Thursday, October 18, 2012

Blind Item #2 & #3

Two about weight so thought I would put them together.

This B list television actor on a very hit network show who probably won't get this lucky again once the show ends has always been known as a jerk, but this kind of takes it to the extreme even for him. He told his skinny girlfriend that she was fat and that if she did not lose some weight he would break up with her because she was embarrassing him with her being fat. He has since put a scale into her place and a matching one in his place and makes her weight herself everyday. If she stays the same or gains, he makes her starve herself all day.

This celebrity has told his former A list tweener wife that she must be doing something wrong if she has not lost the weight from her pregnancy and that she needs to work harder and that she must be cheating and eating when he is not around. He then points out pregnant celebrity moms who are all skinny.


  1. 2 - Hilary Duff and whatever her husband's name is.

  2. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Agree about Hilary Duff for 2.

  3. Ashton and Mila?
    H. Duff and Mike Commrie

  4. Definitely Hilary Duff for the second one.

    Don't know for the first one, but Ashton is always called "unfortunately A list" or something along those lines, which makes me think that it isn't him.

  5. I think Enty has referred (reluctantly) to Ashton as A list in the past. Although it sounds like something he would do.

  6. Both of these tools shld stfu. They arent helping, and there is an element of cruelty in both cases. And ladies? Cut both these calorie counters loose. Now. Do it!!!!

  7. For #2, didn't Lainey have a blind about a year ago that was thought to be Mike and Hilary? That he was cheating on her? Ugh poor girl

  8. I so wanted #1 to be Piv. But that's cable :-/

  9. I could see this being Ashton and Mila if Enty hadn't usually referred to him as A-list. Because Mila has put on some weight (although I think she still looks amazing).

  10. Actually, I don't see Mila putting up with that shit anyway. I doubt she'd stand for it.

  11. Ashton was married to a very thin Demi, I can imagine his expectations pushing women to the brink.

  12. Comrie you are an asshole to the 10th power. I hate all the obsession over losing the baby weight. Let's focus on the babies and their well-being before attacking their mothers! Ugh, that's been bothering me.

  13. OMG! Weight is about more than the number on the scale!!!!

    And everything auntliddy said!

  14. If this is Mila and Asston, I have lost all respect for her. I never appreciated what Asston had to offer but I loved her because I thought she was cool and down-to-earth. Then she hooks up with Asston and lets him treat her this way? Oh, honey. You ain't the girl I hoped you were.
    Supposing this is all true, natch.

  15. Fuck that.... Both girls can drop a to of weight by cutting the pricks loose.

    I'm going back to my golden Oreo ice cream now.

  16. 1. Perhaps someone from Glee or Vampire Diaries?

    2. Hilary Duff. Her fugly husband can eff right off it it's them.

  17. Definitely the Duffster for the 2nd.. Poor girl. What a douche.

    How about Tracey Morgan for the 1st one. He's had his jerk moments. He's funny, but he's not all that. He really lucked out to get on 3rd Rock.

  18. I believe that #1 is Doucheton. Look at Demi and her diet of sugarfree RedBulls. Not only was she fighting age, she went hungry to please him. Disgrace!

  19. For some reason, I keep thinking about Eric Stonestreet from "Modern Family" for No. 1 ... but he and his girlfriend broke up a couple of months ago.

  20. I'm going with others guesses once again, though #2 popped into my mind before reading the comments.

    Leave them, Mila and Hillary. Any man who body shames a woman they purport to care about is not worth it.

  21. For some reason I don't think #1 is Ashton/Mila. She was just named Sexiest Woman Alive by Esquire mag.. I doubt Ashton would be embarassed by that. Plus all we see is pictures of them eating together in NYC. I think it's someone else.

  22. Mike Comrie, Hillary Duff's husband, for #2. Easy. I hope it's not true.

  23. Yeah, I'm not feeling the Ashton/Mila guess either. Is actor who plays Puck from Glee dating anyone? Enty has mentioned him being an asshat, I think.

  24. I had no clue for #1 so checked the comments, and Ashton and Mila are actually a good guess. Yes, she was just declared "the sexiest woman alive" by Maxim or Esquire or one of those lad mags, but i remember very recently there was a lot of criticism about her gaining a little weight. the DM was saying she was looking thicker, and there were comments of "what happened to Mila!?!" on a lot of celebrity sites. she's petite, so even a small amount of weight gain really shows up on her. she seems to have lost the few extra lbs., and maybe now we know why? IF this is true, of course. anyway, the description enty provides of the actor just about screams "ashton kutcher!"

  25. I dont see mila putting up with that at all. And no mention of the skinny gf being famous.

  26. 1. Johnny Galecki and Kelli Garner.

  27. I hope these are revealed so I can boycott their stuff. Disgusting.

  28. When I was a Jr in HS I was in band (twirler, don't judge) and there was a hot guy my age also in band (trombone..feel free to judge). He told a chubby freshman that if she wanted to go out with him she needed to lose 20 pounds.
    She lost it and was a KNOCKOUT. Once she did that, he couldn't buy a date with her, she was so popular with guys even hotter than him.
    I was sorry for her when she said "x told me I need to lose weight if I stand a chance" because that's just wrong.
    But I would be lying if I said I didn't laugh and laugh and laugh when she wouldn't even give him the time of day after she lost the weight.

  29. Second one definitely Hillary Duff and whoever she's married to.

    No idea about the first blind.

  30. He can put a scale in my loft and my office if he wants. It's probably a nice one, and I need some motivation to stop eating friggin' cupcakes.

  31. Yikes, forgot to post my guess..I agree with Ashton/Mila.
    I think he's an insecure piece of dung and probably would say anything out of spite.
    Not that I'm a January J fan, but recall his mean words to her when they were dating, Demi's decline (again, not a fan) this is a snot of a person who I have no doubt will try to make a woman 'know her place'.

  32. Ashton allegedly did a similar thing as #1 to Brittany Murphy some years back. I despise him >:(

  33. Def Duff/ Comrie for #2.
    This may seem random but I thought of Desmond Harrington/ Amanda Seyfried the whole time I read #1. He seems like he could be a jerk in real life and over the past few seasons of Dexter he's gotten freakishly thin. And she hasn't really been known to pick any winners...

  34. At first I thought horatio from csi for #1 but I agree with ashton/mila guess which is sad cause she's so pretty and hated being stick skinny in black swan. I hope she smartens up and realizes his star is fading and her's gets bigger everyday.

  35. Mila was skinny healthy(not anorexic skinny) before they officially became a couple. That I think was what attracted him to her. Even during the 70's Show he already got the hots for her and she's way skinnier back then. But now that she's in a relationship with him she gained some weight. For some reason I noticed she looks greasy and unkempt lately. She was never like that when she was still with Mac.

    And yeah, 2 is totally H. Duff

  36. What about Matthew Morrison and his model-type gf? He will likely/hopefully never work again after Glee and he seems like a smug jerk. It doesn't say the gf is famous.

  37. Is Hillary Duff's husband really considered a celebrity, though? Otherwise, she fits. At first I was thinking Melissa Joan Hart, but she had her baby like 12 seconds ago and her husband isn't a celebrity either.

    I don't see Mila putting up with that from Ashton at all. The girlfriend in the first one doesn't really sound famous.

  38. ABlake, while I hate that douchey guy for making a weight comment to that freshman, your story officially made my morning. That's awesome, good for her!

    I'm iffy on the Mila/Ashton guess, because Enty used B list but also specified television actor. Ashton has done (terrible) movies. Would that eliminate him? And I think he'll continue to get work once his stint on Men is over.

    But a Glee actor would be a good guess, since those kids would be lucky to get work after it ends.

  39. I disagree about Mila NOT putting up with this (although I don't think this is them because Enty would have referenced his film credits too). If she can actually be with Asston, the Uber Douche, then she has *got* to have super low self-esteem already. Think about it. Yes, she'll stick up for her friends, and tell it like it is for a magazine article but there are girls out there who do all of those things (relatively) but still go for douches and put up with far more than we should. Just sayin'!

  40. Can't be Ashton. Enty refers to Ashton as A list TV actor even though, he/she hates saying it.

  41. ...and BTW.

    #1 - I feel bad that the girl has such low self esteem that she allows this actor creep to speak to her like that. It's her fault for staying in the relationship.

    #2 - definitely Hilary Duff.

  42. "I'm going back to my golden Oreo ice cream now." - LOL! Love it! :)

  43. Ashton Kutcher needs to get real! He is a total loser who should be grateful he's with ANYONE and getting ANY acting work!!

  44. For those who say Mila "would not put up with this", how do you know? These people put up a front for everyone. For all we know, she is a total mess of insecurity in private.

    Both guys are ASSHOLES.

  45. Tony Denozo from NCIS?

  46. <3 Cornbread. She didn't miss out on anything with the guy. He was the one on the bus who always sat in the back and invited you to sit with him and 'relax'.
    She truly was the winner of it all :)

    Mother Campfire, I agree. It really doesn't matter how many times people tell you how pretty you are, it's what the person you give your heart too..that's the opinion that matters, no matter how screwed up that can be.

  47. Dear Lord, thank you for making me not beautiful, not an actress, and not married to an effing a-hole.


  48. Ashton is one of the highest paid actors on tv (blech), so unfortunately, he is most definitely A list for TV. As much as I can see him doing this, not him in this particular blind.

  49. a mother to a 21 month old I know how hard it is to lose the weight. I was lucky to have a partner who understood it was hard and, who was happy that I was working at being healthy even though it didn't peel off right away.

    So sad when men treat new moms this way as opposed to thanking and honoring them for creating life. This asshole needs a reality check, she just made a human being dick...sorry it's not all peeling off. She could go the old fashion L.A. way and use Adderall or Coke but, the reality is if you do it the old fashioned way it can take some time.


  50. This just makes me love Mr. Disco all the more for bringing me a cup of ice cream at 11:30 last night.

  51. Mr. Disco is the best! :)

  52. Keeli, I'm with you. I'm guessing it's Stonestreet. I've heard some stories about him and what a jackwad he is and I think he broke up with his gf he'd been with forever because he believed his own hype. Can totally see this being him. But is the gf Charlize Theron? I NEVER beleived that story to begin with but that's the last person he's been linked to in public, right?

  53. Am I the only one that doesn't have a problem with this?

    If that's what your significant other likes then that's what maybe you should do.

    I have rules for my man and he has rules for me.

  54. My 1st thought of a television actor who lucked into his current role on a hit TV show is the 90210 guy playing himself in "Don't Trust the B in ....". Without that part he would be a walking answer to a trivia question.

  55. Wow! Just Wow. It is so sad to read the emotional abuse of women is alive and well in these douche bag males.

    Talk about playing into a person's insecurities, and using it against them. She had your baby and you call her fat? Her response should have been... "Don't mention my weight and I won't mention your d*ck size". For the unfortunate girlfriend who has to weigh in daily.... her response should have been "I'll stop being a 'fatty' the day after you stop being a turd".

  56. i finally figured one out, #2 is miss duff, but who the hell is 1!!

  57. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Eric Stonestreet for #1 - he's bigger and rumored to be an ass. #2 is Hilary

  58. I thought Stonestreet. I don't have an opinion on him, don't watch his show. I can't imagine Mila giving Ashton that power. Yeah she probably had a teen crush on him and maybe they are serious but she has got to know that if they broke up, half of Hollywood would want her. I can't imagine Ashton having so much power in that relationship. Technically he's good looking but she's better looking than he is and far more likable.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Waht about Corey Montieth and Lea Michelle? She dropped a ton of weight back in season 2 and maybe he likes her better anorexic?

  61. 1: Douchebag
    2: Another douchebag

    My nephew is almost two and my sister is still working on losing the baby weight. She's lost a lot but it's hard work.

  62. @bobbi_1025 Exactly!! Well said. Any weight they lose is going to be with fear and sadness attached, and it is not going to be a good feeling.

  63. the only weight these girls should drop are their loser men.

  64. #1 Doesn't work. You'll only lose muscle. Your body goes into starvation mode and hoards every calorie like Scrooge hoards money. You starve and gain weight and it's harder to lose on top of it all. So stop being a douche and pay for a trainer.

    #2 Not all women's bodies are the same. Don't you think she's just as frustrated? Get your head out of your ass.

  65. Anonymous4:45 PM

    #1 How about Gaga and her bf?

  66. hmmm dont think its ashton/mila i agree with the mathew morrison guess, but stonestreet was the first one i thought of but he is single and is/was the charlize thing true? @discoflux - yay for mr disco! Mr Blind and i made pancakes and hot choc at midnight last night :) although i must admit when i start getting thicke i get mr blind to help me reign in the food (such as when i ask for pancakes and hot choc at midnight he should politely decline) but i dont know how id feel if he forced me!

  67. Not really sure - Doucheton could be #1. Not sure if I'd really call Commrie (sp?) a celebrity but he was a pro hockey player. Whoever they are, they can both fuck. right. off. Think how much weight these two gals would loose by ditching these assholes!

  68. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I just realized I am pretty much married to one of these guys. And FWIW, I dont think I have ever been less motivated to be thin.

  69. Duffter dont do it to urself.

  70. dru - thats horrible, so sorry :(
    lake - you obviously did the right thing as he's now your EX husband!

    1. Thank you! Been an EX for almost 20 years now and yet I still sometimes think of the horrible crap he said to me. No one deserves abuse like that.

  71. I hope this is revealed. I'd love for all those screaming ashton(or even worse making up dumbass nicknames like the idiots do with obama) to be wrong. I don't think it's him because i have faith Mila wouldn't put up with that shit, but also, i don't think he would be like that to someone he's known a decade plus and lastly i don't think he's that type of guy. I'll be looking for this one on New Years.

  72. lake - nope no one deserves it. i hope you have the love and happiness you deserve *hugs* xo

  73. Hilary has gained some serious weight since she had the baby.

  74. Hilary has gained some serious weight since she had the baby.

  75. @lakeuniongirl What a jerk! They know so much more about colic now than they did even 5 yrs ago. It's a living hell for mother and child - my oldest had it for 18 months.

  76. I don't think Mike Comrie could be considered a celebrity.



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