Sunday, October 21, 2012

Blind Item #2

This B+ all movie actress has been the biggest diva ever on the set of her new movie. Not only does she name drop her A+ list movie actor boyfriend's name every five seconds but also has held up shooting several times to take his calls (even though he has not really called much and is thrilled to be away from her) and she also has had to take extra days off she says because of magazine cover shoots (even though she had to be for her most recent cover and was not even seen in this country). No one cares if she leaves because they can't really stand working with her anyway and have been cutting her part more and more as the shoot goes on. She was only hired because the writer/producer wanted to see her naked in person.


  1. No clue. Thank god for y'all!!!! Lol

  2. I would say Eva Mendes but I don't think she is a B+.

  3. Since when is Eva B+?

  4. Omg I never get blinds but Eva mendez was in my head from the first sentence!

  5. I thought Blake Livly at first but doesnt really fit

  6. This is totally Eva the bitchy manface. She just did some European mag cover. Let's hope Ryan ditches her for that cute Mara Rooney.

  7. In the Starbucks blind Enty called Eva A list so it wouldn't be a stretch for her to be B+

  8. Eva isn't an all movie actress.

  9. @Rose - what was the Starbucks blind?

  10. Also, according to IMDb Eva is currently only filming a TV movie and has been on shows like VIP and ER, which would not make her an 'all movie actress'.

  11. LOL, I've done the Eva at my local Starbucks and I haven't been back since.

  12. Ummm, minus the drugs.

  13. Eva M. Daily Mail has pix of her on set of her new movie looking p.o'd. Their post also has her French cover of some mag.

  14. Could it be Rooney Mara? Not sure who she's dating, but I've heard rumblings that she's a huge diva, she would definitely qualify as B+, and she got naked in Girl With the Dragon Tattoo so maybe the writer/producer wanted to see her in person? She's currently filming that movie with Ryan Gosling.

  15. Totally Eva. I'm sure Ryan is thrilled to not have to deal with staged pap shots and he looks awfully cozy with Rooney on set. Lord knows she likes men who are attached, *cough* Daniel Craig *cough*.

  16. I want to say Jessica Biel, who's my go to for girls name dropping their boyfriend, but she's not all movie. :(

  17. Dear god Jemstastic, I would have peed my pants if I saw you doing that, that totally made me smile! You got balls girl and I like your style!

  18. This sounds like Zoe Saldana. I have read that she is a diva and very, very difficult to work with. She has been featured on plenty of magazines last month and one of them I believe was for a Latina fashion magazine. She's supposedly back with Bradley Cooper but my take is it's all PR.

    1. I had Eva in mind but I could see this too! Bradley seems fussy so I think any woman into him would be fussy too

  19. Ryan Gosling needs to dump her diva ass and get with Emma Stone.

  20. Mila and Ashton? Although I guess he's not A+.

  21. @melinda and Mila isn't all movies my any stretch.

    Enty could easily have called Eva all movies. I think we know by now he's not checking imdb for every blind.

  22. I read this a Mila Kunis the entire time.

  23. Just because Enty says "all movie," it doesn't mean they've never done television, it just means they're mainly known for their movie roles.

  24. @kcqueen said...
    "This is totally Eva the bitchy manface. She just did some European mag cover. Let's hope Ryan ditches her for that cute Mara Rooney."

    *lol* Now that you can use it to bash another woman, the formerly stuck-up Rooney becomes cute?

  25. Can someone remind me of the Eva/Starbucks story? I feel like it's on the tip of my brain to remember it, but it just isn't clicking lol

  26. @Jemtastic - I would have KILLED to see that, LMAO!

    It's a long one, Colleen:
    "Since there was a kindness earlier in the week I figured a jackass would be appropriate as well. I believe this is the first time a woman has been featured in the jackass section but it just shows that rude behavior is not limited to the men. What makes this one extra jackassy is that the celebrity in question was in a "safe" location. By safe I mean a neighborhood where there are no tourists and most people have more money than said celebrity. Also, it's one of my favorite people so that kind of sucks.

    Of course this takes place at a Starbucks because celebrities save their very worst behavior for Starbucks and restaurants. So this gorgeous A list actress walks into Starbucks and says three words, and three words only. "Non fat latte." No size, no other instructions. Just those three words. When the barista asks a followup question, the actress puts her finger to her lips in a shhh motion, but says nothing. He tried again, and got the finger again. It was kind of like watching Austin Powers in front of your eyes except she wasn't actually saying anything. I guess he recognized her because he didn't ask for her name, not that she would have responded anyway.

    She doesn't utter a sound or make any other noise as she pays for her latte and just ignores any and all questions or comments from the barista.

    While she is waiting she positions her body in what well could be described as peacock or flamingo mode. She walked around the entire Starbucks thrusting her chest out and her head back like she owns the place. The three customers in the store started looking for hidden cameras because this was crazy as the actress just kept walking around in circles. It was like she wanted to put her very real beauty on display, but there was no one to display for. The place was practically empty and it's a very small Starbucks.

    When her latte was ready, the server just raised the cup and our actress noticed it on her next pass through the store. She walked up, took the cup and then walked out of the store like she was on a runway.

    As she left, one of the customers said "If I was going to do that I would at least make sure my hair didn't look like a rat's nest when I did it.""

  27. That is bizarre and kind of brilliant. Eva totally gets my vote for this blind.

  28. THANK YOU, MadLyb! That is such a fantastic story. I had forgotten all about it.

  29. @MadLyb Heeheehee I think this needs to be made into a meme.

  30. As usual, I'll throw in a "just to be different" - Amber Heard & Johnny Depp? I think she's all movies (but probably not a B+), and are they considered officially together (but even if they're not, couldn't that kind if fit the whole rarely calling/happy to be away part)?

    I just get so bored when everyone keeps guessing the same thing...
