Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Blind Item #3

This celebrity hip hop mogul has been in this space before. Our mogul has an employee that he hired out of business school. The job of this employee? He has created a database that includes every woman our mogul has ever slept with or wanted to sleep with. Every woman our mogul has met and gets a phone number for is entered into the database. When our mogul says he wants a blonde for the night that he has had sex with names pop out. If he wants someone that he has not slept with, names pop out. The entries are scary specific and being the mogul that he is thinks he can turns the whole thing into a new dating site and make a few hundred million more bucks.


  1. This sounds P Diddyish to me.

  2. How could this be a dating site? Unless he's pimping these particular women out to celebrities/hip hop moguls, then maybe.

  3. Russell simmons is my guess.

  4. Agree with Diddy.

  5. Or Russell Simmons

  6. Anonymous8:36 AM

    P Diddy for this one, because he's the only one arrogant enough to think that he can bottle a fart and sell it for millions. Russell Simmons is a lech but at least he's a philanthropist. Diddy seems like he's a Superdouche just to out douche all the other douches. Douche.

  7. LOL! Russell has sex with women?

    This sounds like Diddy or Fiddy.

  8. I wonder if any of those women were smart/confident enough to give a wrong number?

  9. I hate to say it but its pretty advantageous for that group. More secure & detailed, it's the new little black book. His buddies will probably pay money for that but no way could it be mass marketed. Guys doing what guys do. Ew.

  10. Russell Simmons.

  11. I love everything@CarmeliteLady just said. Ha!

  12. No way could that personal information be distributed to the public without the permission of the women in it.

  13. Yeah, Diddy. Brilliant in its douchiness. I wonder what categories are in the database? Certainly more than blonde/brunette/white/black, etc.

  14. I think he's refering not to the content, but how the data is organized, what the search parameters are, the user interface, etc.

  15. Flava Flav of course.

  16. these are such empty empty people living like this

  17. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Russel Simmons FTW

  18. What I want to know is, after this fresh-out-of-business-school employee is let go, how exactly does he list this job on his resume?

    "Created Access Database that marginalizes women with descriptive characteristics including, but not limited to: hair color, hair length, cup size, measurements, etc."

    How in the world can he talk about this position in the future? He'll definitely have to lie. (smirk.)

  19. @timebob, exactly what I thought. I feel sad these people. Sex is so much more fun with someone you love.

  20. I'm leaning toward Russel on this one.

  21. "bottle a fart and sell it for millions" - that was funny C.Lady !!!!

  22. Agreed with Agent..That was funny!

  23. This seems more like Russel than Diddy. Didn't isnt known to date and seek out blondes that often. Yeah there have been a couple, but blondes r more of russels type.

  24. Russell Simmons. He is a bajillionaire that can't be bothered with dating so he has this system to pick out a candidate to have sex with. The *winner* is so thrilled because she is thinking that he can further her career.

    And the thought that he can turn this into a marketable dating site? It makes me think of 'Eyes Wide Shut'

  25. I wouldn't call it a dating site. I'd call it a pimping site.

  26. This blind sounds realllly familiar.

    Am I loosing my mind or have we seen this before?

    P.S. How are all of our friends on the East Coast doing? Hope everyone is safe!

  27. Russell Simmons for the win. Diddly hardly ever dates white women whereas Russell is equal opportunity. All you hd to do was watch his show and see all the chicks he dated and favors he called in from old girlfriends for a fashion show.

  28. Well, the motherfucker sure is efficient.

  29. I'm with the Diddy guess.

  30. russell s. ftw.

    p. doody's database would include men, so def not him.

  31. lol ...Diddly is so gross...Chappelle's skit about him was right on!

  32. Fiddy cent. Diddy and Simmons like men.

  33. hmmmm, a couple of days ago there was a model / racist.... however I have to say I would never go near any of the hip hop / R&B crew, they put the crude into crew! Not racist on my side, just got standards none of them meet based on the various reports!

    1. So based on things you've read gives you a full scope of a person? nothing you seem in person. Just reports from an anonymous blogger. those same things are said about rock stars in general so would you not date a rocker as well based on things you read? It's annoying when people announce how they 'aren't racist but..' Well if you aren't just shut the fuck up with that. No one assumes you are.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. @ CarmeliteLady - you left out a douche

  36. How do u not know this is cheesy, tacky, classless, undignified, swarmy, disrespectful, low class behavior?

  37. P. Douche-y. How these asshats get women is beyond comprehension.

  38. it's def Russell Simmons

  39. You guys have to make up your minds. One day puff and Russell are gay the next they have Rolodexes of women at their beck and call! It's laughable. for my money it's uncle rush. puff doesn't really date non ethnic women. especially not blondes, that's Russ

  40. This is definitely Russell Simmons. He seems to be very anal.
