Monday, October 01, 2012

Barbra Streisand And Her First Lover Broke Up Because She Found Him In Bed With A Man

The NY Daily News has an excerpt of the new book about Barbra Streisand called "Hello Gorgeous." I am not sure how the rest of the book will be, but the first part they excerpted is pretty good. It talks about Barry  Dennen. He is the man who was Barbra's first lover. She told everyone they were going to get married which everyone found odd because apparently everyone but Barbra knew the man really preferred men, and not women. One New Year's Eve, Barbra came over to the place they shared when he was not expecting her and Barbra walked in on him having sex with another man. She said at that moment she knew what she had been blocking from her mind the whole time they had gone out but that he broke her heart and she was never the same after that one night.


  1. Poor Babs. It sucks being the last to know...

  2. So that's why she turned to porn early in her career...

    (No, she didn't really. Old rumor.)

  3. "She said at that moment she knew what she had been blocking from her mind the whole time they had gone out [...]"

    It took full on sex for her to figure it out? Wonder what she's rationalizing in her current marriage.

  4. wow - i wonder if she find ironic to be one of the most popular living gay icons..

  5. Yeah it sucks watching a women be a beard when she doesn't even know it. My mom tries so hard to make herself be attractive and fusses over her looks but I don't know how to tell her that dad doesn't care bc she's not his type. I wonder if barbara was the same n I think so bc she seems obsessed with her looks too right?

  6. Totally agree, L....wonder if there is a coincidence in here somewhere?!

  7. This seems to be fairly common with a lot of celebs, no?

  8. Color me unsurprised. I am surprised, though, if Babs truly was the only one who didn't see it. I guess denial can be a very strong thing.

  9. Really, who is interested?

  10. should've just hopped right in there and joined in Babs ;)

  11. My grandma saw her and Jamie Lee Cutis in Sun Valley Idaho. She said Barbara looked like a little old lady, I asked how he skin was. My grandma said, "wrinkly like any old person". I wanted to hear she was more beautiful in person than in pictures. Reality is never as pretty as photoshop.

  12. I wonder if the gentleman in question is any relation to Brett Dennen, the singer/songwriter?

  13. I'm not surprised she didn't know, after all he was her first lover meaning she was inexperienced and he WAS having sex with her! Plus she was in love, makes fool of us at times.

  14. Wow, her son is gay too, but this type of story is not uncommon.

  15. I don't see where this reflects badly on her. When you're young and inexperienced, I can see it happening. I'm interested in reading the book, though.

  16. I looked on Amazon - evidently Barry Dennen wrote a book about her in 1997. Couldn't tell from the description whether he admits he's gay or not and not interested enough to buy the book.

  17. I'm sure this happens to a lot of woman who are married to actors in Hollywood.

  18. As a young woman, I was in love with several guys who turned out to be gay. I truly didn't know. Sometimes when you are young and inexperienced, a supportive gay man is way less threatening than straight one. They are sensitive enough to not want to hurt your feelings, but everyone gets hurt anyway. I've been there.

  19. in his book he admits to be gay.. there is a passage that says: "It's hard to imagine today how truly dirty it felt to be gay in these United States in the early 1960s (...) I did not want to be gay. I didn't want it. But if I did not want it so badly, what was I doing every night at The Lion [gay bar]"

  20. p.s. there is a "look inside option" - I am cheap

  21. Barbara looks SO cute in that picture. Just adorable. I wonder at what age the the diva-ness kicked in.

  22. I never noticed before the other day in the Random Photos of Barbra but man does she look like Jennifer Aniston. Or vice versa?

  23. You're right chopchop!
