Monday, October 01, 2012

Blind Item #1

This A list female singer was running late for a flight and was told that she would probably miss it and have to take a later flight. The singer stated that the airline better hold the plane for her and that they better also make sure she did not have to wait for security or any of her staff either. If they could not do that for her, then what was the point of being famous. She made her flight while others did not because our singer was put in front of the regular people in the lines.


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  2. I don't understand how there was a line of regular people she was put in front of, but the whole story is about how she nearly missed the flight and made them wait. Then why was there still a line of regular people waiting to board?

    1. Probably people from other flights waiting in line at security

  3. if you're are so "famous" then cough up the money for a private plane and you can leave anytime you want.

    Whoever the airline starfucker was that let her behave that way and get preferred treatment over regualar travelers is a twat.

    I hate Divas.

  4. There's the part when you stand in line to check in, then there's the part when you stand in line to board.

    Methinks she made the "checking in" people wait so they missed the chance to go through security & board on time.

  5. so the plane either a) took off without its other passengers or b) she was put ahead at the line at tsa. neither makes sense and neither would cause other people to miss their flights.

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  7. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Feeling Lady Gaga here.

  8. I read it as regular people on other flights missing their planes.

  9. I kind of want this to be Mariah, and I wouldn't think any less of her because of it!

  10. RiRi?

  11. This is a lame blind. A singer cut in line? Really?

  12. If she is flying first class, she gets a separate line to board. Also, how can one person being put to the front of the line affect others? This sounds so made up and designed for us to flip out and go, " OMG, I hate her so much, are her 15 minutes up yet?" and all sorts of clever insults.

  13. Yes, and apparently was gleaned from the Daily Mail.

  14. This is one time when I'm really tempted to say, "all of them!"

    Kudos to Eri for calling Enty out on this lame steal from the DM!

  15. It does seem that there are a few blinds based on that site unblinded stories.

  16. I would like to this this is Mariah Carey. I don't like her.

  17. Seems odd that just cutting in the check-in line would've made other "regular" Joes miss the flight. Unless the airline just cut them off there and then, they would've been checked in. Their checked luggage would've boarded the aircraft, and would've had to have been off-loaded if they missed the gate check-in (global regulation introduced after Lockerbie).

    As an aside, I was once tour managing for a European band, and our bus to the airport for getting on to the next tour stop was caught in horrible roadworks. Got to the airport way late. Luckily, the driver was almost able to crash us into the terminal and I was up at the check in desk (closed) within seconds. Before I could start to babble / fake tears (I woulda been happy to stay where we were a few days) the lady at check in looked at me, asked if we were the band, told us not to bother checking the instruments, just throw the bags in, and get running. We loaded the gear into the hold on the apron, just before it taxied.

    This wasn't the US though, so no TSA to negotiate.

  18. I think Enty puts in some of these "why are they even blind?" blinds to fill out the reveals on Jan 1 and July 4, because he just can't (apparently) reveal many truly interesting/juicy ones.

  19. There's a separate line at TSA for First Class, Coach, and Employees. She could have just used that one, and then once she got past that line they could have taken her to a special screening so she wouldn't have to wait to scan. Also, most of the airlines have different lines for first class and coach when boarding. You can waltz up anytime and "cut" in front of anyone else if you're an Elite member or flying first class. That's just what's out there, not only a celeb can take advantage.

  20. Mariah. I recall seeing her on TMZ recently, walking through some airport making annoying comments like "oh, this is what an airport looks like!" Because, you know, it had been so long since she'd flown commercial. I guess paying for Nick Cannon's dialysis must've drained her of all her private jet money. Pity.

  21. This is from Entys daily perusal of DM and Reddit but, really this could easily be any of them.

  22. Rihanna feels right, though she is clearly ridiculously wrong and I can't wait for her 15 minutes to end.

    I'm elite on American and about 2 or 3 years ago I was on the security line for LAX when airport personnel allowed someone in front of me. That someone was He apologized to me and was quick with the loading of the xray conveyer belt, both of which I appreciated.

    What I was surprised by was the fact that his entourage (driver/manager/secretary types) were up at the security station with him, yelling "run Will run" as he worked his way through the scanner but not traveling with him.

    LAX definitely has some oddball rules when it comes to celebrities.

  23. If Enty didn't post stuff from DM here we all couldn't comment together. I think it's a good thing, like bacon.

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