Sunday, October 14, 2012

Blind Item #2 - This One Is Crazy Scandalous

A++ list actress is married. Another A+ list actress has recently split from her long time boyfriend. The A+ list actress who recently split from her boyfriend has her eyes set on the husband of the A++ list actress. They have had several dinner meetings because she says she does not like meeting in his office. The A+ actress has some really big hate for the A++ actress and would love nothing more to turn business into pleasure and mess up the marriage of the A++ list actress and wipe the smirk off her face. Apparently the smirk really bothers her. This all goes back to some boyfriend the A++ list actress supposedly stole.


  1. Could the guy be Jim Toth, Reese's husband? Isn't he an agent, and therefore would have an office?

  2. That's a thought, surfer. Reese has an Oscar and she smirks. I got nothin' on the A+ actress that just split though. Cameron? She's not A+ is she?

  3. Is the A+ with recent split Halle? She's crazy enough for this.

  4. Is Julia Roberts A++? Cameron Diaz for A+?

  5. I like the Reese guess, but it can't be Cameron, she hasn't had a long term boyfriend for quite some time has she?

  6. If Reese, then Kristen Stewart for A+?

  7. well, if it is jim toth, good luck with that. first time married, first time dad, first time access to bizzillion $$. what man would leave that, or jeopardize all that, so early on?? couple years down the road maybe, but not now.

  8. Hilary swank for A+ ?

  9. Yeah Reese doesn't really work. There aren't that many A+ and A++ actresses, but I can't figure it out! Who recently split from BF? Not Cameron, not Angelina, not Jen, if would kill me if Kristen is above A list.

  10. Charlize Theron for the recent break up? It's been over a year, but they were together for a decade....

  11. I had nothing until seeing the Reese guess and I could totally see that. I could see a lot of actresses really disliking her and I still am wondering about that racist thing because I could see that too.

  12. What about Ann Hathaway for A++? A+ could be Hillary Swank, Sophia Vergaga (I don't think she's A+ at all but people love her), or ScarJo (who recently split from someone).

  13. msgirl said...
    There aren't that many A+ and A++ actresses, but I can't figure it out!

    I seems like it should be easy to figure out, but it isn't.

  14. A++ has got to be Reese since her husband is an agent. Good one Surfer

    I am stealing jkelsofarrell's answer for the A+ being ScarJo. I just saw in Daily Mail (!!) that she just split with her boyfriend Nate. I could see ScarJo being jealous of Reese for not being taken seriously as a dramatic actress

    Could Scarlett feel Reese stole or Ryan P or Jake G (don't laugh)?

  15. I don't know about Reese. Would that really be "crazy scandalous?" They haven't been married that long and it's her second marriage. That said, I can't really come up with anyone else. Is Julia Roberts A++?

  16. I heart Selma Blair, a good recent split and Reese stole that guy she married first during the filming of cruel intentions back then.

  17. Ryan Phillipe was first with Selma Blair and then Reese appeared to stole the guy in that Cruel Intentions film.

    (Enty already told us that love triangle ages ago)

  18. A++List actress: Reese Witherspoon
    A + list actress:ScarJo
    Witherspoon's husband Jim is ScarJo's agent
    Boyfriend supposedly stole:Jake G

  19. Selma Blair is not A+ List

  20. I'm with FrenchGirl. I don't see Selma doing something like this, especially since she has a baby ... I'd think she would have more sense than to try to steal him from his new family. ScarJo on the other hand, has zero scruples IMO.

  21. Yeah, Julia Roberts husband was (is?) a camera man or cinematographer or whatever. Would he have an office? I like the Reese Witherspoon guess because I find her smug, self-righteous and insufferable, so it wouldn't kill me to see some insipid upstart like Scarlett Johansson make her miserable.

  22. Toth represents ScarJo and Amber Heard. This feels like Amber's M.O., but I don't think she's A+ list. As much as I hate to think Scarlett is the answer for two of today's blinds, she seems like a good choice.

  23. Some googling shows that ScarJo is a client of Jim Toth's....
    From a People magazine article "Later, he started working with such clients as Forest Whitaker, Scarlett Johansson, McConaughey and Rachel Bilson."

  24. Some of these women have too much time on their hands

  25. Kristin Stewart has the most arrogant bitch ass looking smirk. Sorry but it annoys the crap out of me. Maybe pissed that Reese got involved by taking the sparkly one in her house and ended up looking kind. Like a "mind your business bitch" thing. I can see that. Only time I saw Reese smirk was in Election. Awesome movie.

  26. ScarJo
    Brad Pitt (owns a production company)
    Angie Jo (who steals everyone's boyfriend!)

    1. I like it. That would take some big ole balls to try to steal a man from the professional man-stealer though.

  27. I don't think anyone has guessed right yet. No way would any woman think that she could steal Jim Toth from Reese. Just married, new baby, both religious... No way. I have to keep thinking.

  28. I like the Reese/ScarJo guess, but since when is ScarJo A+. She's been B+ at best for a while. Did Avengers really kick her up a notch?

    @julie gold, don't believe the Reese hype.

  29. i kept thinking jennifer anniston and angelina jolie, with aj being "married" and maybe ja having a down-low break up? but it still wouldnt fit.

    i wonder why it would be "crazy scandalous"?

  30. I don't think Reese is A++

    My guesses are
    A++ Julia Roberts
    A+ Susan Sarandon
    Long time boyfriend Tim Robbins
    Husband Dany Moder

    I know Susan and Tim split up almost 3 years ago, and the 'recently' is throwing my guess a curve ball, but that's how I read it.

  31. Scarlett wasn't with her boyfriend for that long though. It says longtime love.

  32. OK, Breaking it down:
    Actresses who might be considered A+ who recently split with long term BFs:
    Hilary Swank
    Keira Knightley
    Selma Blair ( A+??)
    K Stew
    Charlize Theron ( not that recently but could be)

    Possible A++ with possibly stealable husbands who might have offices/ take meetings with other actresses:
    Reese/ Jim (agent)
    Jen G/ Ben (as a director?)
    Goop/ Chris Martin (helping someone w/ music? ScarJo?)
    Julia Roberts/ Moder (not sure - some movie project meeting I guess)
    Cate Blanchett / (hubs is a writer)
    Nicole Kidman / Keith U ( music thing again)

    That's all I got for now....

  33. I kind of like the idea of someone trying to steal Chris Martin from Goopy - she totally has a smirk/thinks she's above everyone...

  34. Cherry blossom, I like the Julia Roberts - Susan Sarandon guess a lot.

    My first guess was that someone was after James Brolin, but I couldn't figure out who.

  35. Wasn't Selma Blair recently the top guess for a an actress described as "the definition of B list"? I really don't think she is anywhere near A+.

    That being said, this blind is hard and I have no idea.

  36. Didn't Kate Bosworth and Chris Martin have a thing a while back? Not saying this is her, but that story popped n my head.

  37. Julia Roberts definitely has gotten around and is smug as hell and it seems the timing in her marriage is ripe for vulnerability ... plus she's one of the few true A++ women, maybe Angelina, Nicole, and GOOP but that's about all the A++ women

  38. Anonymous11:55 AM

    So, the A++ actress wants the A+ actor, but her A++++ boyfriend wanted to share a Happy Meal with an A+ actor friend of the A++'s cousin on a Wednesday in Malibu at an A++ actress beach house. Not the first A++ actress, but an A++ actress who has an A+ husband AND a B++ girlfriend on the side. The B++ girlfriend has an A- boyfriend who wants the A++ actress. Not the one A++ actress, but the other A++ with A++++ boyfriend who really likes eating Happy Meals in Malibu.

    Did I get that right, Enty? Thanks for being clear and concise in your writing.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I dont understand but OH SNAP.

    Lol Archer


  41. A++ is courtney stodden

    her husband doug hutshionson is an acting coach with office

    A+ is shauna sands hates CS cause she thinks CS slept with her ex husband (lorenzo lamas)
    and that why LL daughter hates her on new VH1 show

  42. I don't think it's Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon. They're longtime friends; in fact, Susan Sarandon and her brother introduced Julia to Lyle Lovett.

    For the CRAZY bit: Kirsten Dunst was in "Crazy/Beautiful," and she was with Jake Gyllanhaal pre-Reese.

  43. When you say A++ actress, to my mind that eliminates everyone but Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts amongst the living.

    Unleash this is an old hollywood blind.

  44. Isn't Michelle Pfeiffer s husband a famous writer/tv producer? She s A++ even by Enty s subtle and ever evolving ranking?

  45. Courtney Stodden is A++ ON ANOTHER FUCKING PLANET. Here on Planet Earth she's a D-List Wannabe. I can't even call her a celebrity.

  46. Huh Michelle is a good A++ guess, but does she smirk? Jen A has a kinda smirk, and maybe "married" really means engaged? Did she steal someone aside from Justin?

  47. No idea who is in this blind, but, WOW with Reese stealing Ryan from Selma. If there was ever a, "be careful what you wish for", this is it.

    Wonder how long it will take "TT" to comment on this thread.

  48. Helen Mirren and Betty White. (obligatory)

  49. Julienne Moore is an A++ in my bookd an dwas in "Crazy, Stupid Love" and her husband is a director, if crazy is a clue. She doesn't seem to smirk, but her husband is a hottie.

    Maggie Gyllenhaul was in "Crazy Heart," but she's not a smirker.

    If crazy is also a clue, then Emma Stone, but I can't see her wanting to steal a husband out of revenge, with Andrew Garfield as her bestie.

    Jennifer Lawrence was in "Like Crazy," but who would be the boyfriend and the A++ actress who is married who once took the boyfriend?


  50. Julia's hubs/babydaddy doesn't have an office, he also doesn't have the kind of cachet for another A-list actress to want to steal him from anyone. Ditto for Anne H's new PA-cum-husband, no office for him she practically carries him in her pocket everyplace she goes...Jolie isn't married; Garner isn't A++; Vergara is still with her db bf; ditto Stone and Lawrence.

    This is Reese and ScarJo all the way. It'll be interesting to see how things transpire. Jim Toth looks so mellow wonder if he's the type to play?

  51. Glenn Close is erecting sculpture and the sculptor Gummer at her home, and this is how she will get revenge on Meryl Streep? Streep and Close should star in, and produce this plot, as a dark comedy.

  52. Can't get on board with the ScarJo part. "Crazy Scandalous" makes it sound like the two women involved are both really big names. Much, much bigger than ScarJo.

  53. Toth had a rep for being a ladies' man pre-Reese (according to Perez anyway).

  54. my guess:
    A++ actress = Gwyneth
    A+ actress = Winona
    husband of A++ actress = Chris Martin
    some boyfriend = ???

  55. I like the Reese guess but I don't think Scarlett is A+. Just don't see it. Maybe Cameron Diaz?

  56. Hilary swank & Reese? Last para from this article in DM:

  57. I have no idea how, where or if she fits but Kate Winslet is at least A+.

  58. @M! Good clue. Thanks for pointing it out.

  59. Just to add it would make sense that Swank would not wish to go into the CAA offices where Toth is an agent, since it is where her now-ex boyfriend agent (Campisi) also works.

    Both Swank and Witherspoon are Oscar winners at same agency, competing for same roles and agency's attention, and that's likely the competitiveness between them and not an ex. Swank fired her manager, her PR firm fired her and now she and Campisi broke up. Fallout of the Chechnia issue, I assume.

  60. I was thinking Jessica Lange for the A+.

  61. A+ ScarJo
    A++ Penelope Cruz
    Husband Javier Bardem
    Boyfriend supposedly stolen by Penelope--Josh Hartnett in 2007

  62. Jim Toth really hit the jackpot by marrying Reese AND knocking her up, says a lot about the clients he represents

  63. Is Reese an A++ or A+ actress? I don´t think so.
