Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Your Turn

All time favorite album. I can't pick just one, so I am interested to see if any of you can pick one that stands ahead of everything else.


  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Beatles, Revolver

    1. @christina I just discovered Tomorrow Never Knows thanks to a Med Men ep that paid a fortune to use the track. Then I realized one of my fav OH ANOTHER ALL TIME FAV ALBUM CHEMICAL BROTHERS DIG YOUR OWN HOLE!!!! They sampled TNK on Setting Sun with Noel Gallagher. The drum line just makes me melt into my chair and start dreaming

  2. Paul's Boutique

  3. I'm a diehard lifelong Led Zeppelin fan BUT my all time fav album is the Trainspotting soundtrack.

  4. (This is going to be an awesome thread and I'm looking forward to album suggestions to download!)

  5. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Lateralus by Tool

  6. Jeff Buckley's Grace

  7. Rolling Stones, pretty much all of them but specially Forty Licks

  8. Dazed and Confused soundtrack

  9. Run dmc raising hell

  10. Fleetwood Mac's Rumours.

  11. Run dmc raising hell

  12. Run dmc raising hell

  13. Paul Simon's Graceland
    Fleetwood Mac Rumours

    For me, there aren't many albums where every song is good but these two are (IMHO :))

  14. Beatles Abbey Road

  15. Radiohead - OK Computer

  16. That's such a hard question. It's between Led Zeppelin IV and Houses of the Holy, Foo Fighter's The Colour and The Shape and Weezer's Pinkerton.


    1. @iDo u should pick Zeppelin bc they influenced the others :)

  17. Sublime's 40oz to Freedom.

    I love a lot, but that one has been with me through every stage of life, and I can still listen to it from beginning to end.

  18. Jamiroquai, Return of the Space Cowboy

  19. Groovie & Elizabeth called it

    Fleetwood Mac Rumours

    Police Synchronicity

    These two are like the soundtrack to my life!

  20. Has to be a Queen album. If I have to pick just one, The Game.

  21. Beatles White Album

  22. U know what's sad? I think most of us know music back to at least the 1970's up to now and most of our answers are going to be pre 2000 bc full length quality albums are getting rarer thanks to iTunes. I'm curious what the best pop album is bc that genre is definitely single based (and I do love it)

  23. The Stand Ins by Okkervil River

  24. Exile on Main Street.

  25. No way I can pick just one. I can barely do a top 5...
    The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico
    The Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers & Let It Bleed
    Miles Davis - Kind of Blue & Bitches Brew
    Wu-Tang Clan - Enter the Wu-Tang: 36 Chambers
    Beastie Boys - Ill Communication
    Jeff Buckley - Grace
    Fiona Apple - When the Pawn
    Tom Waits - Swordfishtrombones & Alice
    Underworld - dubnobasswithmyheadman
    Morphine - Good, Like Swimming & The Night

    K I'll stop now.

    1. I have to agree with all your choices

  26. Katsm0711 I love pop music too and if I were to name one song as my favorite, I couldn't because, like movies, they change. But if you say name a full length album that's good beginning to end, that's easier to narrow down because there aren't many albums that don't have songs you'd rather skip.

  27. I have SEVERAL, and these won't cover them all but here we go

    The Cure -Disintegration

    Sasha- Global Underground 13 Ibiza

    George Michael- Listen without prejudice Vol 1.

    Snow Patrol- Fallen Empires
    -Final Straw

    Coldplay- A Rush of Blood to the Head

    Sarah McLachlan- Fumbling Towards Ecstacy

    Prince- 1999

  28. Prince - Sign O'the Times!!!!

  29. Anonymous10:19 AM

    It's beautiful. I remember listening to that in my dad's car when I was little. That album covers every emotion and truly is the soundtrack of my life. I even got married walking down the beach to Here, There, and Everywhere.

  30. The Cure -Disintegration
    Paul Simon- graceland
    led zeppelin- houses of the holy
    Beatles- abbey road

    sorry, enty. can't come up w/ one....and that's just off the top of my head.

  31. DARK SIDE OF THE MOON - Pink Floyd. From beginning to end, it's the perfect album.

    BTW - favorite song? Born to Run - the Boss.

    ; )

  32. @firebugDVM - YES! The Dazed & Confused soundtracks are the BEST. I bought volumes one and two when I was 16, and have nearly worn them out.

    My all-time greatest albums:

    Miles Davis - Milestones
    Creedence Clearwater Revival - Chronicle, Vol. 1

  33. Albums that I can listen to beginning to end and treat like a solitary entity? No way I can pick one.

    - "Rio" and "Astronaut" by Duran Duran
    - "Kick" by INXS
    - "Almacantar" by Eight Seconds
    - "The Dance" by Fleetwood Mac
    - "Flood" and "Apollo 18" by They Might Be Giants
    - "Watermark" by Enya
    - "Presto", "Roll the Bones" and "Hold Your Fire" by Rush

    I'm sure I'm forgetting something! ;-)

  34. Beatles - Rubber Soul

  35. A few from my top 10:
    Hole - Live Through This
    Prodigy - Fat of the Land
    Stealing Beauty Soundtrack
    Prince - The Very Best of Prince

    1. Live Through This makes me sad about Courtney Love's entire life since then. Such an incredible album, such a wasted talent.

  36. I also LOVE Van Morrison...at least his old material. I could listen to Astral Weeks, Tupelo Honey and Moondance endlessly.

  37. Second favorite: Soundtrack from "La Cage aux Folles". Seriously. "I hear La la-la-la la-la-la and I'm young and in love..."

  38. Tori Amos-Little Earthquakes and Boys for Pele

  39. Rancid's ...And Out Come The Wolves

  40. I am with FSP: Paul's Boutique. Shake Your Rump is my favorite driving song ever.

  41. "Revolver" - The Beatles

    "Nilsson Schmilsson" - Harry Nilsson

  42. Born to Run album but Badlands is my favorite song.

  43. Love the BEATLES...so anything from them ..

  44. Don't laugh but my fav is probably Genesis A Trick of the Tail followed by Beatles Rubber Soul (or Revolver, I love them both) or Foos The Colour & the Shape

    yeah, I'm a dork

    1. Genesis? No wonder you're cranky

      Lol I HAD to!

  45. Built to Spill "There's Nothing Wrong with Love"

  46. @cornbread
    i just need to cut and paste your Van Morrison comments as my answer :)

    The Killers Hot Fuss (which I am listening to right now)

    Sublime 40 oz to Freedom (right on, Lauren)

    U2 Joshua Tree

    Great thread!

  47. Idotherobot, you stole mine! Weezer Pinkerton, the Foos, the Beasties Ill Communication and Coldplay Parachutes. You guys all have great taste!

  48. My favorite album, the album that is good from start to finish, that people still ask about and want when I play it is...The Stone Roses' debut. If you've never listened to it, do it NOW. From the gritty opening to the final chord, perfect. Ages well. I was so upset that by the time I found them, they had already imploded.

  49. good thread! i generally don't have favorites of anything 'cause i like different criteria blah, blah, blah...however, fleetwood mac rumors is an awesome album and i don't take the needle off the vinyl when listening and flip it when one side is played. other favorites that i don't pick and choose, just let it play:
    ray charles, otis redding, dusty springfield, pearl jam, hammerbox, j roddy walston and the business, david bowie, pixies, the offspring, adele, pistol annies and dixie chicks
    i'm a gemini, so i have focus issues

  50. Thirteen Tales of Urban Bohemia - Dandy Warhols/The White Album - The Beatles.

  51. Guns N' Roses - Appetite for Destruction

    1. Yes Lucas, me too! Rocket Queen would also write that (she may not get a chance since she became a mum).

  52. Good question. Personal favorite of all time:

    Disintegration - The Cure

    Honorable mention:
    Beauty and the Beat - The Go-Go's
    The Ramones - The Ramones
    Let it Bleed - Rolling Stones
    Nevermind - Nirvana
    After the Gold Rucs - Neil Young
    Room Noises - Eisley

    Some bands I wish I could include in the best one album list but you need their greatest hits collections to have a really great album. Acts like that:

    David Bowie
    New Order

  53. Can't limit myself to just one, but below are a few of my beloved collection:

    Led Zeppelin, 'Led Zeppelin IV'
    Depeche Mode, 'Violator'
    The Doors, 'The Doors'
    Bob Marley & the Wailers, 'Legend'
    John Coltrane, 'A Love Supreme'
    Radiohead, 'Kid A'
    Lou Reed, 'Transformer'
    Pixies, 'Doolittle'
    Rodriguez, 'Cold Fact'
    P.J. Harvey, 'Let England Shake'
    Ali Farka Toure, 'Savane'

  54. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Music from Big Pink by The Band.

    And my special enjoyment: Cowboyography by Ian Tyson.


  56. Depeche Mode- Violator

    Amy Winehouse- Back to Black

    The Black Keys- Brothers

    Spoon- Gimme Fiction

    Too many to list, but these come to mind right away. Long time reader, most times what I want to say has already been said but I felt compelled to add my two cents to this one. :)

  57. Depeche Mode - Some Great Reward

  58. Oh! On my mega-list I totally forgot "Music for the Masses" by Depeche Mode. :)

  59. Primal Scream, Screamadelica. David Bowie, Aladdin Sane. The Verve, Urban Hymns. Can't decide between those three, but those are the ones that immediately spring to mind.

  60. @Stacy - The Stone Roses! they are heaven!

  61. You guys have picked some great ones but I have to throw in the Eagles, Hotel California.

  62. lol NO REALLY - sorry I couldn't resist the Nickelback comment - my true favorites are

    Fleetwood Mac -Rumours and Counting Crows - August & Everything After.

  63. No way can I pick one.

    All FOUR of Fiona Apple's albums

    Fleetwood Mac Rumours

    Led Zeppelin II

    Counting Crows - August and Everything After

    Elvis Costello- Armed Forces

    just to name a few.

  64. Natalie Cole, Unforgettable - amazing soundtracks

  65. Alanis Morrisette Jagged Little Pill

  66. Stacey, just saw your Counting Crows post. I adore that CD. it is fantastic.

  67. Great post! :)

    Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti

    Radiohead The Bends

    U2 Joshua Tree

    Neil Young Harvest Moon

  68. Ditto on the Fleetwood Mac, Stone Roses and Bruce Springsteen.

    I'd like to add; Suede - Dog Man Star, The Smiths - Strangeways here we Come, The Band - The Band and Counting Crows - Recovering the Satellites.

    No way can I limit my choice to just 1 album. I have to be in a particular mood to listen to some music.

  69. I always love when someone says "name 1", and people say they can't. Of course you can, you just choose not to.

    Stevie Wonder's "Songs In The Key Of Life".

  70. I never get tired of Back to Black. Every song is amazing. I think there are other albums that are more culturally significant (Thriller for one), but this is my personal favorite.

  71. Parissucks...Isn't it! I am on my 3rd copy. "Anna Begins" is one of my absolute favorites and "Long December" too.

  72. TOO HARD!!!!

    Guns n' Roses - Appetite For Destruction
    Faith No More - Angel Dust
    Fleetwood Mac - Rumors
    Soundgarden - Badmotorfinger
    Bruce Springsteen - Nebraska

    I can't help it.

  73. *Showing my age*

    Goodbye Yellow Brick ROad Elton John

    NunSexMonkRock Siouxsie and the Banshees

    Disintegration The Cure

    London Calling The Clash

    Tapestry Carole King

    Graceland Paul Simon

    Abbey Road The Beatles

    Come On Now Social The Indigo Girls

    1. Love the Indigo Girls!! And love you too!

  74. Moose, no really, I can't. It's totally situation-dependent.

  75. I agree with Cory about Hotel California by the Eagles, but more contemporary cds that I listen to the whole thing over and over and never skip a tract :
    Adele both 19 and 21,
    Fall Out Boy's Folie a Deux,
    Panic at the Disco (any and all of albums),
    Mumford and Sons Sigh No More,
    Dixie Chicks, (any and all albums)

  76. I have a hard time choosing, too, but I just tell myself: you're dying, you can only listen to one more album before the end. What is it?

    Radiohead - In Rainbows

  77. Depeche Mode - Songs of Faith and Devotion. Hands down THE BEST. Mmmmmm......

  78. U2, The Joshua tree--got me through a hard time in college.

    Also Bridge Over Troubled Waters by Simon and Garfunkel, I listened to that alot as a young 'un.

  79. Depeche Mode - Songs of Faith and Devotion. Hands down THE BEST. Mmmmmm......

  80. @Lauren - much respect on the 40 oz. choice. It's in my top 5, for sure. What you said about it - that you've been able to listen to it at every stage of your life without tiring of it - same here. LOVE Bradley's voice, and his spirit. I can't even attempt to listen to the new stuff because the thought of someone else singing his songs, trying to sound like him, just hurts my heart. I still have my copy of Rolling Stone that featured his memorial, and a big long article about him. And now I'm tearing up.....

  81. okay, i'm going to plug j roddy walston and the business(self titled album) because they are a small band and i'm sure they are not known to many. they are a fun bluesy/rockin'/bar kinda band, so if you are into that please sample on whatever you generally use to sample. full grown man makes me feel like sexy times with mr. eggs.

    also, i forgot zz top, fandango from 'also favorites'

  82. Oh dear. I can't pick just one, it constantly changes. A few faves:

    Marillion: Season's End, Afraid of Sunlight and Brave

    Michael Jackson: Dangerous and Invincible

    Icehouse: Man of Colours

    Herbert Groenemeyer: Live

    Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds: Live at Radio City (and especially 'Crush').

    Golden Earring: all of them

    Radiohead: the bends and pablo honey
    and that's just a few...

  83. Growing up: Bryan Adams, Reckless.

    License to Ill by the Beastie Boys. Billy Joel's greatest hits.

    College: Probably Alanis Morisette, Jagged Little Pill or Hootie & the Blowfish Cracked Rear View or Fairweather Johnson. Cowboy Mouth or Better than Ezra since I went to college in New Orleans.

    Since I've gotten into country: Zac Brown Band (all the albums), Bomshel, Band Perry, Jason Aldean, Darius Rucker, Sugarland...I'm sure there are more.

  84. Radiohead-Ok Computer

  85. I got 3

    1. Guns n' Roses - Appetite for Destruction
    2. AC-DC - Back in Black
    3. Prince - Purple Rain

  86. @katsm0711 - post Gabriel Genesis at that ;/

    yeah, I have bizarre taste in music that confuses the hell out of anyone who scrolls through my ipod

  87. Obviously like so many of you I can't pick just one..this is what I have on my ipod

    Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
    Rolling Stones - Exile on Main Street
    The Band - The Last Waltz
    Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run
    Bruce Springsteen - The Rising
    Joni Mitchell - Blue
    Robbie Robertson - Robbie Robertson
    The Tragically Hip - yer Favorites
    Sarah McLaughlin - Mirrorball
    The Big Chill - Soundtrack
    Forrest Gump - Soundtrack
    The Clash - London Calling
    Gordon Lightfoot - greatest hits
    Melissa Ethridge - Yes, I am
    Jann Arden - Living under June
    The Staple Singers - Greatest hits

  88. I forgot The Wall - Pink Floyd -

  89. Oh, I need to add one. Tom Rush - Wrong End of the Rainbow

    Love seeing everyone's favs!

    @ Stacey - as soon as I read your Nickelback one it made me laugh haha

  90. Beatles - Abbey Road

    If I have to pick just one, that's the one.

  91. Exile on Main Street, The Rolling Stones.

  92. gram parsons - grievous angel. i've loved it for almost 40 years.

  93. If I ONLY get one...damn. Can't do it. Either BORN TO RUN or RUMOURS. No, wait...the White Album. Or RUBBER SOUL. No...MOONDANCE. No...BLUE by Joni.

    Shit, I can't do it.

  94. Wow! This is a tough one. I think my all time fav is Pink Floyd - The Wall.

  95. I think a soundtrack shouldn't count. Picking just one is hard, so probably The Dark Side of the Moon or 10,000 Maniacs Unplugged.

    It is hard to say just one but I like all of the songs on those two.

  96. Three-way tie:

    Journey - "Escape"
    Def Leppard - "Pyromania"
    Def Leppard - "Hysteria"

  97. Kate Bush - Hounds of Love

  98. The Tea Party (a Canadian band that broke up some years ago) "Triptych." OMG I cried when they disbanded.

  99. Two more that are in my head demanding to be added - The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn of a Friendly Card, Feargal Sharkey - Songs From The Mardi Gras.

  100. Needed to add a few more:

    Any Sublime album (RIP Bradley)
    Beatles- Magical Mystery Tour
    Floyd- Animals
    Ani DiFranco- Living in Clip
    Bob Dylan- Blood on the tracks (or the album with idiot wind, I don't remember!)

  101. Seconding Songs in the Key of Life. I am completely indecisive about my favorites whenever I'm asked to choose ("my favorite character? NO LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY TOP TWENTY FAVES OKAY?") but I am 100 percent sure about that one.

    1. Really, there are genuinely fantastic pieces of music. But nothing before, and nothing since, works so well as a whole than "Songs...". I'm so grateful to have been a fan of soul music (even if it was as a young teenager) when Stevie hit his creative peak.

  102. Any collection of Louis Armstrong's Hot Five and Hot Seven tracks from the late twenties. Of course they weren't originally recorded as an album, but to me if Louis Armstrong hadn't been born we would have had to invent him that's how important he was. Any time I hear tracks like "Struttin' with Some Barbecue" or "West End Blues" the world instantly becomes a better place.

    Pops is tops.

  103. TOM PETTY!!!!! I loved pretty much everything up through Highway Companion. Their Playback boxset is amazing. Echo is fantastic.

    Best albums?

    Brandi Carlile - The Story (LOVE her!!!)
    Adele - 21
    Sarah MacLachlan - Surfacing and Fumbling Towards Ecstacy
    Hole - Live Through This and Celebrity Skin
    Stevie Nicks - Timespace
    The Smiths - Louder Than Bombs
    John Mellencamp - The Best That I Could Do
    Songcatcher - Official Soundtrack
    O Brother Where Art Thou - Official Soundtrack

    Warren Zevon - everything
    Queen - everything
    10,000 Maniacs - everything with Natalie Merchant

    I know I am forgetting stuff!!!

  104. Either CCR, Chronicle, Vol. 1 or Legend: The Best of Bob Marley & the Wailers

  105. Love these! @Parissucks-- yay for Elvis! My favorite is Blood and Chocolate by him, though.

    Totally agree with Sublime and weezer.

    This is helping me (yet again) create the music list for my wedding! Thanks everyone!

  106. Radiohead: OK Computer

  107. Or the Amadeus Soundtrack.
    I'm going to plug into Spotify and listen to some faves that people on here mentioned :D

  108. Any G Love and Special Sauce fans? Philadelphonic is pretty dope :)

  109. I forgot Is This It-- The Strokes

  110. The Album that defines me:

    Tori Amos: Boys For Pele

    Other favourites: All other 90's Tori stuff, Dummy by Portishead, Hounds of Love by Kate Bush, Garbage by Garbage.

    Past decade I've mostly given up listening to music. I work in retail and am forced to hear the same crap day in day out. When I get home the last thing I wanna hear is any kind of music!

  111. @Sunny-YES to G. Love! *high five* I got to see them a long time ago in Louisville, such a great show!

    "my baby got sauce, your baby ain't sweet like mine...."

  112. Led Zeppelin IV
    GnR Appetite for Destruction

    So hard to choose.

  113. Depeche Mode- Black Celebration ....
    the beginning of a golden era

  114. The Clash - London Calling (a two record set -- remember records??? and EVERY SONG, EVERY MOTHERLICKING SONG is EXCELLENT)

    My "If I was stranded on a deserted island with a CD player, unlimited batteries and could have 10 albums with me list...":

    The Smiths - The Smiths
    The Pretenders - The Pretenders
    Talking Heads - Fear of Music
    The Beatles - Abbey Road
    Allman Brothers - Eat a Peach
    Derek and the Dominoes - Layla and other Assorted Love Songs
    The Moody Blues - This is the Moody Blues (a cheat because this is a best-of)
    Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
    Kate Bush - Hounds of Love

  115. Ihave a ton of favorites but my number 1 has to be Pretty Hate Machine by Nine Inch Nails. Other favorites: U2 Wide Awake In America, Achtung Baby, and INXS Kick. I still miss Michael Hutchence!

  116. Paul Simon Graceland
    Rock Follies-Soundtrack
    Suzi Quatro - If you knew Suzi

  117. Oh, one more
    Billy Joel The Stranger

  118. Wow some great lists here.
    Springsteen , just about any but Born to Run is so classic, Darkness, THe WIld, the Innocent..and Greetings.THe RIsing Rocks. Dont make me pick one!

    Also Love Brandi Carlile- self named album, she is awesome.
    Carol King - Tapestry
    Chris Isaak- Wicked Game, SF Days, Forever Blue

    John Cougar (mellancamp) Lonesome Jubilee and Scarecrow

    Keith Urban Golden Road
    Trisha Yearwood- Inside Out and Jaspar County

    Ok that is more than one.

  119. Bob Dylan - Blonde On Blonde.

  120. U2's The Joshua Tree. I ran the equivalent of about 40 marathons to that album. Gave me a lot of optimistic hope while growing up in the late 80s.

    Lots of other picks on here which I like - Beatles, G.Love, Radiohead, Soundgarden etc., etc. Whoever put Savane on their list is awesome. Ali Farka's stuff is wicked tricky - check out Niafunke, if/when you've a chance.

  121. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. Graceland, by Paul Simon

  123. Bruce Springsteen's "Born To Run"

  124. Tool - Aenima and Lateralus

  125. I don't think I saw any of the following so I'll list:

    Breaking Benjamin-seriously all their albums are amazing especially the last Dear Agony

    Shinedown- again all of them

    And other great modern rock bands
    Seether, Chevelle, 311, Mudvayne, Sevendust, Taproot...
    I'm gonna stop now

  126. ok I know I picked Kid A, and if I could only have one that would definitely be it, but looking at the other picks if I had to pick alternates...

    *@Amber awesome call Enter the 36 Chambers - the Wu
    *Paul's Boutique- BB- Car Thief is the best!
    *random pick I'm loving now is Oracular Spectacular by MGMT
    *Fiona Apple- Tidal
    *shout out to my hometown so will pick as final album Fables of the Reconstruction OR Murmur by REM

    (I know I am all over the place on music but I think that's a good thing)

  127. Oh and V is for Vagina - Puscifer and Dubnobasswithmyhead- Underworld

  128. The Beach Boys "Pet Sounds"
    Pink Floyd "The Wall"
    Prince "Purple Rain"
    The Beatles "The Beatles"
    Michael Jackson "Thriller"
    The Clash "London Calling

    Oh, the happy music I could list all night.

  129. IT'S A TIE!!!
    Dark Side of the Moon- Pink Floyd
    Abbey Road- The Beatles

  130. Boz Scaggs' Silk Degrees (8 track)

    Journey's Greatest Hits (Cassette)

    Bobby Caldwell, The Anthology, Part 1 (CD)

  131. Pink Floyd--Dark Side of the Moon
    Sting --Soul Cages
    U2-Joshua Tree
    G&R- Appetite for Destruction

  132. Alice Cooper - Billion Dollar Babies

  133. My all-time favorite, that I've owned & loved for well over 30 years, would have to be Joni Mitchell's Court and Spark; it's one of those albums you can love as a teenager, and then enjoy on deeper & deeper levels as you get older. If you've ever been in love, or thought you were, or knew people who were, or...really, if you've been involved in any kind of human relationships over the years, this one's a keeper.

    #2: Bob Mould's Workbook; saying it's a near-perfect rendering of picking up the pieces after one's life and career have both imploded doesn't really do it justice, but it's one way to describe it.

    #3: I'm not sure if EPs/mini-albums count, but assuming they do, it's NIN's Broken; the one good thing former TVT Records head Steve Gottlieb ever did in his life was piss Trent Reznor off enough that the latter made this album. (Don't forget to keep the CD running after "Gave Up" ends, or you'll miss "Physical" (an old Adam Ant cover) and "Suck"; listen carefully to the former's intro and you'll hear Trent hissing "Eat your heart out, Steve..." ;-) (It also has the advantage of being short enough that there's no filler on it; as a hardcore NINnie, it pains me to say this, but there's at least 1 song on every other NIN album that I could REALLY do without. Sorry, Trent...)

  134. For rock: Pink Floyd, 'The Dark Side of the Moon'

    For metal: Testament, "The Gathering"

  135. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory

    It's like they were reading my mind for almost every song. Actually anything by Linkin Park.

  136. Soul Coughing - El Oso

  137. forever - wu tang clan

    but I am torn and truly have a top five, w/ the remainder being

    grace - jeff buckley
    talking blues - bob marley
    californication -rhcp
    the empyrean - john frusciante

  138. Tea for the Tillerman- Cat Stevens
    Graceland- Paul Simon

  139. So glad to see some of my absolute favorites appear on this list! :)

    If I had to pick just one, it would have to be 'Lateralus' by Tool (a masterpiece on every level). But here's a few more for posterity:

    The Cure, 'Disintegration'
    Kruder & Dorfmeister, 'The K&D Sessions'
    NIN, 'The Fragile'
    Massive Attack, 'Mezzanine'
    REM, 'Automatic for the People'
    Tubeway Army, 'Replicas'
    Ritchie Hawtin, 'DE9: Transitions'

  140. Prairie Oyster (Canadian Band) - Everybody Knows

  141. These are the ones I never get tired of:

    Prince..Sign o the times
    Peter Frampton..Alive
    Linda Rondstadt...Living in the USA (while most of these songs she did were remakes, she did them very well)
    Fleetwood Mac-Rumours
    Saturday night fever soundtrack
    Prince...Purple Rain

  142. bobbi_1025 ITA about Breaking Benjamin. Amazing stuff.

    Geez, I forgot about The Police and Sting and
    Lyle Lovett Pontiac is absolutely amazing

  143. 1.) Alice in Chains - Dirt or their EP Jar of Flies (best selling EP of all time)

    2.) Fleetwood Mac Rumours

    3.) Nirvana - Nevermind

  144. Another vote for Beatles White Album. It doesn't get any better than that.
