Sunday, September 16, 2012

Your American Idol Judges Are...

Mariah Carey, Randy Jackson, Keith Urban and Nicki Minaj. Ryan Seacrest Tweeted the photo and the announcement. I think it is a good mix and unlike X Factor I don't think this is just for ratings, but I think the judges actually represent a good mix of the music industry. I think it was really important to have someone like Keith Urban because Idol has had so many winners who are essentially country singers. I also think Randy was essential because he keeps the continuity going back to the origins of the show. I actually think Ryan is a great host and if X Factor throws out Khloe Kardashian you will see why you need a host with experience and not just go for ratings.


  1. Ugh. Nicki Minaj is so annoying - even more than Mariah. I will NOT be watching. Trixie out!

  2. I can not stand Nicki Minaj, at all. And pul-leaze! Not stunt casting? Every talent show is focusing on the judging panel more than the talent.
    I'm also sort of ashamed of my secret crush on Keith Urban. Why is he so sexy to me? I hate country music! And he's so short! And he's married to Nicole Kidman!

  3. I'm not happy with the Nicki Minaj choice. Couldn't they have found someone from her music genre that wasn't such a look at me,look at me famewhore?
    I fear this will just fan the flames of Mariah's diva behavior.
    I'd like it to be about the talent, and not the judges trying to one-up each other.
    Ryan is a good host, and I hope Randy got some good money for his ouster and comeback.

  4. Maybe they should have paid Jennifer Hudson to come back as a judge. Now THAT would be hilarious to see.

  5. I can't believe Keith Urban is doing this. He seems above it. I love him and hope this isn't a sign that he's struggling as a performer.

  6. This might just be a worse season than when Ellen DeGeneres was a judge.

  7. Oh, one more thing. Will Jimmy Iovine still critique the singers? He was the absolute best on AI last year! He was hysterical!

  8. I really don't like Nicki I would have wished they put someone like Kelly Clarkson on the panel or one of the other women that were a contestant on the show.

  9. Interesting and odd mix.

  10. @Sugar, I totally agree! Jimmy was the only person that gave concrete music based critiques of the contestants. He should be a judge.

  11. you just know that mariah is going to sing some of her critiques! thats all i ever ned to see!!! lol. never need to see nicki she is beyond nnoying.

  12. Agree with my trixie- will not be watching this debacle, which i predict right now will be huge flop. Cannot stand blow up doll carey, miniji looks like she wearing a costume, randy is ok but surrounded with imbeciles.

  13. Based on Minaj's short-livedmusic experience, I'm disappointed. I don't know enough about her personality to say she'd be bad. It could be her time to shine.

    Which brings me to my main priblem with AI. It is no longer about the contestants, it's about the celebrity judges, the celebrity coaches. At least they did away with that annual celebrity suck-up fest, "Idol Cares." I won't be watching, probably ever again. I stopped watching the year they brought Ellen on and she thought every judging moment was about making a joke.

    Most people don't even know who the winners are anymore. The last truly charismatic, star quality, unique performer they had get anywhere was Adam Lambert. How many years ago has that been now?

  14. Impossible to believe that somewhere out there, another living soul could not be found that would be a far more suitable judge than Nicki Minaj! Can't stand the sight or sound of this person.

  15. Would have preferred Mary J. Blige than hasn't been around long enough for one and her dressing antics outshines of music.

    1. Kim: MJB would have been a far, FAR better choice!

  16. Nicki Minaj is a turnoff in every way possible. Not interested.

  17. Yikes...I give Idol one more season.

  18. Nicki Minaj's music makes my ears bleed, but my husband finds her incredibly hot. Maybe AI just wanted a sexy woman as eye candy on the panel. *Sorry Mimi*

  19. Agree with the Mary J. Blige idea. She's a eal talent. Nikki? Seriously? American Trash not American Idol.

  20. Oops! REAL talent...

  21. I don't think Nicki has enough experience in the music industry to be taken seriously as a judge but then again I've never watched a single episode of these music competitions so what do I know?

  22. And this is why I'm now watching the voice. It's actually about the contestants voices. The judges mentor and advise through the process. Mind you Xtina is a self-obsessed, plastic manikin, but it's still good.

  23. OMG Lauryn Hill would be so much better than minaj!! Could you imagine that shit-people would tune in, but you'd have to pop a xanax or something first.

    I have no idea what her history is with Mariah, but the present would be explosive!

  24. Keith Urban was awesome as a judge on The Voice in Australia. So jealous you guys have him now. Also, watch for him singing the lyrics to EVERY SINGLE SONG!

  25. And they need 4 judges because... it was so incredibly successful last time???

  26. I loathe Nicki Minaj.

    That is all.

  27. Ugh, so over Minaj! Although I gotta admit, she's gonna be SOOOOO high and drunk, and Mariah is going to be so epically diva-ish pissed off at her that it MIGHT make for an interesting couple minutes of watching before I get bored and turn it off.

    I mean, c'mon... it's still American Idol - it's still dreck.

  28. I don't watch but I heard that you poached Keith, thats the best casting of all. He had rave revues for his stint on The Voice, he was professional, warm and genuine, you guys will enjoy him.

  29. *sigh* I'm so super sad about Nicki Minaj being there. She's useless. Why? Why???? If they're that desperate for singing and dancing talent then hell, call on Beyonce or (well) Fergie. Dear God, why Nicki? She looks like a crazy ass Lite Brite. I'm very glad that they got Keith Urban. Good move. Lots of hugs on that one. Do I secretly wish they had gotten Toby Keith? Yes. But Keith Urban is good too.

  30. This show has been dull for awhile now. The new judges probably will not change a thing.

  31. yeah gotta agree Keith was great on the voice. u never know this funky bunch might just gel ;)

  32. ...a complete joke!!!!
