn is now seven years old. She has been off the charts in both height and weight since the day she was born. Her doctor and I have been extra careful about how we handle and discuss her numbers in hopes that she doesn't grow into an eating disorder.

    She's been on a 'diet' since she was one year old, when I switched her to 1% milk instead of whole. She went many years before she had traditional junk food. She had no idea what she was missing. She was healthy and active yet has been labeled obese her whole life.

    Mean kids at school call her fat. Trying to combat that has been challenging. Last week at her 7 year checkup her doctor praised her for how healthy she was and how her body had grown up perfectly. God do I love her doctor.

    The actress mother from this blind needs parenting classes.

  60. Thanks for the info re Teri Hatchers daughter...and sorry for the time between my comments. I lurk all the time but cannot keep up with the site when I am at work.

    My 7 yo came home one day and announced he needed to go on a diet but wouldn't tell me why. It took me two days of talking to him about it to finally realize that it was because his pants from the previous year didn't fit one morning. I spent a significant amount of time explaining how we grow and now that I know he is sensitive about this, I try to keep an eye on things he might see/hear on tv about this. My point is that it takes work to make sure your kids are healthy and happy and it disgusts me that someone would intentionally set their child up to have body age issues.

  61. @Jules345, I gave a bag of my daughter's old clothes to a neighbor girl. They were pretty pricey clothes in very good condition.

    One day I heard the girl tell another girl that she was wearing my daughter's old clothes because my daughter was too fat to wear them. That's the last time I ever give that kid anything.

    Good job with your son. It's not easy but it's important.

  62. Thanks @JJ....and your neighbors kid sounds like an ungreatful brat, I would give the clothes to goodwill before giving to them again.

  63. Amber, what a great story & you have a beautiful mom because she waited until you asked for help. Cheers to great mom/daughter teams :)

  64. What a fucking cunt whore piece of shit.

  65. I don't have a problem with little girls wearing clip-in extensions or a bit of makeup when they're playing dressup, but permanent extentions? Only if the kid has actual problems w/hair loss, and even then, you have to be careful; if your hair is too fragile or fine, extensions can pretty much just rip it out of your head and leave you bald. Besides, if they do all of that stuff now, what will they have to look forward to when they're older? (I still remember my first lipstick--I was 13/14 and convinced myself my mom didn't notice it. Ah, youth...)

    I've heard of parents being so paranoid that their kids will end up fat that they put babies on diets and give them only nonfat milk, veggies, etc., which is crazy--little kids need a certain amount of fat in their diets because they're growing so fast; their brains in particular need it. IIRC, a lot of pediatricians suggest giving your kid whole milk until s/he is around 2 (YMMV, of course). Most chubby babies lengthen out into ordinary-looking kids by the time they start kindergarden anyway, so what's with the paranoia?

    Is it just me, or does it seem as if Americans in general have no sense of a happy medium? People are either starving their kids to be skinny, or else feeding them all kinds of junky crap--whatever happened to a good, balanced diet with a little wiggle room for treats, and encouraging plenty of exercise, usually in the form of just running around and playing whenever possible? *sigh*

  66. It's not always parents putting kids on diets that fuck the kid up.

    My patents are LARGE. Not healthy large, but 'makes a sandwich before dinner, eats a double serving and snacks the rest of the night' large. I saw how it affected their lives and so changed me eating habits when I was young as they would serve me the same food in the se serving size.

    I did get paranoid, I did get obsessive. I have calmed down now. The weird thing is that they are strangely proud of my weight and make (sometimes) inappropriate comments about it. My mother told me once to come to church (they are religious, I am not) to show this woman she doesn't like how I am skinnier than her daughter. The night before my wedding I had a final fitting of my dress (mum made it) and she took it in a little too much - her comment was 'how did you manage to put weight on overnight?' And my last conversation with dad involved him asking me if I had sorted out a plan to lose weight - I am 8 1/2 months pregnant.

    So... It's not just putting a kid on a diet that can mess the kid up.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. if the kid is already over weight, then she SHOULD be on a diet. the blind doesn't specify, but you never know.
