Amanda Todd
I hate bullying. I'm not talking about the bullying that celebrities say they went through because they are trying to get more fans and spin some kind of story because someone called them ugly once when they were in the 7th grade. I'm talking about the kind of bullying that drives a 15 year old teen to kill herself. Amanda Todd was not gay. She was not ugly. She made two mistakes in her life and they caused her to kill herself. The British Columbia teen once sent a photo of her breasts to an older guy. He then blackmailed her and said he would send it everywhere unless she did things for him. She didn't and he sent it out. Everywhere. Kids at school teased her and made fun of her. Her parents moved her to another school. The photo followed. The teasing continued. She then "hooked up" with a guy who had a girlfriend and was shamed beyond belief and was threatened and told to kill herself. She tried. She swallowed bleach, but was saved. Earlier this week she succeeded. The town where she lives apologized posthumously for the bullying, but there needs to be more done.
Her parents knew she was being bullied and changed schools. What they should have done is home school her. Get her through high school because in college no one cares if you sent naked photos to people. Everyone is involved with their own lives and not yours. A topless photo is not going to phase anyone.
If you are reading this and are in high school, I know you think life begins and ends in high school. It doesn't. It is a cocoon of 3 or 4 years that ends. It might seem like forever before it ends and your life might be miserable everyday, but I want you to know one very important thing. Time moves on. That clock keeps going forward and those people that are bullying you right now are going to work at cleaning the toilets at McDonald's. They will be hoping that one day they will get to make the fries. You are bigger than them. If you are being bullied, talk to someone about it. Discuss it. Find one friend who will be there for you. I am here. Anyone is here for you. Do not kill yourself. I know it is cliche, but things do get better. I promise.