Sunday, October 14, 2012

Blind Item #1

What former child star who managed to get all the way up to a B- list on a very hit television show is being scammed by his new wife. He thinks he has hit the lottery with his new wife, but she convinced him to get married without a pre-nup by telling him she would leave him if he tried. Plus, she never split with her boyfriend of the past five years. Our actor thinks it is a gay hairdresser she goes to see twice a week and even asks for money for the appointments. Nope. Boyfriend. She does give her boyfriend the money though. His friends have warned him about the woman, but all he sees is a really young, very pretty woman who finds him attractive.


  1. I'm only guessing Alfonso Ribeiro because you guys keep saying there is a correlation between Enty's posts and The Daily Mail's photos

  2. sounds like the plotline from casino

  3. I agree...I looked at Daily Mail earlier, so when I saw this blind I thought it was him.

  4. Fresh Prince was a very hit television show?

  5. Yes, Fresh Prince was a hit back in the day, and it wasn't canceled Will decided he would rather be a movie star and left the show.

  6. @Groovy
    hmmmmm. I think Fresh Prince and Silver Spoons were hit television shows, but maybe not VERY hit television shows. Fresh Prince was on for 6 years and is syndicated, but when I think of VERY hit shows they are shows like Seinfeld, Cheers and Friends.
    Anyone? :)

  7. I don't know, I like the Fresh Prince guess. I remember it as a very hit show.

  8. I like the Vonni Ribisi guess.

  9. Mark-Paul Gosselaar

  10. Omg Enty why haven't u posted about Felix Baumgardner free falling from outer space on Discovery tv right now??? Everyone needs to be watching this!! He's jumping out of a "hot air balloon" from 30 miles above the earth which means the pitch black SCARY outer space! He's lost his microphone and heat in the capsule so far, only his space suit is keeping him alive right now. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY ON LAXATIVES TODAY JUST BUY DIAPERS AND WATCH THIS!!!

    1. Hope they put diapers in his suit too

  11. Yeah, I have the jump on and it is less exciting than watching a line of ants.

  12. Anonymous10:23 AM

    This is Zach Morris.

  13. I agree with Sunny. No way was Fresh Prince a VERY hit show.. Other than that I got nothing.

  14. Not Mark Paul-Gossalear - his new wife is early 40s.

    The blind says 'very young'

  15. Fresh Prince WAS a very hit show. Duh. Who the eff doesn't think so? What the eff were you watching? Probably Step by Step. THEM shows. Anyhow, my guess on the actor is: no clue.

  16. They'll show the highlights of the jump later. Hope he doesn't die, but beyond that I don't care.

  17. @katsm0711 - Roswell is my hometown - where they launched the balloon - so it's pretty exciting to me. I'm rather annoyed with my friends in Colorado who couldn't care less and aren't watching ... :p

    1. Thats so cool @kaysea! Wait. You're FROM Roswell? I'm going to need a DNA sample...

  18. @Flo

    I KNOW you are not dissin TGIF on ABC! Step by Step, Boy Meets World. SABRINA??
    Your post made me laugh. THEM shows!

  19. James van der Beek. Just a wild guess.

  20. It sucks that all we have to do to figure out the blinds is check out DM. And remember that they are all probably made up anyways.

  21. I'll agree with Giovanni Ribisi -- married to that model Agnyss (sp?) something, suspected to be the blind about the newlywed who was crowding the hell out of his new bride, a child star from "My Two Dads," raised to B+ recognition from playing Phoebe's little brother on the very hit "Friends." The other guesses (Alfonso whatsisface and Zack Morris) don't have enough $ to make a prenup much of an issue.

  22. Zach Morris does NOT get scammed by the ladies, duh. Every girl ever wanted to date him!

  23. she's only entitled to a % of what he earned while they're married...anything from before is hands off..

  24. @kathleen, I though JVBD too, but he's been married for a couple years.

  25. courtney stodden and her weirdo hubby?

    he is an unknown for me, so i wouldn't consider him B list but just throwing it out there.

  26. That disgusting guy from Lost and his child bride.

  27. Fresh Prince was a huge hit show and Carlton's popularity increased throughout the series. People still know what the Carlton dance is. I didn't even watch that show and I knew all about it because people talked about it.

  28. What is DM that you can check for blind reveals?

  29. What is DM that you can check for blind reveals?

  30. The last sentence makes me think this guy is not all that attractive. Someone who women don't really flock to. Van der Beek (sp? Idk) & Gosselaar (goddamn these spellings) were huge heart throbs in their heyday, and are still fly as fuck.
    Ribisi's maybe not as attractive as those guys, but who would his wife's bf of 5 years be? She dated James Franco within the past 5 years, and a few other guys whose names I can't remember. She doesn't fit.
    Alfonso Rivjfjedhbjfj...people remember him as Carlton. I imagine he would definitely be someone who is flattered by the attention of a young, attractive woman.

  31. Kats, I was glued to that flight. Hearing his breathing freaked me out. Seeing his speed accelerate was scary too.

    I couldn't help but wonder what in the hell this guy was thinking right before he took off.

    How awesome was his landing?

    1. @cali holy hell he just ripped off his helmet n started doing interviews!! No stumbling around dizzy, no stretcher, nothing! He's like I'm starving let's go to Applebee's. I'd be like can someone peel this crystallized mess in my underpants off me please?

    2. Sorry that was disgusting...

  32. I kinda like the Courtney Stodden guess...I didn't watch Lost, but wasn't it a HUGE hit? I had co-workers who spent hours with theories about plot lines, conspiracies, etc. Without seeing an episode, I know some of the major events. To me, that would mean it was super popular.

    That would also explain the weird relationship a bit more. She gets the publicity she craves, he gets validation by being married to a (questionably) pretty girl. Win-win.

    1. I have no idea who Mr. Stodden is, but I just IMDb'ed him. He was born in 1960, first role was 1988. Not a child star.

  33. This sounds like Frankie Muniz and that fine babe he's married to.

  34. I thought of Frankie Muniz too Jason

  35. Anyone who doesn't consider the Fresh Prince a very hit show is showing their age.

    It was a huge hit amongst 90s kids. So if you don't remember it, you're probably in your 40s at least.

    1. Haha! When you said, "showing your age", I thought you meant showing how young they are. I graduated in 91 and will be 40 in a year. I remember it as a big show.

  36. @Kats, disgusting, but funny as hell.

  37. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Alfonso Riberio does fit. Child star from Silver Spoons, Brodway, and the Michael Jackson Pepsi commercial. He even had his own dance instruction book. Made it to the B-list because of the Fresh Prince. The Fresh Prince was very popular in the 1990s. Decent looking guy, but not one most women would fawn over. Sounds like him.

  38. I have no idea about the guess but Carlton is on the Yahoo homepage as just getting married if that means anything?
    And my two cents, Fresh Prince was HUUUUGE! So was The Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff before it. Everyone I mean everyone could rap parts of 'Parents Just Don't Understand' and he was the coolest mainstream thing since Michael Jackson. Remember when young popular celebs had commercials selling their products? You could call a 1900 # to "talk" to "DJ jazzy" or "the fresh prince" and Alyssa Milano had the "Teen Steam got to let it out (got to let it OUT!) hotline and MJ sold his cardboard and breakdancing DVD. The Fresh Prince having one of those 1900 #s should tell the others just how huge he was, which meant Fresh Prince of Bell Aire was also huge. Actually, how many black sitcoms have had that popularity among everyone? Shit now I want to find reruns and dig out my overalls and neon clothes lol!!!! It was HUGE. It'll also suck if I wasted all this time typing on my tiny iphone n Carlton isn't even the answer.

  39. Fresh Prince was huge, just not hugely memorable to critics. When Will Smith quit he slid into rapping and movies without a glitch because of his fan base from this show.

  40. I think Sunny nailed it.

    The Fresh Prince was a top 20 show and made Will Smith a star.

  41. The TV show Fresh Prince of Bel Air, was a vehicle for the already hugely successful artist Fresh Prince to grow his fan base. That's why his artist name is in the title of the show and why his character is named Will Smith. They were trying to get his name into the mainstream and succeeded, it was a smash hit.

  42. Seth Green from Family Guy. Started out on The Wonder Years. Just married a hot chick in her twenties. He's worked steadily in tv and film for 25 years, so he has lots of $$$

  43. Nooooo, not Seth Green. I love him and want him to be happy.

  44. This thread makes me laugh, so many god references! And Elzabeth, "DM" is the UK Daily Mail site. Just google that and you will for sure find t. It's pretty obvi that Enty is inspired by many of their stories, and you can always look there for clues to the blinds.

  45. Actually I remember reading TV Guide back in the day and they used to have the top 10 shows with Neilsen ratings from the previous week or so. Fresh Prince was usually in the Top 5 overall which was significant for a TV show with a predominantly black cast. It was the number 1 show of black viewers as per Neilsen. I loved that show and I bawled my eyes out during the final episode because I wouldn't get to see Will Smith every Monday night.

  46. just to throw out something different...scott baio? happy days being the hit show (and a few other 80s sitcoms). i saw a promo for some new show he has coming and didn't he finally marry the pretty gf that's a bit younger than him?

  47. funny story when I was an embryo I worked as a page at cbs tv city. One of our jobs was to work the switchboard. Take calls and stuff. We got the usual nut jobs (one woman would call all day and ask us what was on tv). Well one day I get a call asking to be transferred to Stuff Dog Productions. I checked my list and I didn't have it. They guy on the phone got very irate and said "how can you not have the #1 show on your network's office number?" I asked him which show he was talking about. He said Fresh Prince of Bel Air. I paused trying not to laugh (we were told to be nice to EVERYONE no matter what). I said sir, that is on NBC. Without taking a beat he said, can I have the number to NBC?

  48. I don't think the "very hit show" is necessarily from the child-star part of this person's life. I read it as some guy that started out as a child star, finally made it back into the business as an adult and is NOW on a hit show. That's probably the only way he'd have any money worth a pre-nup. Child stars in the 90s weren't taking home the big $$

    Other than that thought, I have nothing though.

  49. THIS...

    "Chris said...

    Anyone who doesn't consider the Fresh Prince a very hit show is showing their age.

    It was a huge hit amongst 90s kids. So if you don't remember it, you're probably in your 40s at least."

  50. It was a huge hit amongst 90s kids. So if you don't remember it, you're probably in your 40s at least."

    Or in your early 20s.
