Monday, September 17, 2012

Usher Tells Oprah That He Is Enemies With Tameka Foster

While Tameka Foster lost another battle over custody of her children with Usher, the man himself was sitting down with Oprah for his one and only interview ever to talk about the situation. He says the couple used to be friends but now she has made them enemies in a way that he could never ever understand. I never really got the feeling they were friends at all after the separation. It is always tough in one of these situations where you listen to one side of the story and don't bother with the other side, especially if one person is a celebrity and you ignore the person who is not. There is nothing that Tameka Foster can ever do for Oprah though so Usher gets the first and last word. I'm not saying Tameka is the greatest person in the world, but I also know Usher is not the saint Oprah makes him appear to be either.


  1. Tell us what you know about usher, enty dear.

  2. I'm just tired of Oprah. She's not exactly an impartial interviewer.

  3. He should never have married her, she was only after the $$$$

  4. Oprah always seems so fake and smug. I've never enjoyed her shows. I remember one year in like the 90s that New Kids on the Block pushed her from first place in the highest celebrity earners list, such a happy day for me.

  5. He should've listened to his mother! Mother knows best! etc. etc. :P

  6. Hey Amber, how was the no wine wedding?

  7. Oh, Sarah. Wine was definitely had. I was just attempting to not do it UNTIL the wedding. It was a blast! My voice is still hoarse from karaoke. I may or may not have killed it on "If I Could Turn Back Time" by Cher.

  8. Oprah has no credibility anymore, and has to sacrifice any semblance of integrity to save her sinking network. It must be killing her to have to do some of these "interviews" now.

  9. I know, I worded it clumsily. Sounds fun :-)

  10. Why does Ush have full custody in the 1st place? What did Tameka do/not do to lose custody?

  11. jaariel - they must've found her unfit for some reason. She also has another/other kid(s) that she lost custody of to a different ex.

  12. And Oprah is now recycling her 'self help' gurus. Illania or something. Oprah used to tout her years ago.

    At least this one didn't take people to the desert and kill them. *eye roll*

    Usher.. We are not that easily fooled dude. And wasn't he the popular guess for 'deflowering' Bebber?

  13. I agree enty but don't forget Tameka left her first three kids with her ex-husband to be with Usher. What mother gives up her kids to be with a narcissistic celebrity singer?

  14. I don't care for Usher, and Oprah should just fold up her tent and go to one of her many homes.

  15. Oprah lost whatever shred of dignity she was still clutching when she did the Kuntrashian interview.

    Why oh why oh why didn't she just retire when she was still on top and retain some self-respect?

  16. @JoElla: Iyanla VanZant! She was only on the greatest reality show of all time, "Starting Over". God I friggin loved that show. They had all these so-called damaged people living in a house and these "life coaches" (Iyanla was one of them) would counsel them & then make them do really bizarre shit. Toni Braxton's sister was on it.

  17. What kind of man even admits to being enemies with the mother of his children on television?

    I just want Usher to keep talking because I'm sure Tameka is going to let us know how their relationship really got started. It's times like these that I really wish Wendy Williams would go back to radio.

  18. Man, I wonder what happened to these two that caused such bitterness?

  19. Exactly! Poor kids that are going to be all "my mom is your enemy?" So sad.

  20. @Chopshop
    Did you see the O episode where Iyania basically said she was lying when she was on the Big O shows? God it was classic!

    When Iyania did the O shows back in the day, she would talk about her great marriage (sham), inner confidence (sham), and her great spirituality (kind of a sham). She lost all her money and ended up living in a cottage somewhere.

  21. Amber- that is my favorite karaoke song!

  22. Way to publicly kick a woman while she's down. Love or hate her, Tameka's son just died, and she lost custody of her boys within a couple of months.
    This interview was in bad taste. Oprah, you suck.

  23. Hahahahaha I forgot all about "Starting Over!" That being said, I disagree and would like to submit the greatest reality show of forever:
    "Wife Swap."
    They had the talk like a pirate family and the crazy scientist family and the professional eating family, to name a few...

  24. @ma*betch
    Was "Wife Swap" the one with the crazy Christian lady who ended up with Pagans? That was CLASSIC!

  25. @Henriette ...and that is why it's not a good idea to "pay" for your spirituality. Stuff like that is rampant in the new agey field. There's a fine line between self-help guru and megalomaniac.

  26. Usher is showing who he really is. Regardless of whether u feel it or not, it's really in poor taste to say the mom of ur kids is ur enemy- period. And if she was such a terrible person, why make these babies with her. Hee could have had children with someone else. Usher is being a jerk!
    Not sure what Tameka did or didn't do but to rub it in her face because u can, tasteless!

  27. People! Friends I don't really know in real life! We are just not seeing eye to eye today. Usher is enemies with his ex and still sent a private plane immediately when her son was injured. In my book he wins. I don't get the vibe that she would have done the same for him had all roles been reversed.

    Also Oprah is an overrated self-important windbag who is past her prime. (Thank goodness we still agree on something!)
