Friday, October 05, 2012

Blind Item #2

It has finally happened. What I predicted might happen someday looks like it might happen. This former reality star is pregnant and in discussions with a company to name her baby after a product in the company. The baby then would be the face of the company for a certain amount of time, and then the mother for a period beyond that.


cc423 said...

Elizabeth Hasselbleech. (I don't think it is her, I just like typing "Hasselbleech.)

eris hilton said...

I just hope it's a condom company.

Cecilia00 said...

Holly Madison

Beth said...

I think "Breast Pump" would make a lovely name.

Caroline said...

Well, lets hope Tila Tequila doesn't birth out a little Jose Cuervo...

VIPblonde said...

This screams Heidi and Spencer to me

NotNowIronman said...

Megan Fox

NotNowIronman said...

HERP DERP She's not reality, nvm.
Just remembered a BI where everyone guessed BAG wanted to do that.

SusanB said...

Just want to state here and now: whatever company does this, I will boycott their product and boycott anything this "star" appears in. People are becoming absolutely shameless.

libby said...

I think it's Holly Madison, and the product will be Charmin flush-able moist wipes. Now in a pocket-pack for whore bath wherever you end up!

Cecilia00 said...

You know it's going to be slick...The baby's name will be announced - then the company will say they were "inspired" by the child to name a product after them, or it will be made to appear a happy coincidence

Seachica said...

Heidi and spencer naming their future baby Gerber. But I'd rather see them name the kid WhatA

AngusParvo said...

It think Heidi's had too much work, her body's not capable of carrying a baby.

LK said...

Yes, libby...because haha the internetz gossip sites must all be kid friendly.

So tired of people's assumption they have the right to never be offended in any way anywhere they may roam.

hollywood dime said...

I just laughed so loud at 'whore bath' my neighbors dog started barking! lmaoooooo

NotNowIronman said...

Get a grip, LK. Libby was ferencing her own comment, not calling someone out on saying it. Geez.

NotNowIronman said...

*referencing! It's not a good day to be my phone's keyboard ugh.

Agent**It said...
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Bit dams said...

lauren conrad. i say her because she's the only one who is remotely likable and she has a history of selling products to middle america (kohl's sells a TON of stuff with her name on it). kohl conrad actually sounds pretty good.

Beta said...

this rings a bell with the Megan Fox blinds with her husband as the controlling guy who wants to pimp the baby. Do you guys agree??
It is so lame though jeje

Barton Fink said...

I can't imagine Megan Fox promoting anything other than cocaine, though.

LK said...

NotNowIronman, the point was the thought process that it's not ok to use whatever words you please. I didn't say anything about libby calling anyone out.

So, here again is the point: Use whatever words you like in whatever situation you choose to use them. Period.

Reading comprehension works far better than the jump to conclusions mat you tossed out.

Ari said...

Kim K

Mhdz said...

Holly Madison sounds right to me. She will name the kid Subway, and once he talks he will end every sentence with "eat fresh". Yes, it's been done but I can see it happening.

parissucksliterally said...

Kim, naming her baby Kwick Trim.

Peaceful warrior said...
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g.strathmore said...

@Beth, that was hilarious.

@libby, we always called those "Hobo Baths."

NotNowIronman said...

Wow, an Office Space reference! You're so cool <3

Here is a good point, too: If someone uses a term, then thinks, "hmm I wonder if there's another way to say that?" It's quite alright, and no reason to jump on them.

Amber said...

@NotNowIronman - I think that's the point LK was trying to make. Trying to support Libby's use of "whore bath" and saying, "aw fuck it don't sweat it". LK wasn't scolding anyone :)

NotNowIronman said...

Yeah, that's definitely how his comments came across.

tealily said...

This screams Kardashian to me.

Kloie said...
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Amber said...

I think that sometimes tone isn't easy to communicate via text. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Just trying to help keep the peace!

katsm0711 said...

I'm so confused. Who's got beef with who? Who started it? Is it an actual beef?

katsm0711 said...

Enty I beg of you PLEASE reveal this one ;)

Lauren said...

The concept sounds so Kardashian but aren't they all current reality stars, not former stars?

I am onboard with the Holly and Heidi guesses.

I also like the Lauren Conrad guess. She did/does have a connection with Mark cosmetics.

AKM said...

No beefs today, huh, fellow babies? Let's keep today nice. Please. It's Friday!

And I am slow-clapping for Libby's and Seachica's initial statements. NICELY done, ladies.

Amber said...

@kat - I think it's a little miscommunication. PS I freaking love you T&T guy. Hahaha.

BreeB714 said...

I am going with Holly Madison... That boyfriend of hers is going to jail, she has no job and her body will be a wreck.. She needs the cash... I hope its Charmin i love to see some Ho Wash... Megan Fox doesnt need the cash... And Speidi is in Vegas at a strip club

Wen said...

This is totally something a KuntTrashian would do.

Redd said...

where I live we call it a "Bickford bath" in deference to our local family of hoes.

Meagan said...

I thought this had already been done-- doesn't Gwynnie make $.01 every time someone eats an apple?!?!

Kats-- I think this will ultimately reveal itself when the child is born with some kind of product endorsement.

Unknown said...

Lmfao!!!!! Hahahahahaha good call

Unknown said...

I've heard it called a "perfume shower" or "ghetto shower" lol

Jolene Jolene said...

HAHAHA WHORE BATH! I like HO SCRUB, too! I'mma go do ma ho scrub...hee hee

And who would that offend again? Whores?

Silly Girl said...

'Former reality star', so it's not Kim. Damn, my money would have been on her. Former......Holly Madison needs to make herself relevant again, so she's my guess.

katsm0711 said...

Just to go on record, I call it a "French bath" because I'm classy.
What did Carlin say? Armpits asshole croth and teeth.

annabella said...

I have inside information and know that the mother is holly madison and that the name of the product/child will be "herpes relief."

Unknown said...

it's a french bath.

also, no idea on the guess, but i really think this plan will backfire.

Kelly Simmons said...

there is a line of mini cakes called Dolly Madison. "Holly Madison" This could be their, um, slightly cheaper line. Or . . . cheesecake.


misspoppypants said...
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misspoppypants said...

What about a new line of soft drinks? Coke-a Cola Mom

lc said...

I have heard it referred to as a Kei$ha shower.

lc said...

Um, no, it's not me....*wink wink*

libby said...

Yo, if anyone cares---sorry I was away and couldn't clarify my feelings about 'whore bath'....I was actually curious if you all knew other terms. Terms that could be used by non-whores for such a bath. Because it's not always a whore operation, sometimes it's camping, or you're sick, or whatever.
Thank you for some of the responses...'Bickford bath' made me laugh for some reason.

Just to clarify.

JagerLilly808 said...

JWoww. Baby will shill for ShamWow. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Kelly Simmons said...

@Heather Lillywhite LOL!!!

auntliddy said...

Also called a "pta" shower. Fugure it out, lol

pilly said...

I like the term WHORE bath

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

I thought a "French bath" was when you doused yourself in cologne or perfume to hide the fact that you hadn't bathed recently...Anyway, I've always heard it as "whore's bath", and it doesn't particularly bother me FWIW, since it does sound like the kind of activity in which a "working girl" might engage between clients--gotta freshen up for the next round, you know.

Laura said...

@auntliddy - that is what my Grandmother always called it - PTA.

SaintsFan said...

@hollywood dime, I busted out laughing at you making the neighbor's dog bark. Hysterical!

Jessie said...

Okay, what, O, what is a whore bath, PTA, ho shower?

Jeneral said...

Mine too!

PugsterMom said...

Holly Madison already stated her kid will have an unusual name. Between this chick and Peaches and Kristin "quick skinny bitch" Snookie is looking kinda normal as a mom!!

kelgela2 said...

I thought they were called 'bird baths'

lakeuniongirl said...

Mine, also!

Its just U said...

In Ireland its called a prison wash.

Popnursing said...

The inmates use both terms: bird bath and whore's bath. I always yell at them for the latter "Call it a bird-bath! That's nasty!". It cracks them up that of all the things we see and hear, this is what disgusts me.

Plus I always think of Austin Powers saying it and that doesn't help.


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