Sunday, October 21, 2012

Best SNL Sketch Last Night

Bruno Mars was great, but the Brad Pitt spoof Chanel commercials were the best.


  1. I don't like Bruno Mars but i think the Stefan bit on the weekend update was one of the best

  2. Oh and the "8 to 20 children" was hilarious

  3. I thought Bruno Mars was an odd choice for host and act. But he held his own and looked like he had a lot of fun with it. Compared to Daniel Craig who looked like he would rather be anyplace else in the world than on SNL.

    Spoof ads were great, but did we need 4 of them? Bit of an overkill. I like that Lorne is taking chances with replacing Adam's digital shorts. The sad mouse was interesting. As a New Yorker seeing those people in costumes tying to make a buck is really sad and funny.

  4. As someone who has not found SNL in the least bit funny since 1992, I have a question. Who/what makes that show funny these days?
    I am genuinely curious, because I want to like it again and know who to look for.

    1. @agame as a fan for over 20 years, after just watching last nights ep I think I have it figured out. Yes having a great commedian host is great like Seth MacFarlane or Christina Applegate can really act and offer ideas. But what makes snl really great just like South Park is when something happened in real life that they can parody. If it was a slow week, your only hope is to love the host.

    2. @ABlake:I found it was funnier when I got stoned but,yeah, the funny is gone. At least they have learned recently that brevity is the soul of wit.

  5. I found myself skipping the ads after the first one.

  6. Thanks katsm:) I'll keep that in mind and give it a shot next week!

    1. Next week is Louie CK so I expect it will kick ass!!!

  7. I haven't seen any of the other spoofs, but the original was like a spoof itself. Brad looked like an idiot, and how they imagined it would "move" more of the scent is beyond me.

    Is there anyone here who wanted to buy Chanel #5 based on that ad? Genuinely curious.

    Sure, it generated publicity for an ancient old perfume, but is it really true that all publicity is good? I've read that they paid Brad $7 million to do the clip. I simply can't see it adding $7 million to the bottom line of whoever owns the perfume.

    I read a bio of Coco Chanel years ago - fascinating life, ugly details, great designs, but IIRC she lost control of the fragrance and some other business owns it.

    OT, but anyone who wants an interesting read can pick up used copies of the Chanel bio for as little as $1.23 on Amazon. Highly recommended!

  8. Anonymous1:11 PM

    This was a parody of a parody.

  9. Bruno Mar was a surprise, a wonderful surprise...and yes they nailed Brad..

  10. Bruno Mars was bad - no lie I said he looked like a filopino girl a minute before he sang it.

  11. Thanks Sherry. Honestly I guess I've outgrown (or am not smart enough to get) the Sandler/Farrell etc. humor.
    *shrug* different strokes I suppose.

    I will take katsm's advice and at least give next week's show a go.

  12. Hulu videos can't be viewed outside the U.S., unfortunately.

  13. Bruno Mars did very well, even better than some experienced actors that have hosted.

  14. Chanel should have just used the SNL parody for the commercial it was better and super funny!!!

    I think Brad should stop trying to be all introspective about life!!!

    Inevitably bad acting!!

  15. Omg this blog did the best job with making fun of it

  16. I'm happy to see some good reviews of Bruno Mars...I'm a fan although not a very good one since I had no idea he was on, let alone hosting! It was his first appearance on SNL that got me hooked on him... :)

  17. Thank you kats for letting me know there was a new Stefon bit. He is the best!

  18. @ Surfer, I've only found a link for the first video

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Pitt's chanel ad gave me the same vibe as The Family Guy episode where Stewie convinces Brian to eat his shit. He 's laughing at all of us all the way to the bank . Then announce that he donated it to "charity". Sure.

  21. I found this link - you'll love it.
    expresses the brange "love" perfectly
