Sunday, October 21, 2012

Blind Item #3

This foreign born A list celebrity in her country was in town last month to hook up with a man who paid for her to be there. I told you about it last month. He is a big fan of sleeping with celebrities and even marrying them. Our foreign born celebrity started looking for places to live because she thought this was going to be very lucrative for her. Turns out though that the word got out that she was not even close to worth the amount of money she was asking and spent most of the time talking about herself, looking in the mirror and even said her goal was to meet Paris Hilton.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. pippa middleton and that hotel guy???

  3. Pippa Middleton.

  4. Pippa has never been married.

  5. ^Sorry - I read this completely wrong. The MAN has a history of marrying celebrities.

  6. Yep gotta be Pippa and Andre Balazs(?). He must like chimps

  7. first, this is gross on every level.

    second, does anyone think that pippa, who is college educated, would be so stupid as to want to meet paris hilton and that she would be that much of a slut? I don't.

    that she would jeopardize her sister's reputation and life to have a paid fling with a morally corrupt pig?

    I don't.

  8. I agree with Annabella, no way this Pippa. Why would she have to sleep with a creepy old man for money?

  9. Definitely Pippa. She's a high-priced hooker.

  10. Pippa's family is loaded, I mean loaded with money. Pippa doesn't have to whore herself out.

  11. ITA with those who say this is not Pippa, unless the man paid her an appearance fee (no sex involved).

    Pippa IS into self-promotion and I can see her thinking that being paid large sums of money just to show up at glitzy events would be cool. Maybe the man found her boring and not worth her asking price. Again, I only see this as a possibility if sex was never on the table.

  12. Sorry to burst your bubble, but just because someone is "college educated" does not mean they wouldn't want to meet Paris Hilton. Nearly everyone gets some sort of college degree now, and in fact one of the girls I went to school with STILL idolizes Paris after all these years. She is now a history teacher at a middle school.

  13. pippa is in no way a celebrity

    1. I agree. Her family is also rich, so I doubt she needs to prostitute herself.

  14. "Nearly everyone gets some sort of college degree now,"

    What a moronic comment.

    1. Actually, i agree.

    2. Most of the people I know actually graduating with college degrees are foreigners here on scholarships. Americans can't afford it and who wants to suffer paying back student loans forever?

  15. I think the trend in blind items is to now say woman are prostituting themselves. I wonder if some ex-friend or frienemy starts sending "gossip" to blogs with this, knowing that people will believe it no matter how ludicrous it is.

    Pippa's family is worth 50 million pounds (3 heirs only), yet she's sent to America to whore herself to hotel magnet. Alrighty then.

  16. @jennifer hansen: She is very much a celebrity in the UK. She's in the Daily Mail every week.

    She's also, like it or not, a celebrity-by-association by virtue of her sister's status. I can totally see some of the celeb-conscious guys in NYC wanting to be friends with Pippa, hoping to gain access to Kate and William.

    Add to that the usual sibling rivalry - Pippa can't marry anyone in England with the same status as William, and I can see where she would find it attractive to be a social success in NYC instead. Sort of a Lee Radziwell/Jackie Kennedy dynamic.

    If it WAS Pippa, she sounds boring and shallow.

    1. just because the tabloids follow her around and take pictures of her does not mean she is a celebrity. has she ever done anything to deserve being called a celebrity? nope. her sister married a prince and she wore a dress that made her butt look great at the wedding and now it's "pippa this, pippa that" meryl streep is a celebrity, pippa is not.

    2. @ Hansen: celebrity = the state of being well known. Not in any definition of celebrity does it mention merit. Pippa IS a celebrity.

  17. Someone said that the Middleton girls were raised to be socialites. They were raised with proper manners, given the best education and kept up to date on current events/arts to be a perfect wife that would be snatched up. Not sure if it's true or a snarky Brit who was angry Prince omg what's his name??? married a regular person. Harry and..... Not Phillip. Holy brain freeze :(

  18. @farmgirl: Per Wiki, 30% of the US population age 25 and over has a college degree. It's exceedingly hard to earn a college degree if you're in the poorer segments of the population. So, sorry for putting words into Gabby's mouth, but I think she meant it was more normal than not for a child from a middle-income family to go to college.

    Most of them are wasting their money, but that's another topic.

  19. @katsmo: WHUT? Are you referring to William marrying a commoner, Kate? I'm lost...

    1. @jamie WILLIAM thank you! It was driving me crazy. Yes. Some were angry that William married a commoner but now I'm wondering if that's the stuff made up by tabloids to stir up drama.

  20. 30% is hardly the majority

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hey guys..just a thought. Hasn't Ent been all about Pam Anderson being a 'yacht girl' or whatever? She's Canadian (foreign born). Has she been hanging out with someone lately?

  22. It's absolutely Pippa, Enty posted her "rates" when she was in town and within 2 days there were pictures of her apartment/house hunting in NYC.

  23. @katsmo - LOL, at both comments.

    @Princess: I agree that it sounds like Pippa, in that she was in NYC last month and seen hanging in the Hamptons with Balazs. Can you post the link to the entry where Enty posted her "rates"?

    Pippa M does not need to prostitute herself sexually. The idea is insane. I'm assuming her rates were for appearances.

    She's looking for a rich and famous husband. You expect her to pull a Lady Sybil and marry the chauffeur?

  24. No way I'm buying its Pipa, apart from the fact her parents are wealthy, there are many wealthy and connected guys in Europe I'm sure would be happy to marry her so as to be connected to the royal family. Her sister is the future queen of England when Willi becomes king, that is some serious connection.

  25. First, I don't rule Pippa out. Yes, her PARENTS are rich, but that doesn't mean that SHE's rich. Nor does being rich and college educated exclude one from 'professional girlfriending'. Look at the aforementioned Paris Hilton. We all KNOW she did.

    Second, if it is Pippa, I don't want to know about it. The British royalty is VERY protective of their 'image'. That's the sort of thing that ends in people going missing or dead in French tunnels.

  26. @jennifer hansen: By definition, if the tabloids follow you around and take pictures of you, you are a celebrity. Pippa is; so is Kim Kard. Both not too bright or interesting, imho.

    Meryl Streep leads a pretty quiet life when she is not promoting a movie. Meryl Streep - yes, she's a celebrity, but first and foremost the best actress of her generation.

    Unfortunately, Pippa and Kim K are celebrities. It does not mean they have accomplished anything.

  27. @MrWolf: Paris Hilton dropped out of high school (she later got her GED) and does not have a college degree. Just FYI.

    Count me as one of the ones who does not KNOW that Paris Hilton slept with men for money. Back in the day (a while ago) she could earn great money by showing up at a new club.

    1. Thanks Jamie2. I was about to Google Wonky McValtrex to see where she earned her degree. This makes much, much more sense.

  28. @Mr Wolf - you don't seriously believe that 'dead in a tunnel' nonsense, do you? She died because she was being driven at maniac speed by a drunk driver through a dark tunnel and she wasn't wearing a seatbelt. The only person in the car who was wearing a seatbelt lived. As for protecting the image, that ship sailed a long time ago.

    Anyway, back to the point, I don't think this would be spanner-faced Pippa, for one thing it seems like actually doing something for money and that isn't a concept she's familiar with. Also, she's spanner-faced. Would anyone really pay good money to be with her and her flat arse when there's no end of trannies who look more like women?

  29. It's Kelly Brook

  30. Pippa just got a cool million for her book......and no she would not damage her position by doing something this stupid,

  31. A spanner is a flat wrench, if I remember what my father always calls it correctly.Can't quite picture "spanner faced" though. That's a new one, and I'm British by birth.

  32. @Munch - No, not really. But I definitely think there'd be serious repercussions.

  33. @califblondy - spanner is a UK term for a wrench, and the phrase spanner-faced comes from "a face like a bag of spanners". It's an old British saying, but maybe not one @Lynette is familiar with. "Face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle" would also be acceptable.

  34. this is so funny to me! if you only knew how many girls from wealthy families are sleeping with older guys with status and money you'd pee yourself. especially here in nyc. go to the boom boom room at the standard, toy club or the dream hotel and those girls are there with their $5,000 chanel bags, louboutin heels, all angling for the next guy with a private jet. the idea is to marry money. don't rule pippa out.

  35. and pippa was here in nyc a few weeks ago looking at condos at one57... the most expensive new condo building in the city. just saying.

  36. I've been reading this for years, but first time poster. You guys are way off track.

    Zahia Dehar

    Famous in France for a prostitution scandal with soccer players when she was a teen, has parlayed fame into celebrity and a lingerie line. She is the darling of K*nty Karl Lagerfeld and had her second show at Paris Fashion Week this year.

    She looks like a cartoon.

    Be gentle if you see me post in future!

  37. At first, I was reading this as Elizabeth Hurley (can't remember if she's remarried or not), but then when I saw this idiot wanted to meet Paris Hilton, I downgraded the age to Cheryl Cole.

  38. I agree with the Cheryl Cole guess too. That was my first thought.

    @MrWolf and hollywood dime: Thank you, thank you! I agree whole heartedly. I'm always surprised when people believe that growing up in a wealthy home means that the person is rich. The PARENTS are rich the kids are not. Also, you never know what the dynamics are in the home. Some parents refuse to give their kids any money at all. I had a student tell me that even though her parents were wealthy they refused to pay for her college education. They wanted her to work and pay for it herself. I also had a friend of mine in college whose parents were wealthy but would only pay for 1/2 of her tuition and living expenses.

    So yes, it could be Pippa but I doubt it. It seems like a bridge you just don't want to burn. And I'm guessing his friends & family wouldn't want that to happen either.

  39. I agree with this Zahia Dehar, good call on that, we forget that entry really does tend to go a little obscure sometimes, and we all default to what we know, Paris, Lindsay, Hayden, but I think 90% of the time he's dealing in D and C that he upgrades a little, or haven't been relevant since the 80's hence it's okay to pull out old rumors and use the.....
    NOT Pippa, you people are insane if you don't think she's on a short leash with the royals, she would never jeopardize her sister, nor does she have any reason whatsoever to do so.....think outside the box people!!!

  40. Im so on board with the zahia dehar guess. she even LOOKS like she wants to meet paris hilton. I think we have our winner.

  41. Sorry I'm late to the party. I though this was Pam Anderson too and just because Pippa's family is rich doesn't mean she is. I don't know how I feel about Pippa being a prostitute. I can see her doing it and not doing it.

  42. As far as parents being rich, u never know how they raise the kids. Or you can have an idea when you see the kids persona as an adult. Donald Trump gave his kids a tiny allowance, maybe up to $20 a week. The Hilton's gave the kids $100 whenever they wanted to go to the store for candy. You can see the difference in the work ethics between Paris and Ivanka now.

  43. @katsm0711 exactly right! warren buffet is one of the richest people in the WORLD and he refuses to help any of his children financially except for paying for college. damn.

  44. @hollywood dime: That's not correct. He's said that they will inherit enough so they'll never be poor. My guess is a $5m trust fund. Buffet is notoriously cheap. So is Carlos Slim, btw.

    All my books are packed in boxes in prep for move, but my source is, I think, "The Snowball," a bio of Warren Buffet that appeared in 2009.

    Tasty details: He is really, really cheap, as is Carlos Slim. I've been in Slim's offices. Amazingly tacky. I'm not criticizing Slim. He’s officially the richest man in the world, and his wife died several years ago. He lives a very down-to-earth existence. He hasn’t been dating women who are fifty years younger that I know of.

    WB bought a private plane and called it the "Indefensible." His ex-wife got an amazing settlement and bought her own plane. She called it the "Richly-deserved." I roared laughing at that.

    Sorry if I have some of the details wrong; the book is in a box somewhere.

  45. Hasn t been Zahia with the same client since after her scandal? He s supposed to be a Swiss arts dealer. He s married and only comes to see her in Paris on Tuesday afternoons. The rest of the time she stays under close protection (so she can t cheat) in a huge apartment in the 16th district with maids & bodyguards. He s the one paying for the lingerie defiles, the photo shoots with Lagerfeld and her business interests. Big sugar daddy she got herself, why and how could she get away from him?
    Not Zahia. If it s Pippa she s dumb to get involved even only for representation with Balazs. She has enough contacts to climb the NYC social ladder in a smoother way me thinks. And the royal family don t care at all about what she s doing unless she d go for a tell all book. She s not family. The queen is busy enough with her own spawn of idiots and leeches (and the country)

  46. This one reminded me of Jordan / Katie Price, probably well off base, but she's up to selling everything / branding... but she's not really getting the press any more, so probably looking for other revenue streams.

  47. I'm jumping on the Cole train.

  48. i dont know anyone who isnt college educated, nor would i trust wikipedia for stats.

    Btw, I have known many girls who come from very privileged backgrounds and were college educated who have worked as escorts (most have said that they didn’t have sex, some did). Some also worked as strippers and one did porn. Being college educated and privileged doesnt preclude a person from doing sex work.

  49. @hollywood dime Oh the people watching at those places must be fabulous!
