Ben Affleck Keeps Jennifer Lopez On Stand By
Ben Affleck is on the cover of The Hollywood Reporter this week. Do you realize it has been almost a decade since there was such a thing as Bennifer? Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez were a very interesting couple. I think he probably went almost bankrupt buying her stuff and when do you ever see her use or wear what he bought her? He spent almost $1M on her and it is pretty much just up in smoke and gone and won't see the light of day until an estate auction a half century from now. Oh, and she almost destroyed his movie career too and dragged him down to her level of movie. In the magazine, Ben was asked about Jennifer and he said the two keep in touch and will e-mail each other or text. Does this mean she is on stand by in case something goes wrong with Jennifer Garner? Is it easier in a relationship to go from one Jennifer to another Jennifer that way you don't confuse names in bed or at other times. I get the feeling that Ben might talk to her more than he even lets on in the interview. The next thing you know they will run into each other at a party and Ben will be pulling out the checkbook and getting her a new Rolls. The contrast between the two Jennifers is amazing. Talk about going in totally the opposite direction.