Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Amanda Bynes Pleads Not Guilty

Can you believe how long it has been since Amanda Bynes has actually been in the news. Even yesterday, when her attorney entered a not guilty plea in her driving on a suspended license case, Amanda was a no show. She has done a very good job of staying hidden or at least making an attempt to the past few weeks. This is something Lindsay Lohan could not do. She needs and craves the attention and publicity way too much to stay out of the spotlight. Lindsay would rather risk getting drunk or hitting someone or being caught up in the moment and stealing something rather than just stay home. Amanda still faces another DUI charge and two hit and run charges so she will have a busy 2013 in court.


  1. Was it here or another site that questioned if she's actually staging all these accidents for publicity stunts to fuel her comeback which is why she never gets arrested?

    1. It was either CDAN or Celebitchy. I remember that angle too.

  2. Don't rag so much on Amanda, people make mistakes!! 

    Hanes Sweatpants Anb

  3. @kats, it was here. Who knows, maybe it was more than one place, but I know we talked about it last week.

  4. You know she's on something when she's getting shout outs from blunt companies, she just needs to learn to hide her keys. I wish her well and hope she can have a come back that's more successful than LiLo's.


  5. How can she plead not guilty? A JUDGE told her that her license was suspended, and she went out and drove again.

    Seems like an open and shut case to me, but I am not a lawyer.

  6. Sorry Alvano, for both having a signature in your post AND spamming I will rag on Bynes even harder.

    That being said, isn't that Miley in the picture pre-haircut? Amanda Bynes is so anonymous with sunglasses on.

  7. Court adjourned. Bring out the dancing lobsters.

    Ha I've been waiting to use that one

  8. @ Ingrid LOL - I clicked on it like an idiot, expecting to see something Bynes related. Doh! Not only spam but boring spam.

  9. Don't you have to be there in person to enter a plea? I once had to go to court as a witness in a domestic violence case. (Awful neighbor beat up his gf; he got jailtime, Wooo!) Even then, I was required to show up. Strange that she isn't required to be there!
