Monday, October 15, 2012

Blind Item #3

This B list actress who is an Academy Award nominee/winner is regretting her rush marriage to a celebrity. He was basically a rebound from one bad relationship and this one is no better. She thought he loved her and only her and not half the people that he runs into on a nightly basis. He keeps saying he is busy working and then she sees photos of him out at parties with women and he says it is all just part of being him. Meanwhile, she is crushed and has been people are starting to wonder if she needs some professional help because she is so devastated.


  1. Have any actresses recently married singers?

  2. Ann and Reese are both A list.

  3. Nicole and Keith?

  4. Aw. As much as I dislike Anne, that would be pretty sad if it's her. She just got married like 5 minutes ago.

  5. Oooo ... what about Carey Mulligan and Marcus Mumford? Bad relationship was Shia LeBouf

  6. KaySea: Carey Mulligan married Marcus Mumford this year.

  7. Oops, posted at the same time.

  8. Great minds :)

    There are pictures of her in the Daily Mail today too ...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. it can't be ann or reese, they had been with their husbands for several years before they actually got married. and reese just recently had a baby with her husband. i can't think of anyone else who recently had a quickie marriage, but this could be about carey mulligan, cause if i'm not mistaken she was only with her husband for a year before they got married.

  11. Using the Daily Mail Code (tm libby) I'm just pointing out that Penelope Cruz has a picture up. And Tommy would be one heck of a bad relationship.

  12. So, to all you DMC devotees, (of which I am one) I have a question: Do you think Enty creates the blinds out of thin air based on the photos on The Daily Mail? Or do you think he/she takes the info from Daily Mail and stretches the truth? I ask because the article about Mulligan says she looks sad, which would lead me to believe Enty takes the info and stretches. But what about Jude Law being gay? There's just a photo of him with another guy? Again, Enty is stretching it?

    1. I enjoy me some daily mail. Daily, lol. Its true it all ends up over here. Another good site is agc blind items. But none if them hv my friends that i have here!!!!!!

  13. @Audrey - I'd imagine it's a little both. Gossip has to come from somewhere!

  14. Carey Mulligan and Marcus Mumford have known each other for a long time - they knew each other growing up

  15. Carey and Marcus were pen pals growing up. They have such a cute story!

  16. They were penpals when they were young. Lost touch. And then met/reconnected after she split with Shia and started dating almost immediately, from what I remember.

  17. Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig come to mind with Darren Aronofsky as the bad relationship. She's one of the B list Oscar winners.

  18. I'd like to throw in the option of the Daily Mail triggering Enty's memory of something he can dish about as a blind.

  19. @Sarah, that was my first thought also.

  20. @Sarah: great guess! It's no secret (now) that he likes to play around. But he usually is more discrete.

    Still like Danny C and Rachel for the guess. I think she is stunningly beautiful and has a special something that a lot of actresses don't have these days. Don't want this to be them though.

  21. The only thing I like better about the Carey Mulligan guess vs. Rachel W., is that the blind describes him as a "celebrity" vs. an A-list actor (DC would be A-list, yeah?). It seems like Enty lists anyone other than actors as "celebrity".

  22. @ChasingHeaven Yes, triggering a memory of something he can dish about....or providing photographic proof of something that was previously known only to insiders. Once it's out, it's out.

  23. I like the Rachel W./D.C. guess - maybe only called a 'celebrity' to obfuscate?

  24. Yeah, I think if Daniel Craig is the answer to the blind that calling him an A list actor would make it pretty obvious. Or he's not the answer. Ha.

  25. I really really really don't want this to be Carey Mulligan. I have to think the Weisz/ Craig guess is more likely, anyway.

  26. I think it's Mulligan and Mumford. He just did an interview about how he refuses to change his ultra-busy touring life for his marriage, the implication being that Mulligan, a busy actress, is OK with it. It fits because rock tours are full of carousing.

    And yeah, they knew each other as kids but didn't meet again until shortly before they started dating/got married. People change a lot in the interim, and he must have seemed a change after the idiocy of LeDouche.

  27. B list actress married to a celebrity. I like the Rachel W. and Dan C. guess for this, but usually celebrity is a person who isn't just known for acting, otherwise Enty would have said, actress married to an actor.

  28. dont rush wedding celebs

  29. This must be Carey, there are photos from yesterday of her leaving Chateau Marmont alone or with some people and she looks bad, as if she cried.

    Rachel and Daniel know each other over 20 years and the recent photo show them happy, at least she was smiley.

  30. Don't get married!! Don't get married!! Don't get married!! Then it is much easier to throw his crap into the yard and change the locks.

  31. If it's Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig than Enty is on repeat today.

  32. Natalie Portman and her choreographer spouse. When a husband wears tights to work, he can't hide when he's interested in other women he meets.

  33. this is definitely NOT Weisz/Craig, they cheated on their significant others with each other, unfortunately this might be Carey, I feel bad
