Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Blind Item #3

This reality host from a very hit cable show was overheard telling one of her friends that she will not date any man who does not have a net worth of at least $25M. As for sex? "There better be a very big gift involved everytime." I am actually surprised she had someone to share this with because she does not have very many friends. She is one of the biggest pains in the celebrity world and no one likes her or ever wants to work with her.


  1. Top Chefs Padma Whatsherface

  2. Yup, Padma. She seems like a complete bitch. I've never looked forward to seeing a person's looks fade so much.

  3. Patty Stanger (sp?) or whatever her name is that does that Millionaire dating show. Is that show still on? She seems like she wants to get paid for everything.

  4. first thought? Padma Blahblah

  5. Clearly Padma - it matches her dating history, and for someone as active in the entertainment business as she is, there are usually more celebrity friends to be had. She's always on her own, though. I could see her being a frosty bitch for sure.

  6. Uh, for the record, though - butchering her last name seems on the edge of racist in this context. If we can learn how to spell other weird last names, can we not say 'blahblah' in place of her ethnic, hard to spell last name? It just comes off bad.

    1. This comment seems to be on the edge of ridiculousness

    2. Funny, I thought the same thing about the person admonishing others over the use of "cunt." Oh hi, that was you.

    3. Lol all I said was I hate that word. Opinions !! Everyone has one !

    4. @em cue em are you one of those people that likes to throw around the racism card when you don't hear something you like or things don't go your way? This isn't school. If they don't want to spell her complicated name they don't have to. If u don't like it than go on the lameo page of perez hilton.

    5. I can't stand the c word as well.

  7. Padma. Cant stand her or the weird way she speaks. Professional golddigger that one.

  8. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I did not find the blah blah comment racist.. This board is full of people changing celebs last names- now its racist?

    1. Right. This is a gossip forum. We don't really have soapboxes to stand on.

    2. I hv a milk crate to stand on, lol

  9. Padma Lakshmi--not too difficult of a last name.

  10. Padmé Amidala

  11. That's ridiculous to call it racist. Either they don't know it (I don't either) or they can't spell it. Just like Arnold Schwarwhatever. Or maybe they don't even care enough about this person to know her last name (guilty).

  12. Definately Padma

  13. Stupid. If I can't remember a name I make it up. Doesn't mean I'm racist. Go cause drama somewhere else.

  14. I thought of Chelsea.

  15. I agree! making up a last name or saying "blah blah blah" is NOT racist! Find something real to complain about and go elsewhere with your complaints!

  16. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I too agree that saying Padma Blah blah isn't racist. Lakshmi isn't a particularly difficult name but still. She's also barely famous, and is just the pretty judge on the reality food show. I'm surprised everyone knows her first name.

  17. "Blahblah Lakshmi" seems to fit better; personally (not that I'm any beauty, mind you,)I don't think that woman is attractive at all.

  18. FTR I didnt know her last name! And only learned her first name when she was on 30 Rock! (Despite watching at least 2 series of Top Chef lol)

  19. padma dates billionaires and has a little more class than to say something out loud. her last billionaire boyfriend left her and her baby better than well off, 25 million sounds small. I think its chelsea handler who has been trying to fuck her way into the nyc social scene.

  20. She didn't say it WAS racist, she said it was on the edge of being racist. I don't believe Em intended to cause drama, she was expressing herself and what she was thinking whilst reading the comments. Don't jump all over her, she didn't call anyone or any comment racist.

  21. Not racist. I only know her first name, I would've blahed out her last name too. Even if it was Smith.

  22. Chelsea is BFF's with Jennifer Mrs ex-Pitt.

  23. I had no idea Padma was so unlikable! I always adored her on Top Chef. Ugh. Sometimes I feel like I learn too much here. LOL.

  24. See I am shocked by the amount of Padma hate on here. I think she seems so down to earth and funny and is a big stoner from what I hear. Anything I see her on she seems warm and funny. When she was on the post Emmy's Joan Rivers show she was really sweet and not snarky at all and had lovely things to say about everyone's dresses unlike the rest of the harpies on that show. She just happens to date rich rich men-U would too if I were her.

  25. I don't know, this strikes me as Tyra. She seems like she probably thinks sex is icky.

  26. Unfortunately, this site is on a fast course to hivemind-ville. My comment was a simple opinion, didn't attack anyone, and NEVER called anyone racist. Yet saying it, stating a simple opinion that was not crude, mean, or belittling, was answered with a resounding "STFU, go elsewhere with your opinion". C'mon, guys - am I the only one who remember how GREAT the comments on this site used to be? It used to feel like a community, and now it feels like every other online message board - spiteful and angry. Forgive me for thinking that if her name were Smith, or Jones, or anything very Anglo-sounding, the blah blah-type substitutions wouldn't be used. And forgive me for saying that it could be construed as racism. What if Mitt Romney were on national television and called our president, Barack Blah-Blah? It would take a matter of minutes before the internet lit up with cries of racism, or at the very least, racial insensitivity. It's all about perception, people, and I perceived those comments as verging on racial insensitivity.

  27. not Padma . she is very gracious, likable and fun .

  28. @seaweed - surely you're not referring to me? I don't remember ever having a discussion about the use of the word 'cunt' around here.

  29. I call Zach Galifianakis (had to Google that) "Zach Galfifjdkfadlfdkfjd". Is that racist?

    1. That is fucking hilarious.

    2. I do the same thing when I pronounce it!

  30. Em, I am also terrified to express any opinion on here anymore that isn't completely shallow. I don't get the attacks, either. Yours was just a comment. *shrug*

  31. So her marriage to Salman Rushdie wasn't an epic love match?

  32. I don't think there's any real criticism going on here. Someone said, "That's sort of racist," and a bunch of people were like, "Uh no it's not." We're making mountains out of molehills, people!

    For the record, I've always thought Padma seemed like a real bitch. Doesn't Salman Rushdie say as much in his new book?

    Also, I call M. Night Shaymalan "M. Night Shaymallamadingdong."

  33. If she's so hard to work with, Gail Simmons deserves an Oscar. Or they have a massive nondisclosure. Padma gets invited to be at/host a lot of stuff, and if she were this person I don't think she'd be invited back. She has worked on fashion/tv/ food for a long time. Sucessful people aren't always assholes. I think it's someone else.

  34. I like the Chelsea Handler guess. Padma dates billionaires, not millionaires.

  35. The comments in this blog are beginning to get a little out of control. We just need to take what others say on the internet with a grain of salt because it is the INTERNET. For all we know most of these comments could have been created by a bunch of nerd kids locked in their dark apartment jizzing in their pants at all the trolling they are doing in online forums.

    Anyways, it's a shame Padma is so beautiful if this is about her. Chelsea has too many friends for this to be about her and my girl Chels will smash no matter what, no gifts are needed.
    Tyra, on the other hand is so self involved that she probably thinks she is the sexual Dalai Lama and people should be required to shower her with lavish treats and scarves.

  36. Padma is pretty much a whore. She only bones crusty old billionaires. Good thing there are plenty of women out there who are half her age, twice as hot and much more down to earth.

  37. Do not think this is Padma, if she ever had a minimum net worth requirement for potential dates I'm quite sure it would be a lot bigger than 25mil cause a lot of her old bf's and her babydaddy were WELL off, like ridiculously wealthy.. Tho I do like the Chelsey Handler guess, same with Tyra. Would like to add Wendy Williams to the guess-pile just cuz we seemed to get stuck on Padma.

    I guess Em really hit a sore spot with asking people to consider their wording when commenting. I don't see the reason to go off on her for that. Some people actually jumping on the bandwagon and soapbox'ing about using the comments section as a soapbox, come on ppl! Whats so wrong with a little reflection on your own behavioural pattern that might concern race or gender?!

    I think ALL of us would gain something if we all gathered the courage to self reflect on these issues once in a while..

  38. "Also, I call M. Night Shaymalan "M. Night Shaymallamadingdong."


    I do the same thing! I remember picking it up from the Barenaked Ladies. They called him that at a concert, so it stuck for my brother and myself. And he seems like a cool guy who would actually find it kind of funny. Now if he could just do a flick that's as worthwhile as TSS or even Unbreakable again... ;-)

  39. @Sherry, haha !!! I thinks she was wife #4?

  40. I don't ever really comment but that racist accusation was just DUMB lol thanks for that laugh and most comments are right - drama is never far enough

  41. This used to be a great site to comment on. I rarely comment anymore and have been around for years. I talked about how my mom had been beaten/starved by her own mother on a Lindsay Lohan post and some commenter talked about how she could one-up my story.

    1. Just wanted to say that I am sorry your mother had to go through what she did and I hope she was able to break the cycle of abuse with her own children. Also, don't be a stranger! As a lurker, I've always enjoyed reading your comments :)

  42. I've called Zach Galifinakis, Zach Snuffaluffagus.

    Padma has grown on me in recent seasons of Top Chef, although I've heard that she is horrible to crew. And I wish she would say "Utensils down, hands up!" and not the other way around. Bugs me every time. She seems very tight with Gail Simmons, whom I adore, and I don't think Gail would suffer fools and bitches gladly.

  43. I make up dumb variations on celeb names all the time. Not racist even a little.

    Also, it's fun to do. No one seems to mind when people say Lindsay Blohan.

  44. Padma might be a bitch but Salman Rushdie is a dirty old man so I think they fit well together.

  45. I always use the blah blah for names I don't know!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I don't think it's Chelsea, she makes all her employees her friends by taking them on awesome vacations. She pays so I think she has a lot of (at least fake) friends.

  48. Aunt Liddy: I got an apple box so I'm one upping you! Ha ha ha ha.

    I call Shalaylay Shanalamadingdong too.

    Agreed..EmCue wasn't calling it racist and everyone has a right to say how they feel..Now group hug everyone.

    And maybe Padma likes older men. No different from someone liking preferring blondes or brunettes or tall men.

    Sounds like Patti Stranger but is hers a "very hit" show?

  49. Hasn't Patti Mayonaisse been blackballed by Andy Cohen since her controversial gay and Jew comments?

  50. I vote Tyra because she's not the brightest and definitely tacky enough to 'brag' like this.

  51. @ChopChop- Your men have too many pieces of clothing on time :(

    I vote Tyra, thinking this is impressing the person she was saying it to.

  52. I just don't understand why women preferring of wealthy men is such a bad thing? no one ever gives a shit when men regularly date women half their age though. who ever it is more power to them.

  53. I like Padma, I don't understsnd the hate. I think Patty Stranger would be a better guess, solely because she seems to say "outrageous" things for a reaction.

  54. Em, I agree, your comment was completely off-base. That isn't the "edge" of racism, it's full on, out-and-out racism. As are the jokes about M. Night Shyamalan's name. I don't care if you didn't mean it that way, it's flat out offensive. Em and Ms Cool, if you guys are on facebook, we've got a little 'old school CDaN' group going on. My fb name is 'Mooshki Mitchell' if you want to send me a request. :)

  55. @Sherry and @hollywood dime, I have never, EVER met a female who "prefers" much older men. So yes, there may be some small percentage of fetishists out there, but I'm pretty sure that most women who date much older men and/or say they prefer much older men are really golddiggers or have daddy issues.

  56. Jeez, why is everyone so hard on those of us with "daddy issues?" Liking older guys isn't exactly Two Girls One Cup territory. If a guy isn't at least as old as I am, he looks like a child to me, and it's icky! :)

  57. Chelsea has her own money; I can't see her as being this BI. Tyra is rumored to be dating model Rob Evans (a judge on this season's ANTM).

  58. Mooshki-i just sent you a request on facebook, I am interested in this old school CDaN group!
