Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Blind Item #1

What starting NFL quarterback refuses to wear any pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month because, "he doesn't see the point." He said some other not too nice things too. Kind of jerkish behavior from someone not normally considered one.


  1. I hope this is Tony Romo. Mostly because I'm a Redskins fan.

    1. I'm a Cowboy fan and even I hope its Romo! What a jackwad.

    2. I hope so as well
      Speaking as an E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES! Fan hah

  2. Neither Cutler nor Romo wore pink last night. Honestly, I don't get it either. What is the point? Do they sell their used pink towels and give the money to breast cancer research? And, if so, how much ACTUALLY goes to research and not staff salaries, high rent, new office furniture, etc?

    1. Every sponser for the NFL (Nike, Pepsi, etc.) actually donates a certain percentage to Breast Cancer research depending on who wears what. And also, the staff wear pink too.
      Mrs. Brett Farve actually had a part in starting the program for the NFL.

  3. Not Tebow- says starting QB. Aaron Rodgers.

  4. My mom is going thru treatment. It is hellish stuff. I guess if cancer ever hits home maybe he will understand"what the point" of being supportive of these kind of things really means? I wouldn't wish it on anyone however. :(

  5. aaron rodgers has worn pink in the past and did this year

    1. He may have in the past but did not this year since its only October 2nd and has not played this year.

  6. Not Cutler - I think he's widely considered to be a jerk. There was another story on the local news this morning about him snubbing another Bears staff member. Again.

  7. @ deree - I totally support those with cancer, my father is a survivor and I hope your mother gets well. But, at the end of the day, how does it help your mother that some NFL players wear pink shoes and gloves one week out of the year?

    1. It doesn't unless the money raised goes directly to research which in this case I highly doubt. I just thought it was a poopy attitude for him to express when so many others are passionate about the pink.

    2. It is a poopy attitude!!! And selfish and immature.

    3. He could have said what so many here are. All cancer is nasty and he would like to show support for all of it being cured. Attitude is everything imho.

    4. The money actually does goto cancer research, along with overall sales (merchendice, tickets)

  8. @ unknown - Cutler was a total ass to Mike Rice, the new offensive coach. If I were Mike, I would have told Cutler to sit the fuck down and I would have played the #2 quarterback. I love the Bears, but hate when they win. Every win keeps Lovey and Cutler in Chicago a little longer.

  9. I'm completely in support of those with breast cancer and for finding a cure, but there are so many other types of cancer that could also benefit from the amount of attention that breast cancer has gotten. The more pink everything gets, the less it means.

    1. I agree with you actually. Cancer is evil all around. My family health history is riddled with it. As much as I hope they cure it I'm dubious this will ever happen. Ways to prolong lives and work towards prevention is all they've got,or at least acknowledge exists.

    2. Thank you! Heart disease kills more women than breast cancer and barely has a voice. Sadly, that's just how my step father just passed also. I also wish skin cancer had a bigger voice.

    3. Excellent point Jane! So sorry for your loss.

    4. Well the NFL actually does support cancer research all year long..
      September is Prostate Cancer and there is a few more as well.
      The others did just start this year though, but it is an amazing start!

  10. I choose to support breast cancer but never again thru Susan G Komen. After the Planned Parenthood debacle, I don't think I would wear pink either. I just write a big check to PP instead. I'm sad that I will have to change my yogurt for a month too.

    1. So true Dia. That really blew up in their faces :(

    2. Yup! Whether right or wrong, I associate wearing pink with SGK so I would rather show my support in other ways. And as someone mentioned, there are other cancer survivors out there who need support too. I want my other $$$ to support finding a cure for all cancers.

      So whoever this is kinda has a point.

    3. I never thought of it that way. My mom isn't really internet savvy and doesn't have much to do with the news either so her little pink ribbons charms just represent "hope and courage" to her rather than organizations who promote them. She is 1500 miles away,I haven't been with her thru anything so the wearing of the pink makes her feel closer somehow.

    4. Komen is a fundraising machine that went wrong quite some time ago. The planned parenthood debacle isn't their only shady move. They spend substatial $$$ on litigation. I don't support anything Komen, but they can't take pink from me!

    5. Thank you for bringing this up!!!!! Last year I would have called the QB an asshole but if his reasoning was anti SGK and not anti awareness, I support him completely!

      I'm really sorry abt your mom deree, wishing you and your family the best. My feelings are nothing to do with breast cancer and everything to do with SGK.

  11. Hey, it's a free country - just because one person thinks one way - does that mean everybody has to think that way?? Maybe he supports other causes or maybe he doesn't but it is his choice either way! Sorry, but I don't drink the koolaid......

  12. I hope it's not Peyton Manning.

    He used to screw around on his wife all the time, in the prime of his career. Lucky for him, no sportswriter ratted him out; imagine the endorsement money he would have lost.

  13. Libby, is that inside Indy knowledge? Sounds like you might have seen a thing or two at work :-).

  14. I should add---Because of his 'evening of woo' AT a friend of mine, I always think of Peyton when someone refers to a 'secret NFL jerk'. But he IS very charitable with his money.

  15. I'm not bring insensitive to breast cancer but I'm dick of all the pink stuff being marketed to us. I'd love to know how much more money they make on items in pink for breast cancer. It's all money. Whoever the player is I support HIM! It's like the new South Park episode sarcastaball

  16. Whoever this is, I'd gladly invite them to come to work with me for a day. I have a feeling they would "see the point" rather quickly.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Wearing pink does nothing to support breast cancer research. Wearing pink supports an industry whose very business model depends on there never being a cure. I am in Moscow, Russia right now to receive treatment for a disease which cannot be treated properly in the US because of the fine marriage of the MS Society, the FDA and big Pharma. The refusal to wear pink does not mean the guy is a jerk. It likely means he has a brain.

    1. I totally believe at one point cures for many diseases have been found but put under wraps for the very reason you stated! I have had the most difficult time knowing my mother is going thru the typical protocol with her cancer when another family member was told by his doctor the reason his cancer returned was his chemo the year before. He died a month after last diagnosis. 3rd time w cancer and a different type each time.

      Mom's oncologists have been very honest. This is only prolonging her life. They cannot guarantee anything beyond that. Even caught early. It is very sobering and utterly maddening to think somewhere a cure is hidden because the $$$$ racket drug manufacturers and insurance companies have going on would cease.

    2. @amy I'm so glad you are not brainwashed. Every time i see the commercial for what's it called, the Cancer Treatment Center of America I get so angry. Cancer is such a huge INDUSTRY in America. It's like Britney Spears. She makes so much $$$ for Her greedy entourage that nobody cares to cure her and let her be free. Nobody talks about how to prevent cancer or mentions that chemo causes more cancer and leaves your body so wiped out that it's susseptable to a whole new bunch of diseases bc u have no immune system left. You can get rich from anything in America, it's wonderful until u see evil people profiting off of hiding cures

  19. I hope it's Tebow. Mostly cuz I'm still annoyed by the "his mother was told to abort him" anti-choice false email that went around for awhile there.

  20. Frufra, he's only a 'jerk', if his wife was not okay with his EARNEST attempts at random hook-ups with any beautiful woman, anytime his wife was not there.
    The one story I am sure of, first-hand, is my former co-worker friend who has long, pretty red hair. She is accustomed to lots of attention. He followed her around like a puppy, and did nothing to hide his virtual (or not) boner for her the entire night. (I won't lie--she considered it, because she's a fan, but had just gotten her period that day--not a good day for random hook-up. waah-waah.)

    Because I knew almost everyone in the 'serving community', I started hearing more and more confirmation of him all over random women at other functions. Also fellow hotel workers had good stories about him.

    If this mitigates anything, I've heard over & over that he is a stickler for condoms, so that's something.

  21. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Libby, wow, that's crazy insider info. It's sad though, I've always liked him. Is there anyone that isn't a dog?

  22. I agree with Audrey, Cathy, dia, et al. I don't see the point, either. I don't support SGK. And I'm not insensitive to the insidious nature of cancer; let's just find a cure for ALL of them, though, huh?

    And "awareness"...it can be a dumb idea. I mean, what does that really mean, exactly?! Of COURSE we're "aware" of cancer, for goodness sake.

    And Amy is correct. I'm not entirely convinced that there ISN'T already a cure and TPTB are just keeping it from us.

  23. I'm in the camp of not following the "wear this to support that" bandwagon.

  24. Whoever it is, the Ginger Hammer doesn't mess around with players who defy his edicts on NFL gear. The quarterback will either get with the program or be paying a hefty fine.

  25. We will know the answer by this weekend. Oct 6 & 7 is when the NFL is doing their big "Crucial Catch" campaign for breast cancer awareness.

    I think you are better off writing a check directly to your charity of choice than buying pink items this month. If you read the fine print it's usually a whopping 50 cents of your $10 item that goes to the cause.

  26. I read an article last year about the sea of pink each october and very often, none of the money made on these pink products even goes to any type of breast cancer awareness/research foundations. Companies just come out with the pink products because they know they'll sell more; i'm over it.

  27. Procter & Gamble says buy their products with the pink ribbon and money gets donated to breast cancer research but what really happens is there is a set amount of money that they will give I am not sure how much it is. Once the maximum amount is reached - no more money is given and the people buying these products think they are doing the right thing when in reality the only ones profiting are the big companies!

  28. I was sad when I heard it too, Christina. In fact, I refused to believe much of what I heard, until my friend's run-in. Before that (his first few years), there was a competing rumor that he was gay gay gay (and a randy gay at that). It was hard to know what to believe. Maybe he is bi, and they were both right. lol

    He has ADORABLE boy/girl twins now, so I choose to pretend he's no longer a horndog. I'll always be a fan, regardless.
    If I couldn't forgive strangers' adultery, I couldn't watch sports, right?

  29. Romo. He didn't wear pink last night. I live in Chicago, and Cutler is known to be a huge asshole. There's a meme going around of photos people take of Cutler on the street in Chicago flipping them off. I've seen at least 5. I guess I can't blame him not liking when people take random photos of him on the street, but either way, he's a DICK.

    In any event, GO BEARS :)

  30. @Audrey "I love the Bears, but hate when they win." Now how does that work exactly? :)

  31. I don't know what his motivations are but I don't necessarily blame him. See the documentary Pink Ribbons, Inc.? (Synopsis - 'Breast cancer has become the poster child of corporate cause-related marketing campaigns. Countless women and men walk, bike, climb and shop for the cure. Each year, millions of dollars are raised in the name of breast cancer, but where does this money go and what does it actually achieve? Pink Ribbons, Inc. is a feature documentary that shows how the devastating reality of breast cancer, which marketing experts have labeled a "dream cause," becomes obfuscated by a shiny, pink story of success.')

  32. Tebow has no problem with pink . He has worn pink shirts before and he's also not starting.

  33. Wow...it's not a matter of whether it does good or not...it's a matter of honoring the millions of women who past from breast cancer. I had a friend die of stage 4 breast cancer back in February. Wearing pink won't bring her back, but wearing pink will honor her memory.

  34. Peyton doesn't go all out with the pink, but he has worn the sweat bands on his wrists in the past.
    @libby I have heard many stories about him, but it is believed that he has an open marriage with Ashley. She obviously can be more discreet because she isn't as easily recognized.

  35. Amy - what are you getting done is Moscow? As a fellow MSer, I am quite aware of the corruption of treatment options. Why find a cure when Pharma makes billions off of us.

    As for the pink, I'm getting kind of sick of how that's just turned into one big market scam as well.

    Very disappointed to hear about Peyton.

  36. It irks me that breast cancer gets all the attention.What about childhood cancer or prostate cancer for example? You hardly ever hear about them yet they are just as worthy of fundraising, yet just breast cancer gets all the attention because it happens to women and it's the feminists that are always the loudest, most vocal and most demanding.It's not right.

  37. @ jolene - alas, it doesn't... I just hope people start to see that we win in spite of Cutler, not because of him.

  38. My best wishes to those of you suffering from breast cancer or who have family members with it.

    I also think a lot of the "pink" money is wasted. I watched a marathon run a while back for breast cancer - everyone got a T shirt, tons of bottled water, etc. Who pays for that? How much money is left over after paying for the stuff, paying salaries, etc, for research?

    Also, because my husband is a survivor of Hodgkin's Lymphoma (20 years now!) we are more interested in supporting research into that form of cancer. Also, as Jane says, heart disease is much more of a menace to women than breast cancer. Unless you're incredibly wealthy, you just can't support every charity. You have to pick the ones that mean the most to you. (Also, I have never liked the color pink).

    Did I read the above correctly in that Peyton Manning just had twins?

  39. Pink serves as a reminder that a cure is still needed and shows support to those affected by this terrible disease.

  40. What's the point? Bringing awareness to a terrible disease that kills tens of thousands of women and encouraging research in order to save lives. You know, trivial stuff. It doesn't cost this asshole anything in money or time or effort to wear a pink ribbon, so, yeah, he is a jerk. It's not about "drinking the Koolaid," it's about being a compassionate human being capable of thinking of others and not being a selfish prick. I'll say Tom Brady, but only because I hate the Patriots.

  41. msgirl: I am getting an autologous bone marrow transplant with chemotherapy. It is currently in Phase III trials approved by the FDA in Chicago, but it will likely not be approved for another 15 years. The MS society's official stance on it is that MS is not fatal and bone marrow transplant sometimes is, so they do not support the research. Google this: "Northwestern, Richard Burt, HSCT, multiple sclerosis" and see what you find. The cure rate is 80 percent (event the FDA recognizes this) with a 40 percent reduction of symptoms. I have had MS for 18 years (diagnosed as a teen) and I am thrilled to have this opportunity. Happy Googling! (http://amygoesninja.wordpress.com)

    1. Wishing you the best of luck!

  42. It's about awareness and it's a nice thing to do. For everyone complaining that other types of cancer don't get equal time, then make it happen! October wasn't always breast cancer awareness month, someone had an idea and worked hard to make it happen. That being said, I hope this is Tom Brady, because he's a TOOL!

  43. @ Pogue - Breast Cancer Awareness has nothing to do with feminists. It has to do with the fact that caught early, people can survive it. I think that Phyllis Schafly is also against breast cancer...

  44. To me it is about drinking the "koolaid"! I like to make my own mind up about things and do not do things because someone (everyone) else is doing it! I like to read and research things and then make an educated decision based on my own conclusions!!!!

  45. If these millionaire athletes gave up one game's worth of salary instead of all getting new gear all in pink and then auctioning it off, it would do so much more good.

  46. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I don't get the point either. There is such a thing called overkill.

  47. revell48 - if you don't want to hear personal banter and opinions, then maybe you should stick to just reading the blinds about non-controversial topics (or reading up on proper punctuation).

    I'm sorry, but this is obviously a topic that hits close to home (in many different ways) for a lot of people on here, so it just seems selfish of you to ask people to keep those feelings to themselves.

  48. Well said Kathleen and Chasing

  49. I've thought this whole pink thing is a racket for some time. Amy is right--the Sgk & ACC are big business now, and they will go out of business if a cure is found. The salaries of all the employees alone must eat up lots of $$$.

    I'm sympathetic to cancer sufferers, but I prefer not to ever donate to large charity companies because so much of the money is wasted. I give to smaller, more tightly controlled charities where I better know how my dollars are used.

    And as I watched the game last night I told my husband how ridiculous all those football players looked with all that neon pink everywhere, both teams, the coaches, on the sidelines. And all the "awareness" in the world does nothing to stop one single case of cancer. If it did, I'd paint my house pink, but in reality, it does nothing but make money for corporations.

  50. revell48, I totally get where you're coming from, but this debate has actually been pretty respectful and tame for this crowd. Let's just be glad for that! :-)

  51. I'm all for all forms of cancer research--breast cancer and all other types. But the whole wearing pink thing has always seemed to me to be another lemming-like gesture that people have adopted simply because someone they've heard of once said it's a good idea. It doesn't actually help a thing. Monetary donations to cancer research centers would be a much more effective gesture.

  52. Well said, jaariel & Robert....

    Ok, I want to guess Rothlisberger, because I cant stand the Steelers, but he's not known to be a nice guy....hmm, Eli?

    @Jolene Jolene, please eat some Giordano's pizza for me-I've been craving one for weeks!!! :)

  53. I have 3 people (a sister and 2 aunts) in my family with breast cancer right now. I do not wear pink, nor do I feel the need to put any pink ribbons on my car, house, etc. That is not going to cure them. It is not going to suddenly make my neighbor aware there is a problem and come up with a cure. Everyone knows what a nasty beast cancer is and wearing pink doesn't help anything. The quarterback could have said something as to his reason not to so he wouldn't look like an ass though.

  54. Being a person who lost 4 family members to cancer. 2 in the form of breast cancer. Wearing a pink ribbon to me is a personal choice. I can't judge a person who doesn't want to wear a pink ribbon.

    These individuals may have contributed financially.

    There are many athletes who make visits to children hospitals and spend time with sick children in the hospitals who are suffereing from cancer and other diseases at a young age. That visit and the smile on those kids faces are worth more than millions just seeing them excited because someone took time out to visit and make their day.

  55. Wearing a ribbon for this or that cause means nothing. It's a meaningless symbolic gesture. People do it to go along with the herd and not be called out by nitwit gossips for being "mean." I applaud anyone who questions authority and breaks from the herd. This guy, whoever he is, is doing cancer sufferers a favor by calling attention to cancer charity rip offs.

  56. This reminds me of something that Jerry Seinfeld did many years ago. I think he was hosting the Emmys and at that time everyone was wearing a purple ribbon in support of AIDS research. Jerry refused and didn't wear one. I believe he also did a "Seinfeld" episode about Kramer not wanting to wear a ribbon during a marathon run. No one should be forced to wear a ribbon. I'm sure Jerry gives tons of money to charities, like breast cancer research.

  57. I'm sorry I don't have time to read all the comments, but I will agree with Kat and Amy since I made it to their comments. My mother, her two brothers and her cousin all died of cancer, but no, I won't be wearing any pink ribbons or buying a pink stapler or anything else. I read a very revealing article about the "Pink Industry" a while back (wish I had saved it) and it really opened my eyes. I will make direct donations to a charity with low operating overhead (NOT Komen which is just short of a corporate entity now) and put my money to good use.

  58. heart disease kills more women than all cancers combined but no one notices because we've all been Pink Washed by a bullshit campaign that does nothing.

    Now you can even buy pink toilet paper, which is HORRIBLE for the environment.

    I'll happily donate my money to cancer research,but never to Pink and SGK.

  59. i noticed romo didn't wear any pink last night

  60. My daughter brought home a book from the library yesterday. she chose to read it to me as i packed her lunch for school and made her breakfast. I was called Punk Wig. As she's reading this touching story of a little girl whos mother loses her hair due to chemo, tears were falling from my eyes, remembering my dear ol Lynne, my stepmother, the only proper mother figure to me, and her battle (lost) with cancer.
    I said it was a sad book, but helped me think of her, telling myself at 36 she was far too young to die....i told the girls she is an angel in heaven and i wish she was here to meet them.

  61. I get annoyed with the people who buy that pink water bottle and think they've really done something big.

  62. Excuse my rant, but I believe everyone has been touched by this disease or know someone who has. we can all do ourselves some good by eliminating teflon non stick cookware, plastics, styrofoam, aluminum, and all the other evil cookware that is made available to us for use everyday. i remember my stepmother using the microwave, and putting her homemade dinners in plastic container swith a plastic spoon displayed on the table. i remember her non stick pans and baking dishes.
    i think to myself, these may not have caused her cancer, but it certainly did not help. i reach out to all of you who have suffered or friends and family who are suffering.
    just some food for thought.

  63. Agree with the following from Cathy: "I'm completely in support of those with breast cancer and for finding a cure, but there are so many other types of cancer that could also benefit from the amount of attention that breast cancer has gotten. The more pink everything gets, the less it means."

    The pink movement has certainly raised awareness of breast cancer, but I have been diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer at the age of 44 - perhaps it is selfish, but I would appreciate some awareness with respect to that type of cancer, as everyone is extremely surprised by my diagnosis.

  64. How many women who post on this blog do self breast exams EVERY month?

    Early detection helps

    Same goes for MEN SELF EXAMS-- hint hint Enty

  65. Thank you Amy and good luck. A relative of mine had radiation treatment at 76 - because there was a new cancer clinic. A lady I know had a breast hacked off at 80. After surgery they told her she had cancer throughout her body. More and more Drs are using the cancer scare for big bucks. Of course every woman over 50 needs a biopsy and, hopefully, at least one breast hacked off.

    They know the answer. Check with Dick Gregory. He had the guts to talk about it.

  66. I would just like to point out that the NFL is the only sport where a WHOLE MONTH is dedicated to TWO types of cancer (Septemeber-Prostate, October-Breast)
    If you guys think that there should be more research in the Professional sports world then write to the NBA, (lord knows they have enoggh money) the NHL, (if their not locked out) and the MLB

  67. Who is Mike Rice? LOL. Mike Tice is the offense/offensive line coach. I didn't see Tony Romo wearing pink, in the game's highlights. I knew Cutler was wearing pink'd cleats.

  68. Conspiracy theory much?

  69. Tebow does not start so he cannot be it. Romo does not have a reputation as a nice guy when the cameras aren't rolling (although diehard Cowboys fans might disagree) so despite his not wearing pink last night I don't think it's him--- I think the correct answer is Aaron Rodgers of GB.

    My heart and best wishes go out to all of those who have posted upthread and are living with or are helping/have helped loved ones live with cancer in any form. I have had my experiences with it too and it's a horrible, devastating thing.

  70. @Feline - I am so sorry to hear about this.

    I know someone who lost her mother to cancer - I think that it was brain cancer, but I'm not positive. She gets so angry about the fact that while breast cancer may not have a 100% survival rate, they have made more advances in that research than they have for any other type of cancer. There are only so many scientists/doctors in the world and maybe if other types of cancer had gotten just some of the attention that breast cancer has, her mom could still be alive.

  71. Is anybody watching pro football not aware of breast cancer? I don't see the point either. Give a portion of each ticket to cancer research if you're serious about the subject. Selling pink t-shirts isn't going to make any difference. Is the goal public awareness? If so mission accomplished years ago. Is it finding a cure? If so every dollar should go to research instead of to t-shirt manufacturers.

  72. It can't be Tebow cause he doesn't start- ha, and I just love any post that gives me a chance to take a dig at his playing skills!
    This post could be nearly any of the 32 who do, though, not a lot of detail given. But let's go ahead and say it was probably one who was playing last night, and then eliminate Cutler because he is, in fact, widely considered quite jerkish in general, and then say the blind is probably referring to Tony Romo.

  73. I fail to see how he is being a jerk. The people at Susan G. Koman that run this whole pink scam are the true jerks.

    My heart goes out to anyone going through or has lost someone to cancer. There are many other ways to help people fighting cancer than going pink for these scam artists at Susan G. Koman. It is completely wrong and just down right dirty for anyone to be profiting from this disease as they are under the pretense of finding a cure.

    I applaud this NFL player for standing up to these douchebags.

  74. Rodgers has worn pink. Cutler is a sulky bear and not nice. I'm a huge GB fan and I think Rodgers acts very classy but I think there is an underlying jerk that will probably come out at some time. Maybe I still feel scorned by Favre.

    I'm sorry to those who are suffering, have suffered and lost loved ones. I tend to agree that the pink ribbon is so overused and such a machine now. I don't think players should have to wear pink but I don't see how it could hurt, either.

  75. February is actually Heart Health Month.

  76. What's wrong with not jumping on the bandwagon? Wearing pink does NOTHING to fight cancer, BTW. And, Susan Koman is a fraud.


  77. BTW - MLB does do the pink thing - this year they did it on Mother's Day - some wore pink, some used pink bats (gag) etc. Don't know about other sports.

  78. @i - I stand corrected!

  79. saw someone said Ben, definately not him. He wore the hat, towels & cleats last year, and hes got a rep as a huge douche - his hometown doesnt wanna admit hes from there, and as my Steelers lovin PGH fiance will always say "I know hes an ass, but he can throw a ball and thats all that matters"

    I cant think of any quarterback who didnt wear pink last year, so i think it might be one of the first year starts/rookies:
    RG III
    Andy Dalton
    Brandon Weeden
    Andrew Luck
    Jake Locker
    Christian Ponder
    Russell Wilson

    RG III and Andrew Luck have been treated as golden boys lately so id put my money on them...

  80. Romo! But I'm a Giants fan so I'm obviously biased...

  81. Peyton is a good guy besides the cheating. He and his wife donated a ton of money to Indy children's hospital. She knew he was a player when she married him - he used to hit on my cousin at UT. But my cousin married another guy w the last name manning and my baby cousin is name Peyton Manning ( no joke!). He keeps it on the downlow and isn't out knocking all kinds of women up (Antonio Cromartie). So it's not my cross to bear

  82. @ Amy - best of luck!

  83. Amy - wow good luck, and I'm off to google!

  84. I know it's not RGIII. He tweeted last night that he'll be wearing a pink sleeve (instead of his white one). Yes, I'm both a Redskins and an RGIII fan.

  85. My friend died of breast cancer at 28, two years younger than me. I give money directly to cancer research charities. I'm highly suspicious of this pink campaign nonsense.

  86. It was Tony Romo, he didn't have one pink'd item on last night. Although his captain's patch was pink'd.

  87. When my husband and I went to the Amazon in 2009 we were told that there is a plant that cures cancer, but an American pharmaceutical company has patented the plant. How the hell can that be allowed to happen? I agree that a lot of what we are told we need is baloney. Watched a TED lecture yesterday that talked about bias in reporting of scientific results from studies. Much more likely to publish positive results than negative. One drug had 38 positive reports and 36 negative reports on it. Of those reports, 37 of the positive reports were published and only 3 of the negative reports. We must think for ourselves.
    Good luck to everyone fighting for their health.

  88. Wow! good to know about the Pink rip off.And Good luck Amy!

    @Tamarind..Not one of those you selected has been scientifically proven to cause cancer even though it was reported on the local news. It's safe to go back into your kitchen again.

  89. I can't judge until I hear the whole story - they may donate to many good causes and I think these days some people might have reason to reconsider their donations to Susan G Komen. My mom died of breast cancer, so breast cancer research is very important to me, but I'm still so furious at the Susan G. Komen foundation for putting politics before women that I'll never donate so much as a dime to them again. Never! I don't trust them to have the best interests of women at heart when they put some right wing agenda above women's health and affordable access to breast screenings. They are full of shit and I don't trust them, period. Planned Parenthood and Hospice will get my money instead. You don't fuck with women in my book so you can impress the patriarchy.

  90. Not Cutler. He was/is close friends with Greg Olsen. Olsen's mom had breast cancer. Greg always did fundraising events, and Jay and Greg supported each other's efforts. Plus, Jay does a lot for diabetes so I don't see him being weird about this. Jay is prickly, but this isn't him. Bear down!

  91. I don't see the point either. Everyone is aware that breast cancer is a problem. Does awareness solve anything? No. If it did, it would have already been cured. And all that Susan G Komen pink shit is not curing cancer, either--that money is going toward these vague "awareness" campaigns and makes companies a ton of money for selling pink shit with very little (or none) going to actual breast cancer research.

  92. The reason the breast cancer movement started was because breast cancer was being virtually ignored by the medical establishment because it didn't affect men. It may have swung too far in the other direction, but there's no doubt it's saved many, many lives. Unfortunately, organizations like SGK are now more interested in their own survival than in their original mission. Those fuckers have sued other cancer charities for using slogans too close to 'Race for the Cure.' And every time I see that damned '3 Day' commercial where the woman says that she's alive because her friends and family walked, it makes me hate SGK even more than I already did.

  93. I thought the original purpose of the ribbons was to raise awareness: of cancer, autism, AIDS, missing soldiers, etc. so I totally support those efforts. But the efforts to make money off pink merchandise is where I draw the line. Someone bought me a pink item once, saying "it's for cancer" and I said "how do you know?" She said, "there was a display at the store." Did it say the money went to cancer research? No, nothing like that. Just a mess of pink can openers and pink kitchen gadgets.

  94. Excuse me, @Audrey, but you're a fucking moron.
    You don't know jack shit about football. Jay Cutler, or Mike TICE.
    If you're going to write about it, you can at least get the guy's name right.

  95. From the NFL website: Our campaign, "A Crucial Catch", in partnership with the American Cancer Society, is focused on the importance of annual screenings..."

    The pink ribbon has been branded to raise awareness. It doesn't discourage people from prevention or being informed.

    Romo sucked it up Mon - maybe he should have worn the pink cleats?

  96. My prayers are with you, Feline.

  97. Its Cutler: http://www.sportspickle.com/news/14072/jay-cutler-mocks-his-teammates-for-wearing-pink-gloves-and-shoes

  98. The Pink campaign is a failure for several reasons:

    1: It's a tool companies use to raise profits for themselves. Let's say a they sell a widget for $5 USD. For breast cancer awareness, they decide they'll give 50 cents to SGK for each widget purchased. But then, they raise the price to $6 USD. You're paying a dollar more, but the company keeps half! And they sell more of them, because people like to feel they've helped.

    2: It causes cash donations to fall. "I don't need to donate money, I already did my part when I paid an extra dollar for my new widget!"

    3: The pink ribbons and such that are sold -- sometimes NONE of the proceeds go to any charity. They don't exactly lie about it, they just would like you to assume they donate the profits. You have to look for a "profits go to charity" -type sign.

  99. @Unknown: Hate to burst your bubble but your "proof" of this being Jay Cutler appears to be none other than a spoof website that writes satirical articles mocking Cutler. And as many have mentioned, Jay Cutler is essentially always considered to be a bit of a jerk. Plus he was sporting a pink towel on Sunday against the Jags.

    As a diehard Patriots fan, it kills me to say this, but I'm pretty sure this is Tom Brady. Despite the whole Moynahan-Giselle thing, he really isn't considered to be much of a jerk and when I was watching the game yesterday, I did not detect an article of pink anywhere on his uniform. Both Peyton Manning and Tony Romo had pink Captain "C"'s on their uniforms, so while minimal, they were still sporting a bit of pink.

    Brady's lack of pink was glaringly obvious because everyone else on the Pats appeared to be donning a bit of pink. And apparently I wasn't the only one who noticed: http://nubry.com/2012/10/why-is-tom-brady-not-wearing-pink-during-breast-cancer-awareness-month/
