Sunday, September 02, 2012

Vanessa Paradis Moves On

Back in May, Vanessa Paradis met Guy-David Gharbi, a French millionaire who owns a company called Usinedeco which is basically French Ikea. Yeah, so he has some money. The couple have been seeing each other almost constantly all summer long and are ready to take their romance public. Apparently Johnny Depp has given his blessing, but you know what? Who cares about his blessing. He is the one who was cheating all the time so does it really matter what he thinks or says? He didn't come to Vanessa and ask if it was ok if he was having sex with Amber Heard.


  1. I hope she finds happiness. Johnny I love ya, but you're a douche, my friend..

  2. It s all over the Internet world but for the French gossip press websites! As usual, they re kind of slow over here.

    Just googled in French

    He s selling furniture online (I had never heard of him before), his company has 12 employees. Not quite the billionaire. He is around 26 years old. That s juicier. His own company press release describes him as an "atypic serial entrepreneur" (FR)

    And one of his former companies, a printing/serigraphy business, was foreclosed (but I have no idea whether it tanked or was deliberately closed) (FR)

  3. Did they spend the whole summer together looking for the Allen key? Did it come with all the right bits? Enquiring minds need to know... no, really, I don't.

  4. Depp has had stuff going on on the side for years. Not necessarily steadies, but if there's a model around... Amber was just the first to get publicity.

    That said, I wonder if Vanessa has quietly done the same.

  5. I'm glad she has someone to comfort her, especially with children, it can get pretty lonely after a breakup.

  6. Good for you Vanessa...

  7. Anonymous12:04 PM

    WOW. That was quick ! Good for her.

  8. Lifted straight from The Sun (UK tabloid). I doubt either The Sun or Enty know Johnny's reaction to the new man. He doesn't make comments about personal stuff.

    The French have strong privacy laws, and that's why this story is not on the French sites. Vanessa's been 'linked' with other men over the summer, so how true this story is is hard to tell.

  9. Upgrade!!! You go Vanessa!!!

  10. He's hot but am I the only one who thinks Vanessa has not aged well at all? (and I'm not excusing Johnny being a manwhore)

  11. this new piece is Wayy hotter.

  12. Depp doesn't talk about his private life so i don't see him to comment the private life of his kids' mothers

  13. Depp doesn't make comments about his private life yet he had the celebrity mouthpiece, People, AKA Kneepads, announce his separation/divorce in Jan??? Even while Vanessa was insisting there was no divorce. Clearly Depl was sending her a message via the media. Depp is all about his protecting his image. Don't doubt he was carrying on an affair with his publicist Robin Baum that he was trying to conceal. I think Amber Heard is just a smoke screen.

  14. Life just hasn't been the same since the whole Amber Heard thing. I still love you Johnny, but just as friends.

  15. Actually, up to a certain point, Johnny Depp's blessing is needed, because the new man will be around Johnny's children.

    Only a self-important douche would announce it to the world, condescending...

  16. I couldn't care less about this over-paid under-washed pirate and his gap-toothed piece.
