Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Your Turn

I can't believe I spent...


  1. 300 euros on a fall jacket as a big splurge. It was stolen a month later :(

  2. 9 yrs with someone who isn't my husband and have had no children and are no closer or better off than when we started dating...

    1. Same!!! Finally broke up with him 5 months ago. Was determined not to let it get to 10 years!

    2. Anonymous11:12 AM

      @josiejo........Ditto, except for the kid part....

    3. I wasted 3 years with someone who wouldn't commit to a future so I dumped him. OMG I so dodged a bullet. Met a much better man, got engaged in less than a year and married last week! Guy #1 is singing the blues that he let me get away. Idiot.

  3. I can't believe I spent $80 getting my ac fixed earlier in the summer, when all that they needed to do was open and close the furnace door. Though the money seems pretty insignificant compared to the week that I was without ac because I waiting for them to come and "fix it."

    Yep, a sucker's born every minute.

  4. so much time worrying about what others thought about me.

  5. So vague. "I spent....
    ... The night with John Mayer?
    ... $750 on a Valtrex prescription?
    ... All of Jan 1 reading reveals?

    Only one of those is true

    1. Well if you'd spent the night with John Mayer, you'd be needing that Valtrex so....

  6. too much time thinking about quitting my job!! I really need to just do it and stop thinking about it.....
    I am such a chicken! I don't want to be broke:(

  7. Anonymous10:10 AM

    112$ @ goodwill at lunch when the point of going drop off three bags of donations. But they had ralph lauren riding boots and lilly pultzer dresses seven jeans.

  8. ...over $500 in one hair appointment...and that I'm going to come close to doing it again next week.

  9. Seachica- hahaha. Hopefully not the John Mayer one ;)

    I can't believe I spent the last year not working on this cabin! Now we have 8 weeks of waiting for permit approval. We should have done this last September!

  10. More than 25 years ago, I spend $170 on "antique" lamps which were sort of gaudy. That was a lot of money for me to spend on something like that back then. However, I have had them all this time and they fit in perfectly with the decor of my old house. Turned out to be a good purchase.

  11. I can't believe I'm GOING to spend the next 5 years paying for a car I can't afford instead of getting my own place or going back to college. Or having children, because I don't believe in bringing children in this world if you can support them monetarily. I'm super fucking fucked.

    Maybe I can get in touch with Pippa's pimp. At least I'm good in bed, I have that going for me..

    1. And you have awareness on your side. It's never too late. Sell the car, buy a bike and a bus pass and follow your dreams.

  12. ...almost four years with my ex, only to discover that not only was he not who he presented himself to be, but now his world has come crashing down, and everything will come a courtroom (having nothing to do with me, thank God!).

    Really makes you wonder how well you ever know anyone.

  13. All that money on law school...still paying it off

    1. Ditto. The debt is crushing. I hate my job, but now I'm trapped for the next 15 years!

  14. six days on vacation at home and all I have to show for it is a pillow I made on Saturday.

  15. a couple of hours, after being without power for four hot, disgusting days, watching Think Like a Man. No offense to anyone who liked that movie, but I could have celebrated having tv and ac much better than that.

  16. Anonymous10:30 AM

    my time doing nothing these past few months.

  17. @VIPblonde... inspiration comes in all forms.

    @nolachickee... it could have been worse. It could have been Glitter.

  18. money on those tap lights, the batteries last like an hour before they burned out! stupid info-mercials...and Roman, right there with you, but I turned in a job app on Friday! Remember, always better to job search when you still have one!

  19. watching two days of movies/tv shows over a holiday weekend and doing little else, of course that is what happens when you have little funds, one stays at home.

  20. @ lostathome - can you sell it to a dealership that deals in pre-owned vehicles, and get something less expensive? Maybe they can even set you up with something that's still awesome, but is pre-owned in great condition. Not sure where you live, but I went to AutoSource in Eden Prairie, MN and they were AWESOME. Bought out the lease on my last car, and tracked down a 2011 SUV in SC for me!

    1. I bought it new. It's a 2011 Altima. Thing is, it had 13% interest so I doubt anyone will buy it or that I could sell it without being even more in the hole :-/

  21. I still live in my small cramped apartment almost two years later. Everyday I say I'm going to move but can't find anything in my price range.....jersey sucks

  22. And I can't believe how many clothes I give away to Salvation Army every few months. Where do they all come from?! Need to work on just owning what I actually want to wear all the time...

  23. So much money on fast food. I have an entirely new wardrobe, a new car just because I'm not eating out everyday!!! Wtf was I thinking??

  24. @Seachica, that's funny.

    I love spending and I believe every minute of it.

  25. too much time worrying about money, life, dead-lines and what other people thought of me..

  26. so many hours of my life perusing the internet for celeb gossip.

  27. E Gee Bee your right but I am not motivated if I am still working - it's when i am not working that makes me want to look - Oh and resume's make me sick to my stomach - I do not have the knack to sell myself! I am more of a hands on type!!! Let me show you how good I am instead of let me tell you......

  28. Spent so much time worrying about everything. I've spent more nights awake than I have sleeping. I really try not to worry so much now that the kids are older.

  29. @skimpymist - yes, Jersey sucks for housing. I found a great place on an estate - through a friend, not an ad.

  30. many years not believing I was worthy of being loved.

  31. Abusing prescription pills.
    Really set me back in life, had to give up a good career.
    Now I wait for a good door to open for me...

  32. That I spent over 12 years being an awesome, caring friend to a stuck up and selfish witch. Getting her out of my life caused me to lose most of my other friends but it needed to be done. I feel better off.

  33. I'm with you, @Lisa! My mom finally got through to me with "Don't worry what people are thinking about you because they're probably not."

    Another one - I can't believe I spent $400 having my hair done on Rodeo Drive (years ago pre-marriage & kids) - never looked better, though!

  34. $1100 to get my car fixed because I couldn't be bothered to look behind me to make sure the garage door went all the way up. That's the only time it's gotten stuck, too.

    If my car was a few years older, I would have spray painted it, glued the antenna back on, and called it day. This car is still kind of new, though, so I went with getting it fixed properly. That hurt really bad.

  35. @discoflux - glad you can say that in the past tense!

    @rejectedcarebear - It IS hard to "break up" with a toxic friend, but I'm glad you got that negativity out of your life!

  36. @Romanholiday - Don't quit without another job ( unless, of course, you can afford to do so). I was laid over a year ago, have a master's degree, have applied for literally hundreds of jobs, and haven't even gotten one interview! It's a bit scary, especially as a single mom.

  37. 1000 euros on a Gucci bag I ultimately found out was fake.

  38. ...8 years in college/grad school and $50k in borrowed money only to not be able to find a job and then decide to pack it all up to be a stay at home mom.
    Worth it, the staying home w/ little man.

    1. Same here. Home with my little man. totally worth it.

  39. @TV Junkie, So you were laid over a year ago huh? You better get it girl:) I'm kidding I know what you meant - it just made me chuckle:)

  40. How many investigative muRder shows I watch! People's behaviour is fascinating to me.

  41. Ugh! Me & my typos! Hey - maybe that's an idea! ;-)

  42. over $100 taking my kids out to dinner last night for "back to school" day. (trying to make my peace with this and not obsess).

  43. Years and money subsidizing my awful ex.

    So much money on stuff.

    So much energy on people that don't warrant it.

  44. the past 10 minutes


    so much BS!

  45. over $1300 on botox and fillers for a wedding I am going to this weekend....and a new dress/shoes etc....but I am going stag and am going to look awesome!!!!

  46. Thanks, TV Junkie! So am I!

  47. Two years of my life and my life savings to go back to school mid-career to earn my Master's. Somebody give me a job!!!

  48. $1,000 on a weekend out of town. I could have gone to Cuba for a whole week for half of that.

    1. Me too! Still feel icky looking at the receipts from that one stupid weekend. :/

  49. ...the last 3 years with my husband (of 3.5 years).

  50. ...the last 10 months with a "sweet and easygoing" man who is incredibly selfish; the laziest man ever and I can't wait to go off on his ass! I know it's my own damn fault, but I've freaking had it. He's living off the kindness and generosity of me, a woman on disablity and his mother, a retired widow. I've drawing up a plan of action: it's not gonna be pretty.

  51. almost 28 years as a mormon

  52. absolutely nothing on my college education; my parents paid for literally everything while I got my degree and had the time of my life. They even paid for my spring break trips and helped me get on my feet after graduation. As many of my friends and peers are struggling with student loan debt, I feel eternally grateful for my parents' generosity and hope to do the same for my kids someday.

  53. $100 on a cam site. I was quite drunk and didn't even *ahem*, y'know...

  54. Nearly $800 to furnish my daughter's dorm room this week. Between twin extra long sheets, space savers, non breakable dishes, microwave etc it all added up so quickly! I nearly fainted.

  55. Money on any Facebook game. Very glad I found a life instead!

  56. @curlyhairslacker, they got me too! When I was 19, I spent $1,500(!) on a Kirby vacuum. Of course I financed that bitch for like three I probably ended up paying $3,000. I lived in an 800sf apartment back then.

    @nolachickee, I spent $3.99 to see "I Know Who Killed Me" on pay-per-view. Ugh, that's $3.99 AND two hours of my life I'll never get back. That was one of Lilo's last movies.

  57. 44 of my 46 years being clinically depressed. Thankfully I've found my way out of it!!!

    1. Glad to hear you've found help. :)

  58. much time being hung up on so many guys who wouldn't give me the time of day romantically. There are a few in particular over the last 10 years or so--all performers, BTW; it's a known fact that seeing a man onstage in some capacity/in close proximity to a musical instrument automatically makes him at least 50% more attractive, aka "the 50% rule"--that really make me bang my head against the wall and wonder "WTF was I THINKING?!?" Can't even blame it on booze or drugs, because I don't do the latter and barely touch the former...nope, just me being my usual obsessive self. (It's not just guys, either; I'm this way about almost anything I'm really interested in--when I get into something, I'm REALLY into it, and have been since I was a wee little Robin.)

    Can you say "way to aggravate one's bad self-esteem," kids? *sigh*

  59. so much time trying to figure out who Himmmmm is. I ADMIT IT!!

  60. Anonymous8:06 PM

    So much money when I visited L.A. this past weekend. It was for husband's birthday, and worth it, but we'll be paying for it (pun intended) for the next month.

  61. @Cornbread-I probably could have been suckered into buying a Kirby too, given the opportunity. Your comment about financing that bitch is cracking me up.I bought that damn carpet cleaner about 15 years ago (check writing days) somehow, I managed to get stuck with some extra charge because my check was late, so the cleaner cost me more than $50.00. Lol, oh good times!

    I also can't believe I watched "I Know Who Killed Me" in the theater. Terrible!

  62. $200 on a rabbit fur hat I lost two weeks after going to college or $800 on Chanel boots I had returned foe $1200 earlier and repurchased... no wait I loved those things and every second with them...

  63. I was working too much yesterday (damn work) and couldn't log out/log in to comment, but I have to say this is my absolute favorite Your Turn ever. It seems very cathartic to a lot of posters and I love the different takes on spending time vs. money.

    I try not to dwell on anything (time or money-wise), but I guess mine would be: I can't believe how much money I spend (STILL) on clothes that I wear once and think "why did I get this?"

    Ugh. Wish I could afford a personal shopper. But I do well more than half of the time...
