Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Blind Item #1

Parents are starting to question why this foreign born B+ list mostly movie actor spends so much time with their kids. At first they thought it was nice. Now they are wondering if something sinister is going on.


  1. Christian Bale is higher than B+, right? Because I would cry if I found out there was something shady about all the sick kids he visits in hospitals.

  2. Maybe the actor is shooting blanks and wants to give back to kids who idolize the actor?

  3. Cathy- Christain Bale is A list, thank god!

    I have no idea

  4. Sorry Enty i'm not getting my pitchfork & torch for this witch hunt. 1st blind i've never answered.

  5. Anyone check DMC?

  6. CB is A list. He has an oscar and he's Batman! So I highly doubt its him. Plus I doubt he has ever done TV (blind says mostly movies)

  7. Phew! It's just that he's the first foreign-born actor who spends time with kids that came to mind. I'm so glad this can't be him!

  8. Gross. this is just like Michael Jackson. he was either stuck in a childhood state or a pedo.
    you can't throw out accusations like that if they have no merit.

    1. Stuck there with clear and obvious signs of Peter Pan syndrome... Yes, it is real and very sad....

  9. If this is true, report it to Children's Services. If it's not true - it's kind of disgusting to put this idea in anyone's head about an innocent party.

    1. Totally agree. Once that suspicion is out there, even if it's proven false can still taint a persons name forever.

  10. Not worth it (to try and even guess on this one)

  11. I hate blinds like this :-( And there's barely any clues...

  12. The word "sinister" could be a very obvious clue. A movie by that name has just been released in theaters.

  13. i always think its weird when celebs go to hospitals to visit people. if you are sick enough to be in a hospital, you don't want to entertain anyone. kids don't usually know who celebs even are. remember after the movie theater shooting in colorado, when athletes and such were visiting the vicitms? weird.

    it would bother me if i thought the celeb was visitng because they were getting press. if they are children in a hospital situation its unlikely that they would ever be out of camera range much less alone. but getting press off a sick child is disturbing on its own.

  14. Russell Brand. There were pictures of him in the DM with two young boys at a basketball game. However, if parents think their kids are being harmed then report it to the police so a proper investigation can be done, instead of just dragging someone's name through the mud. Once an accusation like that is made, true or not, people will always wonder.

  15. My detective skills are going to have to go into over time for this one! This is not something you want people saying about you!

    I guess there is such a thing as bad publicity!!!

  16. @LeGrange, spill......

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I really hope beyond hope that this isn't referring to Ryan Gosling and how he enjoys doing children related charity work.

    His band also does a lot of work with children's choirs and incorporates them into all of their songs.

    I feel sick now.

  19. Also, what is going on to make the situation "sinister"?
    Obviously something weird is happening if the parents are becoming suspicious.

  20. @SusanB:
    "If this is true, report it to Children's Services. If it's not true - it's kind of disgusting to put this idea in anyone's head about an innocent party"

  21. The blind makes no mention of kids in hospitals or anything like that. I read that this person is spending time with another family' children and they suspect something sinister is going down.
    I have no guess.

  22. Russell Brand isn't a "mostly" movie actor. He's more well known as a comedian/presenter.

  23. Lot's of athlete's come in and visit with kids in a hospital setting without press- the kids enjoy the distraction and some of them are parents who really care. I'd imagine it's much the same with actors/actresses.

    If someone is taking an excessive liking or interest to a child that's usually a big WARNING something is up. IF, I repeat! IF! This blind has truth to it I sincerely hope these parents take their child to a therapist stat to find out if there's anything to the speculation and then proceed accordingly.

  24. so now its suspect if you spend time with your children? what a world!

  25. Russel Brand and shenanigans. It's a big brothers/big sisters thing. Way to half-ass a blind.

  26. Reminds me of the time that Enty accused Fred Astaire of being a child molester, on absolutely no evidence.

  27. This is because Russell Brand took a couple of kids to the Lakers game last night. Russell Brand, known hetero horn dog, taking boys courtside to a Laker game. Yes, obviously a reason for concern.

    /eye roll

    Must be a slow day for blinds if this makes the cut.

  28. I honestly read this as a (foreign born) friend of the parents who is spending a lot of time with the parents' kids. I didn't get the whole hospital/kid vibe from this blind at all.

  29. I think I can say that Russell Brand has already made it VERY CLEAR what he likes sexually, and it's not children.

  30. Ethan Hawke? Sinister guess.

  31. Is it the guy from Rocky & Bullwinkle, Sinister barstool???

  32. Ok, it sucks to throw names out there as a possble pedo. I'm boycotting this thread....after this post...and that's all ;)

  33. I'm just glad finally there are some parents appearing on this site who appear to be protecting their kids instead of pimping them out.

  34. I hope I am misunderstanding this blind. Basically this star visits and spends time with ailing children and the parents are now concerned he might be molesting them?!?
    If I had even a stray thought something like that was going on and this was my kid? ...... It just seems strange is all.

  35. Enty - if you have information about this GO TO THE POLICE. Quit posting about child molestation.

  36. Soooooo, this celeb is purportedly molesting the kids in the hospital. Hmmm... sounds like bologna.

  37. S. B. Cohen for my guess, though.

  38. I don't like this blind. We're just speculating on a speculation. Is that English? It's not fair to name someone when the parents don't even know of its true.

  39. Just wanted to write that it is these comments that make it really difficult for childless people. My husband & I are very lucky. We couldn't have children & our friends being generous with their children & letting us spend time with them gives us an outlet for our maternal & paternal feelings that we would never get to use otherwise. It has made our infertility bearable. I hate how anyone who loves children (not in a sick way) is automatically labelled as a deviant. Yes, children should absolutely be protected. I am the first to say lock up paedophiles & throw away the key. Just don't be so quick to label people. I also agree that if you have concerns go to the authorities. However, the best weapon you have to protect your children is open communication, & more often than not, if a child has an adult they trust that isn't one of their parents, they may very well go to them & let them know something is happening. One of my friends children considers me one of his best friends. Hopefully he will come to me if anyone is being iffy around him. Remember the paedophiles often threaten the families, so an outside person may be just what the child needs in order to raise the alarm.

  40. @feraltart - hugs. That is a tough situation. Infertility sucks!

  41. Wanted to chime in that this blind is slimey and defend Russell Brand. Those kids at the Lakers game are the sons of his long time friend Mick, who was also there. Russell has taken Mick and his boys to numerous sporting events over the last several years. They were at the Galaxy game this week and the olympics as well. You can find pics going back many years of them at West Ham soccer matches as well.

  42. I'm not a fan of Russell Brand, but I do have to say that I hate when someone in Hwood does something 'normal' and its turned into something sinister. Just like most of these blinds lately. I sincerely doubt most of the Hwood population are pedophiles, sex addicts, drug addicts to the point of barely able to function, schemers, etc. I'm sure there are some high functioning weirdos (LR, FFS - finally get to use that!) just as there are in real life, but not to the extent these blinds seem to make them out to be. Narcissistic, emotionally manipulative, yes, but pedophiles, etc.? Don't know what to think.
