Saturday, October 20, 2012

Blind Item #2 - Easy Easy

This won't go away reality star from a somehow hit network show has been practically living with a guy for the past month but you won't see him in public. She is in talks for a deal which would see him do something that has been done before once in the past and give the show a much needed boost in success rates.


  1. Actually ... I take that back. The "won't see him in public" piece doesn't fit. Was thinking of his pending proposal on his birthday (according to DM).

    I got nothing.

  2. Kim and kanye are papped together like daily, though.

  3. Another Housewives wedding special

  4. What exactly is a network?

  5. This is Emily Maynard from the bachelor and bachelorette. Abc supposedly want her back for another season of bachelorette

  6. Bachelorette show. The first one already knew the guy she picked and then they got married. I am guessing the latest bachelorette is doing the same thing this next go around.

    1. That wad my guess too. Trista and her husband dated before the show and got married on tv. Supposedly Emily was very popular and brought in ratings.

  7. Kirstir Alley, a reality show genre.isn't just all about The Rich Housewives of . Random Town.

  8. Ahhhh ... Bachelorette makes perfect sense. "success rates" ... they have only had the one couple actually last.

  9. Nene from The Real Housewives of Atlanta is on the network show, The New Normal. Sounds like it could be her.

  10. Emily. Bachelorette. Easy.

  11. Emily Maynard. The boyfriend would "apply" to be on the show and she'd pick him in the end. That was revealed by Enty in the past for Trista and Ryan Sutter.

  12. Really????? Trista and Ryan knew each other?? The first Bachelor/Bachelorette were the only ones that I watched and I thought she really got luck. After that, I just thought people were in it just to be known.
    Does anybody know how I can find that reveal from Enty?
    What about the first bachelor, he disappered, no? I guess he didn't wanna be on the spotlight...

  13. Really, Emily? If this is her she's doing what she said she didn't want to do to her daughter. Three fiances in that short of time? Damn.

  14. A Network is ABC, CBS, NBC or Fox (the TV network that shows Glee and the Simpsons, not the NewsChannel). The "Almost Network" is the CW because they are "young" and still struggling to stay afloat.

    "Networks" are called that because they are not national channels on cable or satellite, they are a 'network' of local channels that are affiliated with the network and agree to show all or most of their programming. The big three networks, also referred to as The Eye, The Peacock, and the Alphabet Network, are the original sources of broadcast television in the US, and at least 2 of them, CBS and NBC, actually began as radio stations.

  15. Unknown's nailed it. Trista was already dating her fire fighter before he became one of the "contestants" on the show, and Emily will be pulling the same stunt.

  16. I'm so disappointed about Trista and Ryan! I remember being so absorbed in that season too. I feel like such a fool :( Ugh damn you reality tv...nothing is real!

  17. Or HE could be applying to be Bachelor and she will get her "second chance" as a contestant, and it will all work out like a fairy tale, except totally pre-arranged. I think the show will get a bigger boost if a bachelor finds his princess than if a bachelorette finds her prince (since that's been done), and people (women who watch) now want to see a man really find love on the show (aw, see, real love really exists!).

  18. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Wow... This is easy and surprised that guesses so far have been really bad. This is Emily from Bachelorette. The reference to "done once before" is a reference to Trista and Ryan who were dating BEFORE the show and are (to date) the only successful on camera couple (others mixed and matched from different seasons when cameras weren't rolling)

  19. THANK YOU FS!!! I've been wondering about that for so long (I'm Canadian, we don't refer to things as Network/Non-Network/Whatever here!) THANK YOU!!

  20. THANK YOU FS!!! I've been wondering about that for so long (I'm Canadian, we don't refer to things as Network/Non-Network/Whatever here!) THANK YOU!!
