Monday, October 01, 2012

Blind Item #2

This former Bachelorette star was in talks to be in Peepshow. The talks only lasted for a minute though because the reality show contestant didn't understand why she would have to strip down to almost nothing for a show called peepshow and wondered if they could have her wear more clothes while everyone else got naked. Also, she wanted ten times more per week than they were paying Holly Madison even though no one even knows who the Bachelorette star was.


  1. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I want to say Emily but I know it's not her... what about that crazy skank Michelle Money??

  2. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Melissa Rycroft

  3. This is someone who was on Bachelorette, not just Bachelor so not Michelle Money or Melissa Rycroft. It'd have to be Emily, Ali, aaaaand I can't remember the rest...

  4. bfl
    Not her, she wasn't a Bachelorette. There weren't many, but I can't of one besides Emily that could be in Peepshow. Also she seems like she is a bit of a Southern Belle and would want to be more covered.

  5. Correction: nobody knows who the bachelorette star 'IS'

  6. How about that nasty piece of work whatserface from Jake's season that became Bachorlette? The mean blonde that wants to be on tv so bad? Not Ashley, tje one before her.

  7. Never watch these shows so I'll rely on you guys to solve this one

  8. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Duh- I don't know why the "ette" didn't register the first time I read it. I am not smart.

    Then I would say Ali Fedotowsky.

  9. @Renoblondee, I think you mean that hot tranny mess, Vienna. I don't think that she'd EVER have a problem taking off her clothes for money.

  10. Emily...she's seems dumb to me.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Emily would never do it. She may be a dumb blonde, but no...

    Can I just pretend its Erica Rose?

  13. Going down the line...

    Trista - No, two kids, married, husband, doesn't appear to be the type to go that direction in life

    Jen - Just had a second kid, married, lives in Chicago. Can't see it.

    DeAnna - I think she's married but seems to have made a little career for herself and seems content. No one knows her, though...

    Ali - has been struggling for fame since her show. I can see her asking. If I remember correctly, she has insecurity issues with her body, so that could be a reason for wanting to be covered up. And Enty has called her out on her fame seeking desperation in the past.

    Jillian - No, can't picture it

    Emily - She is holding on to that "good girl" image as long as she can, especially with a kid, so the demands would make sense. However, I feel more people in the general public know her because she's been in the tabs for over a year now.

    That all being said, if it's someone that no one knows, I have to go with Ali.

  14. @Carrie, thanks for the summary - I was having trouble remembering all of them. Yes, I think Ali makes the most sense. Especially if Emily really is with (sorta-Mormon) Jef[f], then it probably really isn't her. That being said, that appears to be all for publicity's sake anymore, god knows why. Just break up already.

  15. @karen, no I meant Ali. Too true about Vienna.

  16. @Unknown, I agree, Emily & Jeff need to call it quits publicly. But I'm sure ABC is paying them some extra cash to stay together. It's ridiculous if they think people watch the show because a long term romance is going to come of it. Ha! Everyone (with a brain) knows it's just train wreck TV, nothing more.

  17. What about Ashley the dentist?

  18. How about Vienna Girardi? (from Jake Pavelka's season of The Bachelor) She's nothing if not a drama queen and it's always all about her.

  19. It would have to be one of the actual bachelorettes; not any one who just dated a bachelor and never became a bachelorette. I'm going with Ashley. She has body issues and is a dancer.

  20. It would have to be one of the actual bachelorettes; not any one who just dated a bachelor and never became a bachelorette. I'm going with Ashley. She has body issues and is a dancer.
