Monday, October 15, 2012

Blind Item #2

For the first time ever, this A list all movies actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has felt open enough to be seen in public with one of his male lovers. Our actor has always gone from woman to woman and those relationships played out in public spaces and places, but this is the first time he has been spotted being affectionate in public with one of his male lovers.


  1. Has Jake G given up the charade? Any actor with that many beards will have to come out as 'bi', btw. Not nice to out beards, it only leads to outing at least some of their other past boyfriends (*cough* Taylor Swift).

  2. Renner JUST went through all that effort to hide that Thai-gay-bar-fight, in which he ditched his wounded friend, all for his career. Jeremy doesn't seem ready, his stock is rising.

    Jake G has not much to lose, and a lot to gain actually by coming out as 'bi'.

  3. If it is Jake, I wouldn't necessarily assume that Taylor was a knowing beard. She's very young. I mean, look at Danielle Fishel. That girl didn't know about Lance Bass.

  4. Has Jake ever won an Academy Award? He was nominated for Brokeback, but did not win.

  5. i always thought the 'academy award winner/nominee' meant they had been one or the other, or maybe both.

    i don't know why people keep trying to make clooney gay. i think this is jake.

  6. that was dumb. if they were winners, they were obviously nominated. what i MEANT was they've at least been nominated and may or may not have won.

    otherwise, all he'd have to say is 'academy award winner'.

  7. Clooney did lots of TV in the 80s (Facts of Life, Sisters, etc.) This isn't him.

    And it does say "winner/nominee" which leads me to think it's Jake. (I think either Taylor Swift was a knowing beard or she has the worst luck of all time with men... she's dated Joe Jonas and Taylor Lautner, as well as Jake.)

  8. nancer- I don't think people are trying to make him gay. I think lifelong bachelor + numerous year-long relationships + super close relationship with some men = obvious suspicion.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Clooney isn't a lifelong bachelor. He was married in the 80s (Talia Balsam, who is now married to John Slattery.)

    Man, I wish I was able to recall where I put my keys and/or cell phone on a daily basis as easily as I'm able to recall random bits of gossip and trivia. lol

  11. Nancer - I understand what you were saying the first time - didn't think it was "dumb" :-) (Maybe it's because I already knew what Enty means when that is in the description?

    In any case, I agree - I think it's Jake G.

  12. Clooney is famous for TV so it's not him, although I wish it were. It makes me sad that he feels he has to stay in the closet, but I'm sure he has his reasons.

  13. Jude Law photos with a "friend" in St Tropez on Daily Mail.... He's been nominated twice...

  14. Mary S-G - I hear ya!!!! I was at a party on Saturday night and was spouting off some ridiculous trivia. I actually asked (out loud), "Why do I even know this stuff?" I just call it a really strange gift. You never know - you might win a bar bet someday!


    /if wishes were fishes...

  16. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Secretly hoping this is Sean penn and his vile treatment of women is based on his inability to face his real desires. I know it's not him, but secretly hoping.

  17. Hmmm Snooki and Jude Law are at the top of the Daily Mail list today. Looks like we have our answers.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Too bad John T isn't all movies....

  20. Spacey & Foxx haven't really dated around publicly.

    If the "Daily Mail Code" is correct, Jude IS an excellent guess. God knows the man likes sex, and he certainly has lived his (straight) love life all in the tabs!

  21. (I meant it like "Da Vinci Code", except for Enty blinds. I need a rim-shot emoticon.)

  22. @Mary/Ms_Goddess I always feel like such a bitch when I correct someones incorrect celebrity gossip. Especially when I correct them with a really detailed answer that no normal person should know. If only I had the same passion for my college classes, I would have graduated in four years instead of the anticipated six. Eeck that is scary to look at in print...

  23. Spacey doesn't really date and he has done TV. Got his start on WISEGUY.

  24. I wouldn't consider Renner A list. Besides, has ever been known to have a public girlfriend? He seems to skip all that "beard" bullshit.

    Jake's a good guess, though his A status is tetchy. But I think I read in Casablance that Toothy has been dying to come out for years.

  25. Good on Calla! It is is nice to mix it up a little.

  26. I'm on the "Daily Mail Code" train. Jude was photaged with another male on the Daily Mail site.

    My only question is who were they seen by? If the Daily Mail had photos of them in a kiss or embrace, they would have certainly posted them.

  27. This Daily Mail thing takes a lot of the fun out of guessing. Maybe Enty could start ripping off a different site?

  28. It's a bit disappointing now that we know the DMC, isn't it? It kind of takes away the fun possibility that things are true. :(

  29. How about Leo?

  30. Apparently Enty doesn't read the comments on her posts.

  31. Agreed about the DMC.....signing my name to 'new Enty source' petition.

  32. Jeremy Renner and Kevin Spacey are both out of the closet and have been for a long time.

    1. True waited on Spacey @ a trendy NYC restaurant yrs ago and he was openly "canoodling" with his male companion

  33. I posted this on today's other BI:

    Do you think Enty creates the blinds out of thin air based on the photos on The Daily Mail? Or do you think he/she takes the info from Daily Mail and stretches the truth?

    I ask because the article about Mulligan says she looks sad, which would lead me to believe Enty takes the info and stretches. But what about Jude Law being gay? There's just a photo of him with another guy? Again, is Enty stretching it? or just making things up?

  34. Those Daily Mail shots of Jude Law with another man are a bit blurry, but I think the 'other man' is a (very married) Mexican actor Demian Bichir.

  35. If it is Demian Bichir, it would make sense that they are hanging out -- they have begun production on 'Dom Hemingway' together:

  36. Whoever it is, kudos to them! Life is too short to live a life of lies. Come out and live your truth, the rest will be easy!

  37. Sounds like Jude Law; he and his ex-wife led very interesting sex lives, so this shouldn't be a shock.

  38. I think the Daily Mail just triggers Enty's memory to write a blind based on something he already knows, not that he uses it to create blinds.

    I don't care, I'll stand by any man with bacon.

  39. I think that enty has a business relationship w/the daily mail. I'm sure their reporters have alot of gossip they can't print because they might get sued. so, enty prints the gossip, calls it a blind, and the daily mail prints the photo.

  40. If we are to believe this is Jake G, I wouldn't question whether Taylor knew he was gay. She knew alright. According to Ted, Taylor Swift is a professional beard. She beards for gay guys to keep her wholesome image alive.

  41. Clooney with Cindy Crawford's husband and his best friend Randy Gerber

  42. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Jude Law were bi.

    However, his past relationships with women have NOT all played out in "public places or spaces." That phrase hints at bearding.

    Jude has had MANY down-low escapades with women, has reportedly bedded dozens of women. His affair with the nanny and illegitimate child are just two that came to light. So I don't think he is this particular blind.

    I'm on board with Jake. He hasn't bearded in years, not since Swifty, and he recently left CAA, which is the agency known for aggressively forcing their clients into PR hookups for their self-promotion.

  43. The "all movies" certainly takes out a lot of people like Clooney, Jamie Foxx, Jeremy Renner, & Leo. I think it's Jake, but the A list part seems a little high for him since he's been struggling for hits.

  44. Am I going to have to start reading The Daily Mail now too? I already read too many gossip sites as it is. Oh you guys are much too clever!

  45. i think that Enty created his BI from Daily Mail articles

  46. Jeremy Remmer has a long time live in boyfriend...and what woman have we seen him with ?

  47. @MelTheLibrarian

    I agree about Taylor Swift. Bearding is a profitable sideline for a woman like her. I think it's why we never see anyone even hinting that she's a total slut based on the number of men she's supposedly dated.

  48. Couldn't have been too public if no one took a picture.

  49. James Franco? Long- rumored to be gay. Although I kinda think it's Jake too.

    1. James Franco has been on Freaks and Geeks and did a stint on General Hospital.

  50. Swift didn't do bearding for money, but for publicity. It's a safe way to get magazine covers and lots of cooing from fans. Does explain Mayer or her current Kennedy fetish, though.

    I agree that this is Gyllenhaal.

  51. There was a BI years ago about Jude and Backham hooking up, both have bi rumours.

  52. @Lila Thanks for that CAA drop, I am really curious to see who is on the list and if it is anyone we have previously thought was a PR setup.

  53. @Lila re CAA: Wow. I did not know that. I wouldn't be too surprised hearing about it from a few of the other top agencies, but was not expecting that from the Death Star agency. With their contacts, I'm not sure why it would even be necessary though?

  54. You guys have totally missed the real answer, courtesy of the Daily Mail.

    Matthew Morrison and Mickey Mouse.

  55. I agree that everything seems to come from DM these days. I always start there and work my way here. Didn't used to be that way. Saves me a lot of time too.

    Sorry Enty. Not buying the new stuff you're selling. Especially with all the ads.

    The whole site is not as fun as it used to be

  56. It seems extremely obvious Tay Swift is writing songs out of the top of her delusional head. Most of the songs are NOT based on real relationships. Just a fig of her storybook addled imagination.

    She does have a great imagination though.

  57. There were also rumors about Jude Law and Ewan MacGregor hooking up years ago. I've always assumed he was bi anyway with many lovers of both sexes.

  58. Jake G. isn't A list, though.

  59. Do we have proof that Jeremy Renner is gay? The living a long time with a friend thing is not proof to me, I have two female friends that work, live and go out together, but aren't gay.

  60. We have proof he is gay - Ted Casablanca was fired for outing him in his web column by accident ( he slipped and called Jeremy by his real name rather than those goofy monikers he makes up).

  61. Unknown
    Idk if I would call that proof, nor does anyone know that's why Ted got let go.

  62. I definately think this is Kevin Spacey.

  63. First time commenter!

    Ethan Hawke. If you check the DM their is photo of him with his arm around a male 'friend'.

  64. Renner is not gay. He had sex with a female friend of mine. Maybe he's bi.
    Clooney is bi and is, supposedly, quite voracious in his pursuits.

  65. Either Ethan hawke or Clooney. Both are in the DM right now. Ethan has his arm around a male friend. Clooney is getting into a car with Rande Gerber who has been rumored to be his lovah.

  66. Jenny S. do tell us what you know!

  67. I think Ted made things up as well. For example, his Butter Pussy was widely thought to be Oprah but I think she's straight.

  68. lol @ Jeremy Renner guess
