Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Anonymous Says It Has Identified Amanda Todd Topless Photo Leaker

In a post to YouTube yesterday, Anonymous claims it has identified the person behind the leaking of the topless photo of 15 year old Amanda Todd. The photo is considered to be the driving force behind much of the bullying suffered by Amanda and her suicide last week. Anonymous says that the person who released the photo is a 32 year old man named Kody Maxson who used to work for Facebook. He created a Facebook profile which used her naked chest as his profile photo and invited all of her friends to be his friends.


  1. Plz plz somebody prosecute that man.

    RIP Amanda

  2. I hope that he's prosecuted and given the royal treatment in prison. A lot of inmates, despite their own crimes, don't like people who mistreat children.

  3. This is not going to end well.

  4. What if they (Anonymous) are wrong?

  5. I guess what I don't understand is why a picture of 15yo's breasts on Facebook is not considered child pornography an a matter for the FBI

  6. Plz plz somebody prosecute that man.

    RIP Amanda

  7. karma! i hope the person behind her suffering gets the appropriate punishment...

  8. He worked for Facebook? Sounds like Zuckerberg is gonna have some 'splainin to do.

  9. Possibly done by a 32 year old man? What a g-damn loser. I hate when adults act worse than jr high children.

  10. Anonymous9:15 AM

    The FBI only wants to use their resources for the good of these celebrities and their leaked pictures. I hope he gets charged with child pornography, as well as manslaughter. Not going to happen, but I can hope.

    1. Eh, her family might have a case in civil court, but itd be a waste to go after a manslaughter charge because they'd never win it. He def should get charged for child porn and harassment tho.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sometimes I love Anonymous. If they've done their homework right on this one? This guy is in for a world of hurt. One he fully deserves.

    Since she was Canadian and her stalker may have been American? It's going to be a messy and long process to prosecute... But he also appears to have pissed of the folks on the Internet that you would prefer not to piss off.

  12. he's a 32yo from New Westminister, BC. Not sure where the facebook connection comes in.

    Someone with a similar name was in Provincial court last week on child porno charges but cops are keeping mum.

  13. anonymous also broke away from Wiki and are no longer supporting Assange.
    Calling for him to face his accusers in a court of law!

    1. @jax LOL that's because wikileaks has erected a pay wall, not because they all of a sudden don't like what Assange/wikileaks originally stood for

  14. Hmmm...and I thought that you weren't allowed to show breasts at all on Facebook, seeing as, say, nursing mothers have gotten the chop for their photos...If this putz did work for Facebook, then I can certainly see things getting a wee bit sticky for Mr. Zuckerberg...

    As I understand it, the Canadian authorities had a pretty good idea who they were looking for, but supposedly the perp managed to move south to the States, and was lying low enough that they couldn't seem to flush him out. Here's hoping that Anonymous helps the Mounties get their man, and that he gets all the punishment he so richly deserves! (A manslaughter charge wouldn't really stick, but child porn? He'll do a lot more time, and get a lot more karmic blowback, for that than he ever would for a homicide rap.)

  15. The information released by Anonymous directly contradicts earlier information uncovered by the police. Who knows what is true at this point, but the New West police are currently protecting the man and his family and warning against vigilantism. This could go very wrong if Anonymous is wrong. Apparently there have already been many death threats against this man.

    Also, since he has not been confirmed by the police to be involved, the media here in Vancouver is not printing his name, however, obviously other sources are not being as respectful of due process.

  16. Wow, if it's true, I hope they nail this perv to the wall!

  17. I really want justice for that poor girl. Whatever form it takes.

  18. Promoting child pornography on the internet. Having a hand in the death of a child. Prosecute him!

    I hope that he gets the same treatment now that his identity is revealed. He is a grown man, preying on a little girl. She was a 7th grader, I believe in her video she said she was 13, maybe 14, I need to watch again. Sickness!

    I did sit down with my 8 yr old computer savvy daughter and had her watch Amandas original video with me. I also told her of the aftermath.

  19. This story is so sad. She was so young and beautiful and if only she could have gotten help getting through that nightmare she could of had a long and wonderful life. :(

    She's only a few years younger than my niece and it would kill me to have something like this happen to her... I hope that scumbag (no longer a man or even human in my eyes) gets the book and then some thrown at him. I'm physically sick to my stomach just reading this. Go Anonymous!!!!

  20. I will be surprised if Anonymous is wrong on this.

  21. I have a love/hate with Anonymous. Good for them for putting their skills to good use instead of attacking our government and financial infrastructures. THIS is what modern day superheros should be attempting to capture - modern day villians. I hope they're right and they helped find him. If not, I hope they keep searching for scum like this.

  22. I am by no means defending someone who maliciously bullied and manipulated a child, but isn't Anonymous being a bully as well by "outing" this person without law enforcement confirmation?

    Bullying an adult is still bullying.

  23. This young girl killed herself, because society has deemed a woman who shows her chest/breasts as cheap and slutty. Who comes up with this stuff? Every single woman in the world has them. They're for breast feeding. Why because a feature that God has blessed this young woman with, been a reason for suicide??? If you go to Africa, you see young and old woman baring their breasts. They don't even think twice about it. Yet in most parts of the world...a girl is a slut and gets made fun of for revealing them. I just wish the world would grow up. Now a life is lost because a 32 yr old pervert/pig was so immature and childish, he had to show everyone.

  24. I wish they would have found him before she killed herself.

  25. @Jax "anonymous also broke away from Wiki and are no longer supporting Assange."


    I love Anonymous so much.

  26. Per Anonymous:

    Identity: Kody Maxson
    Online Username: kody1206
    Location:Sapper St, New westminster,BC
    Birthdate 1980, age 30

  27. Such a pretty girl, such a tragedy. I hope whoever put the topless pics on the web is prosecuted as well as the kids that taunted her mercilessy and the boy she slept with that allowed his girlfriend to attack her. We need justice, all of these immature h.s. lame o's need to realize that this behavior is not ok and there will be serious consequences I.e. jail time if this behavior continues.

  28. "I am by no means defending someone who maliciously bullied and manipulated a child, but isn't Anonymous being a bully as well by "outing" this person without law enforcement confirmation?"

    Um, yeah. Pretty much.

    Be careful, folks. SMH at vigilante justice. And whatever happened to due process, presumed not guilty...things like that? The lot of you have already convicted and hung this guy, it would seem. Yikes. :-/

  29. And even more information:


  30. @Em - what a charmer :/

  31. Be careful, guys. Have we learned nothing from Spike Lee tweeting the wrong address for George Zimmerman? SMH.

  32. I hope that the mother-fucker who did this gets his well deserved punishment. He tormented her to death. Why? Why be such a sick freak? That cheap thrill of child porn wasn't enough? Fucking rot in hell you son of a bitch!

    Sorry, please excuse my French. This case has got me all kinds of mad and sad! What a wasted life over stupid mistake.

  33. That video doesn't seem to be posted by or on the original Anonymous YouTube channel. Also, that same youtube account previously posted two videos that Amanda Todd didn't exist and the whole story was a trap for child pornographers, so...

  34. Generally, I don't care for hackers. But, Anonymous is a different group. They tend to look out for the greater good and that's just what this society needs.

    Bravo, Anonymous!

  35. This is the first time I've heard of any of this and I am simply in shock. I certainly hope if this guy did it, he's punished, FB is sued and on down the line. This whole thing makes me sick. I hope they prosecute the bastard.

  36. RIP Amanda.

    Sick bastard.

  37. today in Calgary a men's wear clothing store fired one of their employees for posting a negative comment on Amanda's facebook page. I hope they track down every bastard who posted hateful comments tormenting that poor baby.

  38. I love Anonymous, it is sad that we need vigilantes, but whoever hurt this child deserves all the pain and punishment coming their way. Rest in Peace, sweet child. Amanda, I will always remember you and pray you now are safe in the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father.

  39. ok - maybe this is not the guy who posted Amanda;'s pictures.
    However, if you read the info on the link provided by EmEyeKay and you check Reddit you can see he was one of the guys posting on subreddit JAILBAIT - posting pictures of teens not yet legal for everyone to see.
    Enty shared earlier on Facebook the article on gawker about the founder of Jailbait - another gentleman who should burn in hell.
    So no - this guy is not a victim

  40. There was a guy posting Amanda's autopsy pictures on Twitter. Anonymous didn't take too kindly to that.

  41. I want to bully him hard.

  42. @Amber - yes the guys who leaked the autopsy photo [really?!? are people so freaking a$$holes?] is a guy called Alex Ramos - I was reading more details on him and another jewel of a human being called Hunter Moore in this article [sorry I do not not how to include clickable links]


  43. You know what I love about this, that this guy is going to get the same treatment he gave to this poor girl except 100+ fold. Karma is a bitch

  44. I'm not going to lie, I called the number listed for him and the voicemail was full. Made me smile a bit

  45. @L - thanks for the link!

    @AndyCane - love that you called. Hah.

  46. This is the guy that tried to sexually blackmail Amanda into submitting to him and she didn't he punished her by releasing the photos to her friends. He started her spiral to suicide. Fuck him.

    If Anonymous is right, then let the hate of the world rest at his doorstep.

  47. I'm actually tearful at the news. Thank you Anonymous! I hope that fucker gets everything he deserves and more.

    @ F, how were they saying the Amanda videos were a trap? I mean I really don't get how it could lure someone.

  48. Amen, L! That gawker expose made my week. If you read the entire article you can see what a sick fvck that guy from reddit was. He also claims his wife knows all about his penchant for racist/perverse/misogynistic shit and the nasty bit about his step daughter.

    People like that then toss out the victim card once outed? Screw that!

  49. FBI? Why? This was a Canadian incident. If this were the U.S., yeah I would be all up them prosecuting this guy.

  50. this thing is so sad. may it be a lesson to all the bullies, and bullied.
    Rest in Peace'

  51. Here's a link to the video that works:


  52. Good for Anonymous! I also hope they're right.

    Plenty more pervs on the Internet. Read about Violentacrez Michael Brutsch and the Gawker expose. (iPhone won't cut and paste here, sorry)

  53. Love the Anonymous stuff - reminds me of Rooney Mara's character in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (why can't I think of her name?). Geniuses on the keyboard (computer, that is), and can stir the pot for justice for the little guy (or at least call attention to the cause) by hacking into info Joe Average will never access.
    Also loved when they took on Scientology.
    Ideally, the letter of the law takes over once they've sounded the alarm.

  54. Some of you are mistaken in believing that she only killed herself because of the topless pictures.

    There was also the fact that she had sex with another girl's boyfriend. The girl went up to her with a group of friends and they beat the crap out of her. She went home and drank bleach to kill herself but it failed. Somehow, someone found out and after she moved to a new school, they posted on her facebook pictures of bleach and ditches.

    she was also a known bully to other people.

  55. @ kelgela - I heard that the allegations that Amanda Todd was a bully are made by some of the teens who bullied her in an effort to spin their participation.

  56. @kelgela - that's like saying the girl who was raped was wearing clothes asking for it. Someone died here, resulting from documented bullying. THAT is the point here.

  57. Anonymous9:14 AM

    This Anonymous stuff is Bad News. I think we're all too close to this shit to see it for what it is...Horror. Chickens comes home to roost. The Internet is turning us all into monsters, folks. This constant glee, and schadenfreude we get when The Bad guy ("that OTHER bad guy over there, certainly not ME though, nuh UH, no WAY) getting what's coming to him/her, it's gotta stop. It's turning us into a bunch of sanctimonious, gossiping, snooping, holier-than-thou prigs. It's like the line from The Unforgiven: "He had it coming, right?" "We've all got it coming, kid..." Instead of pointing fingers and "J'accuse!!!"ing quite so much, we need to maybe focus on trying to do the best we can for ourselves, and not worry so much about the failings of others.

  58. The guy who was blackmailing her had convinced her to flash her chest to him via webcam when she was in 7th grade. 7th grade. I have a 7th grader. 7th graders are little girls. Most not even teenagers yet. so that's the photo he spread everywhere. It's so scary. I need to talk to my daughter about this but I want to bring it up when I know I have her undivided attention. she is not allowed on facebook or any of that, but she has an iTouch and she gets on instagram, and I'm worried that if someone saw her pics on instagram and really wanted to find her, they could at least strike up a conversation and perhaps even get her to Facetime or something. She's pretty sheltered and monitored, but I feel like these guys are so slick they can find a way to do this stuff.

  59. Anonymous has some info on Kody that's incorrect. Kody is 19 and not 30 or 32, (according to court records he was born in 1993) He probably lies about his age online and probably also lies that he used to work for Facebook. He was in provincial court on Monday in Surrey, B.C. for sexual assault or related charges, that had nothing to do with the Amanda Todd case, so he has other victims. he is currently out on bail, anonymous also had his home address wrong, although he odes live in New Westminster, B.C. and no I do not know him. yes he is a troll on Pedophile forums.

  60. @thomas - your principles point of view is fine until it's your daughter, or my daughter who gets stalked and humiliated, when her life becomes a nightmare and you realize there very little/nothing you can do to make it stop.
    I am all for the freedom of the interned and against big government laws. However, while we are trying to figure out a democratic and sane way to regulate it, the Internet is the far west, and as such law is enforced by makeshift sheriffs and bounty hunters. Is it a perfect solution? No. But I will not cry for the admitted pornographer and pedofile who got found out and revealed to the public. Karma is a bitch.
    As for kody, I will hold my judgement until it's confined that he was involved in Amanda's death.. But considering he already has trouble with the law for similar pedofile charges I have no pity

  61. Anonymous11:33 AM

    @L- my problem is more with The Internet, and what it's doing to us, rather than with any specific tragedy, mine, yours or someone else's. This one (the Amanda Todd tragedy) is just another straw. I don't claim to have all the answers. But I do know that mob/hive-mind/group behavior scares the crap out of me, and that's The Internet is all about. This is just one specific case of an anonymous (haha) group attempting to act as judge, jury and Internet Executioner, with (apparently?) the majority of people (CDAN readers or whomever) being VERY much in favor of it. It just bothers me, and it doesn't seem right. Your example of the Old West is apropos, except that things on The Internet are getting MORE "Wild West"ier as time goes by, not less. The Wild West of The Internet isn't becoming MORE civilized, its becoming LESS so. Finally, it bothers me as to what The Internet is doing to us: it's making us all very VERY similar, in phraseology, in thought, in activity. It's bringing us together to the point of homogenization. We see these stories, of Amanda Todd, or the school bus driver who was tormented, or the kids assaulting the school teacher, and it's practically pure stimulus/response: we're intended to feel outrage. The Internet is this great big Moral Indignation/Outrage Generator. It's as if we, collectively, are being played...sorry for getting so far afield with all this. It just bugs me...

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Thomas you are absolutely right. no doubt. and if this was not so scary, it would be a great global experiment on human nature and mob mentality.

    i do not have all the answers either and I am not a fan of summary judgement and lynchings.

    like I said earlier, I share in many aspects your point of view.

    I just feel uncomfortable seeing people who have admitted to being among the most despicable beings walking the earth defended. Call me simple, i believe actions have consequences and if you decide to roll in filth, you have to accept people will call you dirty.

    As with many other things, i think we should have many frames to analyse situations, macro views, like the one you outline, and also personal, micro view and try to balance it all.

    Finally, a personal note. I respect the law and I am a good citizen. But, maybe because of my Italian culture, if someone was to harm my family, or cause their death, and if the culprit was found without a doubt, I would do whatever is in my power to kill him. and then probably i would go to the police and surrender myself. I guess you can take the girl out of Italy, but...

  64. Thomas, I agree with you wholeheartedly, and I said something very similar above. Groupthink and mob mentality scare the shit out of me, especially when the folks involved don't even know the whole story. I don't, either, for the record, and that's the whole point.

    I will probably be vilified if I point out that no one can make someone else commit suicide as well, but that's also true.
