Monday, September 17, 2012

Woman Suing Walmart For Tearing Up Her Money

I understand that $100 bills might be a rare sight in a Walmart, but employees of a Walmart in San Antonio ripped up 2 of a woman's $100 bills right in front of her because they suspected they were fake. AFTER they ripped up the bills they decided to use the counterfeit pen thing and it showed they were real. The woman walked into the store and tried to pay with a $100 bill. The employee said it was fake and ripped it up and then used the pen on it which showed it to be real. The customer pointed that out to her. The employee called the manager and the woman showed her the torn $100 bill and one that she had in her hand. The manager took the bill from her hand and ripped it up. The manager then held the woman for using fake money and called the police and had the woman stand at the front of the store and customers were told she had used fake money. The police came after a several hour wait and realized the money was real. The manager then tried to apologize and give the torn money back to the woman. She is suing for $75,000. I hope she wins and she should have sued for more.


  1. The manager tried to give the torn money back? Why would she want torn up money???

  2. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Rip good money. Get sued. Always. ..Walmart.

  3. I'm not big on suing people, but in this case, YES!
    WM was clearly negligent in not checking the bills before ripping them up.

  4. I hope she wins, Walmart is one of the most fucked up companies in the world.

  5. As a cashier, you never rip up money. You always check with the pen and then hold it up to the light to check for the security features. Fake money in my area is easy to spot beacuse the criminals around here are dumb. I had someone hand me a BLUE photocopied five dollar bill once. Uh no. He insisted that the bank gave it to him. What's worse- a few days later he tried again and someone accepted it.

    1. Omg carebear that's the funniest thing I've ever heard! Do u umm live in Florida by any chance?

  6. "HURR DURR IMMA TEAR UP THE MONEY 'EFORE USIN ONNA THEM PEN THINGS THATS SPOSSA TELL ME IF IT'S REAL R NOT." Good job, idiots. The $0.03 it would've cost you in labor to use the counterfeit pen would've saved Walmart $75K+. <3 u Target.

  7. I haven't been to WalMart for a long time and don't intend to patronize them. My dog could provide better customer service than those idiots and she never has torn up money.

  8. Sue them for more, honey. What a bunch of assholes.

  9. Incident occurred in December 2010 at approx 1:15AM and ended at 5AM.

    Here's the document:

  10. wow whats bad is they had to call the cops to tell them it was REAL? Like no one there could tell the bills were real or even thought about checking? The employees there couldn't figure it out? I go to walmart all the time, and usually go to the nice young cashiers because they are friendly. This was probably some old lady cashier who is on a power trip. WTF !!

    1. Lol and I find the older cashiers are kinder!

  11. Just one of the many reasons I NEVER shop at Walmart.

    And absolutely, I'd sue for a lot more. Not only would I sue Walmart, I'd also go after the manager and the clerk individually if I thought they had any assets.

  12. Also, if the bills WERE counterfeit, wouldn't it be better NOT to tear up the bills since they would be evidence at her trial?

  13. I think this is more a case of idiots running the show than a corporate policy to tear up good money.

    Um, false imprisonment much?

  14. Fucking Idiots!!!
    I never shop at Walmart! Decided a long time ago after going in there and feeling like I needed a shower when I got home! I will pay the extra money somewhere else!!!

  15. Exactly, SusanB. It's stolen credit cards you're supposed to cut up, not counterfeit bills (evidence!). Like Sprawlmart really needed to add to the thick fog of ignorance that perpetually hangs in the air over their stores.

  16. To answer the question about giving the ripped up money back. As long as it isn't completely destroyed you can take it to a bank and ask them to replace it. They are supposed to honor any bills that have been damaged but then again it's up to a bank. They' don't lose any money since they report it to the treasury department and get a replacement for damaged bills.

    Why did it take the cops 4 hours int he middle of the night to respond? What else did they have to do? I'm sure there is probably some logical reason for the delay but I find it hard to believe that not a single officer could have reported to the store faster. I hope she wins and the court awards the more money.

  17. I shop there because it's super cheap, but I go early in the morning so I don't have to deal with other people. The people that shop (and work) at Walmart in general make me really sad.

  18. I used to work in a vault of a large bank, and we did business deposits.
    Wal-Mart was by far THE WORST at taking fake currency, then trying to deposit it and slip it past us.

    Another reason they probably deposited it, is that they didn't want to deal with the paperwork the Secret Service requires. (Which is really nbd, but that corporation notoriously passes its costs onto others.)

    But this cashier & manager BOTH didn't know that the bills should remain intact for the authorities? It's just sloppy all around.

    Btw, I had to detect counterfeits for a living, and the ONLY thing that can't be faked yet is the raised ink technique on our money. Scratch your fingernail against the ink ridges on a genuine bill; the ink sits on high on the paper. Once you get used to that, you'll never be tricked by a flat, shoddy fake.

  19. What a bunch of maroons. I'd have made them keep my ripped-up bills and give me money back in smaller bills. Walmart ripped them up, they can take them to the bank as part of their deposit.

    I certainly don't think it's a suing offense, though. It's also one of a few good reasons not to carry around big bills.

    1. I think the part that is the most actionable is the holding her against her will, in spite of evidence to the contrary of a supposed crime, and subjecting her to public humiliation and defamation of character. For four hours, that's crazy making. I would press charges for false imprisonment. I once tried to return a vacuum to Walmart because it was broken. I swapped it for the same vac. The new one broke and I decided to get a different model because it was too heavy, Id had a car accident and was in pain and couldn't move it. When I took it back, they accused me of lying and insinuated they didn't know if I'd bought it there or even paid for it. They fabricated the return policy and said it was too expensive--I had to take the same one. I was in so much pain that the lunacy left me speechless and in tears. To top it all off, one of the employees went and got the same vac off the floor, put it on a cart and forced me and my vac to leave. When I got home I saw that the vac not only had the date stamped on the sticker, the shelf date, but also 'Walmart' and the location of the store. I called the Corporate Office. That bitch went down and I got a gift card. Twat.

  20. I decided to stop going to Wal-mart myself after a few run-ins with really bad customer service. Their training and customer service has gone in the toilet in the last few years. Hope this lady wins big time. Disgraceful.

  21. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I used to love Wal-mart. It was one of my first jobs when I turned 16. Now it has some of the worst customer service. Plus the checkout lines are so long almost every hour of the day. Trying to remain the low price leader in this economy is turning them into another Kmart who experienced the same decline decades ago.

  22. One of the problems with these places is that the manager is usually not much older or more experienced than the cashiers. Try reasoning with a 22 year old who really doesn't give a shit about the store they manage. Argh.

  23. Anonymous8:14 AM

    What a stupid thing to do. That poor woman. I hope she get every penny she's suing for.

  24. Backstory missing from this article: This woman had a history of trying to pull shenanigans on this WalMart. So I am guessing they assumed this was yet another attempt at the same thing.

    Oh, and tearing the bills in half is no big deal. You can tape them together and it's still valid currency.

  25. A bank can tear up the money, the store has to hand it back in one piece. They can reject it but they can't destroy it. She'll win and yes she should have asked for more.

  26. I HATE Walmart! I will shop anywhere else to avoid that place, it absolutely makes me stabby. I hope this woman gets her $75k!

  27. Let's just say the bills were counterfeit, that doesn't mean this woman is guilty of anything. But ripping up bills just because someone suspects? Very weird.

  28. What the hell? What kind of dumb ass tears up the money before checking it? And the manager? I bet due was treated like shit by everyone, even the cops who took their precious time to get there. I would have sued for way more.

    Seriously, it takes a special kind of idiot to do this kind of thing I guess,

  29. And I think besides the money, the manager and cashier should lose their jobs. If she has a history of shenanigans at this WalMart, then I guess this last one will pay off...

  30. I think she should be suing for holding here there. Are Wal-Mart employees legally allowed to detain customers?

  31. Was the woman black?

  32. That is crazy. Like karen said, what on earth was she going to do with torn up money? These people were idiots!

  33. walmart is now second to amazon. so, ha ha on them and their corporate greed.

  34. My bank told me those counterfeit pens don't always work.

    So here's hoping Walmart gets screwed by bogus cash.

  35. $75,000? Who the fuck is her lawyer? She should be suing Walmart for $10,075,000!

    Fucking Wal-Mart, burn in hell!

  36. I was in Walmart about 5 years ago and bought coffee on my way home from work. I only had a 10.00 bill in my wallet and tried to pay with that. The young sales girl looked at it and said she had to call her manager and I said "do you think it's fake?" and she said "yes, I really do" so I said ok. The manager came over looked at the bill, said it's fake and gave it back to me. I then paid with my debit card. I knew where I had gotten the 10 bill so figured I would go back to that store with it the next day. Instead at 2:30 in the morning 3 cop cars and a supervisor showed up lights flashing, banging on our door and hauled me out of bed. Since I have NEVER EVER been in any kind of trouble, I started crying and said "is this about my Grandparents?" at the time they lived across the street and were both in their 90's and I was their emergency contact. They said "No, you tried to pass a counterfeit 10 at walmart tonight" I said yes, I know where I got it so am going to that store tomorrow to get a real 10.00 bill" They said that isn't how it works they will take the money. Once they realized we weren't major counterfeiters (lol) they calmed way down and apologized for coming in in such force. I said how did you find me? did you track my debit card? they said "No, after you refused to hand over the money, the manager followed you outside and wrote down your license number" I said "What? he gave me the 10.00 back, they said that isn't his story. The next day I called Walmart head office and freaked about the manager lying. They said Ma'am he would never have given the money back they are trained to take the money and hold you until the police come" so I said "You had better look at your f'n store videos and you will see I am not lying and if I don't hear back from you by the end of the day, I am going to the media and they would be sorry as I have a big mouth and live in a small town" they called back within 3 hours (the President's office) and apologized and asked how they could compensate me. I asked for, and received a hand written and signed in ink apology letter from the manager and a voucher for I think 50.00 I didn't care about the money I cared about someone calling me a liar. I know how this woman feels and I would sue them as well. I can't believe she actually stood outside the store I would never have done that.

    1. @omg Kelly, I feel for you. That's worse than my story! Was your $10 really counterfeit? Did that fucker get fired?

  37. another reason to hate walmart.

  38. I slipped in a pool of water and was treated like a criminal. I even cleaned up the mess so someone else would get hurt!

    The manager acted like I was lying, yet he could describe exactly what I was wearing because he had obviously watched the video. Every person I had to deal with was just horrible to me.

  39. Ok I worked at Walmart when I was 16-19 and let me just say that
    1) the cashiers to not get real training. You watch a video, scan some crap with someone who's been there a little longer you and bam that's it.
    2) if a cashier does take counterfeit money, they can get written up or fired, so while they did this ass backwards they were just trying to cover their ass
    3) you would be amazed at how many people go into Walmart day after day and try to throw down fake bills, try to return stuff in a box with nothing in the box, or flat out steal. And I'm not talking about diffrent people, the exact same person will do it. It's a compulsion for them.
    4) the "managers" over the front cashiers are called CSM's and the only thing diffrent between them and a cashier is a set of keys. I filled in for the CSM at 17.
    5) while Walmart is greedy as shit, and people hate shopping there(I myself haven't shopped there in over 2 years) imagine how employees feel. Standing on your feet for hours, bending, lifting, getting talked to like a dog because something doesn't ring up right(which has nothing to do with the cashier and depending on the descrepincey they can get written up for just taking the customers word and changing the price themselves) sometimes not getting breaks you are guaranteed, lunches cut short, and so many more things and you know how much they get paid?
    6) while they should have taken the lady to the back instead of having her stand infront of the store, they can't help how long it took the police to show. It's not like it was what police consider a higher priority then murder, robbery, domestic abuse, DUI, etc.

    I'm sorry if I just sounded like a bitch on her high horse but it kinda grates me when people are dogged out because they made a mistake that any person could commit. I feel for the woman who had to go through this, but at the same time we are all human and make mistakes. It takes a bigger person to accept a slight with grace and understanding of fellow man than to say I'm gonna sue.

  40. San Antonio is the new Florida!

    @ Kelly wtf?!? I would've been sooooo mad! Walmart dicks!

  41. And let me just say, I'm NOT trying to take up for Walmart, just trying to give perspective for the people who have to work for it. They all hate it as bad if not more than a lot of customers.

  42. Anonymous9:31 AM

    This may be unpopular but it's my opinon, if you pay people minimum wage and abuse them, have them work somewhere that is embarassing and degrading ( a strip club or a walmart) It's not likely that you are going to be getting any level of customer service or kindness, these people are the slaves of our generation, are slaves supposed to paint on a happy smile and kiss your ass just because? I understand if they are lacking in training, cheeriness, and customer service, we are shopping there because we want the lowest possible price and we have to put up with people who are paid slave wages, it comes with the territory, its walmart for christ sakes, what the hell do you expect?

    1. Then dont take the job.

    2. Oh Walmart employees are fairly compensated in other ways...threatening, being verbally abusive and getting to shame customers by holding them against their will while announcing their crimes? You can't put a value on that in a benefits package, it clearly serves an emotional need for many. Just as the woman in customer service, when asked, ''Do you have Buffy, Season 3,' got to say to me at the top of her lungs, 'I don't know! I'm not friggin' psychic!'--I bet she relished that all night. I work in a job in which people ask me similar questions all day long. However, if I responded like that and someone called my boss, they wouldn't be put on hold for 20 minutes three times in a row, and hung up on each time too.

  43. i hope she wins too! This is why i shop at target...

  44. @Bobbi, that was a great post.

    I never worked at Walmart but I worked in a department store and sometimes it was just easier to go along with something that seemed a little sketchy just to avoid getting yelled at by a customer (and the managers ALWAYS took the customer's side).

    Has anyone here ever had their house robbed? When you call 911, they ask if the robbers are still in the house. When you say no, they tell you to call the regular number. Because there's no immediate danger, the cops can take forever to get to your house because it's not an emergency. Same deal in this situation.

    And the woman should sue for the humiliation she faced.

    All that said, this writer needs an editor. The first two sentences are basically repeated in the next few sentences.

  45. @bobbi it sounds like u are sympathizing with these employees cause u worked for the company. The way they treated her should have been handled better. She was left in the front for all to see and repeatedly had to hear them tell others she paid with fake money like she was a criminal. Was the trip to the back office too long for the manager which is where all of this should have been handled.

    1. I did say in my post that it was handled ass backwards and that she should have been taken to the back office. I totally agree with everyone saying this was handled wrong.

  46. This reminds me of my mother trying to use a coupon at Walmart! The coupon wouldn't scan, but the item matched the coupon. This was something Target was doing for YEARS by the way (not honoring coupons). Anyhoo, the manager was a bitch about it. She basically accused my mother of fraud! Fraud for toothpaste!

    I went to my local TV station about the incident. All the local stations here have "consumer affair" reporters who report on this stuff.

    My mother got a mother load of coupons for free stuff from Proctor & Gamble (the coupon issuers) and an apology from Walmart. My mother has never had a problem again with coupons at Walmart.

  47. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I used to work in a gas station and we had a lot of cops as regulars.

    This one guy tried to pre-pay for his gas with a fake $100. It looked real but we always check. The pen said it was real but I had a feeling it was fake so I put it up to the light. I told the guy it was fake and that I would have to give it to my manager. He said he got it from the bank...yeah right.

    Anyway, my manager was talking to a cop that liked to always just stand around and talk to us when he came in. I went to the manager and showed the bill to her and the cop laughed when the guy came up to them and told them he wanted the bill back. He saw the cop and just ran. lmao

  48. and this why I try to shop online as much as possible, there is no customer service anymore. Shame on those Walmart employees (they should be made to stand out on the corner with one of those signs that say, "we suck at customer service"or whatever), even if the woman were in the wrong, they should have never humiliated like they did (really, telling other customers she passed fake money??, wtf, that pisses me off more than tearing up the money).

  49. I agree that stores, especially stores like Walmart, Target (which I love) etc to tend to have people coming in trying to scam them both with counterfeit money and trying to exchange crap they didn't buy there. I worked in a small bookstore in high school (40 years ago) and even then, a lot of people were dishonest and just trying to push you as far as they could. Just another good reason to get as good an education as possible so you can qualify for a better job. (And I mean no offense to those who do work in stores like this. I know what it's like to be on your feet all day and take crap from people (health care isn't that much different in that regard)

    As for money, a few years ago Mr. B found a $100.00 bill in the street in front of the Palm Beach County Courthouse. No one was around - the nearest person was over a block away. He brought it home but we were both so suspicious I took it to the bank. I was stunned to find out it was real! That'll never happen again.

  50. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I'm bristling a little over the assumption that the older cashiers are the grumpy ones and that all wackos come from Florida, but that's probably just because I'm 70 years old and live in Florida..

    At any rate, I try to avoid Walmart at all costs. I did start buying my prescriptions there because my doctor recommended it, and he was right, I pay $130 for three months' worth of pills that cost me $150 a month at CVS. But a few months ago I thought it might be good to just go on and buy my groceries there, and save the extra trip to Publix. Wrong. Although I am disabled and use one of the electronic carts, nobody helped me unload it, and the cashier, although smiling, friendly and older, simply filled bags on that carousel thingy, leaving me to put them into the cart...which I was then not allowed to take outside, so I had to transfer them to a regular cart and push them outside and load them into my car. I will never do this again. I try not to shop there at all, but when I do go there, it's at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday because not only do they have the worst customer service in the world, but they have the nastiest customers too.

    I hope she gets her $75K and her attorney fees and costs. Maybe she caused trouble in the past, maybe she simply expected to be treated humanely and let her expectations be known.

  51. Just spoke to Mr. B - the legal eagle - he said the manager should be held on criminal charges for false arrest. Then you've got slander and probably punitive damages. He said this is at least a $400,000 to $500,000 case and the personal injury lawyers in San Antonio should be drooling over this case. He even said (joking) let's get a few $100 bills and go to Walmart - we should get enough to pay off the mortgage.

  52. @ Susan - LOL I like Mr. B's style.

  53. Bobbi I have worked in retail for twelve years and you're right. People talk to us like were subhuman. It took years for me to not get upset while I had so stand there and get chewed over and over because we don't have your size, or I can't give you cash back when you used debit to purchase an item.
    Now I make it a point to be friendly to every one who works in the service industry. Some us cashiers are very nice people and don't like hearing how stupid we're

  54. At carmelitelady. I would just like to say that as someone who works in a strip club, I find it neither degrading nor embarrassing. I'm also not offended by your opinion, just wanted to add my two cents :) BTW, I am actually quite thankful for my job as times in Las Vegas are especially difficult...even for someone with a Master's degree. Ugh, I can't believe I've been lurking since 2004 and finally came out to defend my industry! Lol!

  55. I like shopping at places that have self checkouts. They wine it is taking away jobs, but it is quicker and I do not have to deal with stupid.

  56. @Syko: Is there a Costco near where you live? You can get your prescriptions for a fraction of what you get at CVS or other stores. I'm sorry to hear about your experience at Walmart. I can't stand the way they treat people.

  57. I don't shop at Walmart because I don't like to subsidize them 3 times over. They are a billion dollar profit corporation, but they get tax breaks to build their stores and 'create jobs'. They hire people but only a very small percentage is given full time hours and benefits, the rest are taught how to apply for public assistance benefits in their area. That's enough of my money right there, and I haven't even set foot in the store yet. No thanks.

  58. I have a relationship with Amazon Prime Membership. It's my new boyfriend. Now, if Publix would restore their on line shopping and delivery service....semi Nirvana.

  59. @ FS - I had no idea they did that. Ugh. I don't shop there because the disorganization of the shelves/aisles sets me off (clean freak over here). My BF's dad HATES Walmart, because they're anti-union and he was a union president.

    @ Agent - When's the baby due? ;P

  60. @Agent*It - with Amazon Prime, can you get unlimited videos, movies, etc on-line? I've been looking at it but not ready to bite the bullet yet. Usually when I order stuff I order enough that it goes over the free shipping threshold.

  61. @FS: I'm with you. The cost of human rights abuses they perpetuate does not equate to better pricing for me. Also, why do people think they need so much crap? Granted it's just me and the Opster but seriously I may hit up Target once a year. We only go to Costco twice a year. But then like I said, we don't have a large family to buy for and we are huge into recycling. Basically, we're cheap on a whole different level!

  62. what? did you expect someone who works at walmart to not be ignorant?

  63. Please, "Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress"? That's what you do to yourself by shopping in WalMart at two a.m.

  64. Jeez, i spoke against walmart once and everybody got up in my face!! This woman shld sue fir much more and win. I hate and dont patronize walmart cos of crappy way they treat their help. Stores are dirty, people whi work there seem oppressed, they usually dont hv what i want- when my grandchildren have begged mecto go in there because they have latest whatever-, and the waltons hv enough damn money, they arent getting mine.

  65. The stars at night are big & bright *clap clap clap clap* deep in the hearrrt of Texas....

  66. I just want to add that I hate Walmart and I think I've only gone in one three times, all years apart bc I forgot how awful the last visit was. I am slightly disabled so I have trouble carrying a lot of bags. I order all my drugstore stuff including the heavy 64 ounce of laundry detergent from It's a huge help getting free shipping and all I have to do is bring it in from my front steps. Now food, I don't trust anyone else to pick out so I'm ok with going 3 times a week to the grocery store and buying small amounts. Comments on often say its expensive but since I'm in expensive Connecticut almost everything is cheaper plus they have lots of freebies. It's like paying them to load and unload your car do its worth it! Then join and you rack up points for what else? A Walmart gift card lol! (lots of other stores to choose from ;)

  67. I just want to add that I hate Walmart and I think I've only gone in one three times, all years apart bc I forgot how awful the last visit was. I am slightly disabled so I have trouble carrying a lot of bags. I order all my drugstore stuff including the heavy 64 ounce of laundry detergent from It's a huge help getting free shipping and all I have to do is bring it in from my front steps. Now food, I don't trust anyone else to pick out so I'm ok with going 3 times a week to the grocery store and buying small amounts. Comments on often say its expensive but since I'm in expensive Connecticut almost everything is cheaper plus they have lots of freebies. It's like paying them to load and unload your car do its worth it! Then join and you rack up points for what else? A Walmart gift card lol! (lots of other stores to choose from ;)

  68. I'm pretty sure those WalMart employees committed a federal offense. According to 18 U.S.C.333, "Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both."

    So they may have more to worry about than just losing some money for WalMart.

  69. This is one of those times where I'm embarrassed to say I work at Walmart. A good one, but still. And we use pens. Sigh.

  70. @Megan, a job is a job. In these times, that's a blessing:)

  71. Anonymous2:56 PM

    And all she wants is $75k? Walmart better write a check and kiss this woman's feet for getting out of this horrendous situation for a mere $75k.

  72. Is there a real law person on here who can explain what she's entitled to? I see $200 for the 2 $100 bills, about 4 hours of her obidiently waiting for the cops and the humiliation of being pointed at. How do you calculate that into hundreds of thousands of dollars? I'm not disagreeing, I really have no understanding of this.

  73. Amazon Prime is soooo fantastic. I was homebound for a long time a couple of years ago and you can get almost anything from Amazon.

    The yearly membership is so worth it and you get lots of little perks like free movies and borrowing kindle books that help defray the cost.

    I so hate Wal Mart. I can't believe some of the stories posted.

  74. @littlejenny, so what you are saying is all Walmart employees ignorant? Is that correct?

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Trust me, misspoppypants, we aren't all that awful. And we hate the bitchy customer service people, too. It's the whole tarred with the same brush thing, so I spend half my time apologizing for them and the other half of my time trying to be so goddamn helpful and pleasant that people want to come back so I'll still have a job. Sorry, long day. 9 hour shift, and I've still learned only enough Spanish to know when I'm being called an idiot or a dyke (short hair)...

  77. Minority here *waves hand*. I don't want her to win this case. No reason this should be a personal windfall. Yeah, it sucked. Make them apologize and take your business elsewhere.

    And I'm guessing there's more to the story. There will be more we learn about this woman - no doubt about it.

    Besides, unless they physically restrained her, she could have walked right out - or called the cops herself. "Hi, I'm being held hostage at the Walmart on Smith Rd." *click*. Cops would've been there in 5.

    I smell money grab.

    And PS: Serving the general public - let alone People of WlaMart blows.

  78. I'm playing devil's advocate here but what if the woman with the questionable $100.00 bills was a nut, or armed? Remember when cashiers would cut a bad credit card in half? If a cashier got a message on their POS from the credit card company telling them to cut the card in half, the cashier doing so would get a reward (IIRC it was $50.00).

    I used to work for a large hotel chain and one day they instructed everyone who handled credit cards to just hand back the card if they got that message because a front desk clerk who cut a card in half was shot to death by the offended guest.

    @ Syko, I love Publix and their customer service is great but their prices are high so you indeed get what you pay for, but don't forget that Publix has a list of antibiotics they will fill for free as well as a few other drugs (Lisinopril and Metformin.)

  79. Miss poppypants - Yes the 10.00 was fake, the next day I took the police report to the store I got it from and the manager, believe it or not, said "I thought maybe it was fake" but when she asked the other establishment they share store space with, the cashier told her just to pass it off to the next customer. I told her exactly what she had put me through and she felt really horrible, I got a gift certificate from that store and, to this day, the staff couldn't be nicer to me.

  80. AlexT, the $20 bill is the most counterfeited bill out there, not the $100 bill.
