Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Woman Arrested - Police Find Her Three Kids And Dog In Trunk

A woman in Washington State was arrested. Police pulled her over for speeding. When they approached the car, the woman appeared nervous and her boyfriend, who was in the passenger seat looked even more nervous. Smelling pot was the clincher and they asked the woman if she had been smoking. She said she had taken some hits earlier. Well, you know that was the wrong answer. So, the officers started searching the car. They heard banging. They opened the trunk and inside the trunk were the woman's three kids and the family dog. On a hot day. In a black car. The kids could not fit in the backseat because the boyfriend liked to have his stuff where he could reach it and get to it. While the police were digging around they also found meth, heroin and prescription pills. Guess where mom and the boyfriend are now? Jail.


Henriette said...

How do you fit three kids in a car trunk?

annabella said...

that is the saddest thing ever. people are beyond sick and disgusting.

Silly Girl said...

This is pathetic. Seriously?! Wow.

Cassiopeia said...

Why is the picture sideways.

That is so sad.
I just heard about a lady who made her kids ride in the trunk of her Lexus after a trip to the waterpark because they would get her seats wet.
Sad also, but at least only stupidity was involved and not drugs and probable abuse.

Cassiopeia said...

And seriously, the bf needs easy access to his guitar and pink backpack?

Robert said...

Jesus, take the wheel!

auntliddy said...

Assholes!!! Thankfully that cop was on the ball. Hope find safe loving home. And dont v her back the kids!! Ever!!!!

Kim's World said...

Goes in circle. I was thinking he got a pink backpack maybe the drugs where in there.

Things That Happen Everyday said...

Sick Sick people. This is why everyone should need a license to have children.

Char said...

It's crap like this that reminds me why I hate people. People suck.

kgirl said...

Thank God they were speeding and were pulled over. This is a tragic story as is, but I'm so glad it didn't turn out even worse. I hope this is the break those kids needed to go on and have a bright future.

parissucksliterally said...

I am so glad those assholes were caught. Stories like this make me so sick.

hollywood dime said...


crila16 said...

@Henriette...3 kids...and a dog!!!

Beta said...

@hollywood dime
lots of luck and best wishes!
yeah, darwin's theory is not true based on this evidence :/

Diane said...

I'd personally like to thank the Officer that pulled over these piece-of-shit-assholes.

Alicia said...

@hollywood dime.. Good luck lady!

hollywood dime said...

@beta @alicia thank you ladies!

Eeekalicious said...

Terrible and disgusting. I'm so glad they are in jail. I hope this woman never gets her kids back.

Ingrid Superstar said...

It should be noted that Washington is the West Coast Florida.

lc said...

This is really true. I live in Seattle and it was all over the news. Pathetic.

babo said...

Sorry, I don t want to sound cruel towards these criminal adults but it reminds me of a joke ...

How to tell who is your true friend,your wife or your dog?
Put your dog and your wife in the trunk of the car for an hour.
When you open the trunk, who is really happy to see you?

hunter said...

Um, since I'm originally from Washington (Olympia), this is a real shame but it is NOT the west coast Florida, thankyouverymuch.

El Roy 13 said...

I was going to say...I didn't think smoking a J would be the problem here (yup! and then I got to the end of the post).

Sasha said...

I thought the kids and dog would be found dead when I first started reading this. Thank God they weren't.

tara17 said...

Disgusting. I know foster and adoption rules are there for a reason, but most people are better than this trash and the kids deserve a stable place now. Kids are always 1st.

SusanB said...

@hollywood dime - best wishes on your treatments.

And thank God for once it wasn't Florida. Gives us something to sneer at for a change.

lc said...

I know hunter, I was thinking the exact same thing! Maybe, maybe the very northern part of the state, by the Canadian border is a little rough with meth labs and such, but nothing compared to Florida!

Anonymous said...

@Henriette My car can fit a couple of people in the trunk. I always joke around with people that if they ever need a couple of bodies to dispose of, they can use my car.

this is so sad. I hope these kids can go to a better home.

g.strathmore said...

Dear God,

Please never let this woman have her kids back ever. We would be very grateful.

Signed, everyone in the whole world

g.strathmore said...

P.S. Don't let her have the dog back, either.

pilly said...

Birth control

Red Pandas said...

That picture is making me dizzy.

Lucas said...

I live in eastern Washington (damn near Idaho) and it may be a leeetle bit like the west coast of Florida. Jess Walter did point out that Spokane has the highest per capita number of grown men riding BMX bicycles in the US.

smash said...

Great shit to come back to.

These two idiots need to be takin out back and given a good old fashioned whoppin. What is wrong with people that they think they can give life to a beautiful child then forget the child or children like they don't exist. Fuck you idiots who have kids and continue to use coke, meth, heroin, or whip it. You don't deserve your child.

I have seen this first hand from a man who the mother still lets see the child. He goes on coke and whip it benders then 6 hours later the mom drops the kid off while daddy sleeps his hang over off. He shouldn't be aloud to see the child until he straightens his shiz out. Period.

Susan said...

Good luck! X

Del Riser said...

@hollywood dime, much good luck to you.

It boggles the mind that people like this have access to any child or animal. I hope she loses both.

Casual Observer said...

The kids said they hadn't eaten since the day before and the highway patrol officer went right out and bought them lunch, even before CPS got there.

Also, the oldest kid was 8, the dog was a chihuahua, and it was only about 70 degrees that day, still, it was pretty crowded in there. I hope she loses the kids forever.

This is my neck of the woods, and I have to say that this is pretty unusual for this area. Drugs. Need I say more?

feraltart said...

@hollywood dime, good luck & I wish I could answer your question

Anna V. Xol said...

There are days when I think the world is getting worse. My son has his 4 year birthday party today and it is a puzzle how people can act this way. Are people just stupid or sinister? Both? Are crazy and evil the same thing? What the hell man.

I am exhausted because my dumbass decided to make a cake instead of buy one and hang balloons and junk everywhere. But yeah...i can't help but wonder. This is a totally fucked up place where people just don't give a damn anymore.

Really? That shit you have in the backseat is more important than your kids? Oh hell.

Sherry said...

While we all wish she looses her kids where do you think they will go that may be better? Foster care? Separated from one another? I shudder at that thought too.

But yeah, that crap ass geetar he prolly can't even play and a pink backpack is not more precious cargot than your chirrens or pets.

Unknown said...

yup @smashbash
@hllywood dime -- good luck, sending positive energy

people should really think a bit more about if they are ready to start another human life!!

MadLyb said...

Ugh, read this yesterday. It happened in my town, too. >:{

doctressjulia said...

And JAIL is where they belong. Get those kids and that dog out into a nice forest or onto a beach, STAT. They deserve it.

doctressjulia said...


Agent**it said...

And mandatory hysterectomy for the female.


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