Sunday, September 09, 2012

Worst Parents Ever?

Well they did take their kids camping, but on the other hand they also almost got their kids killed.


  1. Natural selection...

  2. Whoooo. I laughed.
    Not the worst parents ever, but they are idiots.

  3. Oh my gawd! Is that the newscaster? My husband just found a new channel to watch! Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. He's gesturing!

  4. That has to be the most amount of stupid I've ever seen in my life.

  5. Ok, watched again, and that little boy in the white hightailed it! Poor thing.
    I laughed again too.

  6. Our family went to Yellowstone this Summer. There are signs EVERYWHERE that say, in a nutshell DO NOT MESS WITH THE ANIMALS. THEY ARE WILD, THEY WILL GET YOU. Our family got to see this same scenario except it was an adult woman, trying to get the "perfect shot" of a Buffalo. It ended with me screaming at her RUN BITCH HE IS GONNA GET YOU and a park ranger yelling at her spouse to get her in the car and leave the animal alone. It made for laughter of everyone around us, but could have ended up her being very bad. Some folks it takes them getting the stupid stomped out of them.

  7. The news anchor fail compliation that shows up after you've seen this video is pretty funny, too. It's long, but worth it.

  8. *compilation. I can spell, really.

  9. This doesn't surprise me, most people don't understand their own dog or cat. To expect them to behave with any sense around a wild animal is clearly asking too much.

    It's people like this who get a wild animal killed for *harming humans* when the animal was practically goaded into it.

    Not worst ever parents, just regular stupid parents.

  10. It might be even stupider to actually watch and laugh. Imagine what the body would look like after the bison gores it with the horns, watching the person cling to life gurgling. You can't burn that image out of your head.

    Debbie Downer

  11. Well, the kid got the adrenaline rush of a lifetime. So, there's that.

  12. It's amazing how clueless people are, now so removed from the wild. Even with caged animals -- my sister used to work with parrots, we went in over Christmas vacation several years ago to help her during the off hours and told a friend absolutely not to put his fingers anywhere near the cages, parrots are wild (they can talk but also have a chilling natural thundering dinosaur-ish yell) because they can snap off fingers like nothing. And what did he do? Put his fingers right up at the cage, wiggling them in the cage. That was it -- he had a shot at being a boyfriend and boy the idiocy just blew it right then and there.

  13. I grew up in Montana and spent a ton of time in Yellowstone and Glacier National Park. People are always messing with the animals because they don't recognize that wild animals are unpredictable and even an herbivore can kill you. Idiots. Stupid idiots. Let's not give them their fifteen minutes.

  14. I was just at Yellowstone and the stupidity of the people visiting was incredible. This kind of dumb trick happens ALL THE TIME. And this stuff is posted all over.. stay at least 300 feet from animals. But people will get out of their cars and walk right up to an elk. The other thing they do is go off the boardwalks in the areas where there are geysers, etc. I was truly amazed at how stupid they were. And, frankly, visitors from Asia seemed to be the WORST at not following the instructions.

  15. They really are idiots!!!! And i like how they kinda desert the kid being chased, lol. Thanks mom snd dad!

  16. Anonymous11:05 AM

    And to top it all off, they got exposed to the hantavirus.

  17. Jkelsofarrell- so true.

    This makes me mad more than anything. Those are dangerous animals who should not be fucked with. Number one.

    The path is there for a reason! They do not want people walking on the grass, wetlands, volcanic areas. I see people jump over gaurs fences here and it boils my blood! The more people do that, the more nature gets squashed under your feet.
    Number two.

    Animals become dependent on the tourist if they get fed. So when the tourists leave some of the Animals die! I just watch some fools feeding loaves (not just a piece) of bread to a gray fox. THEY will DIE because of dumb acts like this.
    Number three

    Everyone wants that close up shot. As you can see in this video, it can get you killed.
    Number four.

    Sorry for the rant. As someone who loves nature it makes me more mad at the people and cheer for the animal. Heartless as that may sound, the parents put that child in danger. They should have been smart enough to stay on the path or turn around.

  18. That little boy almost died. Why the fuck are they still filming and why was that guy laughing at the end?? It's not Disneyworld.

  19. ITA, Del Riser, Amy & jkelsofarrell.

    I hate it when animals are put down for being animals, and the humans were the ones clearly in the wrong. Sorry, but nobody should be that ignorant.

  20. Well, thank goodness no one was hurt. And I'm glad they didn't do something really annoying like that dumbass in a different video who threw a water bottle at a bison to try to get it to move.

  21. Agree with Moosefan, MsWool, and everyone else who said they've seen it before. Been to Yellowstone twice (it's totally awesome), and some people are just idiots! We stopped to watch a group of bighorn sheep that were relatively close to the road, and rangers had to go up the hill and get all the dummies down who got too close. I know the rangers have got to be sick of all the dumb-dumbs they have to deal with on an hourly basis. I don't know how they handle it!

    We were at Sequoia a couple of years ago, and these teenaged dudes got sooo close to a black bear that some bystander finally yelled at them and they took off. It was unreal!!

    I think people get so disconnected from nature in their lives that they forget when they're in these parks that it's real life and not Animal Planet or something. It's shocking that more of these fools don't get gored.

  22. Weren't there like 20 people killed in Yosemite last year because they ignored 100 warning signs and dangled themselves over/jumped into swollen waterfalls? And then everyone kept calling their deaths "tragedies." Uh, no. If you ignore plainly written warning signs and bait wild animals or jump into raging waters and die, I call that "natural selection." And thankfully the stupid genes are now out of the pool.

  23. But if it weren't for people like these, what would I watch to fill that dark void in my heart? People like these make Americas funniest and dumbest so and so's worth watching.

  24. Frufra- so well put. Some people think it is just like the nature channel. Those photographers get close right? ? Uhh no. They have crazy sick telephoto lens'.

  25. @smash - thanks! This is one of my fave ranting topics!

    Yes to the sick lenses, btw. We only have regular binocs, but there are lots of people at the parks who have incredible spotting scopes and cameras, and most will happily let you look through them and explain everything. It's one of the best parts of the National Park experience, I think - all the great people you meet.

  26. Hantavirus was found in Yosemite, not Yellowstone.

    And I too was once run down by a charging bison after an ACCIDENTAL encounter. These morons were really asking for it.

  27. Frufra- for sure one of the topics that chaps my ass. My boyfriend stop the car as I scream "DON'T FUCKING FEED THE FOXES! THEY DIE BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" I was literally shaking I was so pissed. Since then I have come across two foxes, one on my land and one on my friends. They many national parks up here but the animals will move toward the highlands when they feel threatened or pestered to much. It is really sad the ones left in the parks looks so sick and mangy.

  28. They have many parks and My boyfriend stopped the car. It is hard on the iPhones as we know

  29. If you see an animal gesturing, and recognize that that is what it is doing, move away slowly, don't just provide commentary on how the animal will "get" you. People can be so stupid!

  30. And don't take on an animal as big as a car!

  31. And, frankly, visitors from Asia seemed to be the WORST at not following the instructions

    Thats a bit harsh. Is there signs in their language? Maybe they don't understand the warnings?

  32. Sandy, your comment rules.

  33. astrogirl, don't waste your time trying to figure out why racists say racist things.

  34. @ Coriander - totally agree...why are these morons smiling???

  35. Mooshki thanks. People as a whole do stupid things, fair enough, but jokes made at the expense of someones ethnicity, IMO highlights the ignorance and prejudice of the commenter.

    Jokes like this however harmless they seem, do affect and hurt people MsWool, don't be THAT person.

  36. Is it wrong that the first thing that offended me was that someone was taking pictures/videos with an ipad?
