Thursday, October 18, 2012

Blind Item #1

This A+ actor who moonlights as a director and used to be a nice comfortable B lister for what seemed forver, is on a press trip for a movie. Nothing exciting about that. Even had the wife along for part of it. Now though, she is gone and our actor is hooking up with one of his exes just to catch up he says. Nothing more. Then why did he send the wife home? She wanted to stay, but he said it would be all work.


  1. Oh Ben Affleck. Also - anyone catch the shoutout on new Southpark last night? They kept calling Ben Affleck's wife Jennifer Lopez until someone corrected them and they were like, "Ohhhhhh, well nevermind then."

  2. Jenn Garner is still with him. She hasn't flown home yet. Nice try though, Enty

  3. hunter--I recorded it, but haven't watched it yet.

    Poor Jennifer. If Ben is screwing up his awesome family, I'm gonna be PISSED.

  4. Sounds like him but isn't he in Paris now and JLo was in Berlin a couple of days ago

  5. But what about Ben and Gwynie? She's just a short Chunnel ride away!

    *have no idea if she's in London now. just go with it*

  6. JLo playing dublin Fri, and Argo premiere in Dublin with Affleck on Friday... 1+1=

  7. I think mell61 got this!

  8. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Ben Affleck, easy.

  9. It is Benny. And I agree with Libby, I will be pissed too.

  10. Bruce Willis...?

  11. the only reason i think Willis is "moonlights"

  12. If this is Affleck, and all the blinds we've been piecing together for years are about him, then it appears that JGarn is aware of his inability to stay faithful and will stay with him regardless. Some men just can't stay faithful (a good number of them, if truth be told). If their SO accepts this and is willing to stick it out, then all the better than someone who sticks their head in the sand.

    1. I too know of many cases where husband cheats and sife looks the other way for years and years. However, even if its 30 yrs later, they usually split up. Paltrow said many years ago, affleck cld never be faithful., hus idea of heaven is a pool table and a coupla hookers. Perhaps she speak true? And affleck has that 'wounded, they are always writing stuff about me, im a victim' spiel down pat.

  13. ooh, you guys are good. And funny.
    Ben riding the chunnel to gwynnie-town . . . .!

  14. Jennifer is still with him in Paris

    this is not them

  15. Gwynn is in nyc.

    yes JLO was in paris but jennifer is STILL there

  16. I love it when its Ben Affleck.

  17. The Daily Mail says Jennifer G. is back and was eating some ice cream or some shit with her kids. Why does Ben have to be such a cad??

  18. I would love to know how Jennifer Garner really thinks in terms of his infidelity. I mean, she got pregnant as fast as she could when he was slipping it to Blake Lively.

  19. "whocaresnow12 said...
    Jenn Garner is still with him. She hasn't flown home yet. Nice try though, Enty"'re just wrong?
    Nice try, WhoCares(but is still here every fucking day)

  20. Oh, and Argo is such a great movie. Y'all should see it.

  21. well ben is in paris and so is JLO....

  22. I'd like to also mention that there was the bit the other day about how Ben and JLo still text each other. This may tie into that.


  24. Affleck. Why is this even a blind? I'm dubious that it's true, though. Yes, I know he definitely cheats on his wife, but I just don't buy that he's doing it with a very famous woman while he's on a highly publicized, highly PHOTOGRAPHED press tour for a movie he hopes will bring him an Oscar. He's doing all the right things, rehabilitating his image, etc., in order to appeal to the Academy voters, so I doubt he would jeopardize that for some temporary gratification with the likes of JLo or Goop, both utterly unpalatable women.

  25. Women put up with a lot of things to stay in a marriage. Many of them say that if the man is creeping with multiple women and comes back to her then none of the dalliances are serious. If the man is with one woman over a long period of time that usually causes drama.

    Remember the Sopranos when Tony brought home an exquisite sable coat for his wife and the reason why? When I saw the Paris pics of Ben and his wife I thought about that sable coat.

  26. Either way he's a jackass, but JLo? Seriously Ben? Come on!!!!

  27. How do you know Jen G. hasn't left yet?

    I think it's Ben and JLo.

  28. Where is the dancer boy in all of this? Does he partake?

  29. Oh, I like the Ethan Hawke guess! Isn't Ben A list anyway?

  30. Maybe JenG is staying with a cheating husband because she feels guilty about the way she treated her first husband. She cheated with her Alias co-star (I forget his name). What goes around comes around.

  31. Affleck/Garner/Jlo! but it's untrue
    Afleck and Garner were together in Paris then they were in london and Garner came back to LA whereas Jlo was in concert in France oct 16/17 and actually she's in dublin

  32. If it were Ben Enty would have put "Actress Wife" not just wife - My guess stays with Ethan Hawke...

  33. Man, there are some weird, random comments today...

    I like the Ethan Hawke guess, too.

  34. Are you whoa-ing about the Big Skyy comment, Amber? Because that's what I was talking about.

  35. ^Ummm, wow. I wonder who that is up there?

  36. Anyway. I always wonder why people area all OH, Jennifer Garner is so sweet and down to earth and such a great mom! How do you know this, people?! How?! I always heard she was a major bitch. That is all.

  37. Definitely what I was whoa-ing! Totally unmitigated with regards to this thread. Now I wanna know what THAT'S about!

  38. Was coming back to say Ben and JenG never look like a couple in their photos. NO chemistry at all. I meant to say this the other day in the blinds.


    What the what Big Skyy? We (The CDaN We) want to know the shiz!

  39. Amber - after all the recent Clueless media, everytime I see your name I want to say Totally Ambullar!

    I think today is just gonna be one of those days. Ya Know?

  40. Haha dia! I have gotten that for as long as that movie has existed. That, and people (even 2 days ago) ask me if I get annoyed that there's an Alert named after me.

  41. Well, you are famous! We should be on Alert for you!

  42. *grabs some popcorn* Let the dialogue commence!

  43. Hmmmm, psycho, stalker, or troll?

  44. A Blind within a Blind! Could this be the Rock Creek Lodge in Montana or California?

    Disco, Amber, Reno? What do you think?

    Thinking Montana, since the Big Sky is Montana country.

  45. Well, Rock Creek Lodge in Montana appears to be a bar/restaurant that has a "Testicle Festival". There is a Rock Creek Resort, though. The Cali Rock Creek Lodge is in Mammoth. I may lean Mammoth on this one.

  46. Also, not a troll - has commented here a bunch.

  47. Not sold on Affleck..."used to be a nice comfortable B lister for what seemed forver" he was pretty unknown till Good Will Hunting, then won the Oscar for it, which I think puts him on the A list automatically. Though everything else fits...

  48. I'm going to guess California as whocares has referenced living in California before.

  49. i can't help but think of Ben after he admitted to talking to JHo still, ugh, i hate her...isn't she in Paris and isn't he in Europe somewhere?

  50. I find this BI kind of meh, But I WILL be coming back to check the comments! :-)

  51. Don't quote me on this, but I *think* @whocares lives in CA - if I'm remembering correctly, @whocares is the one who worked for the Bachelor/ette franchise . . .

  52. How is this even a blind? I want to see the movie but you can't go anywhere without seeing Ben promoting Argo and Jennifer was photographed everywhere in a different dress. He sent her home?! Cut it out Ben, everyone's loving you right now, don't F it up.

  53. At some point you have to stop feeling sorry for Jennifer Garner. She is getting a fat lifestyle off Ben and has children and the life she wanted. She married him knowing he is a cheater. Every single time he is home in Boston, he is banging someone not his wife. He was doing that to Lopez too. She is well aware of his cheating and appears not to care. I would feel bad if she truly didn't know, but she knew what she was getting into from day one with him.

  54. I don't think it's Ben because he is campaigning so hard for an Oscar and getting caught in a scandal would jeopardize his chances.

  55. Maybe they have some type of agreement: sex for only procreation, yearly check-ups, look in love for the press, be on time for dinner with the kids...maybe she sticks around because he's a good dad and couldn't imagine bringing another man into their lives and she came from a broken family...wouldn't be the first marriage arranged this way.

  56. Pool table (an eight ball) and a couple of hookers is EVERY MAN's dream.

    If it isn't, check his pulse...

  57. Not Affleck. He's been A-list for quite a while now. The press tour is for Argo though. As much as it pains me to say this, I think the clues fit Bryan Cranston very well. He was a B-list guy forever with "Malcom in the Middle" and other tv stuff. Then along came "Breaking Bad" and he is suddenly big time A-list. He has gotten more and more into directing. Mostly tv shows. He's been talking about it on all the talk shows lately. He's done some "Modern Family" and "The Office" episodes. No where does it say that his wife is famous or that the ex is famous. I feel pretty confident that this is Cranston.

  58. Under the Big Skyyy please don't spill the tea, then run away. Do tell...

  59. Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewa.
    "Moonlighting" is a hint at Magic Mike

  60. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Jen should run far far away, that's terrible. That scum.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Channing is not A+ list as much I like him. He never Directed a movie either.

  63. RJ - I hate to think it's Bryan Cranston, too - but it fits. He's always been a go-to character actor, happily treading water in the B-list, but Breaking Bad was his moment and now he's hit "A." Plus he directs here and there.

    Such a great guy and wonderful actor. Shame.

  64. Oh man, I really don't want this to be Ben Affleck OR Bryan Cranston, but I guess it fits for both of them. Does Cranston have a famous ex that we can place somewhere in Europe?

  65. Yeah, Garner is the Robin Wright of her generation, but she probably has a limit, just as Wright had. She just hasn't reached it yet.

  66. It's my boy Ben. In a recent article he said he still keeps in touch with JLo just to see how things are going. The part in the blind that says "just to catch up" made me think of this
