Monday, October 22, 2012

Blind Item #3

What current A list female tweener who is way under age, spent the first part of a night this past week getting paid a ton of money to be wholesome and sweet and fake smiling for the cameras and then spent the rest of the night shaming her friends into doing coke with her and saying she would not invite them to anything else if they didn't do lines with her. She is so out of control and no one has any clue. She will probably be the youngest celebrity to go to rehab in quite sometime.


  1. And again, why hasn't Children's Services or the local equivalent been informed? Or at least her source for the drugs being reported to the police?

  2. Change my vote to Bella - Secret of the Wings (the new Tinkerbell movie) just came out (or is about to come out)

  3. I think it's Bella Thorne too. She's always seemed fake wholesome to me in her photos - like you can kinda tell there's more going on there than meets the eye.

  4. Bella Thorne is the first name that popped into my head.

  5. Bella Thorne, or maybe Zendaya.

  6. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Bella Thorne

  7. Wth is bella thorne??

  8. Sticking with Bella even though it wouldn't surprise me if this was Chloe Moretz. It's not exactly blind material that Chloe parties hard.

  9. no body can beat Drew Barrymoore (first rehab at 13)

  10. How is Bella Thorne A list? Is her picture on every merchandise ever like Hannah Montana 5 years ago, high school musical or work in and star in main stream movies?

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  13. Every time I see the name Bella Thorne I think it's a character from a Stephenie Meyer book..

  14. I think Enty lately has been pumping up the A-list - most blinds are now A listers! I don't know Bella at all, but maybe she's known to the young crowd. Also, the only place I've seen Chloe as a girl in trouble is here, from blinds that are about tweeners.

  15. MISCH, Same here! I actually have been selectively ignoring anything with Bella Thorne because I thought it WAS twilight (which I have zero interest in). I guess my vote is for her because everyone else I keep thinking of is not a tween anymore.

  16. Googled Bella Thorne because I have no clue who she is... If she's 15 then so am I. she looks 19, I feel like 15 is her 'Hollywood age'.

  17. Bluevelvet said...
    How is Bella Thorne A list? Is her picture on every merchandise ever like Hannah Montana 5 years ago, high school musical or work in and star in main stream movies?

    Yep. She has Barbie dolls of her likeness. A Halloween costume. Clothing, backpacks, lipgloss with her character on it. She stars in a TV show. Has hit singles on iTunes. She has all the requirements of an A list tweener. Key word here is TWEENER. She's not battling Brad Pitt for A list status but she is very famous in the TWEENER world. Can I say TWEENER a couple more times?

  18. If parents gave a shit about their kids they would make them watch Sesame Street instead of messed up headcases on crappy shows who only turn out like Lohan or born again Christian weirdos.

  19. It bought of Chloe first, but Chloe works in film, not tv. Tweener refers to that set of Disney/Nick kids that hit their first fame on shows aimed at Tweens. If they have film success it's always after the shows.
    Chloe isn't even doing movies aimed at kids, she works in movies mostly PG-R.
    I will say Bella, she was my second thought, and I have a 12 year old girl, believe me she's A list to them.
    She dresses provocatively, my 16 year old isn't allowed to wear what she wears at 14.

  20. That girl is 15?!

  21. It is Renesmee Cullen~that one was for you Misch and Ellen ; ) but seriously, I would go with Bella Thorne

  22. I'm going with Chloe, hasn't there been lots of rumours about her crazy party habits and how schwastey she enjoys getting at events?

  23. Make that Bella, whoops.

    Anyone remember the bikini photos of her that leaked about a year ago? I would link them but I am honestly afraid of being busted for child pornography, they are pretty racy for someone who was 12 at the time.

  24. My Hollywood age is . . . 37.

  25. "she will probably be the youngest celebrity to go to rehab in quite sometime"

    Drew was about 13 when she on on rehab. Bella, I think just turned 15 or 16 already. This is someone younger than her. And I seriously think this should be reported to Child Services and not be a subject on a celebrity blind and be a subject of speculation.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Bella Thorne:

    here's some photos of her at her quinceaƱera party on Saturday night...

    Very "wholesome and sweet and fake smiling for the cameras"...

  28. What is Bella Thorn in? I have no idea who she is.

  29. Rehab in quite some time, not of ALL TIME. Drew wasn't 10 or even 20 years ago, I think a 15-16 yearold going to rehab would be pretty shocking today. She'd be the youngest in quite some time... see what I did there?

  30. quite some time...not OF ALL TIME. two different things.

  31. Flo, Oscar The Grouch does Cocaine in his garbage can with Snuffalupagus. Not good role models.

  32. ^^And don't even get me started on Bert and Ernie, Ingrid!

  33. Whomever this is, is very sad..

  34. I have 2 tweens and I have no idea who Bella Thorne is. What show is she on?

    I was going to suggest Ciara Bravo from Big Time Rush.

  35. Why is everyone always guessing Chloe for the bad girl blinds? Ive never seen her cast in a bad light, anywhere but here. I really like her as an actress and follow her on Twitter/Instagram. It seems like shes over protected, her mom and older brother go with her EVERYWHERE, and her mom still has a final say in what chloe wears...

  36. First time commenting.

    I agree with Bella thorne.

    For those that don't know she's on shake it up on Disney.

  37. First time commenting.

    I agree with Bella thorne.

    For those that don't know she's on shake it up on Disney.

  38. First time commenting.

    I agree with Bella thorne.

    For those that don't know she's on shake it up on Disney.

  39. Am I the only one who is bored of the tweener binds?

  40. "It's not exactly blind material that Chloe parties hard." -Darkmyst

    Uh no, in reality that is nothing more than people like you throwing nonsense out in gossip site comment sections. There have been zero reports of Chloe doing anything of the sort.

  41. "Why is everyone always guessing Chloe for the bad girl blinds? Ive never seen her cast in a bad light, anywhere but here."


    Because people at sites like these need a newer version of Lohan to talk about and they decided about a year ago to make it Chloe Moretz. In fact, it all started at CDAN with three or four BI's in which her name was tossed about for little reason other than she was the hot actress in her age group. Then it gets spread to other sites and, voila, instant meme and defamation of one of the nicest kids on the planet.

  42. Definitely Bella Thorne - she had a princess themed birthday party this week complete with a pumpkin carriage.

  43. @artemis, no your not the only one! Seems like Enty knows a lot about the younger crowd! I hate the tweener blinds, this is why they have such huge egos!! There is no such thing as bad publicity right?

  44. @meegsw ... "OBNOXIOUS" is the word I was thinking of

  45. I completely second this one

  46. I don't know why people are guessing Bella. She's never been linked to anything like this before. And she seems like such a sweet girl.
