Monday, October 15, 2012

Blind Item #1 - Easy

What pint sized reality stars has called it quits with her baby daddy. Together only for filming now and their split to be filmed for television. He has been seen with someone else. She is trying to just stay in and not cause any drama until the shows air.


  1. Wow - never would have seen that one coming... If those two can't make it work, what hope is there for the rest of us?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Am I imagining it, or didn't Enty used to hint that Vinny was the baby daddy?

  4. I'm not, seriously I am not...but do kind of feel bad for Snooks if this is her. I imagine her having these fantasies of an idyllic family life, not unlike her own growing up.

  5. Poor SnickerDoodle! I am not a big fan of Snooki's but the guy, and this happens more often than not, probably got jealous of tha baby. He fell in 'love' with pre baby Snooki, the hard partying, liquor loving, loud mouth bundle of joy. When the baby came, she actually changed. No more late nights out in the club. All her attention is now on her baby. As it should be. He couldn't stand it.

  6. Poor SnickerDoodle! I am not a big fan of Snooki's but the guy, and this happens more often than not, probably got jealous of tha baby. He fell in 'love' with pre baby Snooki, the hard partying, liquor loving, loud mouth bundle of joy. When the baby came, she actually changed. No more late nights out in the club. All her attention is now on her baby. As it should be. He couldn't stand it.

  7. Poor SnickerDoodle! I am not a big fan of Snooki's but the guy, and this happens more often than not, probably got jealous of tha baby. He fell in 'love' with pre baby Snooki, the hard partying, liquor loving, loud mouth bundle of joy. When the baby came, she actually changed. No more late nights out in the club. All her attention is now on her baby. As it should be. He couldn't stand it.

  8. Poor SnickerDoodle! I am not a big fan of Snooki's but the guy, and this happens more often than not, probably got jealous of tha baby. He fell in 'love' with pre baby Snooki, the hard partying, liquor loving, loud mouth bundle of joy. When the baby came, she actually changed. No more late nights out in the club. All her attention is now on her baby. As it should be. He couldn't stand it.

    1. Sorry for all of the duplicate posts. I don't know what the heck happened! How do you delete?

    2. I thought he hated her partying, it was always the source of their fighting especially when they were in Italy (I haven't watched much after that). I hope she fiInally finds happiness and not in the form of a bottle or a greasy orange man.

  9. i knew it was snooki, she hasn't been spotted with him in ages, a mess, she disgusts me

  10. Vinny is totally the baby daddy.

    People need to give our little Schnooks a break, girl just likes to party a little harder than the rest of us do. And unfortunately for her she decided to do a majority of that partying on national television.

  11. Kourtney kardashian and Scott Disick.

  12. I always thought Jionni was a douchebag. Now Snooki can just get with Vinny, lol. Im sad I know all of this :/

  13. Snooki, and I feel awful. She seemed to really get her s**t together when she got pregnant and I believe she was looking forward to a family life.

    Step in and step up, Vinny :(

  14. @Stephanie, I'm with you on the sad to know this train. I allowed myself to be caught on a marathon Saturday when I was sick. Anyway, I did secretly wish Snooki and Vinny would get together.

  15. @Becks- I'm with ya on this one. He's a serial cheaper.

    Jionni would never leave Snooki. Unfortunately, she's his cash cow and he's tired of his living off of his parents money. He hasn't had a job in SO long. Plus, snooks just tweeted a pic of them all hanging out at home getting ready for the Holidays.

  16. If Vinny was the baby daddy, then Snooki wouldn't be "calling it quits" bc she's been with Jionni this whole time-- there's nothing to call it quits from. So logically that makes no sense. It also says "filming" which implies that filming is currently happening, which Jersey Shore & Snooki's spin-off are both done.

    I think it's Kourtney Kardashian & Scott Disick. He is 100% the baby daddy, they had something to call it quits from & they are currently filming.

    Case closed!

    1. Snooki and J Woww season 2 is currently in production, or has just wrapped

  17. I also think it's Kourtney & Scott - and at 4'11" (smallest of all the Kardashians), she's definitely "pint-sized".

  18. My coworker grew up with Vinny in Staten Island...dude STILL lives at home with the folks although he's driving a lambo....also, Vinny isn't the dad for Snookie's baby, he said he made sure he wrapped it up (but who can tell?)...what he did say though was that all the guys loved snooki and all the girls hated on her in the cast because she was the PERFECT wing-woman...she got girls drunk and brought them back to the guys....I'd say she has a future in Madam-ing?

  19. @ Ic - I can only delete my posts when using the full version of the site, not the mobile version. To do so, just go to your comment and you should see a garbage can icon. Click that and your posts are deleted.

  20. I don't know why, her partying disgusts me, but there was always something I liked about Snookie. I find her to be the most bizarre creature and watching Jersey Shore is like watching National Geographic in some far off land in Africa. Or like Wild Boys when they went to Africa and drank cows blood with a tribe.

  21. @kgirl I know!! Its totally want them together too! lol

  22. Kourtney is only 4'11"? When you consider how tall Khloe is, makes it even more obvious Kim is was/is a cheater. (although Khloe is a little more tolerable than the rest of the K Klan). The idea it's Kourtney & Scott makes me laugh. It'll be good for ratings, though.

  23. The line about their split being filmed for TV totally seals the Kourtney/Scott guess for me. Even if the Jersey Shore crew does some wild stuff for ratings, I don't think Snooks would let a break-up be filmed. It's just too personal.

    I secretly hoped Vinny was the baby daddy all this time, too. I'm one of those morons who cannot turn that damn show off.

  24. Snooki.

    And isn't "reality" television as scripted as, well, scripted television?

  25. I read Scott Dissick as Soft Dick for some reason! Then I wondered why I have never thought of that before? Has my vote! He's an asshole too.

  26. Honey Boo Boo? THey do seem to be having them pretty young in her neck of the woods.

    1. Hon-ney Boooooooooo Booooooooo!!!

  27. My guess is Scott & Kourtney. I read they were having problems during filming. He used to be a douche, I felt bad for Kourt. Lately I feel bad for Scott. He's grown, and changed. She'll miss him & he'll have no trouble moving on. Believe that!

  28. It's not Snooki.

  29. I have to admit I sort of like Kourtney and Scott. I hope it's not them.

  30. Matt Roloff did always look like he would be quite the ladies man...

    I bet he can do some crazy things with those crutches in the bedroom :p

  31. Am I dumb for thinking this was Kourtney and Scott?

  32. Scott and Kourtney, however that makes it conversely not true because everything they do is for ratings.

    Does that make sense?

  33. those stoopid KarTRASHians!

  34. Aw, I have a soft spot for Snooki.

    And Scott is the only Kardashian, other than Khloe, that I at all like.

  35. it is not snooki then she is all over the place flaunting her new shape - I am going to say that Khardashian chick and Scott Disick.

  36. Kourtney and Scott.
    I haven't seen anything about Kourtney lately.

    Snooki is flaunting her new body around everywhere.

    and Vinny absolutely cannot be the baby daddy. I can't and won't believe it.

  37. Kourtney. Jionni won't leave Snooki as long as there's a chance Snooki will have a TV show.

  38. Kourtney. Google "hot blonde" and Scott and there are stories from just a day ago or so.

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