Thursday, October 25, 2012

Blind Item #2

Want to make the biggest publicity splash ever? This A list all movie actor has what he thinks is the best idea ever to get the public on his side forever. He has been in touch with his A list actress ex-wife and they are working out a deal (read $$) to spend Christmas together with their kids. She can even bring her kids and her new husband. Christmas trees and fake snow and one big photo op all splashed on the cover of Kneepads. These two do know how to make the best photo ops.


  1. Tom and NIcole and Keith

  2. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman...

  3. Yup. Tom and Nicole. Easy one. But to Scientolofreaks do christmas?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This one should be labeled Easy x 12.

  6. Oh Tommy boy - give it up. No One Cares! Instead of spending time with Nicole, why don't you go see Suri?

  7. Ok how is Jon Hamm A+ and Tom Crusie only an A?

    1. Hamm gets the "+" for his amazing technicolor peen. Lol

    2. Yes he does! *giggles*

  8. Don't do it, Nicole.

  9. Charlie sheen and denise richards? Mel gibson and lady du jour?

  10. @BlueVelvet, Jon Hamm is A+ on TV; Tom Cruise is A in movies.

  11. Nicole is a SP, I seriously doubt it's them.

  12. I agree on the tom and nicole guess, funny, I felt sorry for her when they first got divorced, now I am unsure how I feel about her.

  13. Definitely Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman.

    As to the questions of Do Scientologists Do Christmas - technically the answer is they can if they want to.

    Scientology isn't actually a RELIGION, it is more of a way of life. In their materials it says you can still be any practicing religion.

  14. Although what I just posted is kinda bullshit.

  15. I'm on board with the Tom & Nicole guess. What I don't understand is how he thinks this is going to endure himself to people. I stopped paying attention to him when he decided to play moon bounce with Oprah's couch.

  16. Keith Urban has been agreeing to some really crappy situations lately. He must have a million side pieces.

  17. Ugh. I hope Nicole turns Tommy Girl down flat. She wouldn't need the money but I bet she would like to see their kids. However, wouldn't that put TG at odds with the requirements of Scientology to shun "suppressives"?

    1. her kids? ha. what she'd like to see is herself on the cover of people mag. again.

  18. Wow. But isn't she a suppressive person? How can COS allow this? And why is she willing to do this? I guess she needs the publicity too. Low.

  19. @Hunter:

    Yeah, their materials might say that, but the reason Tom and Penelope Cruz broke up was because Penelope was a practicing Buddhist and a Scientology dilettante, which David Miscaviage did not like.

    I also wonder why this is allowed (seems how NK is "SP") but, David Miscaviage will prostitute TC in anyway to make a buck.

  20. Hmm...if they aren't a religion, why are they tax exempt in some countries?

    1. I think we'd all like Marty R. spill the beans on the IRS hoodwink!
      Luckliy most countries laugh at the idea.

  21. Not to say that I think they *are* a religion, but they seem to claim it when it is convenient for them.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Tommy boy and Nicole.

  24. But it says "she can bring her kids and new husband" kids being plural. I thought Nicole and Keith only have one child together.

  25. Nope Karrots, Nicole and Keith have 2 daughters now. She carried the first (um, supposedly) and they used a surrogate for the second.

  26. Tommy isn't fooling us.

  27. @Figgy she used a "gestational carrier" lol remember when she made the announcement of the baby's arrival and how callous it seemed because of the terminology she used? I could not get over that.
    I can absolutely see this happening, btw. It would be such good publicity for all. The minivan majority will EAT IT UP and take it verbatum. Mark my words.

  28. Even if Nic is SP, keeping Tom happy keeps the money rolling for Scientology. As Miscavige's public face, he can do whatever he wants.

  29. I think this "event" would pretty much be met with a chorus of yawns. Both Tommy and Nicole jumped the shark awhile back now.

  30. I can't see Nicole/Keith allowing their little daughters to be photographed for a magazine. But they do seem the obvious answer.

  31. The cult is getting desperate to keep Tom happy if they're allowing this. If I were just Ms. No One Famous COS follower I would be pissed.

  32. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Maybe this is a good way for Nicole to see Connor and Bella? Idk, I'm not judging. Cruise is a freak. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors...

  33. DON'T DO IT NICOLE!!!!

    (I really like Nicole, but I reserve my irrational adoration for The Goop. I adore her, I don't know why...if I met her I would be a total fangirl.)

  34. This is terrible for Suri. She will see her father, brother and sisters having a big Christmas on the cover of People and she's not there? If this is N and T, I have to say this will backfire in a major way. So maybe not them. Unless Suri is there as well.

  35. This makes me feel sorry for TC. It's like he has nowhere to go on Christmas and has to slunk back to his ex-wife's place so he's not stuck alone on such a depressing day to be alone. Hate on TC all you want, but this made me sad for him.

  36. @FalseProfit, the pity-poor-Tom concept could all part of the plan.

    Remember he has a big-budget movie, "Jack Reacher", opening at Christmastime.

    In other words, "Look, ladies, Tom isn't such a creep after all. His ex-wives and their kids are opening their hearts to them at Christmastime. Now, please be willing to go along with your husbands and boyfriends to see this Tom Cruise action movie."

  37. If it's Tom, Nicole and Keith, she'd better keep on eye on the guys during the night...

  38. Would Keith really be considered "new" husband condsidering they have 2 kids and have been together for years? It could be the wording I suppose, but I don't really see this as much of a blind. A list celebrities staging a photo-op? That happens every day.

  39. I call BS on this one:)

  40. I don't think Nicole would agree to this.

  41. I bet it is really ex "wives " and will include Suri and Katie.

  42. Tom Cruise is having a Nashville Christmas this year!

  43. I think it's more likely People would have a "Suri hasn't seen Tom in 200 days!"

  44. I thought Scientology because of the use of $$-signs. xD

    So Cruise, Kidman, Urban and the kids.

  45. I don't see Urban agreeing to this. TC and Nicole would but not Keith. He may have his demons but he's never been a famehor.

    That said, I have no idea who it might be.

  46. What about Ethan hawk and uma or
    Sean penn and wright-penn

  47. Nicole would do this if it meant seeing her older kids again without restrictions, and the Sciento$ would agree to it as they're desperate for any good PR these days. Despite her supposed flaws I always believed that NK loved her kids and was royally screwed out of seeing them.

    If it meant getting her access back for good she'd do it and get Keith on board.

  48. This sounds like a PR stunt Tom Cruise would pull and Nicole Kidman would readily agree to it as it would give her access to Conor and Isabelle. I can't see Keith agreeing to this-he's never been a fame/ho and he isn't the type of celebrity to pimp out his children.

  49. This sounds like Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe.

  50. I'm not sure that NK and Keith would go for it. You hardly ever see their two daughters being photographed. I don't know...

  51. are you kidding? why in the world would keith urban allow that?? weird (if its them).

  52. @ jaja Lola, me too! I love both Nicole and Goop! :)

    This might benefit both I think, there was an article the other day I think on Lainey of how Nicole has pulled out of Von Trier's movie, and she was saying that it's probably because she's aiming for the oscar with the grace movie. If she's going hard for the oscar I can see her doing these kind of things.

  53. Well I guess we will all find out soon enough but I really hope that this isn't true... don't do it Nicole!

  54. OMG - please no!!
